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Bachelor's Thesis

Hyvät tavat lasten arjessa: tapakasvatus ja hyvät käytöstavat Montessori-leikkikouluissa [Good manners in children's everyday life: manners education and good manners in Montessori play schools]

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

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Abstract/Notes: In the thesis we study the visibility of good manners in children’s everyday activities within the Montessori Pedagogy frame of reference. The aim of our thesis is to study if the instructors’ objectives are realized and how good manners show in children’s everyday activities. This study was conducted using qualitative methods, we aimed to gather an in-depth understanding of the benefits of Montessori pedagogy. We collected the material by inter-viewing kindergarten teachers and video-recording children in their everyday activities at the kindergarten. The interviews were analyzed using theory-oriented content analysis and the observation matrix was created on the basis of the results of the interview analysis. The observation data were analyzed using the observation matrix. The interviews revealed the importance of adult exemplary behavior, common rules, respect for others and for the environment, settling disputes by discussing and practicing good manners. Calm behavior of the groups can easily be detected from the observations. The adult’s consistent behavior is a model for the children. Children are given time and opportunities to solve disputes by themselves. Adults are continuously observing children’s activities and helping them when needed. The children’s way to interact with each other and their daily activities often includes respect for each other in addition to supporting, advising and helping each other. Caring for the environment is commonly noticeable in the children’s daily activities. The adults aim to practice Montessori pedagogy in their daily activities and encourage the children to practice good behavior and manners. Children practice good manners sponta-neously, without the adult guidance. Especially in the presence of adults children strive to practice the learned behavior-models. Continuous quality evaluation is important when developing early childhood education. From a quality perspective it is highly important to evaluate the teacher’s activities and behaviors and their relevance when working with children. It is also advisable to ponder the significance of early childhood education for the child’s future. / Opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan hyvien käytöstapojen näkymistä lasten arjessa montessoripedagogiikan viitekehyksessä. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on selvittää, toteutuvatko ohjaajien määrittelemät kasvatustavoitteet tapakasvatuksen osalta leikkikoulun toiminnassa ja miten hyvät tavat näkyvät lasten arjen toiminnassa. Opinnäytetyön yhteistyökumppaneina ovat kaksi pääkaupunkiseudun Montessori-leikkikoulua. Opinnäytetyö on kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen tutkielma. Aineisto on kerätty haastattelemalla leikkikoulujen työntekijöitä ja havainnoimalla lapsista kuvattuja videoita heidän arkisissa toiminnoissaan. Haastatteluaineisto on analysoitu käyttäen teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyy-simenetelmää. Havainnointirunko on laadittu haastatteluanalyysin tulosten pohjalta. Videomateriaalin analyysin tukena on käytetty havainnointirunkoa. Haastatteluissa tuli esille aikuisen esimerkin tärkeys, yhteiset säännöt, toisten huomioiminen, ympäristön kunnioittaminen, ristiriitatilanteiden selvittäminen keskustelemalla sekä hyvien tapojen harjoitteleminen. Havainnointituloksista näkyy hyvin ryhmien rauhallisuus. Aikuiset käyttäytyvät tilanteissa johdonmukaisesti ja ovat käytöksellään mallina lapsille. Lapsille pyritään antamaan aikaa ja tilaisuuksia selvittää tilanteita itse. Aikuiset seuraavat jatkuvasti lasten toimintaa ja ohjaavat heitä tilanteissa, joissa lapset tarvitsevat tukea. Lasten välisessä toiminnassa ja vuorovaikutuksessa näkyy usein toisten huomioon ottamista, tukemista, neuvomista ja auttamista. Lasten toiminnassa näkyy monella tavalla ympäristöstä huolehtiminen. Aikuiset pyrkivät pääsääntöisesti toteuttamaan toiminnassaan montessoripedagogiikan mukaista tapakasvatusta ja kannustavat lapsia käyttäytymään hyvien käytöstapojen mukaisesti. Lasten spontaanissa toiminnassa näkyy ainakin osa leikkikoulun ohjaajien välittämästä tapakasvatusmallista. Lapset pyrkivät erityisesti aikuisten läsnä ollessa toteuttamaan opittuja käyttäytymismalleja. Hyvän varhaiskasvatuksen kehittämiseen kuuluu jatkuva laaduntarkastelu. Laadukkaan varhaiskasvatuksen kannalta on tärkeää tarkastella varhaiskasvattajien toiminnan ja mallin merkitystä lasten kanssa työskennellessä. On hyvä myös pohtia sitä, kuinka merkittävä rooli varhaiskasvatuksella on lapsen myöhemmän elämän kannalta.

Language: Finnish

Published: Helsinki, Finland, 2013

Bachelor's Thesis

Een andere visie op evalueren vanuit verschillende methodescholen [A different vision on evaluation from different method schools]

Available from: DOKS

Comparative education, Dalton laboratory plan - Evaluation, Freinet Modern School Movement - Evaluation, Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Waldorf method of education - Evaluation

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Abstract/Notes: In dit praktijkonderzoek wordt er getracht een antwoord te vinden op de onderzoeksvraag ' Welke verschillende vormen van evaluatie worden door leerkrachten binnen het Montessori-, het Dalton-, het Steiner- en het Freinetonderwijs gebruikt om de vorderingen van hun leerlingen bij te houden?' Om hierop een antwoord te vinden ben ik de klaspraktijk van methodescholen gaan observeren. Verder heb ik leerkrachten die les geven in deze methodescholen bevraagd. Deze observaties en bevragingen heb ik in een Daltonschool, een Montessorischool en een Freinetschool kunnen doen.Allereerst heb ik kennis gemaakt met de visies van verschillende methodescholen. Methodescholen waren voor mij immers onbekend terrein. Na dit beschreven te hebben in de literatuurstudie heb ik een vragenlijst opgesteld waarop ik zeker antwoorden wou vinden in verband met de manier van evalueren in methodescholen. Deze vragen gingen zowel over hoe de leerkracht in het oog houdt hoever de leerlingen zitten in het leerproces als over de manier van toetsen van kennis. Met deze vragen ben ik naar de methodescholen getrokken om antwoorden te vinden en dus te onderzoeken hoe de scholen aan evaluatie doen.Tijdens het onderzoek heb ik het onderwerp evaluatie opgesplitst in twee delen, namelijk in formatieve en summatieve evaluatie. Er is namelijk een groot verschil tussen het evalueren tijdens de lessen om te achterhalen in hoeverre de leerlingen de leerstof al begrijpen en het evalueren op het einde van de rit om de leerstof af te sluiten en te beoordelen of de leerlingen het kunnen.Uit de resultaten van het onderzoek kan ik concluderen dat de manieren van evaluatie binnen de verschillende methodescholen leerrijk zijn. Zoals de visie van de methodescholen me al vertelt, wordt er veel rekening gehouden met de individuele leerling. Dit kan je ook vaststellen bij de manier van evaluatie. De leerlingen krijgen de kans om op eigen tempo de leerstof te exploreren. Het is als leerkracht wel belangrijk dat je op de hoogte bent van de vorderingen van de leerlingen. Als de leerlingen ver genoeg gevorderd zijn zal er pas 'getest' worden. Er wordt met andere woorden pas getest wanneer de leerkracht er van overtuigd is dat de leerling het kan. Deze testen dienen dan als bevestiging van de kennis voor de leerling en leerkracht en niet als middel om te ondervinden of de leerling de leerstof goed genoeg beheert.

Language: Dutch

Published: Vorselaar, Belgium, 2016

Book Section

Montessori and Regular Preschools: A Comparison

Book Title: Current Topics in Early Childhood Education. Volume VI

Pages: 195-

Comparative education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Chapter/Section 8 of the book. This was also published as a ERIC document.

Language: English

Published: Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex, 1986

ISBN: 978-0-89391-289-5 0-89391-289-1

Volume: 6


Montessori and Regular Preschools: A Comparison

Available from: ERIC

Comparative education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: This comparison is based on the authors' selective review of literature, observations of Montessori preschools in America and Australia, and experience in early childhood teacher education in Australia. The discussion explores general educational objectives, curricula, children's activities, instructional approaches, and teacher role in preschools implementing Montessorian and eclectic (or "regular") approaches. The preparation of early childhood teachers for Montessori and regular preschools is also compared and discussed in relation to advances in knowledge of child development and modern educational theory and practice. Recent research comparing educational outcomes of Montessori and regular preschool education is cited. The discussion concludes with an evaluation of the relevance and usefulness of the Montessori approach within the fields of preschool education and teacher education today.

Language: English


Scholen II / Écoles / Schulen / Schools

Available from: Delpher - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland

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Abstract/Notes: This is volume 2 of 2 on Schools. For images and information related to Montessori schools, see p. 20-21, 46.

Language: Dutch, English, French, German

Published: Rotterdam, The Netherlands: W. L. & J. Brusse, 1933

Series: Moderne Bouwkunst in Nederland , 14


The Authentic American Montessori School: A Guide to the Self-Study, Evaluation and Accreditation of American Schools Committed to Montessori Education

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Language: English

Published: New York, New York: American Montessori Society, 2002

Book Section

From Montessori to Culturally Relevant Schools Under the Trees in Kenya

Available from: Springer Link

Book Title: Common Characteristics and Unique Qualities in Preschool Programs: Global Perspectives in Early Childhood Education

Pages: 23-35

Africa, Culturally responsive teaching, East Africa, Kenya, Sub-Saharan Africa

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Abstract/Notes: Kenya distinguishes itself from other sub-Saharan African countries with its well-established system of early childhood development and education (ECDE). This chapter describes environmental, economic and social-cultural circumstances in Kenya and how these affect ECDE program design, curriculum and preschool activities. The author will provide a brief historical overview of early childhood educational contexts in Kenya and how preschool teachers meet minimum standards of a quality program using Guidelines for Early Childhood Development in Kenya (NACECE (National Center for Early Childhood Education). (2003). Guidelines for early childhood development in Kenya. Nairobi: Author.) with an African approach. Specific focus will be given to the diverse and contrasting program settings for early childhood care and education from the affluent city suburbs to the rural agrarian farms and the arid and semi arid (ASAL) areas of Kenya.

Language: English

Published: Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer Netherlands, 2013

ISBN: 978-94-007-4972-6 978-94-007-4971-9

Series: Educating the Young Child

Master's Thesis (M.A.)

Early Reading and Writing Development Among Chinese Kindergarten Children in Montessori and Traditional Chinese Schools

Available from: Library and Archives Canada

Comparative education, Literacy, Montessori method of education, Writing - Instruction and study

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Abstract/Notes: This study was conducted to discover whether Chinese children would go through a similar process of building their theories of print as their English-speaking peers, and whether different schooling (traditional Chinese schooling and Montessori schooling) in the same cultural context affect children's literacy development in different ways. 79 children of age four and age five respectively from one traditional school and one Montessori school were participated in the study. This study found that there were similarities in the early phases of reading and writing development between two languages, Chinese and English. Children from different schooling systems in the same cultural context showed different developmental performance in these tasks indicating that different schooling may have different impacts on children's development of reading and writing. Children from traditional Chinese kindergarten performed better than those from Montessori school in both tasks.

Language: English

Published: Toronto, Canada, 2004

Doctoral Dissertation

Compassion in Schools: Life Stories of Four Holistic Educators

Available from: Library and Archives Canada

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Abstract/Notes: In this study the author investigates the nature of compassion, ways of developing compassion within ourselves, and ways of bringing compassion into schools. The author sees an imbalance and disconnection in the current Ontario public school system, between education of the mind (to have) and education of the heart (to be). This is demonstrated in the heightening violence in schools, because violence in schools means that students do not feel connected to and are not happy in their schools. To accomplish this purpose, the author explores the different ways we can connect--within ourselves, with classroom subjects, with students in the school, and with the community at large--through life stories of four holistic educators, including herself. Three have taught in Buddhist, Waldorf, and Montessori schools, which all foster compassion not only through empathy, caring, and love, but also through emotional and moral components of heart education, such as intuition, creativity, imagination, joy (Miller, 2006), and moral education (Noddings, 1992). The enquiry uses qualitative research and narrative method that includes portraiture and arts-based enquiry. The findings in the participants' narratives reveal that compassion comprises spirituality, empathy, and caring. We can develop compassion through contemplation in an awareness of interconnection between the I and the Other. In conclusion, we can foster compassion in schools if we use holistic education's basic principles of balance, inclusion, and connection (Miller, 1981, 1993, 1994, 1999, 2000, 2006, 2007, 2010), and if we bring in different ways of fostering compassion that the author has explored through four holistic teachers' narratives in this study. By nurturing and connecting to students' hearts, rather than forcing knowledge into their heads, it is possible to create schools where students are happy and feel connected to their learning.

Language: English

Published: Toronto, Canada, 2011


Schoolstrijd: ouders op de bres voor beter onderwijs

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Language: Dutch

Published: Amsterdam, The Netherlands: SWP, 2000

ISBN: 90-6665-353-1

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