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1034 results


An Educational Wonder Worker: The Methods of Maria Montessori

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: McClure's Magazine, vol. 37, no. 1

Pages: 3-19

Americas, North America, United States of America

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Language: English

ISSN: 2637-7179


An Address to Bengali Mothers on the Montessori Method of Education

Available from: Internet Archive

Publication: Dacca Review, vol. 4, no. 3

Pages: 79-87

Asia, India, South Asia

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Abstract/Notes: An address delivered to a gathering of Zenana ladies at Decca.

Language: English


✓ Peer Reviewed

La Aplicación del Método Montessori en la Educación Infantil Ecuatoriana [The Application of the Montessori Method in Ecuadorian Early Childhood Education]

Available from: Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi (Ecuador)

Publication: Revista SATHIRI: Sembrador, vol. 15, no. 1

Pages: 122-131

Americas, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Ecuador, Latin America and the Caribbean, Montessori method of education, Preschool education, South America

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Abstract/Notes: El método de Montessori destaca la didáctica a través de los cinco sentidos, no sólo a través de tres de ellos como se hace tradicionalmente (escuchar, ver o leer), el docente deberá saber con previa evaluación lo que cada niño está listo para realizar. Esta enseñanza es un fascinante proceso de invención, lo que conduce a la plena concentración, la motivación y sobre todo el auto-control. El objetivo de la investigación es impulsar el hábito del auto-estudio y la autodisciplina, es decir que posibilita a que el niño trabaje con autonomía, favoreciendo el propio interés y la investigación que ayudan al niño a concentrarse en su aula; la metodología aplicada se buscó coordinar y alcanzar los objetivos propuestos mediante una investigación bibliográfica y relatos narrativos. La función del orientador fundamental es la del adulto, y en especial el padre, ya que se considera el principal guía del niño, quien es el responsable de mostrarle elmundo en sus primeros pasos. Esta enseñanza es un fascinante proceso de invención, lo que conduce a la plena concentración, la motivación y sobre todo el auto-control, los niños logran asimilar: una investigación propia e independiente, planificar, organizar, compilar información; crear: presentaciones, exposiciones y proyectos. [The Montessori method highlights the didactics through the five senses, not only through three of them as is traditionally done (listening, seeing or reading), the teacher must know with prior evaluation what each child is ready to do. This teaching is a fascinating process of invention, which leads to full concentration, motivation and above all self-control. The objective of the research is to promote the habit of self-study and self-discipline, that is, it enables the child to work with autonomy, favoring self-interest and research that help the child to concentrate in her classroom; The applied methodology sought to coordinate and achieve the proposed objectives through bibliographic research and narrative stories. The role of the fundamental guide is that of the adult, and especially the father, since she is considered the child's main guide, who is responsible for showing her the world in her first steps. This teaching is a fascinating process of invention, which leads to full concentration, motivation and above all self-control, children manage to assimilate: their own independent research, planning, organizing, compiling information; create: presentations, exhibitions and projects.]

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.32645/13906925.935

ISSN: 2631-2905


[The Montessori Method and Educational Movement]

Publication: Montessori Kyōiku / モンテッソーリ教育 [Montessori Education], no. 24

Pages: 50-61

Asia, East Asia, Japan

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Language: Japanese

ISSN: 0913-4220


Texnokratik Jarayonda Maktabgacha Ta’limning Mualliflik Metodikalari [Authority Methods of Preschool Education in the Technocratic Process]

Available from: Interpretation and Researches

Publication: Interpretation and Researches, vol. 1, no. 8

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Abstract/Notes: Mazkur maqola rivojlanib borayotgan texnokratik jamiyatda bolalar tarbiyasi doimo muhim ekanligi, Maria Montessori bolalarning o'z-o'zini o'rganish va rivojlantirish qobiliyatlariga ishonish va ularning o'rganish jarayonlarida o'z-o'zining yo'li bilan bormasligi xususida fikr yuritilgan. [This article discusses the importance of child education in a developing technocratic society, Maria Montessori's belief in children's self-learning and self-development abilities, and that they should not go their own way in their learning processes.]

Language: Uzbek

ISSN: 2181-4163


Cattolici, educazione infantile e metodo montessoriano. La posizione della rivista "Pro Infantia" fra età giolittiana e fascismo / Catholics, early childhood education and the Montessori method. The position of the journal "Pro Infantia" across the Giolitti and Fascist Eras.

Publication: Nuova Secondaria, vol. 40, no. 4

Pages: 123-135

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Abstract/Notes: The essay examines the opinions formulated by the journal «Pro Infantia» about the Montessori method, within the lively debate that this approach elicited among both secular and Catholic groups. A review of the contents of the periodical – which was produced by La Scuola publishing house in Brescia – shows that after initially considering Montessori’s work with interest, the publication adopted a more prudent and critical attitude. This stance became more radically pronounced in the 1920s, when, despite growing attention to the Montessori method in some of the leading Catholic circles, «Pro Infantia» began to voice strong criticism of it. (English)

Language: Italian

ISSN: 1828-4582


A New Method in Infant Education [part 2]

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: Kindergarten-Primary Magazine, vol. 23, no. 5

Pages: 143-144

Americas, North America, United States of America

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Language: English

Doctoral Dissertation

Conditions Associated with the Rise and Decline of the Montessori Method of Kindergarten-Nursery Education in the United States from 1911-1921

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Language: English

Published: Carbondale, Illinois, 1966


Educational Movements and Methods III: Montessori System

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: Journal of Education and School World (London), vol. 55, no. 644

Pages: 155-157

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Language: English


Advanced Montessori Method - I. Spontaneous Activities in Education, II. The Montessori Elementary Material [book review]

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: Educational Review, vol. 56

Pages: 432-438

Book reviews

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Language: English

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