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206 results

Doctoral Dissertation

Skolans Levda Rum och Lärandets Villkor: Meningsskapande i Montessoriskolans Fysiska Miljö [The School's Living Space and the Conditions of Learning: Creating Meaning in the Montessori School's Physical Environment]

Architecture, Design, Environment, Europe, Nordic countries, Northern Europe, Scandinavia, Sweden

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Abstract/Notes: This study examines the school’s physical environment as a place of learning, and takes its starting point in the phenomenology movement, inspired both by Merleau-Ponty’s thesis of man’s physical relation to the world and by the existential analysis represented by Heidegger which implies a mutual relationship between man and the world. Such a view rejects a standpoint which describes man as being divided between a material body and a thinking soul. Instead, there emerges an embodied self which engages in meaningful interaction with its surroundings. The choice of this standpoint has implications for the design of the school’s physical environment. Montessori pedagogy is one of the activity-based pedagogies which have designed the physical environment in line with this theory. The purpose of the study is to understand, but further to visualise, the way in which the conditions for learning for children and adolescents are created in schools, from pre-school to lower secondary level, which follow the Montessori pedagogy. The material for the empirical study has been gathered from Europe and the US and from differing social contexts. The reason for this is to discover what distinguishes the prepared environment. The study also discusses the way in which the argument for a form of schooling which is based on activity, from the early 20th century to the present day, has been addressed through the architectural design of schools. The thesis shows that the rich array of didactic material in the schools observed offers pupils the opportunity to perform activities which create meaning. The organisation of the environment provides the pupils with the necessary conditions to concentrate fully on their work and to complete their tasks without interruption. I see the didactic continuity which prevails from pre-school to the lower secondary school in the Montessori schools studied as a prerequisite if the pedagogical activity is to offer meaning and create the conditions for learning in the way demonstrated by the empirical studies.

Language: Swedish

Published: Stockholm, Sweden, 2012


Leven in Christus: liturgische studies voor de jeugd

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Abstract/Notes: Translated from the Italian.

Language: Dutch

Published: Hilversum, The Netherlands: Brand, 1936

Edition: 1st ed.


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Level of Using the Montessori Curriculum by Teachers of Students with Intellectual Disabilities / O Nível de Utilização do Currículo Montessori por Professores de Alunos com Deficiência Intelectual

Available from: Universidade Católica de Petrópolis

Publication: Synesis, vol. 15, no. 2

Pages: 338-356

Children with disabilities, Curricula, Developmental disabilities, Developmentally disabled children, Developmentally disabled youth, Intellectual disability, Montessori method of education, Teachers

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Abstract/Notes: This study aims to identify the level of use of the Montessori curriculum by teachers of students with intellectual disabilities (ID) in elementary schools. It also aims to reveal whether there are statistically significant differences in the level of use of the Montessori curriculum by teachers according to the variables of gender, level of education, years of experience, and training they received. The study sample consisted of 304 teachers of students with ID in elementary schools in Riyadh.  The results showed that teachers of students with ID use the Montessori curriculum with a low degree. The results showed there were statistically significant differences in the responses of the study sample according to the teachers’ education levels and the number of training courses. These differences favored the study sample individuals with a higher level of education and individuals with more training courses. On the other hand, the results showed no statistically significant differences in the responses of the study sample about using the Montessori curriculum based on the teacher’s experience or gender. / Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar o nível de utilização do currículo Montessori por professores de alunos com deficiência intelectual (DI) no ensino fundamental. Pretende ainda revelar se existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas no nível de utilização do currículo Montessori pelos professores segundo as variáveis género, nível de escolaridade, anos de experiência e formação recebida. A amostra do estudo consistiu de 304 professores de alunos com DI em escolas primárias em Riad. Os resultados mostraram que os professores de alunos com DI utilizam o currículo Montessori com baixa titulação. Os resultados mostraram que houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas respostas da amostra do estudo de acordo com o nível de escolaridade dos professores e o número de cursos de formação. Essas diferenças favoreceram na amostra do estudo indivíduos com maior nível de escolaridade e indivíduos com mais cursos de formação. Por outro lado, os resultados não mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas respostas da amostra do estudo sobre o uso do currículo Montessori com base na experiência ou gênero do professor.

Language: English

ISSN: 1984-6754

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

Impact of Montessori Kindergarten and Play Way Methods on the Level of Cognitive Development Among Pre Primary Children

Available from: Shodhganga: Indian Theses

Child development, Cognitive development, Comparative education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Montessori schools, Preschool children

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Language: English

Published: Dindigul, India, 2022


Montessori metodo reikšmė vaikų ikimokykliniam ugdymui švietimo reformos kontekste / Importance of Montessori's method for pre-primary level upbringing in implementation of educational reform

Publication: Tiltai: humanitariniai ir socialiniai mokslai / humanities and social sciences, vol. 3, no. 16

Pages: 25–32

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Language: Lithuanian

ISSN: 1392-3137


Aprestamiento de la lectoescritura con material Montessori en el nivel de educación [Reading and writing readiness with Montessori material at the educational level]

Available from: Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (La Paz, Bolivia)

Americas, Bolivia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Literacy, Montessori materials, South America

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Abstract/Notes: El trabajo en la modalidad de Memoria Laboral denominado “Aprestamiento de la Lectoescritura con Material Montessori en el Nivel de Educación Inicial en Familia Comunitaria”, surge de la inquietud de dar a conocer el trabajo realizado a lo largo de estos catorce años en la Unidad Educativa Montessori; donde se reafirmó la filosofía, se reestructuró el método y se implementó el adecuado manejo de los materiales. Para lograr un aprendizaje significativo en el proceso de la lectoescritura se deben utilizar diversas metodologías que contribuyan a ello. Inicialmente, si se tiene en cuenta que, al trabajar con hechos, acontecimientos y actividades del medio sociocultural, se está desarrollando en el niño un gran sentido de pertenencia con la sociedad, también se favorece el desarrollo de los procesos lectoescritores, pues al trabajar con situaciones reales que estén presentes y que hagan parte de la vida del niño/a. Se busca generar en el compromiso y sobre todo interés por actividades tan importantes como lo son la lectura y la escritura. Para esto hay que crear en el niño y la niña la necesidad de desarrollar dichas actividades no solo en sus procesos educativos, sino también en la vida y para la vida. Las actividades de aprestamiento para el aprendizaje de la lectura y escritura son básicas y de mucha importancia. El aprestamiento para la lectoescritura con material Montessori, tiene como finalidad iniciar un proceso de intervención que ayude a prevenir o superar problemas que puedan incidir negativamente en el desarrollo del aprendizaje del niño o niña. El método Montessori impulsa principios educativos como la libertad, la actividad y la autonomía; da gran importancia a la autoeducación y al docente como guía del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, éste propone material didáctico auto corrector que contribuye a lograr una "educación sensorial completa y graduada”.

Language: Spanish

Published: La Paz, Bolivia, 2019

Book Section

The Successive Levels of Education

Book Title: From Childhood To Adolescence

Pages: 1-2

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Language: English

Published: Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company, 2007

ISBN: 978-90-79506-17-0

Series: The Montessori Series , 12


Toward the Ultimate Goal of Peace: How a Montessori Education at the High School Level Supports Moral Development Through Study and Social Life

Publication: AMI Journal (2013-), vol. 2013, no. 1-2

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Language: English

ISSN: 2215-1249, 2772-7319


The First Level of Obedience

Publication: Point of Interest, vol. 2, no. 2

Pages: 1–3

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Language: English


A Developmental Approach to Interpersonal and Moral Awareness in Young Children: Some Theoretical and Educational Implications of Levels of Social Perspective Taking

Publication: American Montessori Society Bulletin, vol. 14, no. 2

Pages: 1-15

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Language: English

ISSN: 0277-9064

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