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206 results


L'evoluzione della specie e le relazioni umane

Available from: Atlante Montessori

Publication: Vita dell'Infanzia (Opera Nazionale Montessori), vol. 32, no. 11-12

Pages: 44-45

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0042-7241

Master's Thesis

Montessori materyallerinin zihin engelli ve işitme engelli çocukların alıcı dil gelişiminden görsel algı düzeyine etkisi [The effect of Montessori materials on the level of visual perception from receptive language development of developmentally disabled and hearing impaired children]

Available from: Selçuk University (Turkey)

Asia, Developmentally disabled children, Hearing impaired children, Language development, Middle East, Montessori materials, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Engelli çocukların gelişmesi ve iyi yönde ilerleme kaydetmesi, devam ettikleri okullarda almış oldukları eğitim hizmetinin niteliği ile yakından ilişkisi vardır. Engelli çocuklar, diğer normal çocuklar gibi yaşamlarını bağımsız olarak sürdürebilmeleri için günlük yaşamda gerekli bazı davranışları öğrenmeleri gerekir. Engelli çocuklar görerek ve dokunarak öğrendikleri için materyal öğretiminin önemli bir yeri ve eğitici bir etkisi vardır. Pedagojinin etkili temsilcilerinden M. Montessori bu gerçeği görerek engelli çocukların bazı davranışları kolaylıkla edinebilmeleri için farklı gelişim alanlarına yönelik çeşitli materyaller geliştirmiş ve engelli çocukların duyu organlarının eğitimine ağırlık vermiştir. Bu amaçla araştırmada Montessori-Materyallerinden 'geometrik cisimlerin' işitme engelli ve zihin engelli çocukların alıcı dil becerilerinden görsel algı düzeyleri üzerinde etkili olup olmadığı saptanmak istenmiştir. Araştırmanın evreni, Konya'daki KOMMES-İşitme ve Konuşma Özürlüler Rehabilitasyon Merkezine ve EMPATİ-Zihinsel Yetersiz Çocukları Yetiştirme ve Koruma Vakfı'na devam etmekte olan ve belirlenen ön koşul becerilerinin yerine getirebilen 20 işitme engelli (on çocuk kontrol grubu-10 çocuk deney grubu olmak üzere), 20'de zihin engelli (on çocuk kontrol grubu-10 çocuk deney grubu olmak üzere), toplam 40 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmada ön test son test kontrol gruplu model uygulanmıştır. Öğrencilerin alıcı dil becerilerinden görsel algı düzeyleri Dönmez ve arkadaşlarının (1997) dil gelişimi etkinlikleri çalışmasından yararlanılarak araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan 5 maddelik ölçek ile ölçülmüştür. Bu maddeler; 1. tanıyabilme 2. ayırt edebilme 3. gruplayabilme 4. şekil seçme ve bulabilme 5. başka şekiller oluşturabilme Araştırmanın amacına göre ki-kare kullanılmış ve grupların ortalamaları arasındaki farklılıklar 't' testi ile yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonunda işitme engelli ve zihin engelli öğrencilerin görsel algı düzeylerine ilişkin başlangıç düzeylerine ait bulgularına bakıldığında işitme engellilerde (hem deney hem de kontrol grubunda) sonuçların anlamlı olmadığı; zihin engellilerin başlangıç düzeylerine ait bulgularına bakıldığında ise sonuçların anlamlı olduğuna varılmıştır. Başlangıç düzeyi tespitinden sonra 6 haftalık bir süreçte programın etkililiğini incelemek için Montessori-Materyali 'geometrik cisimler' uygulanmıştır. Bu süre sonunda işitme engelliler deney grubunda alıcı dil becerilerinden görsel algı düzeylerinde önemli bir değişiklik saptanmamıştır, zihin engelli deney grubunda ise görsel algı düzeylerinde önemli bir değişiklik elde edilmiştir. Her grup kendi içersinde başlangıç düzeyleri ve 6 haftalık bir süre sonunda test düzeyleri karşılaştırıldığında elde edilen bulgular ise şu şekildedir; İşitme engelli deney grubunun başlangıç düzeyini kontrol grubu ile denk olduğu, 6 haftalık uygulama sonunda da anlamlı düzeyde yüksek olmadığı saptanmıştır. Zihin engelli deney grubunun ise başlangıç düzeyi kontrol grubu ile denk olarak saptanmış, fakat 6 haftalık uygulama sonunda elde edilen sonucun anlamlı düzeyde yüksek olduğu tespit olmuştur. Kontrol gruplarına ise 6 hafta boyunca geleneksel yöntem ile öğretimlerine devam edilmiştir. 6 hafta sonra uygulanan test düzeyleriyle başlangıç düzeyleri karşılaştırıldığında manidar bir farklılık bulunmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. / There is a closest relation and correlation between the positive progressing for underdeveloped-spastic children and the quality of training and their educational performance that was given by their school. In order to continue and follow up their daily life by themselves just like a normal ones, they - underdeveloped children must learn some attitudes, so that underdeveloped children learn by sights and sensation. Therefore, learning by materials has a big importance and also these materials have a great training effects on their learning period. M. Montessori, who created some new approaches on pedagogy by her prescient for reality, developed new methods and created different materials focus on differentiated progressive fields of gaining attitudes and talents by underdeveloped children, hence Montessori focused on the training of senses of underdeveloped children. The purpose of this research study is determination of the effectiveness of 'geometric objects' which included by Montessori training materials, over the children's, those are deafness and mentally insufficient, receptive linguistic of the level of visual perception. The environment-space of this research study is KOMMES-Deafness And Non-Speaker Rehabilitation Center and EMPATİ-Mentally Insufficient Children Training and Protection Foundation. This experimental research study covers insufficient children follow up the courses and training of these two scholl, the selected 20 deafness children who can perform predetermined and conditioned talents (10 of these for controlling, the other 10 for experimental purposes) additionally 20 mentally insufficient children (again 10 for control and the other 10 for experimental purposes). 40 children totally were followed up. In this study Salomon's four-quadral-group model was applied and examined. Them, the students' receptive linguistic abilities through the level of visual perception - Dönmez and Ark's study of linguistic development effectiveness (1997) was measured with 5 factors scale which was prepared by researcher. These are 1. Recognition, 2. Distinguishing, 3. Sorting-Grouping, 4. Selection of figures and finding, 5. Creating the figures and forming. According to aim of this research-study, ki-square was used and the differences between the means of each group were determined by 't' test method. The results of this research study are, the beginning levels of visual perception of deafness children and of the children who are mentally insufficient; it is found that the results of deafness children-for both in control and in experimental group, are not meaningful. The findings of the level of beginning for mentally insufficient children are meaningful. After the determination of the beginning level, Geometric-three dimensional-objects from Montessori's materials method was applied in order to inspect the effectiveness of program for 6 weeks period. At the end of this period, for the experimental group of deafness children. It cannot be found that important changes on the level of visual perception of receptive linguistic talents, On the other hand, in experimental group covers the mentally insufficient children, important changes on visual perception level were found. For each group, the beginning levels of intra group and end of the 6 weeks period, comparing the group's level of test, the findings are as follow: The level of beginning for the experimental group of deafness children is equivalent to the level of beginning for the control group. After the 6 weeks experimental application, it was found that the level changes are not meaningful as much as. It was found that the level of beginning for the experimental group of mentally insufficient children is equivalent to the level of beginning for the control group these are mentally insufficient children. But, end of the 6 weeks experimental application, meaningful changes were taken from results. Along with the 6 weeks period, in controlling groups, the training and learning progress had been continued based on conventional method. End of the 6 weeks period, by the level of applied test and the level of beginning were compared. It was found that there is no valuable and notable differences between these two.

Language: Turkish

Published: Konya, Turkey, 2005

Master's Thesis

A Study of the Effectiveness of Instruction in Multi-Age Grading vs. Traditional Single-Grade Level Organization on the Reading Achievement of Fourth Graders

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: A study examined the effects of multi-age/grade instruction, compared to the traditional single-grade approach, on the reading achievement of fourth graders. Subjects, 22 fourth-graders in a single-grade class, were divided into instructional groups based on chronological age while the instructional grouping for 22 students in a combined fourth and fifth grade class at a neighboring school cut across age and grade levels. The Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills was used to measure the growth in "total reading" over a 1-year period. Results indicated no statistically significant difference between means of the two groups, although a positive mean score in favor of the multi-age instructional design was noted. (A 50-item bibliography, and the themes of study and sample lesson plans for both groups are attached.) (RS)

Language: English

Published: Danbury, Connecticut, 1989

Book Section

Le giovani leve del lavoro e l'assistenza ai disoccupati [Young workers and assistance to the unemployed]

Book Title: L'orientamento professionale come educazione civica: atti del 5. Congresso nazionale Montessori, Messina, 19-21 settembre 1959 [Professional guidance as civic education: proceedings of the 5th Montessori National Congress, Messina, 19-21 September 1959]

Pages: 343-357


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Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Vita dell'infanzia, 1960


Computers, Language Development, and Literacy and the Preschool Level

Publication: NAMTA Bulletin

Pages: 1-5

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Language: English


Cosmic Education at the Elementary Level and the Role of the Materials

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 22, no. 1

Pages: 40-63

Cosmic education, Montessori materials, North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Abstract/Notes: Defines Cosmic Education using Mario Montessori's concrete illustration of the interdisciplinary and synthetic nature of the program. Suggests that the "The Great River," a sixth "Great Lesson," can be a framework for the history of human cooperation, and that this story lays the groundwork for teaching an understanding of social cooperation and solidarity in Montessori schools. (KDFB)

Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734


Toward the Ultimate Goal of Peace: How a Montessori Education at the High School Level Supports Moral Development through Study and Community Life

Available from: ERIC

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 39, no. 1

Pages: 161-192

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Abstract/Notes: This paper is the synthesis of Elizabeth Henke's four years of work from 2009-2013: three years at the high school and one year at the University for Peace. She summarizes, "A Montessori high school education should reveal to the adolescent a pathway to peace that is built on positive human relations and should provide opportunities for contributions to the community that result in experiences of valorization. The organizing principles of the universe and society are revealed in the core of each discipline, and a moral framework emerges before the adolescent when disciplines are explored with the help of experts." This is the first Montessori document that attempts to directly derive moral essentials from teacher interviews about formal high school disciplines that develop peaceful communication and action and bring an understanding of peace theory to students at the Montessori High School at University Circle, in Cleveland, OH.

Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734


Standardized Scrutiny Learning Disabilities Testing at the Elementary Montessori 6-9 Level

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Language: English

Published: [S.I.]: s.n.], 1983


Maria Montessori: haar leven en werk in kort bestek

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Language: Dutch

Published: Amsterdam, The Netherlands: [s.n.], 1966


Montessori: een boekje over haar leven en over haar werk

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Language: Dutch

Published: Badhoevedorp, The Netherlands: Nederlandse Montessori Vereniging, 1998

ISBN: 90-73689-10-4

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