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1510 results


The Role of Diversity and Inclusion in Montessori Education

Available from: ProQuest

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 25, no. 1

Pages: 3, 7

Inclusive education, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, Richard A. Ungerer - Writings

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Abstract/Notes: From the Executive Director

Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040


✓ Peer Reviewed

Helen Parkhurst: The First Female Reformer in the Field of Organization of Education

Available from: PNO Journal

Publication: Perspektivy Nauki i Obrazovaniya / Перспективы Науки и Образования [Perspectives of Science and Education], vol. 2, no. 56

Pages: 523-533

Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Helen Parkhurst - Biographic sources

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Abstract/Notes: Проблема повышения уровня преподавания в сфере общего и профессионального образования является одной из наиболее значимых в современной педагогике. В связи с этим современные дидакты внимательно изучают наследие своих выдающихся предшественников, – педагогов прошлого. К числу таких ученых, оставивших неповторимый след в педагогической науке и практике, относится американская учительница Хелен Паркхерст (1886-1973). Статья написана в связи с 135-летием со дня рождения Х. Паркхерст.Американская учительница-новатор Хелен Паркхерст, наряду с Марией Монтессори, нарушила монополию мужчин на право считаться крупным ученым в области педагогики. Ее педагогическая деятельность включала в себя стремление к постоянному профессиональному самосовершенствованию, поиску новых путей в решении встававших перед ней педагогических проблем. Ее главным методическим достижением стала разработка Дальтон-плана, в соответствии с которым она успешно перестроила работу в одной из американских школ. Методическая новация Паркхерст получила одобрение со стороны вначале педагогов США, а затем повсюду в мире. В СССР в 1920-1930-х гг. этот метод также активно использовался, правда, без особого успеха. Применение Дальтон-плана в советской школе нашло отражение в ряде произведений художественной литературы (М. Г. Розанов, Н. И. Кочин). Методические идеи Хелен Паркхерст в наши дни крайне востребованы и активно используются в современной образовательной практике многих стран мира, в том числе в России. В то же время их позитивный потенциал еще не вполне изучен и освоен, поэтому наследие Х. Паркхерст заслуживает дальнейшего внимательного исследования дидактами и историками педагогики. / The problem of raising the level of teaching in the field of general and vocational education is one of the most significant in modern pedagogy. In this regard, modern didactic students are carefully studying the legacy of their outstanding predecessors, teachers of the past. The American teacher Helen Parkhurst (1886-1973) is one of these scientists who left an inimitable mark on pedagogical science and practice. The article was written in connection with the 135th anniversary of the birth of H. Parkhurst. The American teacher-innovator Helen Parkhurst, along with Maria Montessori, violated the monopoly of men on the right to be considered a major scientist in the field of pedagogy. Her pedagogical activity included the desire for constant professional self-improvement, the search for new ways in solving the pedagogical problems that confronted her. Her main methodological achievement was the development of the Dalton Plan, according to which she successfully restructured work in one of the American schools. The methodical innovation of Parkhurst was approved first by educators in the United States, and then all over the world. In the USSR in the 1920-1930s. this method was also actively used, however, without much success. The use of the Dalton plan in the Soviet school was reflected in a number of works of fiction (M. G. Rozanov, N. I. Kochin). The methodological ideas of Helen Parkhurst are extremely in demand these days and are actively used in modern educational practice in many countries of the world, including Russia. At the same time, their positive potential has not yet been fully explored and mastered, so the legacy of Helen Parkhurst deserves further careful study by didactics and historians of pedagogy.

Language: Russian

DOI: 10.32744/pse.2022.2.31

ISSN: 2307-2334


Montessori Educational Association

Publication: Beinn Bhreagh Recorder, vol. 15

Pages: 229

Montessori Educational Association (USA)

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Language: English


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Confirmation of Montessori Postulates in Contemporary Educational Neuroscience / Potvrde postulata Montessori pedagogije u suvremenoj obrazovnoj neuroznanosti

Available from: University of Zagreb

Publication: Croatian Journal of Education - Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, vol. 22, no. 4

Croatia, Europe, Neuroscience, Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: This paper lends insight into the fundamental postulates of Montessori pedagogyand definitions of contemporary educational neuroscience, focusing on the needsand solutions of contemporary didactic approaches. By presenting the results ofcontemporary researches, the paper connects the achievements of Montessoripedagogic methods and strategies with the scientific indicators of educationalneuroscience about the manners of positive impact on the development of anindividual. The results of the educational neuroscience research will corroborate thepostulates of Montessori pedagogy that state that understanding the developmentalstages of upbringing, individual competences, and specificities of each child areimportant for upbringing. Specific cases will be used to emphasize that, apartfrom the cognitive competence, it is essential to develop psychomotor and affectivecompetences, meaning that the development of these personality spheres isconnected and interdependent. By providing the pedagogic perspective, the paperpoints to the need for further deliberation on how to shape an optimal curriculum.The paper suggests that various social and technological changes are reasons toconsider pedagogic methods, strategies, and approaches of Montessori, which is alsosupported and substantiated by contemporary educational neuroscience.Key words: didactics; Montessori pedagogy; neurodidactics; neuroscience. - U ovom radu daje se uvid u osnovne postulate Montessori pedagogije i definicijesuvremene obrazovne neuroznanosti, orijentirajući se prema potrebama i rješenjimaza suvremene didaktičke pristupe. Prikazom rezultata suvremenih istraživanja radpovezuje dostignuća Montessori pedagoških metoda i strategija sa znanstvenimpokazateljima obrazovne neuroznanosti o načinima pozitivnoga utjecaja na razvojpojedinca. Rezultati istraživanja obrazovne neuroznanosti potkrijepit će postulateMontessori pedagogije da je za odgojni pristup važno razumijevanje razvojnih fazaodrastanja, individualnosti kompetencija i specifičnosti odgajanika. Specifičnimprimjerima naglasit će se da je uz kognitivne, bitno razvijati psihomotorne iafektivne kompetencije, odnosno da je razvoj ovih sfera ličnosti povezan imeđuovisan. Ponuđenom pedagoškom perspektivom rad ukazuje na potrebudaljnjega razmatranja kako pristupiti oblikovanju optimalnih kurikula. U radu sesugerira da je upravo zbog različitih društvenih i tehnoloških promjena potrebnorazmišljati o pedagoškim metodama, strategijama i pristupima Montessoripedagogije, što podržava i potkrepljuje suvremena obrazovna neuroznanost.Ključne riječi: didaktika; Montessori pedagogija; neurodidaktika; neuroznanost.

Language: English

DOI: 10.15516/cje.v22i4.3751

ISSN: 1848-5189, 1848-5197


Hindu Educational Expert Addresses Jewish Women

Available from: National Library of Israel

Publication: Sentinel (Chicago, Illinois)

Pages: 15

Americas, Montessori method of education, North America, Paul Chinnappa - Biographic sources, United States of America

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Language: English


Maria Montessori's Cosmic Vision, Cosmic Plan, and Cosmic Education

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 29, no. 1

Pages: 155-171

Cosmic education, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Abstract/Notes: Lecture delivered at interntaional congress in paris 2001. Also in 38:1

Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734


Good Kids: Virtues Project Resonates to Montessori Education Principles

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 17, no. 2

Pages: 12-13

Public Montessori

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


✓ Peer Reviewed

Perspectives in Early Childhood Education: Belize, Brazil, Mexico, El Salvador and Peru

Available from: ERIC

Publication: Forum on Public Policy, vol. 2012, no. 1

Pages: 1-27

Americas, Belize, Brazil, Central America, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, El Salvador, Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico, Peru, South America

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Abstract/Notes: Early childhood education (ECE) provision is becoming a growing priority. During the past twenty years, Latin America has shown a growing recognition in the provision of educational programs for young children, birth to age eight, is essential. Urban and rural populations intimated in 2009, that many countries utilizing equitable access to quality early childhood programs is often seen by policy makers as a means of achieving economic and political goals (United Nations, 2012). Unfortunately, a pre-occupation with economic and political goals may conflict with the provision of quality programming for young children. In a number of Latin American countries provisions for educating young children exist as intent to provide quality services. The continuing challenge is to finance, organize and regulate those well-meaning intentions. The objective of this article is two-fold. First, to describe national policy efforts that regulate the education of young children consistently. And, second, to reflect the status of early childhood education programming; and to examine the possibilities for the improvement of the quality and accessibility of an education for all young children. Five Latin American nations have been chosen for examination, including: Belize, Brazil, El Salvador, Mexico, and Peru. (Contains 4 tables.)

Language: English

ISSN: 1556-763X, 1938-9809


Mme. Montessori et l'éducation des jeunes enfants

Publication: La Revue de Paris, vol. 62

Pages: 127-139

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Language: French


Montessori's Vision for Educational and Social Transformation

Available from: ProQuest

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 34, no. 4

Pages: 34

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori's acceptance into medical school was a personal achievement and would have ramifications for the lives of a multitude of future generations. In March 1896, she was invited to the first Women's International Congress, in Berlin, where she spoke of the need for equal pay for equal work for women. Montessori's vision for social change has filtered into early childhood classrooms, and public Montessori schools have entered the mainstream, touching the lives of millions of children.

Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040

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