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1652 results


Distance Education: MACTE, Seldin Push Initiatives

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 19, no. 3

Pages: 25

Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (MACTE), Public Montessori

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


Auto-Education at the British Association

Available from: The Times Educational Supplement Historical Archive - Gale

Publication: The Times Educational Supplement (London, England)

Pages: 425

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Language: English

ISSN: 0040-7887


Kids First . . . For a Change: An Interview with Bob Morris, Candidate for Education Commissioner of the State of Florida

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 2, no. 4

Pages: 23–24

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


The Education of the Will

Claude Albert Claremont - Writings

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Language: English

Published: London, England: [s.n.], n.d.


✓ Peer Reviewed

Improving Outcomes for Refugee Children: A Case Study on the Impact of Montessori Education Along the Thai-Burma Border

Available from: IEJ Online

Publication: International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives, vol. 14, no. 3

Pages: 138-149

Asia, Burma, Displaced communities, Myanmar, Refugees, Southeast Asia, Thailand

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Abstract/Notes: There are 25 million displaced children worldwide, and those receiving schooling are often educated in overcrowded classrooms. Montessori is a child-centred educational method that provides an alternative model to traditional educational approaches. In this model, students are able to direct their own learning and develop at their own pace, working with materials rather than in supervised groups or with direct teacher instruction. Because most children are working alone, teachers have more time to work one-on- one with children even when student-teacher ratios are quite large. This gives teachers increased opportunity to tailor their teaching to the specific needs and strengths of each student. We conducted an evaluation of Montessori classroom conversion for displaced students on the Thai-Myanmar border. We administered the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) to 66 children before and after classroom conversion and across treatment and control classroom conditions. We then conducted difference in difference testing. All domains showed meaningful improvements in ASQ scores, with the Montessori students gaining 18 points relative to the traditional students (p = 0.33). However, only the personal-social domain of the ASQ was statistically significant (8.8 point gain for the Montessori students relative to the control, p < 0.05) in our underpowered sample.

Language: English

ISSN: 1443-1475, 2202-493X


Kodomo no seichō hattatsu to kyōiku / 子どもの成長発達と教育 [Child Growth, Development, and Education]

Publication: Montessori Kyōiku / モンテッソーリ教育 [Montessori Education], no. 27

Pages: 2-12

Asia, East Asia, Japan

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Language: Japanese

ISSN: 0913-4220


Montessori-Pädagogik in Polen [Montessori education in Poland]

Publication: Montessori: Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik, vol. 34, no. 2

Pages: 65

Eastern Europe, Europe, Harald Ludwig - Writings, Montessori method of education, Poland

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Language: German

ISSN: 0944-2537


Mary Dunbar Meets Dr. Maria Montessori, Pioneer of Child Education, and Discusses... Happy Nurseries

Publication: The Sunday Times (London, England)

Pages: 9

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: English

ISSN: 0956-1382


✓ Peer Reviewed

Anaokulları İç Mekan Tasarımında Eğitime Yönelik Mekan İhtiyaçları ve Montessori Anaokulları / Educational Space Requirement in Interior Design of Kindergartens and Montessori Kindergartens

Available from: The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies

Publication: Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, vol. 14, no. 86

Pages: 281-293

Architecture, Classroom environments, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Prepared environment

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Abstract/Notes: Anaokulları okul öncesi çocukların bilgi ve becerilerini destekleyen eğitim kurumlarıdır. Farklı eğitim sistemlerini benimsemiş olan anaokullarında aktivitelere göre alanlar oluşturulmaktadır. Algının ve çevrenin öneminin büyük olduğu bu dönemde çocukların hayal güçlerine ilham verecek mekanlar tasarlanmalıdır. Çocukların sözlü beceriden önce öğrenilen görsel dil ile yaratıcılıkları desteklenmektedir. Bunun yanında mekanda bulunan güvenli ve ulaşılabilir mobilyalar da çocukların özgürce hareket etmelerini ve sorumluluk bilinci kazanmalarını sağlamaktadır. Anadilin yanında farklı bir dilin de okul öncesi dönemde öğrenilmesi için mekanda kullanılan görseller ve bunları destekleyici yabancı dilde kelimeler ile görsel hafıza da yer etmesi sağlanabilmektedir. Bu sayede öğrenilen yabancı dildeki kelimeler ile hafızadaki ilişki kuvvetlenerek hatırlanması kolaylaşmaktadır. Bu makalenin amacı Montessori anaokullarında kullanılan mekan ihtiyaçlarını ve günümüz okullarında oluşturulan modern tasarımları araştırmaktadır. Sonuç olarak mekanda kullanılan eğrisel formlar ve donatı elemanlarının boyutlarının çocuklara göre tasarlanması ile çocuğun özgürce hareket edebileceği mekanlar eldeilmektedir. Bu mekanlar bir bütünlük içerisinde estetik bir uyum ile tasarlanmalıdır. Bir düzen içerisinde organize edilmiş az ve yeterli sayıda renk ve obje ile daha huzurlu bir mekan oluşturulmaktadır. Tasarımda ana unsuru yetişkinler ve çocuklar arasındaki olumlu ilişkiler oluşturmaktadır. Mekan tasarımı da bu ilişkiyi desteklemektedir. Doğal aydınlatma, uygun boyutta askılıklar, depolama alanlarının yeterli ve güvenli olması, dolaşım alanlarının yeterli olması da gerekmektedir. / Kindergartens are educational institutions that support the knowledge and skills of preschool children. In kindergartens in different education systems, areas are created according to the types of activities. In this period when perception and the environment are of great importance, spaces that will inspire children's imaginations should be designed. Children's creativity is supported by the visual language learned before verbal skills. In addition, safe furniture in the space allows children to move freely and gain a sense of responsibility. In addition to the mother tongue, it is possible to learn foreign languages in the pre-school period. Therefore, it can be ensured that the language is embedded in the memory with the visuals used in the space and the words in the foreign language supporting them. In this way, the relationship in the memory with the words in the learned foreign language is strengthened and the recall of the word becomes easier. This article aims to explore the space needs found in Montessori kindergartens and the modern designs created in today's schools. As a result, designing the dimensions of the furniture used in the space according to children ensures that children can move freely, implement their own decisions and receive an education without encountering obstacles. The kindergarten interior should be designed with an aesthetic harmony within a unity. Overmuch colors and toys cause a distraction for children. A more peaceful space is created with a sufficient number of colors and objects organized in order.

Language: Turkish

DOI: 10.29228/JASSS.52208

ISSN: 2148-4163


✓ Peer Reviewed

Prospects of Morality-Based Education in the 21st Century

Available from: University of Management and Technology (Pakistan)

Publication: Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, vol. 11, no. 1

Pages: 1-21

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Abstract/Notes: This article proposes to re-focus education towards morality and universal values, which have always been the traditional aim of education. This paper is designed using a qualitative research method applying content analysis to textual and video materials from a historical and contemporary perspectives. The paper demonstrates morality problems of the current mainstream education systems and how alternative systems are better equipped to inculcate values. It is observed that trans-disciplinary, problem-based and religious education helps build stronger ethical foundation in students regardless of their geographical location or income levels. The article proposes for schools and universities to include community engagement programmes in their curricula, support religious communities through special programmes, and promote values education at all levels not through academic subjects but through studies, research and development of real-life application of ethics at local and international levels. The paper adds value to existing research on ethics and values-based education and calls for further research in the field of education. It is also relevant to policy makers and researchers in public policy disciplines.morality-based education, trans-disciplinary approach, holistic education, universal values, ethics, alternative education

Language: English

DOI: 10.32350/jitc.111.01

ISSN: 2520-0313

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