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1363 results


Sacred Struggles of the Montessori Teacher: An Interview with Catherine McTamaney, Author of The Tao of Montessori

Available from: University of Connecticut Libraries - American Montessori Society Records

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 18, no. 2

Pages: 1, 13

Public Montessori

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Abstract/Notes: Includes sample chapter of the book 'The Tao of Montessori'

Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


✓ Peer Reviewed

Scienze Umane e Pratica di Democrazia: Da Maria Montessori a Franco Basaglia [Human Sciences and the Practice of Democracy: From Maria Montessori to Franco Basaglia]

Available from: Torrossa

Publication: Rivista Sperimentale di Freniatria: la rivista dei servizi di salute mentale, vol. 137, no. 1

Pages: 9-32

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: Compra online il PDF di Scienze umane e pratica di democrazia : da Maria Montessori a Franco Basaglia, Babini, Valeria P. - Franco Angeli - Articolo

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.3280/RSF2013-001002

ISSN: 1972-5582, 1129-6437


Dr. Montessori in India (The First All-India Montessori Conference, Pilani, Rajputana)

Publication: The Punjab Educational Journal, vol. 40, no. 11

Pages: 545-549

All-India Montessori Conference (1st, Pilani, India, 27-29 December 1945), Asia, Conferences, India, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, South Asia

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Language: English

ISSN: 0033-4308

Book Section

Montessori Education and Gender: Recasting Gender in Montessori Contexts

Book Title: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Montessori Education

Pages: 469-477

Gender identity, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori spaces and materials have often been framed as “gender neutral” or devoid of gendering practices, but there is a lack of research that has critically engaged with gender in Montessori contexts. This chapter explores current efforts to bring gender and sexuality into the conversation in Montessori circles. Using Maria Montessori’s feminist legacy as a springboard, the need for a sustained engagement with contemporary feminist research to complicate understandings of gender is justified. By utilizing contemporary feminist lens, the gender-neutral status of Montessori materials is ruffled and gender within Montessori practice and theory is re-thought as performative, relational, multiple, situated, and complex.

Language: English

Published: New York, New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023

ISBN: 978-1-350-27561-4 978-1-350-27560-7 978-1-350-27562-1

Series: Bloomsbury Handbooks


✓ Peer Reviewed

Un Jardín Montessori en Colombia / A Montessori Garden in Colombia

Available from: Hemeroteca Científica Catalana

Publication: Educació i Història: Revista d'Història de l'Educació, no. 40

Pages: 183-200

Americas, Colombia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - History, South America

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Abstract/Notes: L’article analitza la creació, el 1934, del primer Jardí Infantil públic a Colòmbia que va tenir com a model el mètode Montessori. El Jardí va ser el lloc de pràctica de les mestres en formació de l’Institut de Preescolar que va funcionar com una secció de l’Institut Pedagògic Nacional per a senyoretes (IPN), inaugurat el 1927. L’aparició d’aquest Jardí Infantil Montessori es descriurà en el context polític de les primeres tres dècades de segle xx, ressaltant el que va significar en el marc dels debats educatius i pedagògics que tenien lloc entre líders polítics i intel·lectuals dels partits liberal i conservador, en disputa pel poder durant aquests anys. Es farà una descripció de les circumstàncies en què va aparèixer el Jardí Infantil i la institució que el va acollir. La singularitat d’aquest Jardí és precisament que va servir de lloc de pràctica per a les futures mestres de preescolar que es formaven a l’IPN, i això el va convertir en un referent per a difondre el mètode Montessori i va orientar la creació d’altres centres similars a diferents parts del país i, en particular, a la ciutat de Bogotà. / L’article analitza la creació, el 1934, del primer Jardí Infantil públic a Colòmbia que va tenir com a model el mètode Montessori. El Jardí va ser el lloc de pràctica de les mestres en formació de l’Institut de Preescolar que va funcionar com una secció de l’Institut Pedagògic Nacional per a senyoretes (IPN), inaugurat el 1927. L’aparició d’aquest Jardí Infantil Montessori es descriurà en el context polític de les primeres tres dècades de segle xx, ressaltant el que va significar en el marc dels debats educatius i pedagògics que tenien lloc entre líders polítics i intel·lectuals dels partits liberal i conservador, en disputa pel poder durant aquests anys. Es farà una descripció de les circumstàncies en què va aparèixer el Jardí Infantil i la institució que el va acollir. La singularitat d’aquest Jardí és precisament que va servir de lloc de pràctica per a les futures mestres de preescolar que es formaven a l’IPN, i això el va convertir en un referent per a difondre el mètode Montessori i va orientar la creació d’altres centres similars a diferents parts del país i, en particular, a la ciutat de Bogotà. / El artículo analiza la creación, en 1934, del primer Jardín Infantil público en Colombia que tuvo como modelo el método Montessori. Dicho Jardín fue el lugar de práctica de las maestras en formación del Instituto de Preescolar que funcionó como una dependencia del Instituto Pedagógico Nacional para señoritas (IPN), inaugurado en 1927. La aparición de este Jardín Infantil Montessori se describirá en el contexto político de las primeras tres décadas del siglo xx, resaltando lo que significó en el marco de los debates educativos y pedagógicos que se adelantaban entre líderes políticos e intelectuales de los partidos liberal y conservador, en disputa por el poder durante esos años. Se hará una descripción de las circunstancias en las que apareció el Jardín Infantil y la institución que lo acogió. La singularidad de este Jardín es precisamente que sirvió de lugar de práctica para las futuras maestras de preescolar que se formaban en el IPN y, en esa medida, fue un referente para difundir el método Montessori, orientando la creación de otros centros similares en diferentes partes del país y, en particular, en la ciudad de Bogotá.

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.2436/e&h.v0i40.150354

ISSN: 2013-9632, 1134-0258


Elementi Montessori Pedagogije u Nastavi [Elements of Montessori Pedagogy in Teaching]

Available from: Hrčak - Portal of Croatian scientific and professional journals

Publication: Varaždinski učitelj: digitalni stručni časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, vol. 4, no. 5

Pages: 305-312

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori bila je liječnica, učiteljica i filozofica, a najpoznatija je po svojoj Montessori metodi podučavanja djece od rođenja do adolescencije. Njena metoda se i danas primjenjuje u školama širom svijeta, a nastala je promatranjem djece tijekom igre. Promatrala je spontanost u dječjim postupcima i otkrila potrebu djece za ponavljanjem, jer ponavljanje postupaka djeci pruža osjećaj sigurnosti. Unosila je red i mir u učionicu jer je dijete moralo smjestiti stvari koje je koristilo na svoje mjesto. Radi u tišini, govori tiho ili šapatom. Osnova njezine metode i učenja su senzorna pomagala. Dijete treba steći sve sadržaje i iskustva svim osjetilima - dodirom, vidom, sluhom, mirisom i okusom. Djeca svoje znanje grade na greškama i eksperimentima. Materijal koji djeca koriste izrađen je na način da djetetu ne treba prisustvo ili intervencija učitelja radi kontrole. Budući da mi je Marie Montessori pedagogija vrlo bliska, jednom tjedno, petkom, poučavala sam u 1. razredu po načelima Montessori pedagogije. S ciljem utvrđivanja i produbljivanja sadržaja stečenih prilikom usvajanja novog gradiva iz svih predmeta. Sadržaji su bili međusobno isprepleteni i povezani. [Maria Montessori was a physician, teacher and philosopher, and is best known for her Montessori method of teaching children from birth to adolescence. Her method is still used today in schools around the world, and was created by observing children during play. She observed spontaneity in children's actions and discovered the need for children to repeat, because repeating actions gives children a sense of security. She brought order and peace to the classroom because the child had to put the things she used in their place. He works in silence, speaks softly or in whispers. The basis of her method and teaching are sensory aids. The child should acquire all the contents and experiences of all the senses - touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. Children build their knowledge on mistakes and experiments. The material used by the children is made in such a way that the child does not need the presence or intervention of a teacher for control. Since Marie Montessori pedagogy is very close to me, once a week, on Fridays, I taught in the 1st grade according to the principles of Montessori pedagogy. With the aim of determining and deepening the content acquired during the adoption of new material from all subjects. The contents were intertwined and interconnected.]

Language: Croatian

ISSN: 2623-7237


I Discorsi Inaugurali del Corso per la Preparazione delle Educatrici Secondo il Metodo Montessori [The Inaugural Speeches of the Course for the Preparation of Educators According to the Montessori Method]

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: La Coltura Popolare: Organo dell'Unione Italiana dell'Educazione Popolare, vol. 4, no. 22

Pages: 1012-1013

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0011-2801


El juego en la concepción educativa de Maria Montessori [Play in the educational conception of Maria Montessori]

Publication: Anales de Instruccion Primaria (Uruguay, 1938), vol. 25, no. 4/5/6

Pages: 94-106

Americas, Latin America and the Caribbean, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education, South America, Uruguay

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Language: Spanish

ISSN: 0797-9843

Doctoral Dissertation

Adaptación, ansiedad y autoestima en niños: comparación entre escuelas tradicional y Montessori [Adaptation, anxiety and self-esteem in children: comparison between traditional and Montessori schools]

Available from: Universidad de las Américas Puebla - Institutional Repository

Americas, Child development, Comparative education, Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico, Montessori method of education, Normalization, Wellbeing

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Abstract/Notes: En el presente trabajo se describen y comparan los niveles de adaptación, ansiedad y autoestima registrados en 72 alumnos de escuela tradicional y 65 de escuela Montessori de la ciudad de Puebla, de entre 9 y 12 años de edad. No habiendo encontrado diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las tres variables estudiadas entre estas dos escuelas, es dado concluir que tanto la adaptación, como la ansiedad y la autoestima son fenómenos determinados por una multiplicidad de factores tanto internos (inteligencia, personalidad, maduración, aptitudes, actitudes, entre otros.), como externos (familia, escuela, sociedad, cultura), que actúan interrelacionados. Así mismo se establecen las correlaciones existentes entre adaptación, ansiedad y autoestima. Se describen, además, los análisis factoriales aplicados a los tres instrumentos psicométricos utilizados en esta investigación, ya que dos fueron generados en España y otro en Estados Unidos de América. Se recomienda que, ante la escasez de instrumentos psicométricos construidos y validados en nuestro país, se promuevan investigaciones que tengan como fin la producción y difusión de tests en México, lo que permitirá realizar estudios confiables y válidos en el campo de la Psicología. [In this work, the levels of adaptation, anxiety and self-esteem registered in 72 students from a traditional school and 65 from a Montessori school in the city of Puebla, between 9 and 12 years of age, are described and compared. Not having found statistically significant differences in the three variables studied between these two schools, it is possible to conclude that both adaptation, anxiety and self-esteem are phenomena determined by a multiplicity of internal factors (intelligence, personality, maturation, aptitudes, attitudes , among others.), and external (family, school, society, culture), which act interrelated. Likewise, the existing correlations between adaptation, anxiety and self-esteem are established. The factor analyzes applied to the three psychometric instruments used in this research are also described, since two were generated in Spain and another in the United States of America. It is recommended that, given the shortage of psychometric instruments built and validated in our country, research is promoted aimed at the production and dissemination of tests in Mexico, which will allow reliable and valid studies in the field of Psychology.]

Language: Spanish

Published: Cholula, Mexico, 2010


✓ Peer Reviewed

Global Diffusion of Montessori Schools: A Report From the 2022 Global Montessori Census

Available from: University of Kansas Libraries

Publication: Journal of Montessori Research, vol. 8, no. 2

Pages: 1-15

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori education is distinct for its implementation in 154 countries around the world. Lacking a Montessori trademark or comprehensive overseeing body, the expansion of the Montessori approach has often been diffuse and fragmented among competing organizations. The absence of centralized, accurate, and consistent accounting has made it difficult to document the scope, growth trends, and diverse populations of students served in Montessori schools. The primary objective of this study was to gather evidence to support a robust estimate of the number of Montessori schools worldwide. This estimate relies on national and regional organizations’ broadest definitions of what constitutes a Montessori program. The study included two components: a survey of regional and national Montessori organizations and supplemental sources, including other published estimates and direct inquiries within key countries. Multiple sources allowed for triangulating data to reach a more confident estimate for the number of schools in each country and for synthesizing global perspectives on significant elements of Montessori fidelity worldwide. Through these sources, we document a total of 15,763 Montessori schools around the globe, roughly 9% of which are government funded. Countries with the largest number of Montessori schools are the United States, China, Thailand, Germany, Canada, and Tanzania; the United States, Thailand, the Netherlands, and India have the largest number of government-funded or public Montessori programs. Results of the fidelity analysis identified six practices that emerge consistently as central pillars of Montessori implementation.

Language: English

ISSN: 2378-3923

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