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976 results


Ny stefna í uppeldismálum. Montessori-kenslan [2] [New policy in education. The Montessori teaching]

Available from: Timarit.is

Publication: Skólablaðið, vol. 11, no. 10

Pages: 147-152

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Language: Icelandic

ISSN: 1023-3970


✓ Peer Reviewed

Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Montessori terhadap Kemandirian Anak di TK Kids Republic Jakarta Timur [Application of the Montessori Learning Model to Children's Independence at Kids Republic Kindergarten, East Jakarta]

Available from: SELING: Jurnal Program Studi PGRA

Publication: SELING: Jurnal Program Studi PGRA, vol. 9, no. 1

Pages: 79-87

Asia, Australasia, Autonomy in children, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Indonesia, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Golden Age adalah masa keemasan bagi anak usia dini.  Pembelajaran Montessori di TK Kids Republic mempunyai tujuan penelitian untuk mengggambarkan pelaksanaan kemandirian. Penelitian analisis ini menggunakan metode, metode tersebut adalah metode yang digunakan agar mampu melihat perkembangan anak. Observasi dan wawancara merupakan teknik pengumpulan data. Dokumentasi    yang dilakukan oleh peneliti adalah foto-foto atau video kegiatan pembelajaran dan portofolio anak. Penelitian ini berjudul “Analisis Deskriptif Penerapan Pembelajaran Montessori Terhadap Kemandirian Anak di TK Kids Republic Jakarta Timur”. Untuk meningkatkan sikap kemandirian pada anak yaitu dengan metode pembelajaran Montessori dan hasil analisis data penelitian sebelumnya dapat disimpulkan  bahwa terjadi perkembangan yang signifikan terhadap diterapkannya metode pembelajaran Montessori. Anak mengalami perkembangan yang baik. Anak menjadi lebih mandiri  dan mampu mengerjakan hal yang sederhana sendiri. Seperti belajar mempelajari urutan dan keteraturan, belajar memakai sepatu sendiri, belajar mengancingkan baju sendiri, belajar makan sendiri dan mengambil sendiri bahan-bahan yang ada di rak atau meja.

Language: Indonesian

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29062/seling.v9i1.1514

ISSN: 2528-083X, 2540-8801

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

Spirituality and Montessori Teacher Teams: The Path of the Heart

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori based her educational approach on a profound understanding of the spiritual nature of the child, on the spiritual preparation of the teacher, and on the teacher-child relationship. However, she did not elaborate on the nature of teacher teams, nor on the spiritual aspect of teamwork. Though most Montessori early childhood classrooms have two or more teachers who teach together as a team, very little research has been conducted on how these teams work together, nor on how spirituality influences their work. The purpose of this research was to examine the role that spirituality played in the perceptions and understandings that Montessori teachers brought to their interactions in classroom teams. The methodology taken was a basic interpretive study. The purposeful sample consisted of five Montessori early childhood teachers teaching on three different teams of three teachers, in the same Montessori school in Western Canada. The data collection method included a short questionnaire, an observation of the teacher in the classroom with her team, her selection of an artifact representing spirituality and teamwork, two semi-structured interviews, and a member check. The analysis and interpretation of the findings were organized according to three categories arising from the data and from the theoretical framework: 1) the relationship that the teacher had with her spiritual self, 2) the teacher-child relationship, and 3) the teacher-teacher relationship. This study revealed that the spiritual self of the teacher was important in the development of the teacher-child relationship, and with the team. The Montessori concept of the inner teacher was examined in light of these findings. All the participants stated that spirituality played a role in their team interactions, and that there was congruence between how they related with the children and with each other. Peace was the overriding goal of the teachers for the classroom and with each other. Moreover, love for the child undergirded everything that they did. Recommendations are offered for Montessori teams, and teams in other areas of work, as well as future research in this area.

Language: English

Published: Alberta, Calgary, Canada, 2017


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Montessori Pedagogy in Morocco: State of the Art from a Qualitative Perspective

Available from: Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences

Publication: Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences, vol. 50, no. 6

Pages: 164-170

Africa, Maghreb, Montessori method of education, Morocco, North Africa

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Abstract/Notes: Alternative pedagogies have become international, and Montessori pedagogy has become widespread throughout the world, as there are Montessori schools in almost every capital city in the world. This pedagogy focuses on the child holistic. It requires a positive, caring attitude from the educator toward the learner/student, making the learning method playful and entertaining, thus yielding better results in terms of performance and teaching. As for our country Morocco, and according to the literature review studied, the existing studies remain limited in this sense, to address this limitation, this article presents a state of play of Montessori pedagogy in Morocco from a qualitative point of view, based on a semi-directive interview conducted with Montessori pedagogy instructors who belong to the following cities: Casablanca, Marrakech, and Tangiers. According to this survey, there are Montessori schools in the cities studied. Educators and mothers have recently become interested in this pedagogy. The instructors provide the training and ensure the transitional post-training phase to better adopt and practice this pedagogy. Several areas need to be adapted to the Moroccan context, including language, culture, and geography. Keywords: Montessori pedagogy, the state of the art, Morocco. https://doi.org/10.55463/issn.1674-2974.50.6.16

Language: English

DOI: 10.55463/issn.1674-2974.50.6.16

ISSN: 1674-2974

Master's Thesis (M.A. In Reading, Language And Literacy)

Reading Comprehension Strategy Instruction as Part of a Balanced Literacy Approach in a Montessori Lower Elementary Environment

Available from: California State University - ScholarWorks

Elementary education, Literacy, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, Reading

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori is not well known among the larger community of educators, but it does fulfill many, if not all, of the standards researchers use to define excellent classrooms and teaching practices. Montessori environments are literature rich and there is a strong emphasis on skills instruction and vocabulary development. There are many lessons that address different aspects of literacy instructionbut there are not lessons or materials that specifically address reading comprehension strategy instruction. Montessori teachers are as aware of reading comprehension strategies as any other educator, but I believe there is not enough emphasis placed on these lessons because of the lack of materials in the classroom that would support such instruction. At best, this instruction is uneven in the community because it depends on an individual teacher's initiative and knowledge. Another factor I believe affects reading comprehension strategy instruction is the reliance on the Simple View of Reading, which states that reading comprehension is a product of decoding skills and vocabulary knowledge. While the SVR has been shown to be an inadequate view of reading, it is still the prevailing model. The purpose of this project was to create a resource guide that would provide background knowledge on the importance of comprehension strategy instruction and provide a framework for Montessori teachers in the "Lower Elementary" or "Elementary 1" level (grades 1-3) to use. The resource guide includes detailed descriptions of the factors and strategies that contribute to reading comprehension, lesson plans, book suggestions for teaching the lessons, and graphic organizer suggestions.

Language: English

Published: San Marcos, California, 2022


Public Montessori Gets its Start in Ohio

Available from: MontessoriPublic

Publication: Montessori Public, vol. 4, no. 1

Pages: 10-11

Public Montessori

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Language: English


Fundamentos Psicológicos y Pedagógicos del Método Montessori [part 2]

Publication: Acción Naturalista, vol. 10, no. 112

Pages: 102-108

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Language: Spanish


Fundamentos Psicológicos y Pedagógicos del Método Montessori [part 1]

Publication: Acción Naturalista, vol. 10, no. 111

Pages: 69-76

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Language: Spanish


Il bambino artista

Publication: MoMo (Mondo Montessori), vol. 2, no. 4

Pages: 50-55

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 2421-440X, 2723-9004


Montessori and Head Start

Available from: MontessoriPublic

Publication: Montessori Public, vol. 6, no. 1

Pages: 16-17

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Language: English

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