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503 results


Handbuch Bildungsreform und Reformpädagogik [Handbook for Educational Reform and Reform Pedagogy]

Available from: SpringerLink

Educational change

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Abstract/Notes: Das Handbuch bietet einen wissenschaftlich fundierten Einstieg und Überblick in Geschichte und Gegenwart der Reformbestrebungen im Bildungsbereich. Thematisiert werden die historischen Erneuerungsimpulse und deren gesellschaftliche Einbettung und wirkungsgeschichtlichen Konsequenzen bis in die Gegenwart. Systematisch erschließt das Handbuch die vielfältigen, auch internationalen Ansätze von Reformpädagogik und Bildungsreform und stellt grundlegende Informationen für Forschung, Studium, Lehre und die Bildungspraxis für Schulverwaltung und Schulmanagement zur Verfügung. [The handbook offers a scientifically sound introduction and overview of the past and present of reform efforts in the field of education. The historical renewal impulses and their social embedding and historical consequences up to the present are discussed. The handbook systematically opens up the diverse, also international approaches of reform pedagogy and educational reform and provides basic information for research, studies, teaching and educational practice for school administration and school management.]

Language: German

Published: Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer, 2018

ISBN: 978-3-658-07491-3 3-658-07491-4 978-3-658-07490-6


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A Holland Iskolarendszer Reformja: A Reformpedagógia Hatása a Holland Oktatásügyre [The Reform of the Dutch School System: The Impact of Reform Pedagogy on Dutch Education]

Available from: Arcanum Digitális Tudománytár

Publication: Új Pedagógiai Szemle, vol. 58, no. 3

Pages: 74-95

Educational change, Europe, Holland, Netherlands, Western Europe

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Language: Hungarian

ISSN: 1215-1807, 1788-2400


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Maria Montessori’s training in Rome: anthropological studies and aspirations for social reform / La formació de Maria Montessori a Roma: estudis antropològics i aspiracions a la reforma social

Available from: Hemeroteca Científica Catalana

Publication: Educació i Història: Revista d'Història de l'Educació, no. 40

Pages: 17-32

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - History

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori graduated in medicine from the University of Rome and subsequently took part in the research activities of Roman medical anthropology scholars, some of whom were leading exponents in Italian science and culture. Giuseppe Sergi was a major figure in the national public debate regarding some of the main concerns in Italian society, focusing on the causes and consequences of poverty and illiteracy, and the need for a more effective education system. The ideas of Sergi and other scholars (C. Bonfigli, S. De Sanctis, N. D'Alfonso) regarding these problems influenced Maria Montessori. Indeed, she was inspired and encouraged by Sergi himself to direct her activities and research to the field of childcare and education. Medical anthropology was therefore an essential element in the formation of the young Montessori, and the genesis of her pedagogy and method. Teaching at the Institute of Education for Women in Rome represented an opportunity to develop a relevant “pedagogical anthropology” for her scientific evolution, even though Maria Montessori herself would later leave it behind. / Maria Montessori es va llicenciar en medicina a la Universitat de Roma i posteriorment va participar en la investigació amb erudits romans d’antropologia mèdica, alguns dels quals eren els principals exponents del món científic i cultural italià. Giuseppe Sergi, en particular, va estar molt present en el debat públic nacional sobre alguns dels principals problemes de la societat italiana: les causes i les conseqüències de la pobresa i l'analfabetisme i la necessitat d'un sistema educatiu més eficaç. Les idees de Sergi i altres científics (C. Bonfigli, S. De Sanctis, N. D'Alfonso) sobre aquests problemes van influir en Maria Montessori. La jove doctora va ser inspirada i animada pel mateix Sergi a dirigir les seves activitats i investigacions en el camp de la cura i l’educació infantil. L’antropologia mèdica va ser, per tant, un element essencial en la formació de la jove Montessori i també en la gènesi de la seva pedagogia, així com del mètode. L'ensenyament a l’Institut femení del Magisteri de Roma va ser una oportunitat per desenvolupar una "antropologia pedagògica" rellevant per al seu creixement científic, fins al punt que la mateixa Maria Montessori la va superar i abandonar durant el procés de maduració del seu pensament. / María Montessori se graduó en medicina por la Universidad de Roma y posteriormente participó en la investigación con eruditos romanos de antropología médica, algunos de los cuales fueron exponentes distinguidos del mundo científico y cultural italiano. Giuseppe Sergi, en particular, estuvo muy presente en el debate público nacional sobre algunos de los principales problemas de la sociedad italiana, las causas y consecuencias de la pobreza y el analfabetismo y la necesidad de un sistema educativo más eficaz. Las ideas de Sergi y otros investigadores (C. Bonfigli, S. De Sanctis, N. D'Alfonso) sobre estos problemas influyeron en María Montessori y, por otro lado, la joven doctora se inspiró y fue animada por el propio Sergi para dirigir sus actividades e investigación en el campo del cuidado infantil y la educación. La antropología médica fue, por tanto, un elemento esencial en la formación de la joven Montessori y también en la génesis de su pedagogía, así como del método. La enseñanza en el Instituto femenino del Magisterio de Roma fue una oportunidad para desarrollar una "antropología pedagógica" relevante para su crecimiento científico, aunque la misma María Montessori la superó y abandonó durante el proceso de la maduración de su pensamiento.

Language: English

DOI: 10.2436/e&h.v0i40.150347

ISSN: 2013-9632, 1134-0258

Book Section

La Formation des Jardinières d’Enfants, une Institutionnalisation Conflictuelle (1910-1931) [The Formation of Kindergartens, an Institutional Conflict (1910-1931)]

Available from: OpenEdition Books

Book Title: Éduquer dans et hors l’école: Lieux et milieux de formation. XVIIe-XXe siècle

Pages: 171-183

Europe, France, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Les jardins d’enfants qui se développent en Europe au XIXe siècle selon les principes froëbeliens s’implantent plus difficilement en France où les salles d’asile, puis l’école maternelle instituée par Pauline Kergomard1, développent un accueil spécifique pour les enfants d’âge préscolaire. Néanmoins, ils bénéficient dès les années 1910 de l’essor mondial du montessorisme, et l’on constate la création de nombreux jardins d’enfants et d’écoles nouvelles jusqu’à l’orée de la seconde guerre mondiale. Les jardinières reçoivent une formation spécifique, centrée sur les méthodes actives prônées par les psychologues s’intéressant au développement de l’enfant, et délivrée dès le début du XXe siècle par des institutions privées. Cette formation est prise en charge par l’État entre les années 1921 et 1931, alors que Mlle Amieux, professeur au collège Sévigné, crée un cours pédagogique au lycée de jeunes filles de l’École normale de Sèvres. Les jardinières munies du certificat d’État sont ensuite embauchées dans les jardins d’enfants et les classes enfantines des lycées bourgeois. Cette expérience s’arrête en 1931 lorsque les lycées ne sont plus autorisés à ouvrir des classes enfantines, mettant ainsi un terme à l’existence des jardins d’enfants dans l’enceinte de l’enseignement secondaire. Nous verrons dans ce chapitre en quoi cette formation a été à la résultante, pas toujours harmonieuse, de l’institution scolaire et du mouvement en faveur de l’éducation des jeunes enfants, et en quoi elle a été un enjeu qui reste actuel. Quelle était cette formation spécifique, quelles raisons conduisent à son arrêt en 1931 et qu’advient-il de la formation des jardinières après cette date ? Voici les questions que nous envisageons d’explorer à travers le prisme d’une éducation préscolaire envisagée dans et hors l’école, à partir de sources provenant de fonds d’archives publics2 et privés3, complétés par des ouvrages et revues pédagogiques telles La Nouvelle Éducation, la Revue universitaire, l’Éducation enfantine ou encore la Revue de l’enseignement secondaire des jeunes filles. [Kindergartens that developed in Europe in the nineteenth century according to Froëbelian principles were more difficult to establish in France where the asylum rooms, then the nursery school instituted by Pauline Kergomard, developed a specific reception for the children of preschool age. Nonetheless, they benefited from the worldwide boom in montessorism from the 1910s onwards, and many kindergartens and new schools were established until the onset of the Second World War. The gardeners receive specific training, focused on the active methods advocated by psychologists interested in the development of the child, and delivered from the beginning of the 20th century by private institutions. This training was paid for by the State between the years 1921 and 1931, when Miss Amieux, a teacher at the Sévigné college, created an educational course at the high school for young girls of the Normal School of Sèvres. The gardeners with the state certificate are then employed in the kindergartens and nursery classes of middle-class high schools. This experiment ended in 1931 when high schools were no longer allowed to open nursery classes, thus putting an end to the existence of kindergartens within the walls of secondary education. We will see in this chapter how this training was the result, not always harmonious, of the school institution and the movement in favor of the education of young children, and how it was an issue that remains current. What was this specific training, what are the reasons for its discontinuation in 1931 and what happens to the training of gardeners after that date? Here are the questions that we plan to explore through the prism of preschool education envisaged in and outside school, using sources from public2 and private3 archival funds, supplemented by educational books and reviews such as La Nouvelle Education, the University Review, Childhood Education or the Journal of secondary education for young girls.]

Language: French

Published: Rennes, France: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2018

ISBN: 978-2-7535-5561-7

Series: Histoire


Die 'Montessorischule', ein neues Schlagwort der pädagogischen Reform [The Montessori school, a new catchphrase in educational reform]

Available from: Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung des DIPF (BBF)

Publication: Pharus, vol. 5 (Halbjahrband 2), no. 10

Pages: 307-310

Europe, Germany, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, Western Europe

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Language: German


La formation de l'esprit de géométrie selon Madame Montessori [The formation of the spirit of geometry according to Madame Montessori]

Available from: Université Caen Normandie

Publication: Pour l'ère nouvelle: revue internationale d'èducation nouvelle, vol. 14, no. 106

Pages: 78-79

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Language: French


The Reform of Education During and After Adolescence: The Erdkinder: A Scheme for a Reform of Secondary Education

Publication: Bulletin of the Association Montessori Internationale, vol. 2, no. 1

Pages: 3-23

Adolescence, Educational change, Erdkinder, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Writings, Montessori method of education, Secondary education

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Language: English


Missing in Action: Montessori Education Omitted from Major School Reform Guide [An Educators' Guide to Schoolwide Reform, American Institutes of Research]

Available from: University of Connecticut Libraries - American Montessori Society Records

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 11, no. 3

Pages: 11

Public Montessori

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


✓ Peer Reviewed

Discursos Sobre a Emergência da Educação da Infância Formal em Portugal (1880-1950) [Discursos Sobre la Emergencia de la Educación Formal de los Niños en Portugal (1880-1950) / Discourses on the Emergence of Children's Formal Education in Portugal (1880-1950) / Discours Sur l'Émergence de l'Éducation Formelle des Enfants au Portugal (1880-1950)]

Available from: Associação Sul-Rio-Grandense de Pesquisadores em História da Educação

Publication: Revista História da Educação, vol. 23

Pages: Article e85647

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Abstract/Notes: Neste artigo busca-se uma compreensão das ideias sobre a educação da segunda infância em Portugal, entre finais do século XIX e meados do seguinte. Compulsaram-se um conjunto de revistas de educação publicadas em Portugal. A análise detetou tendências e nuances do processo de modernização pedagógica. Certos autores defendem o ambiente familiar como o mais adequado para a educação da infância, destacando a mulher como mãe e educadora, outros denunciam a sua impreparação, advogando a sua formação e sustentavam a conveniência da educação de infância em instituições, segundo as modernas propostas pedagógicas. Estes últimos tenderam a manifestar posicionamentos idênticos aos que se expressam em outros países europeus sobre os modelos pedagógicos direcionados especificamente à segunda infância.

Language: Portuguese

DOI: 10.1590/2236-3459/85647

ISSN: 2236-3459

Book Section

Il problema odierno della formazione dei ceti dirigenti [Today's problem of the formation of the ruling classes]

Book Title: L'orientamento professionale come educazione civica: atti del 5. Congresso nazionale Montessori, Messina, 19-21 settembre 1959 [Professional guidance as civic education: proceedings of the 5th Montessori National Congress, Messina, 19-21 September 1959]

Pages: 191-234


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Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Vita dell'infanzia, 1960

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