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535 results


Achieving Inclusive Education in Early Childhood: From the Viewpoint of an Affinity Between Inclusive Education and Montessori Education

Publication: Montessori Kyōiku / モンテッソーリ教育 [Montessori Education], no. 49

Pages: 100-113

Asia, East Asia, Inclusive education, Japan, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: This is an article from Montessori Education, a Japanese language periodical published by the Japan Association Montessori.

Language: Japanese

ISSN: 0913-4220


✓ Peer Reviewed

Inclusive Education for Exceptional Children in Egypt and the US: Reforming Egyptian Inclusive Education System in Post-pandemic World

Available from: Knowledge E Publishing

Publication: Gulf Education and Social Policy Review (GESPR), vol. 3, no. 2

Pages: 318-344

Africa, Americas, Educational change, Egypt, Inclusive education, Middle East, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., North Africa, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Inclusive education means that exceptional children (EC) can fully participate in the learning process alongside their typically developing peers, supported by reasonable accommodations and teaching strategies that are tailored to meet their individual needs. The main goal of inclusion policies for EC is to provide high-quality education for all without discrimination and to ensure the implementation of equal opportunity principles. The primary purpose of this study is to explore the reality of inclusive education systems in Egypt and the United States (US) and to develop a better understanding of similarities and differences and thus identify the lessons learned. The study applied a comparative analysis method. Research findings revealed that the progress towards inclusion practices in Egyptian inclusive public schools is minimal and hindered by many challenges. Among them are lacking financial resources and a shortage of qualified teachers trained to differentiate curricula for EC. Based on the research findings, the study concludes with recommendations to improve the Egyptian inclusive education for EC.

Language: English

DOI: 10.18502/gespr.v3i2.12617

ISSN: 2709-0191

Book Section

Introducing Montessori Inclusive Education

Available from: Rowman and Littlefield

Book Title: The Inclusive Classroom: Creating a Cherished Experience through Montessori

Pages: 1-14

Children with disabilities, Inclusive education

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Language: English

Published: Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2021

ISBN: 978-1-4758-5635-4


✓ Peer Reviewed

Inclusive Education Perspectives: Montessori and Vygotsky's Approaches to Creating a Supportive Learning Environment for All Children

Available from: Indonesian Journal of Education

Publication: Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE), vol. 3, no. 2

Pages: 247-256

Comparative education, Inclusive education, Lev Vygotsky - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: This article delves into the application of Maria Montessori's and Lev Vygotsky's thoughts within the realm of inclusive education. Employing a descriptive comparative methodology, it meticulously scrutinizes both theorists' perspectives to uncover the convergences and divergences in their views on inclusive educational practices. Drawing upon an extensive literature analysis of the original works of Montessori and Vygotsky, as well as relevant research studies, this research aims to shed light on the synergies and disparities between their pedagogical philosophies. The research findings reveal common ground in their emphasis on active learning methodologies, recognition of the significance of progression and procedural learning, and a shared commitment to prioritizing the child's individual needs within the educational framework. Nevertheless, the research underscores the distinctive features within Montessori's advocacy for fostering independence and self-exploration, juxtaposed with Vygotsky's emphasis on the pivotal role of social interaction and guided instruction. The practical implications distilled from their respective viewpoints furnish valuable insights that resonate with the design and implementation of inclusive learning strategies. By interweaving Montessori's self-directed learning ideals with Vygotsky's scaffolding concept, the article contends that an enriched and adaptive approach to inclusive education can be cultivated. This study endeavors to enrich the discourse surrounding the integration of Montessori's and Vygotsky's pedagogical tenets, fostering a comprehensive understanding of how these distinct yet complementary philosophies can be harnessed to fashion an inclusive educational environment that not only accommodates the diverse needs of all learners but also nurtures their holistic growth.

Language: English

DOI: 10.54443/injoe.v3i2.65

ISSN: 2810-059X

Master's Thesis

Investigating the views of Montessori preschool teachers on inclusive education in Montessori approach / Montessori yaklaşımında bütünleştirme uygulamalarına ilişkin Montessori okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin görüşlerinin incelenmesi

Available from: Ulusal Tez Merkezi / National Thesis Center (Turkey)

Asia, Inclusive education, Middle East, Montessori method of education, Montessori method of education - Teachers, Teachers, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of the study was to investigate the views of Montessori preschool teachers on inclusive education in Montessori approach. The views of 18 participants were examined in this study. All participants were selected from Ankara and İstanbul and they were investigated by a semi-structured interview protocol that was developed by the researcher based on the literature review. The protocol contained questions in three major parts; these were demographic questions about participants, questions about views on inclusive education and questions about views on inclusive education in Montessori approach and its advantageous and disadvantageous for children with disabilities. Phenomenology design was employed in the study and purposive sampling was used to reach the participants. According to findings of content analysis, Montessori teachers stated that they did not find themselves adequately educated and experienced in inclusive education but a large part of them thought that inclusive education is good for development of both disabled and non-disabled students. On the other hand, Montessori teachers expressed that enabling children to be independent and to encourage them to make their own decisions are the most important point of Montessori understanding. However, when considered in terms of disabled students, most teachers indicated that such liberal environment could constitute disadvantages for such students. Teachers stated that an educational environment which is structured and where influence of the teacher is more intensive would be better in terms of education of the disabled child, particularly when working with students with severe disabilities or students with attention deficit or autism. / Bu çalışma, Montessori anaokullarında çalışan okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin bütünleştirme eğitimi ve Montessori yaklaşımında bütünleştirme uygulamaları hakkındaki görüşlerini anlamayı amaçlamıştır. Çalışma 18 katılımcıyı kapsamaktadır. Tüm katılımcılar Ankara ve İstanbul ilinde Montessori okullarında çalışan okul öncesi öğretmenleri arasından seçilmiş olup, görüşmeler araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu ile yapılmıştır. Görüşme formu üç ana bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde katılımcılar hakkındaki demografik bilgiler sorgulanırken, ikinci bölümde katılımcıların bütünleştirme eğitimi hakkındaki görüşleri ve son bölümde ise katılımcıların Montessori eğitimindeki bütünleştirme uygulamaları hakkındaki görüşleri sorgulanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonunda nitel analiz yapılmış olup bulgulara göre Montessori öğretmenleri bütünleştirme eğitimi konusunda kendilerini yeterince eğitimli ve deneyimli bulmadıklarını belirtmiş, ancak bütünleştirme eğitiminin hem engelli hem de engelsiz öğrenciler için faydalı olduğunu düşündüklerini ifade etmiştir. Öte yandan, Montessori öğretmenleri Montessori eğitiminin çocuğun bağımsız bir birey olmasında önemli bir rol oynadığını ifade etmiş, çocukların kendi kararlarını vermelerini teşvik etmenin Montessori anlayışının en önemli noktaları olduğunu belirtmiştir. Ancak engelli öğrenciler açısından değerlendirildiğinde öğretmenlerin çoğu bu özgürlükçü ortamın engelli öğrenciler için dezavantajlar oluşturabileceğini söylemiştir. Öğretmenler, özellikle ağır engelli öğrenciler ya da dikkat dağınıklığı olan ya da otizmli öğrenciler ile çalışırken öğretmenin etkisinin daha yoğun olduğu, yapılandırılmış bir eğitim ortamının çocuğun eğitimi açısından daha iyi olacağını ifade etmiştir.

Language: English

Published: Ankara, Turkey, 2019


Inclusive Education in the Age of COVID-19

Available from: Association Montessori Internationale

Publication: AMI Journal (2013-), vol. 2020

Pages: 286-289

COVID-19 Pandemic, Children with disabilities, Inclusive education, People with disabilities

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Language: English

ISSN: 2215-1249, 2772-7319


Characteristics and Implications of Inclusive Education in German Montessori Elementary School / 독일 몬테소리(maria Montessori) 초등학교에서의 통합교육 운영 특성과 시사점 탐색

Available from: The Korean Association on Developmental Disabilities (KADD)

Publication: 발달장애연구 / Journal of Developmental Disabilities, vol. 23, no. 4

Pages: 29-54

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this study is to find out the implications for the characteristics of inclusive education in Montessori Elementary Schools in Germany, affecting Korea's inclusive education. The research method was based on the data and information, collected by visiting the Montessori Schools in Germany, along with literature reviews, which is inclusive of data search on the Internet. Two major implications of this study are as follows: First, the most important and basic community spirit and the will to practice of Montessori Elementary Schools are thoroughly imprinted in school authorities, school members, and educational programs in integration education. Second, To realize the essential meaning of inclusive education, the proportion of students with disabilities in each school and class plays an important role. This means that students with disabilities should account for a certain percentage, not the proportion of very small number of students, regardless of schools or classes so as to prevent the isolation or stigma of students with disabilities. This is more effective than any other way in terms of the educational support of teachers. / 본 연구는 독일 몬테소리 초등학교에서의 통합교육 운영 특성을 바탕으로 우리나라 통합교육에 미치는 시사점을 찾아보는데 그 목적이 있다. 이에 연구방법으로는 인터넷 자료검색을 비롯하여 문헌연구와 더불어 독일의 관련 몬테소리학교를 방문하여 수집된 자료와 정보를 바탕으로 하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 도출된 두 가지 주요 시사점은 첫째, 몬테소리 초등학교는 통합교육에 있어서 가장 중요하고 기초적인 공동체 의식과 실천의지가 학교당국과 학교 구성원 및 교육프로그램에 철저하게 각인되어 있다는 점이다. 둘째, 통합교육의 본질적인 의미를 실현하기 위하여 각 학교 및 각 학급에서 장애학생이 차지하는 비율이 매우 중요함을 알 수 있다. 이는 학교차원이든 학급차원이든 장애학생들이 극히 소수가 아니라, 일정 비율을 차지하여야 장애학생의 고립이나 낙인효과를 예방할 수 있고, 교사들의 교육적 지원에서도 더 효과적이라는 것이다. 특히 통합학교나 통합학급에 일정비율의 장애학생 점유율은 통합교육이나 장애인에 대한 인식 개선, 행·재정적 지원, 교육프로그램, 특수교사 및 보조교사의 증원, 장애인 편의시설, 교사 간 협력 수업 등에 있어서 통합교육의 본질적인 목적인 교육 공동체의 실현을 위하여 매우 긍정적이고 실제적인 요소로 작용할 수 있다는 것이다.

Language: Korean

DOI: 10.34262/kadd.2019.23.4.54


The Characteristics and Implications of Inclusive Education in German Montessori Elementary School / 독일 몬테소리(Maria Montessori) 초등학교에서의 통합교육 운영 특성과 시사점 탐색

Available from: RISS

Publication: 발달장애연구 / The Journal of the Korean Association on Developmental Disabilities, vol. 23, no. 4

Pages: 29-54

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this study is to find out the implications for the characteristics of inclusive education in Montessori Elementary Schools in Germany, affecting Korea's inclusive education. The research method was based on the data and information, collected by visiting the Montessori Schools in Germany, along with literature reviews, which is inclusive of data search on the Internet. Two major implications of this study are as follows: First, the most important and basic community spirit and the will to practice of Montessori Elementary Schools are thoroughly imprinted in school authorities, school members, and educational programs in integration education. Second, To realize the essential meaning of inclusive education, the proportion of students with disabilities in each school and class plays an important role. This means that students with disabilities should account for a certain percentage, not the proportion of very small number of students, regardless of schools or classes so as to prevent the isolation or stigma of students with disabilities. This is more effective than any other way in terms of the educational support of teachers. / 본 연구는 독일 몬테소리 초등학교에서의 통합교육 운영 특성을 바탕으로 우리나라 통합교육에 미치는 시사점을 찾아보는데 그 목적이 있다. 이에 연구방법으로는 인터넷 자료검색을 비롯하여 문헌연구와 더불어 독일의 관련 몬테소리학교를 방문하여 수집된 자료와 정보를 바탕으로 하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 도출된 두 가지 주요 시사점은 첫째, 몬테소리 초등학교는 통합교육에 있어서 가장 중요하고 기초적인 공동체 의식과 실천의지가 학교당국과 학교 구성원 및 교육프로그램에 철저하게 각인되어 있다는 점이다. 둘째, 통합교육의 본질적인 의미를 실현하기 위하여 각 학교 및 각 학급에서 장애학생이 차지하는 비율이 매우 중요함을 알 수 있다. 이는 학교차원이든 학급차원이든 장애학생들이 극히 소수가 아니라, 일정 비율을 차지하여야 장애학생의 고립이나 낙인효과를 예방할 수 있고, 교사들의 교육적 지원에서도 더 효과적이라는 것이다. 특히 통합학교나 통합학급에 일정비율의 장애학생 점유율은 통합교육이나 장애인에 대한 인식 개선, 행·재정적 지원, 교육프로그램, 특수교사 및 보조교사의 증원, 장애인 편의시설, 교사 간 협력 수업 등에 있어서 통합교육의 본질적인 목적인 교육 공동체의 실현을 위하여 매우 긍정적이고 실제적인 요소로 작용할 수 있다는 것이다.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 2288-4289


Maktabgacha Ta'lim Tizimida Inklyuziv Ta'limni Joriy Etishda Montessori Metodikasidan Foydalanish Texnologiyasi [The Technology of Using the Montessori Methodology in Implementing Inclusive Education in the Preschool Education System]

Available from: Conferencea

Publication: Conferencea

Pages: 20-23

Asia, Central Asia, Inclusive education, Montessori method of education, Preschool education, Uzbekistan

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Abstract/Notes: In this article, it is important to create a scientific and enlightened society in New Uzbekistan and to make young people who will be the foundation of the third renaissance in all respects, as well as not to exclude children with disabilities from education, to keep them in tune with the times. ideas were discussed about providing quality education to children who need inclusive education. / Ushbu maqolada Yangi O‘zbekistonda ilmli va ma’rifatli jamiyatni yaratish va uchinchi renessans poydevori bo‘ladigan yoshlarni har tomonlama yetuk shaxs bo‘lishi shu bilan bir qatorda nogironligi bo‘lgan bolalarni ham ta’limdan chetda qoldirmaslik, ularni zamon bilan hamnafas bo‘lishlari, inkluziv ta’limga muhtoj bo‘lgan bolalarni sifatli ta’lim olishlarini har tomonlama qo‘llab quvvatlash haqida fikrlar yuritilgan. NOTE: Presented at the International Conference on Advance Research in Humanities, Sciences and Education (13th, Spain, 2023)

Language: Uzbek


Inclusive Education: A Montessori Perspective

Publication: Montessori Australia eArticle, vol. 2017, no. 1

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Language: English

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