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MSAC Accredited Schools

Publication: The National Montessori Reporter, vol. 29, no. 2

Pages: 32

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Language: English


The SchoolHome: Rethinking Schools for Changing Families

Available from: Books to Borrow @ Internet Archive

Educational change

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Abstract/Notes: A century ago, John Dewey remarked that when home changes radically, school must change as well. With home, family, and gender roles dramatically altered in recent years, we are faced with a difficult problem: in the lives of more and more American children, no one is home. The Schoolhome proposes a solution. Drawing selectively from reform movements of the past and relating them to the unique needs of today's parents and children, Jane Martin presents a philosophy of education that is responsive to America's changed and changing realities. As more and more parents enter the workforce, the historic role of the domestic sphere in the education and development of children is drastically reduced. Consequently, Martin advocates removing the barriers between the school and the home--making school a metaphorical "home," a safe and nuturant environment that provides children with the experience of affection and connection otherwise missing or inconsistent in their lives. In this proposition, the traditional schoolhouse where children are drilled in the three Rs is transformed into a "schoolhome" where learning is animated by an ethic of social awareness. At a time when many school reformers are calling for a return to basics and lobbying for skills education and quick-fix initiatives, Martin urges us to reconsider the distinctive legacies of Dewey and Montessori and to conceive of a school that integrates the values of the home with those of social responsibility. With cultural diversity and gender equality among its explicit goals, the schoolhome expands upon Dewey's edict to educate the "whole child," seeking instead to educate all children in the culture's whole heritage. Martin eloquently challenges reformers to reclaim the founding fathers' vision of the nation as a domestic realm, and to imagine a learning environment whose curriculum and classroom practice reflect not merely an economic but a moral investment in the future of our children. More than a summons to action, this remarkable book is a call to rethink the assumptions we bring to the educational enterprise, and so, to act wisely.

Language: English

Published: Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1992

Edition: 1st

ISBN: 978-0-674-04067-0 978-0-674-79265-4 978-0-674-79266-1

Master's Thesis

Montessori eğitimi alan ve almayan okul öncesi dönemdeki çocukların oyun davranışlarının incelenmesi / Investigation of preschool children's play behaviors in Montessori and non-Montessori preschools

Available from: Ulusal Tez Merkezi / National Thesis Center (Turkey)

Asia, Comparative education, Middle East, Montessori method of education, Preschool children - Play, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: The aim of this study is to analyze the peer play behaviors of preschool children according to views of their teachers and their parents by the type of school. The research sample consisted of parents of 36-72 months old children attending Private Montessori Preschools and Private Preschools in Çankaya, Ankara (N = 243) and teachers working in these schools (N = 46). Penn Interactive Peer Play Scale-Parent Form (PIPPS-P) and Penn Interactive Peer Play Scale-Teacher Form (PIPPS-T) that were developed by Fantuzzo, Mendez and Tighe (1998) and were made its adaptation to Turkish by Ahmetoğlu, Acar and Aral (2016, 2017), General Information Form "including sociodemographic characteristics of children and their parents and General Information Form which includes sociodemographic and professional characteristics of teachers were used. The study was designed in quantitative research approach and survey method was used. While analyzing the data, Independent Sample t Test, Paired t Test and descriptive statistical methods were used. In the result of the study; it is seen that the majority of the parents in both groups are between 36 and 40 years of age, they have a job and they work, have a nuclear family, and have one child. It is observed that teachers working in Montessori Private Schools are younger, have higher level education than the teachers working in Private Schools. It was found that all of the teachers allow outdoor time to children in daily routine in both groups. Outdoor time span varies from school to school at Montessori Private Preschools. Outdoor time span varies from school to school besides it varies from teacher to teacher in the same school at Private Preschools. It has seen in the research that Private preschools' teachers didn't take Montessori teacher training and Montessori preschool teacher's took Montessori teacher training. It was determined that the teachers working in the Montessori preschools took Montessori trainings from the school director that they are working for. Factor Analyses showed that there is no significant difference in the scores of "Play Disruption" and "Play Disconnection" factors of Penn Interactive Peer Play Scale-Parent Form (PIPPS-P) and Penn Interactive Peer Play Scale-Teacher Form (PIPPS-T) (p>0,05). There is significant difference in the third factor of both scales: "Play Disconnection" (p<0,05). Teacher scores are higher than parents' scores. In addition, the opinions of the teachers who participated in the research were compared with the opinions of parents. Factor analyes show that there is significant different in all areas (p<0,05). Teacher's scores are higher than parents' scores in tha factors of "Play Disruption" and "Play Disconnection". Parents' scores are higher than teachers' scores in factor of "Play Disconnection". Preschool is a period from three to six years. This age range is a period in which children play with their peers. As a result of playing with peers, positive play behaviors ("Play Interaction") such as sharing his/her toy with a friend, showing positive emotions during the play and negative play behaviors ("Play Disruption") such as usurping his/her friend toys, crying, showing agression are common play behaviors of preschool children. As a result of the study, both the teachers and parents' opinions show that the positive and negative play behaviors of children do not differ according to the type of school. In other words, there is no difference between the positive and negative play behaviors of preschool children who attend Montessori and who attend Non-Montessori schools. According to the result, we can say that wherever there is a child there is play and this situation does not differ according to the type of school. However, according to the type of school, the point that differs is about "Play Disconnection". The scores of the "Play Disconneciton" which includes play behaviors such as wandering outside the play group, refusing to participate in play are high in Montessori group. In other words, "Play Disconnection" behaviors are more common in children who are attending Montessori schools. The reason for the result can be explained by the principles of Montessori education. The principle of free choice and respect to the child. In Montessori schools, children are not forced for anything even play. Therefore, the child participates in the play whenever he/she wants. If he/she doesn't want to participate in the play it is okey for teachers so children are free walking in a classroom, outside the play group. / Bu çalışmada; Montessori eğitimi veren özel okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarına devam eden çocuklar ile MEB programı uygulayan özel okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarına devam eden çocukların oyun davranışlarının, anne-baba ve öğretmen görüşlerine göre incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, Ankara ili Çankaya ilçesinde bulunan Montessori eğitimi veren özel okul öncesi eğitim kurumları ve MEB programı uygulayan özel okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarına devam eden 36-72 aylık çocukların anne-babaları (n=243) ve öğretmenleri (n=46) oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma grubundaki çocukların akran oyun davranışlarını incelemek amacıyla Fantuzzo, Mendez ve Tighe (1998) tarafından geliştirilen; Ahmetoğlu, Acar ve Aral (2016, 2017) tarafından Türkçeye uyarlaması yapılan "Penn Etkileşimli Akran Oyun Ölçeği Ebeveyn Formu (PEAOÖ-E)", "Penn Etkileşimli Akran Oyun Ölçeği Öğretmen Formu (PEAOÖ-Ö)", çocukların ve anne-babalarının sosyodemografik özelliklerini içeren "Anne-Baba Genel Bilgi Formu" ile öğretmenlerin sosyodemografik ve mesleki özelliklerini içeren "Öğretmen Genel Bilgi Formu" kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde parametrik testlerden Bağımlı Örneklem t Tesi (Independent Samples t Test) ve Bağımsız Örneklem t Testi (Paired Samples t Test), tanımlayıcı istatistiksel metotlar (yüzde, ortalama, maksimum ve minumum değerler) kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada; her iki gruptaki anne-babalarının büyük çoğunluğunun 36-40 yaş aralığında olduğu, çalıştığı, çoğunluğunun çekirdek aileye ve tek çocuğa sahip olduğu görülmektedir. Montessori eğitimi uygulayan ÖOÖEK'da çalışan öğretmenlerin MEB programı uygulayan ÖOÖEK'ndaki öğretmenlere göre daha genç oldukları, lisans/lisansüstü mezuniyet oranının daha yüksek olduğu görülmektedir. Her iki grupta da öğretmenlerin, çocukları her gün açık havaya çıkardıkları, Montessori eğitimi veren okullarda günlük açık hava saatinin sadece okuldan okula değiştiği, okul bazında ise her okulun standart bir açık hava saati uygulamasının bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. MEB programı uygulayan kuramlarda ise açık hava saatinin kurumdan kuruma ve aynı kurumda çalışan öğretmenden öğretmene değişiklik gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Montessori okullarında çalışan öğretmenlerin Montessori eğitimi almış ya da hali hazırda eğitim alıyor oldukları ve bu eğitimleri kurum müdürlerinin verdiği belirlenmiştir. Hem öğretmen (PEAOÖ-Ö) hem de ebeveyn formunun (PEAOÖ-E) "oyun etkileşimi" ve "oyunun bozulması" alt faktörlerinden alınan puanlar arasındaki farklılık anlamlı değilken (p>0,05), "oyundan kopma" davranışında Montessori eğitimi veren ÖOÖEK devam eden çocuklar yönünde anlamlı farklılık bulunduğu görülmüştür (p<0,05). Araştırmaya alınan çocukların akran oyun davranışlarının anne-baba ve öğretmen görüşleri arasında farklılık bulunup bulunmadığı incelenmiş; "Oyun Ektileşimi, Oyunun Bozulması ve Oyundan Kopma" faktörlerinin tümünde anlamlı farklılık olduğu tespit edilmiştir. "Oyun Etkileşimi ve Oyunun Bozulması" alt faktörlerindeki anlamlılık öğretmen görüşü yönünde farklılık gösteriyor iken "Oyundan Kopma" alt faktörü anne-baba görüşü yönünde anlamlı farklılık göstermektedir. Okul öncesi dönem üç-altı yaş arasını kapsayan bir dönemdir. Bu yaş aralığı çocukların akranları ile yoğun bir şekilde oyun oynadıkları bir dönemdir. Akranları ile oyun oynamanın bir sonucu olarak çocuklarda "Oyun Etkileşimi" alt faktörünün altında bulunan "arkadaşı ile oyuncağını paylaşma, oyun esnasında olumlu duygular gösterme" gibi olumlu oyun davranışları ve "Oyunun Bozulması" alt faktörünün altında bulunan "arkadaşının oyuncağını zorla alma, ağlama, kızgınlık gösterme" gibi olumsuz oyun davranışlarını gösterme durumları olağandır. Araştırma sonucundan da anlaşılacağı üzere hem öğretmen hem de anne-baba görüşlerine bakıldığında çocukların olumlu ve olumsuz oyun davranışları okul türüne göre farklılık göstermemektedir. Diğer bir ifade ile Montessori eğitimi alan ve almayan okul öncesi dönem çocuklarının olumlu ve olumsuz sayılabilecek oyun davranışlarında farklılık bulunmamaktadır. Bu sonuca göre diyebiliriz ki çocuğun bulunduğu her yerde oyun da mevcuttur ve bu durum okul türüne göre farklılık göstermemektedir. Fakat okul türüne göre farklılık gösteren nokta ise "Oyundan Kopma" alt faktöründedir. "Oyun grubunun dışında gezinir, oyuna katılmayı reddetme" gibi davranışları içeren "Oyundan Kopma" alt faktörünün puanları Montessori eğitimi alan çocuklarda yüksek çıkmıştır. Yani oyundan kopma davranışı Montessori eğitimi alan çocuklarda daha sık görülmektedir. Bunun sebebi de Montessori eğtiminin ilkelerinden çocuğa saygı, özgür seçim ilkesi, konsantrasyon ile açıklanabilir. Montessori okullarında çocuklar hiçbirşey için oyun oynamak için dahi zorlanmazlar. Dolayısıyla çocuk istediği zaman oyuna katılır, istemediğinde ise sınıfta serbest gezmede özgürdür.

Language: Turkish

Published: Ankara, Turkey, 2019


Een Ander Bezoek aan een Montessori-schools

Available from: Delpher - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland

Publication: Het Kind, vol. 34, no. 23

Pages: 596-598

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Language: Dutch


Výběr žáků do tříd a škol uplatňujících pedagogiku Marie Montessori / Selection of pupils into classes and schools applying the pedagogy of Maria Montessori

Available from: Univerzita Karlova Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: Tato diplomová práce zkoumá výběr žáků do tříd a škol uplatňujících pedagogiku Marie Montessori. Cílem diplomové práce bylo zjistit, jak si jednotlivé školy vybírají žáky do tříd a škol Marie Montessori. Dále bylo zkoumáno, jaké důvody vedou rodiče k volbě této pedagogiky pro jejich dítě a jaké podmínky musí rodiče a žáci splnit pro přijetí do tohoto vzdělávání. V poslední řadě jsem analyzovala, jak probíhá přijímací řízení. Základním výzkumným designem byla vícepřípadová studie. Cíleně jsem vybrala čtyři základní školy s touto pedagogikou jak ve velkém městě, tak v menších městech. Výzkum jsem rozdělila na dvě části. V první části jsem vedla polostrukturované rozhovory se zaměstnanci zvolených škol a s rodiči dětí z Montessori tříd. V druhé části jsem pozorovala samotné zápisy do 1. tříd. Zjistila jsem, že každá škola má definované požadavky na výběr žáků a tyto požadavky se mezi školami výrazně liší. Rodiče volí školy uplatňující pedagogiku M. Montessori, z důvodu individuálního přístupu k jednotlivcům. Pedagogové se domnívají, že je vhodné, aby rodiče doma uplatňovali stejné výchovné metody a že by toto rádi uplatňovali jako přijímací kritérium. Celý průběh zápisu probíhal stejně jako v běžných školách. Rozdíl byl především v používání Montessori pomůcek / This diploma thesis examines the pupil selection to Marie Montessori pedagogical classes and schools. The aim of the thesis was to find out how the individual schools choose pupils in Marie Montessori classes and schools. Furthermore, it was examined what reasons parents have to choose this pedagogy for their child and what conditions parents and pupils have to fulfill for admission to this education. Last but not least, I analyzed how the admission procedure is taking place. The basic research design was a multi-case study. I chose four primary schools with this pedagogy in the big city as well as in smaller towns. I divided the research into two parts. In the first part I conducted semi-structured interviews with employees of selected schools and with parents of children from Montessori classes. In the second part I observed the first class admission interviews. I have found out that each school has defined pupil selection requirements and that these requirements vary considerably between schools. Parents opt for the Montessori School because of its individual approach to individuals. Teachers believe that it is appropriate that parents apply the same educational methods at home and that they would like to apply this as an admission criterion. The whole admission interviews were the same as in traditional basic schools. The difference was mainly in the use of Montessori tools.

Language: Czech

Published: Prague, Czechia, 2019


Montessori-skoler i Holland [Montessori schools in the Netherlands]

Publication: Unge paedagoger, vol. 16, no. 2

Pages: 2-6

Europe, Holland, Netherlands, Western Europe

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Language: Danish


A Visit to the New Primary Schools of Rome, Italy

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: American Education, vol. 14, no. 3

Pages: 111-112

Europe, Italy, Southern Europe

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Language: English

ISSN: 0002-8304


Social Interaction in Nursery Schools

Publication: American Montessori Society Bulletin, vol. 12

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Abstract/Notes: Compared the frequencies of peer and adult social interactions, the mean durations of social interactions, and the amounts of negative behaviors of 3-, 4-, and 5-yr-old children of both sexes (N = 131) in a Montessori nursery school, a university laboratory preschool, and a parent cooperative nursery school. The total amount of social interaction, the amount of peer interaction, and the duration of the average social interaction increased with age. The Montessori Ss differed from the Ss in the other 2 schools in amount of peer interaction and in duration of the average interaction in the same direction as older Ss differed from younger Ss. This finding suggests that teacher ratio and age distribution factors enhance the development of social interaction skills in Montessori nursery school children.

Language: English

ISSN: 0277-9064


Discipline in the Schools: A System-Created Problem

Publication: American Montessori Society Bulletin, vol. 11, no. 3

Pages: 7-14

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Language: English

ISSN: 0277-9064


Assessing Creativity and Critical Thinking in Schools: Montessori as a Holistic Intervention

Publication: AMI Journal (2013-), vol. 2014-2015

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Abstract/Notes: The authors project hopes to demonstrate the high Impact of Montessori on academic, economic, and social outcomes and how various educational interventions promote the growth of creativity.

Language: English

ISSN: 2215-1249, 2772-7319

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