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742 results


La medichessa Maria Montessori: le sue strane vicende e le sue conferenze [The doctor Maria Montessori: her strange events and her conferences]

Publication: L'Illustrazione Popolare, vol. 36

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Language: Italian

Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)

A Comparison of Academic Achievement of Montessori and Non-Montessori Students in a Public School Setting

Available from: Florida International University

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Abstract/Notes: Relationships between academic achievement and type of curriculum delivery system, Montessori or traditional, in a diverse group of learners from a public school district were examined in this study. In a repeated measures, within subjects design, students from an elementary Montessori program were paired with agemates from a traditional group on the basis of similar Stanford Achievement Test Scores in reading or math during the baseline year. Two subsequent administrations of the Stanford were observed for each subject to elucidate possible differences which might emerge based on program affiliation over the three year duration of the study. Mathematics scores for both groups were not observed to be significantly different, although following the initial observation, the Montessori group continued to produce higher mean scores than did the traditional students. Marginal significance between the groups suggests that the data analysis should continue in an effort to elucidate a possible trend toward significance at the .05 level. Reading scores for the groups demonstrated marginally significant differences by one analytical method, and significant differences when analyzed with a second method. In the second and third years of the study, Montessori students produced means which consistently outperformed the traditional group. Recommendations included tracking subsequent administrations of the Stanford Achievement Test for all pairs of subjects in order to evaluate emerging trends in both subject areas.

Language: English

Published: Miami, Florida, 1999


Az erkölcsi nevelés alapelvei Montessori rendszerében [Principles of Moral Education in the Montessori System]

Ethics, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: Hungarian

Published: Szeged, Hungary: Ablaka G. Könyvnyomdája, 1938


Montessori 101: Back to Basics . . . Or . . . Some Things Every Montessori Parent Should Know

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 6, no. 4

Pages: 5–11

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


Maria Montessori, Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica applicato all'educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini. Edizione critica, Roma, Edizioni Opera Nazionale Montessori

Available from: La Mediazione Pedagogica

Publication: La Mediazione Pedagogica, vol. 2, no. 1

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Writings, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History

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Language: Italian


✓ Peer Reviewed

Belajar Membaca Dengan Metode Montessori [Learn to Read with the Montessori Method]

Available from: Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Publication: Koloni: Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu [Colony: Multidisciplinary Journal of Science], vol. 1, no. 2

Pages: 656-665

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Reading, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: For early childhood children, the ability to read is complex and detailed. In contrast to the ability to speak which can be obtained naturally from their surroundings, the ability to read must be learned with certain methods. Montessori is a children's education method that can optimize children's potential through learning that involves children's sensory and motor aspects in a detailed and fun way. This article is written to explain how early childhood children learn to read using the Montessori method. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. This research method is library research through data collection techniques obtained through books, journals, articles and other supporting sources. The results of this study explain that in the Montessori method, early childhood learns to read in two stages, namely the pre-reading stage and the technical stage of reading. At the Pre-Reading Stage, children can carry out activities such as talking, singing, listening to stories and reading aloud. At the Technical Stage of Reading, children learn to read through letter sounds or phonics using Sand Paper Letters and Movable Alphabet, building words using Object Boxes and Reading boxes, improving reading skills with Word lists, reading silently using Secret Box, introduced to phrases and sentences, understanding the concept of Subject - Predicate - Object - Description, and finally learning to read books. / Bagi anak usia dini, kemampuan membaca adalah hal yang kompleks dan detail. Berbeda dengan kemampuan berbicara yang dapat diperoleh anak usia dini secara alami dari sekitarnya, kemampuan membaca harus dipelajari anak dengan metodetertentu. Montessori adalah metodependidikan anak yang bisa mengoptimalkan potensi anak melalui pembelajaranyang melibatkan aspek sensori dan motorik anakdengan cara yangdetail danmenyenangkan.Artikel ini ditulis untuk menjelaskan bagaimana anak usia dini belajarmembaca dengan menggunakan metode Montessori. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian desktriptif kualitatif. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research)melalui teknik pengumpulan data yang diperoleh melalui buku, jurnal, artikel dan sumber lain yang mendukung. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa dalam metode Montessori, anak usia dini belajar membacadengan dua tahap, yaitu tahap Pra-Membaca dan tahap Teknis Membaca. Pada tahap Pra-Membaca anak dapat melakukan aktivitas berbincang, bernyanyi, mendengarkan cerita, dan dibacakan cerita.Pada tahap Teknis Membaca anak beraktivitas membunyikanhuruf atau fonik menggunakan alat berupa huruf raba dan huruf lepas, membangun kata menggunakan Kotak Objek dan Kotak Baca, meningkatkan keterampilan membaca dengan Daftar Kata, membaca dalam hati menggunakan Kotak Rahasia, mengenalkan frasa dan kalimat, memahami konsep Subjek -Predikat -Objek -Deskripsi, dan belajar membaca buku.

Language: Indonesian

ISSN: 2828-6863


✓ Peer Reviewed

Presencia de la Pedagogía Montessori en revistas profesionales españolas. El caso de Infancia, Aula de infantil y Cuadernos de Pedagogía / Presence of Montessori Pedagogy in professionals Spanish journals. The case of Infancia, Aula de infantil and Cuadernos de Pedagogía

Available from: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Publication: RELAdEI (Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Infantil), vol. 5, no. 2

Pages: 166-176

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Abstract/Notes: Ofrecemos un estudio sobre la presencia y enfoque de la pedagogía Montessori en las revistas españolas In-fan-cia, Aula de infantil y Cuadernos de Pedagogía. Después de hacer un recuento de la totalidad de artículos que sobre esa pedagogía publicaron las citadas revistas hasta el presente, identificamos su enfoque y los temas abordados. Se encuentra una escasa, aunque creciente, presencia de artículos sobre la educación montessoriana. Al realizar el análisis de contenido, hemos descubierto que la mayoría de estos artículos se refieren a propuestas prácticas fuertemente relacionadas con los principios de la pedagogía Montessori. Considerados en su conjunto, en ellos aparecen todos los temas clave. Este estudio constituye un completo índice y una útil guía para aquellos lectores de lengua castellana que quieran introducirse en el estudio de esta original pedagogía. / This study analyzes the presence and approach of Montessori pedagogy in Spanish journals In-fan-cia, Aula de infantil and Cuadernos de Pedagogía. After recounting all articles about this pedagogy published in the aforementioned journals so far, it is identified the approach and addressed subjects. A small but growing presence of articles on Montessori education was found. In the content analysis, we have found that most of these articles refer to practical proposals strongly related to the principles of Montessori pedagogy. Taken together, key themes appear in all of them. This study is a comprehensive index and a useful guide for those Spanish language readers who want to know this original teaching.

Language: Spanish

ISSN: 2255-0666

Book Section

Maria Montessori und die kosmische Erziehung [Maria Montessori and Cosmic Education]

Book Title: Montessori-Pädagogik und die Erziehungsprobleme der Gegenwart [Montessori Pedagogy and Current Educational Problems]

Pages: 34-47

Cosmic education, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education

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Language: German

Published: Würzburg, Germany: Königshausen und Neumann, 1990

ISBN: 3-88479-423-X


✓ Peer Reviewed

Montessori Eğitiminin Çocukların Gelişimine Etkisinin İncelenmesi / Investigation of the Effects of Montessori Education on Children's Development

Available from: DergiPark Akademik

Publication: Hacettepe Journal of Educational Research, vol. 1, no. 1

Pages: 32-52

Asia, Child development, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Middle East, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Bu araştırmada, Montessori yaklaşımı doğrultusunda gerçekleştirilen öğretmen eğitimi ve eğitim ortamının düzenlenmesi sonucu üç, dört ve beş yaş (36-72 ay) grubundaki (deney ve kontrol grubu) çocuklara verilen Montessori yaklaşımına dayalı eğitimin çocukların gelişim alanları üzerindeki etkisini saptamak amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada, Montessori yaklaşımına dayalı eğitimin çocukların gelişim alanlarına olan etkisini belirlemek amacıyla ön test ve son test kontrol gruplu deneysel desen kullanılmıştır. Ankara Üniversitesi Uygulama Anaokulu 1’e devam eden çocuklar deney grubunu, okul yöneticileri ile öğretmen görüşleri doğrultusunda benzer özelliklere sahip olduğu düşünülen bir üniversite anaokuluna devam eden çocuklar ise kontrol grubunu oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada demografik verileri toplamak amacıyla “Genel Bilgi Formu”, çocukların gelişim alanlarını değerlendirmek için Alpern (2007) tarafından geliştirilen Gelişimsel Profil 3 ile Mardell and Goldenberg (1998) tarafından geliştirilen Öğrenmenin Değerlendirilmesi için Gelişimsel Göstergeler 4 kullanılmıştır. Montessori yaklaşımına dayalı eğitim öncesinde ilk olarak Montessori eğitim ortamı oluşturulmuş ve gelişimsel değerlendirme labratuvarı hazır hale getirilmiştir. Ardından öğretmenler “Montessori Uygulayıcıların Eğitimi” kapsamında eğitim almışlardır. Çalışma sonucunda öğretmen görüşüne göre Öğrenmenin Değerlendirilmesi için Gelişimsel Göstergeler 4’den elde edilen bulgular incelendiğinde, deney ve kontrol grubundaki çocukların öz bakım becerileri ile sosyal duygusal gelişim alt boyutu puanlarında, ebeveyn görüşlerine göre öz bakım becerileri alt boyutu ile toplam gelişim puanlarında deney grubu lehine anlamlı farklılık olduğu saptanmıştır. Gelişim Profil 3‘e ait sonuçlar incelendiğinde de deney ve kontrol grubundaki çocukların öğretmen görüşlerine göre uyumsal davranış boyutunda; ebeveyn görüşlerine göre fiziksel gelişim, bilişsel gelişim, iletişim alt boyutları ile toplam gelişim puanlarında deney grubu lehine anlamlı farklılık olduğu belirlenmiştir. / The present study was aimed at determining the development levels of children aged three, four and five (36-72 months) attending Ankara University Practice Preschool 1, and the effect of Montessori educational approach on their areas of development. A pretest, posttest, retention test experimental design with control group was adopted in the study to determine the effect of Montessori educational approach on children’s areas of development. The experimental group consisted of children attending Ankara University Practice Preschool 1, while the control group consisted of attending a randomly selected university preschool with similar qualifications. The General Information Form was used for data collection purposes, while the Developmental Profile 3 (DP-3) developed by Alpern (2007) and the Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning 4 (DIAL-4) developed by Mardell and Goldenberg (1998) whose validity and reliability studies were used as assessment tools to evaluate children’s areas of development. Prior to the implementation of Montessori education, Montessori educational environment was prepared and a developmental assessment laboratory was set up. Thereafter, teachers received the Montessori Practitioner Training. DIAL-4 results according to teachers’ opinions revealed significant differences between the children in experimental and control groups in self-help skills and social emotional development subscale scores, while according to parents’ opinions, there were significant differences in the self-help skills subcale and overall development scores. DP-3 results revealed significant differences between the children in experimental and control groups in the adaptive behavior subscale according to teachers’ opinions, and physical development, cognitive development and communication subscale scores, as well as, overall development scores of the DP-3 according to parents’ opinions.

Language: Turkish

ISSN: 2458-777X


Montessori자유와 그 교육적 지위 [Montessori Freedom and Its Educational Status]

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 4

Pages: 99-125

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Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417

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