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503 results


Declaration Judgment [by the Switzerland Federal Court] concerning the degeneration of the mark "Montessori" as claimed by Association Montessori Internationale [BGE 130 III 113]

Available from: Bundesgericht Tribunal Federal (Switzerland)

Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) - History, Intellectual property, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History, Trademark dilution

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Language: German

Published: Nov 3, 2003


Seniorenarbeit nach Maria Montessori [Work for Seniors According to Maria Montessori]

Gerontology, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: Jutta Hollander stellt in diesem Buch zunächst die wesentlichen Prinzipien der Pädagogik Maria Montessoris in Kindheit und Jugend vor. In einem nächsten Schritt setzt sie sich mit der Frage auseinander, inwiefern sich diese Leitlinien auch auf die gesamte Lebensspanne übertragen lassen. Schwerpunktmäßig nimmt sie dabei die Altersphase in den Blick und sucht nach Möglichkeiten einer konvergenten Annäherung zwischen der Montessori-Pädagogik und Gerontologie. Auf diesem Wege entsteht eine Annäherung, die die über 100jährige Erfahrung mit der Pädagogik Maria Montessoris mit den aktuell drängenden demografischen Fragen zusammenbringt. Wie diese Idee schließlich Eingang in die verschiedenen Bereiche der Gerontologie - insbesondere in die Geragogik finden kann, und wie diese Potentiale entwickelt und in der Praxis genutzt werden können, wird exemplarisch am Beispiel der Hausgemeinschaft gezeigt. [In this book, Jutta Hollander first presents the essential principles of Maria Montessori's pedagogy in childhood and adolescence. In a next step, she deals with the question to what extent these guidelines can also be transferred to the entire lifespan. She focuses on the age phase and looks for possibilities of a convergent approach between Montessori pedagogy and gerontology. In this way, an approach is created that brings together more than 100 years of experience with Maria Montessori's pedagogy with the currently pressing demographic issues. How this idea can finally find its way into the various areas of gerontology - especially in geragogics, and how this potential can be developed and used in practice, is shown using the example of the household community.]

Language: German

Published: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany: Herder, 2017

ISBN: 978-3-451-32725-4 3-451-32725-2

Series: Montessori-Praxis (Herder)

Master's Thesis

Zgodnje poučevanje in učenje angleščine v Montessori vrtcu [Teaching and Learning English in the Montessori Kindergarten]

Available from: Digital Library of the University of Maribor (DKUM)

Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Language acquisition, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, Teacher-student relationships

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Abstract/Notes: V magistrski nalogi smo združili področji angleškega jezika in predšolske vzgoje. Osredotočili smo se na sodobne pristope poučevanja tujega jezika v vrtcu Montessori ter želeli ugotoviti, kako predšolski otroci usvajajo tuj jezik. V teoretičnem delu smo pregledali teorijo pedagogike Montessori in značilnosti učenja ter poučevanja tujega jezika v predšolskem obdobju. Empirični del smo zastavili tako, da je združil obe področji. V Hiši otrok Antonina v Biljah pri Novi Gorici smo s pomočjo opazovalnega lista pridobili potrebne informacije, s katerimi smo odgovorili na že prej zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja ter potrdili oziroma zavrnili zastavljene hipoteze. Pri opazovanju smo se osredotočili na strategije poučevanja angleškega jezika, metode dela, tematike učnih ur, raznolikost dejavnosti, uporabljene materiale, aktivnost otrok, uporabo angleškega jezika, odziv vzgojitelja na napake otrok in na napredek otrok ob večkratni ponovitvi individualnih in skupinskih dejavnosti. Ker sta vzgojiteljici med učenjem angleščine nenehno uporabljali angleški jezik, so se otroci poleg besedišča učili tudi melodijo in ritem jezika, kar jim bo pomagalo pri nadaljnjem učenju angleščine. Koncept Montessori poskuša otroke izoblikovati tako, da bodo v nadaljnjem življenju samostojni, odgovorni in potrpežljivi. Otroci se preko različnih pravil in dejavnosti tega učijo. [In this Master's thesis we combined English language and preschool education. We focused on modern ways of teaching and learning a foreign language in Montessori kindergarten. In theoretical part we took a look at theory of Montessori pedagogy and theory of learning a foreign language in kindergarten. In empirical part we combined these two together. In Hiša otrok Antonina in Bilje near Nova Gorica we organised an observation of a group of children from the second age group in kindergarten. In our observations we used observation sheets. With those, we obtained the information we were interested in. During our ten observations we focused on seventeen points of our observation sheet. The first part contained basic information like the name of the observer, the name of the teacher, number of children, age group, theme and lesson aims, goals of the activities, methods used, didactic materials, the language of instructions, comprehension of instructions, teacher's reaction to children's mistakes, teacher's usage of English language, whether the children waited for a specific material or they focused their attention on something else, whether children were active during different tasks, whether children returned to the same material and an observation of individual's and group's multiple usage of the same material.]

Language: Slovenian

Published: Maribor, Slovenia, 2017


A történelmi gondolkodás fejlesztése és módszerei a Montessori elemi iskolákban: Montessori Oktatási Centrum, Budapest

Available from: Szegedi Tudományegyetem / University of Szeged

Publication: Iskolakultúra, vol. 6, no. 2

Pages: 119-124

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: Hungarian

ISSN: 1215-5233


✓ Peer Reviewed

La función y el papel desempeñado por la maestra en la obra de Montessori [The role and the function of the teacher in Montessori works]

Available from: Associação Sul-Rio-Grandense de Pesquisadores em História da Educação

Publication: Revista História da Educação, vol. 14, no. 32

Pages: 31-51

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Teachers, Teachers

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Abstract/Notes: A função da professora constitui um aspecto fundamental dentro do sistema teórico montessoriano. De fato, Montessori atribui à professora um papel muito delicado: facilitar o correto crescimento da criança “pai do homem”. É por isto que o papel e a função da professora montessoriana devem responder aos pontos fortes de sua teoria educativa: a necessidade de que haja uma forte idéia de escola, a necessidade de diferenciar o momento teórico do momento prático e o papel desempenhado pelo desempenho científico da professora; o respeito que ambos devem ter com a criança (nem a professora nem a ciência podem fixar a priori os resultados de cada criança: potencialmente a excelência é para todos); o xeque a qualquer pretensão de neutralidade/objetividade: quando a relação é com seres humanos é sem sentido pensar que existam técnicos capazes de transmitir conceitos de maneira asséptica. Como dito anteriormente, a professora em Montessori se pode definir como um técnico, no sentido de que não é o científico a que lê corresponde a elaboração teórica senão técnico. Um técnico que não é nem neutro nem asséptico e cuja humanidade se colocará em um primeiro plano para que possa levar a cabo seu próprio trabalho o melhor possível. [The function of the teacher constitutes a fundamental aspect inside Montessori's system of thought. She offers to teacher a very delicate role, that of helping the right growth of child as "man's father". For this reason the role and the function of Montessori teacher must correspond to the principle points of her educative theory, that is to say: the necessity to have a strong idea of school; the need of clearly separating the practical moment (teacher) from the theoretical one (scientist); the respect due to the child both by scientist and teacher (neither teacher nor scientist can pre-established the results of the single child: potentially everyone can become an excellent pupil); the defeat of the idea of neutrality/absolute objectivity, that is to say that when you deal with human being you cannot pretend to transmit notions in a neutral way. Starting from this assumptions Montessori teacher can be certainly defined a technician, but she is a new kind of technician, because she isn't neutral, but on the contrary her humanity is in the foreground so that she can become an excellent teacher. / La función de la maestra constituye un aspecto fundamental dentro del sistema teórico montessoriano. De hecho, Montessori le atribuye a la maestra un papel muy delicado: facilitar el correcto crecimiento del niño "padre del hombre". Es por esto que el papel y la función de la maestra montessoriana deben responder a los puntos de fuerza de su teoría educativa: la necesidad de que haya una fuerte idea de escuela; la necesidad de diferenciar el momento teórico del momento práctico y el papel desempeñado por el científico del desempeñado por la maestra; el respeto que ambos deben tener del niño (ni la maestra ni el científico pueden fijar a priori los resultados de cada niño: potencialmente la excelencia es para todos); el jaque mate a cualquier pretensión de neutralidad/objetividad: cuando la relación es con seres humanos es un sinsentido pensar que existan técnicos capaces de traspasar nociones de manera aséptica. Según cuanto dicho anteriormente, la maestra en Montessori se puede definir como un técnico, en el sentido de que no es el científico al que le corresponde la elaboración teórica sino un técnico. Un técnico que no es para nada ni neutro ni aséptico y cuya humanidad se colocará en un primer plano para que pueda llevar a cabo su propio trabajo lo mejor posible.]

Language: Portuguese

ISSN: 2236-3459


✓ Peer Reviewed

O Método Montessori na educação básica: Uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre sua influência para o desenvolvimento da criança nos anos iniciais [The Montessori Method in basic education: A systematic review of the literature on its influence on child development in the early years]

Available from: RSD Journal

Publication: Research, Society and Development, vol. 10, no. 5

Pages: Article e48010515300

Literature reviews, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation

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Abstract/Notes: Objetivou-se apresentar reflexões acerca das contribuições do Método de Maria Montessori em um contexto atual, considerando o desenvolvimento da autonomia da criança nos anos iniciais da Educação Básica. Quanto ao método, realizou-se uma pesquisa do tipo revisão bibliográfica levando em conta as contribuições de diversos autores, observando as características da Padagogia de Montessori e suas reflexões metodológicas e didáticas no desenvolvimento da autonomia da criança na educação básica e sua atuação no Brasil, sucedendo com abordagem teórica e metodológica da Pedagogia Tradiconal e da Pedagogia de Waldorf para subsidiar a análise reflexiva do modelo montessoriano. Com os resultados, percebeu-se que a Pedagogia de Montessori se faz presente em 62 unidades educacionais distribuídas em todas as regiões brasileiras, podendo ser compreendida como uma alternativa pedagógica alinhada aos princípios reguladores da BNCC e PCN, e constatou-se a falta de estudos que apontem o desenvolvimento da Pedagogia de Montessori em escolas públicas que prestam serviços à Educação Infantil e Ensino Fundamental. Pode-se concluir que a Pedagogia de Montessori vem contribuindo de forma significativa para a aprendizagem da criança em seu desenvolvimento educacional com autonomia e liberdade, e através das abordagens lúdicas e aplicação do modelo em ciclos por faixa etária estimula a construção do conhecimento e melhor interação no ambiente educacional. [The objective was to present reflections on the contributions of the Maria Montessori Method in a current context, considering the development of the child's autonomy in the early years of Basic Education. As for the method, a bibliographic review research was carried out, taking into account the contributions of several authors, observing the characteristics of Montessori Padagogy and its methodological and didactic reflections on the development of children's autonomy in basic education and its performance in Brazil, succeeding with the theoretical and methodological approach of Traditional Pedagogy and of Waldorf Pedagogy to support the reflective analysis of the Montessori model. With the results, it was noticed that Montessori Pedagogy is present in 62 educational units distributed in all Brazilian regions, which can be understood as a pedagogical alternative aligned with the regulatory principles of BNCC and PCN, and there was a lack of studies that point to the development of Montessori Pedagogy in public schools that provide services to Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education. It can be concluded that Montessori Pedagogy has been making a significant contribution to the learning of children in their educational development with autonomy and freedom, and through playful approaches and application of the model in cycles by age group, stimulates the construction of knowledge and better interaction in the educational environment.]

Language: Portuguese

DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i5.15300

ISSN: 2525-3409


Musik im Montessori-Diplom-Lehrgang [Music in the Montessori diploma course]

Publication: Montessori: Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik, vol. 61, no. 1

Pages: 172-175

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Language: German

ISSN: 0944-2537

I metodi Montessori e Agazzi nella pedagogia contemporanea [Montessori and Agazzi methods in contemporary pedagogy]

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Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy, 1945


Das vorgeschriebene Pensum und die Gestalt der Freiheit in der Montessori-Schule [The prescribed workload and the form of freedom in the Montessori school]

Publication: Presença ABEM: Revista Oficial da Associação Brasileira de Educação Montessori [ABEM Presence: Official Magazine of the Brazilian Association of Montessori Education], no. 4

Pages: 5-10

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Language: German


Montessori People: 'A Matter of Personal Responsibility' - Meet J. Allison Routt: A Montessori Child Grows Up

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 3, no. 1

Pages: 24–25

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040

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