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Bachelor's Thesis

Lapsen oman toiminnan ohjauksen tukeminen: Montessori-päiväkoti Aurinkoleijonassa [Supporting the child's own activity control: Montessori daycare center Aurinkoleijona]

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

Europe, Finland, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori schools, Nordic countries, Northern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this qualitative thesis was to find out whether Montessori pedagogy based Montessori day care center Aurinkoleijona supports the self-management of the child, and what kind of experiences the parents of children have in the subject area. The thesis is a case study, and in the theoretical part it raises the documents guiding the early childhood education as well as the history of Finnish early childhood education, and the alternative pedagogics. Further, the thesis immerses Montessori pedagogy and the development of self-regulation and self-management of the child. At present, children's learning and learning difficulties are topical themes. Finland has been in the elite of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) for many years, but recently the results have weakened. Learning difficulties are influenced by many factors, but one factor that can be considered is the difficulties that are faced in self-management. In order for a child to have a good start in the development of self-management, attention should be paid to supporting it in early childhood education. With Finnish early childhood education being high quality, it provides a good foundation for the overall development of each child, including self-management. The thesis deals with the development of practical early childhood education in the Montessori day care center Aurinkoleijona by exploring potential development targets for supporting the child's self-management. The research questions are: "How does the Montessori pedagogy support the child’s self-management?" and "What kind of experiences do parents have with their child’s or children’s self-management?". Research methods were observation and a questionnaire for the parents of the child. Material was analyzed by utilizing content analysis. The results show that the operational environment of the Montessori day care center Aurinkoleijona has been created in a way that it supports the self-management of the child by many means. Versatile functions, calmness of the atmosphere, furniture that are in the child’s level, and the role of adults in the environment enable a good basis for supporting the self-management of the child. Parents’ experiences of day care center were positive. Children in the day care center are growing up to be independent, and self-directed future schoolchildren, who take others into consideration. / Tämän laadullisen opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää, tukeeko montessoripedagogiikkaan pohjautuva Montessori-päiväkoti Aurinkoleijona lapsen oman toiminnan ohjausta sekä minkälaisia kokemuksia lasten vanhemmilla on tästä ohjauksesta. Opinnäytetyö on tapaustutkimus, jonka teoriaosiossa nostetaan esille varhaiskasvatusta ohjaavien asiakirjojen lisäksi suomalaisen varhaiskasvatuksen historiaa sekä vaihtoehto pedagogiikoita. Työssä syvennytään lisäksi tarkemmin Montessoripedagogiikkaan sekä lapsen itsesäätelyn ja oman toiminnan ohjauksen kehittymiseen. Tänä päivänä lasten oppiminen ja oppimisvaikeudet ovat ajankohtainen puheenaihe. Suomi on loistanut PISA-tutkimuksen kärjessä monia vuosia, mutta viime vuosina tulokset ovat heikentyneet. Oppimisvaikeuksien taustalla vaikuttavat monet tekijät, mutta yhtenä tekijänä voidaan pitää vaikeuksia oman toiminnan ohjauksessa. Jotta lapsi saa hyvän alun oman toiminnan ohjauksen kehittymiseen, on varhaiskasvatuksessa kiinnitettävä huomiota sen tukemiseen. Suomalaisen varhaiskasvatuksen ollessa laadukasta, se mahdollistaa hyvän pohjan jokaisen lapsen kokonaisvaltaiselle kehitykselle, sisältäen myös oman toiminnan ohjauksen. Opinnäytetyö kiinnittyy käytännön varhaiskasvatustyön kehittämiseen Montessori-päiväkoti Aurinkoleijonassa tutkimalla mahdollisia kehittämiskohteita lapsen oman toiminnan ohjauksen tukemisen osalta. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat: ”Millä tavoin Montessori-pedagogiikka tukee lapsen oman toiminnan ohjausta?” sekä ”Minkälaisia kokemuksia vanhemmilla on lapsensa/lastensa oman toiminnan ohjauksesta?”. Tutkimusaineiston keruumenetelminä käytettiin havainnointia ja lapsen vanhemmille suunnattua kyselylomaketta. Aineisto analysointiin sisällönanalyysia hyödyntämällä. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että Montessori-päiväkoti Aurinkoleijonan toimintaympäristö on luotu niin, että se tukee lapsen oman toiminnan ohjausta monin keinoin. Monipuoliset toiminnot, ilmapiirin rauhallisuus, kalusteiden lapsentasoisuus ja aikuisten rooli ympäristössä mahdollistavat hyvän pohjan lapsen oman toiminnan ohjauksen tukemiselle. Lasten vanhempien kokemukset päiväkodista olivat positiivisia. Lapsista kasvaa päiväkodissa itsenäisiä, omaohjautuvia ja toiset huomioon ottavia tulevia koululaisia.

Language: Finnish

Published: Turku, Finland, 2017


La méthode Montessori aux Refuges de Saint-Sulpice et de Fontenay-aux-Roses; une curieuse expérience d'enseignement sur les petits réfugiés [The Montessori method at the Refuges of Saint-Sulpice and Fontenay-aux-Roses; a curious teaching experience on small refugees]

Available from: Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) - Gallica

Publication: Journal des Réfugiés du Nord (Paris, France)

Pages: 1-2

Displaced communities, Europe, France, Refugees, Western Europe

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Language: French


La formazione dell'uomo nella ricostruzione mondiale: atti dell'8. Congresso internazionale Montessori presieduto da Maria Montessori, San Remo, 22-29 agosto 1949

Conference proceedings, Conferences, International Montessori Congress (8th, San Remo, Italy, 22-29 August 1949)

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Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Ente Opera Montessori, 1950

Video Recording

Montessori for all Children: The Montessori Magnet School of Hartford, Connecticut

Americas, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: The Hartford community shows exemplary teamwork as the collaborate on a Montessori magnet school designed to attract urban and suburban families to attend the same public school. This AMI school's unequivocal commitment to quality Montessori in public education is conveyed by the video's interviews with parents, teachers, school administration, and state officials.

Runtime: 14 minutes

Language: English

Published: Burton, Ohio, 2005


✓ Peer Reviewed

Presencia de la Pedagogía Montessori en revistas profesionales españolas. El caso de Infancia, Aula de infantil y Cuadernos de Pedagogía / Presence of Montessori Pedagogy in professionals Spanish journals. The case of Infancia, Aula de infantil and Cuadernos de Pedagogía

Available from: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Publication: RELAdEI (Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Infantil), vol. 5, no. 2

Pages: 166-176

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Abstract/Notes: Ofrecemos un estudio sobre la presencia y enfoque de la pedagogía Montessori en las revistas españolas In-fan-cia, Aula de infantil y Cuadernos de Pedagogía. Después de hacer un recuento de la totalidad de artículos que sobre esa pedagogía publicaron las citadas revistas hasta el presente, identificamos su enfoque y los temas abordados. Se encuentra una escasa, aunque creciente, presencia de artículos sobre la educación montessoriana. Al realizar el análisis de contenido, hemos descubierto que la mayoría de estos artículos se refieren a propuestas prácticas fuertemente relacionadas con los principios de la pedagogía Montessori. Considerados en su conjunto, en ellos aparecen todos los temas clave. Este estudio constituye un completo índice y una útil guía para aquellos lectores de lengua castellana que quieran introducirse en el estudio de esta original pedagogía. / This study analyzes the presence and approach of Montessori pedagogy in Spanish journals In-fan-cia, Aula de infantil and Cuadernos de Pedagogía. After recounting all articles about this pedagogy published in the aforementioned journals so far, it is identified the approach and addressed subjects. A small but growing presence of articles on Montessori education was found. In the content analysis, we have found that most of these articles refer to practical proposals strongly related to the principles of Montessori pedagogy. Taken together, key themes appear in all of them. This study is a comprehensive index and a useful guide for those Spanish language readers who want to know this original teaching.

Language: Spanish

ISSN: 2255-0666


Perancangan Mainan Anak Usia 3-6 Tahun Berbasis Metode Pendidikan Montessori [Designing Toys for Children Aged 3-6 Years Based on Montessori Educational Methods]

Available from: Institut Teknologi Nasional - Bandung

Publication: FAD, no. 2021: Desain Produk

Pages: 5-23

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Educational toys are toys that provide certain learning opportunities to users (children). Educational toys are one way to introduce children to learning through interesting media, without any coercion from teachers or parents. One of them is about introducing mathematics to children aged 3-6 years through educational toys. This is inseparable from the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia which requires all activities in the school environment to be temporarily moved to their respective homes. Therefore, the design of this educational toy is a strategy to optimize the learning process. The formulation of the design problem is how this educational toy can function effectively, efficiently and attractively when used by children based on Montessori education. The purpose of this design is to introduce children to basic mathematics through interesting educational toys, without being forced by parents. This educational toy design method adopts the Montessori educational method. The result of this design is an educational toy with counting functions from 1 to 10 and games based on Montessori learning, providing a more enjoyable learning experience. / Mainan edukatif adalah mainan yang memberikan kesempatan belajar tertentu kepada pengguna (anak-anak). Mainan edukatif merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengenalkan anak pada pembelajaran melalui media yang menarik, tanpa ada paksaan dari guru atau orang tua. Salah satunya tentang mengenalkan matematika pada anak usia 3-6 tahun melalui mainan edukatif. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia yang mengharuskan seluruh aktivitas di lingkungan sekolah untuk sementara dipindahkan ke rumah masing-masing. Oleh karena itu, perancangan mainan edukatif ini merupakan strategi untuk mengoptimalkan proses pembelajaran. Rumusan masalah perancangan ini adalah bagaimana mainan edukatif ini dapat berfungsi secara efektif, efisien dan menarik ketika digunakan oleh anak-anak berbasis pendidikan Montessori. Tujuan dari perancangan ini adalah untuk mengenalkan anak pada matematika dasar melalui mainan edukatif yang menarik, tanpa dipaksa oleh orang tua. Metode perancangan mainan edukasi ini mengadopsi metode edukasi Montessori. Hasil dari perancangan ini adalah sebuah mainan edukatif dengan fungsi berhitung dari 1 sampai 10 dan permainan berbasis pembelajaran Montessori, memberikan pengalaman belajar yang lebih menyenangkan.

Language: Indonesian


All'Esposizione fu Iniziato ieri il Corso Educativo della Dottoressa Montessori [The Education Course of Dr. Montessori Started Yesterday at the Exposition]

Available from: Chronicling America (Library of Congress)

Publication: L'Italia (San Francisco, California)

Pages: 4

Americas, Montessori method of education, Montessori method of education - Study and teaching, North America, North America, Panama-Pacific International Exposition (1915, San Francisco, California), Teacher training, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Includes a photograph. Article Text: "La Casa dei Bambini" è stata aperta ieri nel palazzo dell'Educazione. Aperta all'infanzia, aperta alla scienza nuova, aperta alle maestre, aperta alle madri. Il bambino, questa complessa natura in formazione, questa creature racchiudente in sé il nostro passato e il nostro avvenire, è entrato nell'Esposizione con il suo buon sorriso, la sua mente vergine e il suo "io" libero per opera di una grande educatrice italiana, della dottoressa Montessori. Una folla di maestre e madri, di curiosi e di studiosi osservava da fuori della "Casa dei Bambini" la prima lezione che la signorina Helen Parkhurst impartiva a una decina di bambini. "Impartiva" non è esatto, perchè i bimbi agivano volontariamente, liberamente appena avuta una parola che stimolasse le loro attività cercando disciplinarle verso un dato concetto, un dato fatto psicologico, che è poi il primo passo verso l'acquisizione di speciali attitudini mentali e morali. E i bimbi pulivano la mobilia o si baloccavano con speciali oggetti ideati e costruiti con lo scopo di sviluppare un dato loro senso, di affinare una data loro percezione, senza coartare la lore libertà. La signora Montessori, durante la lezione, è rimesta fuori della "Casa dei Bambini", osservando con sapiente occhio materno quanto facevano i bambini. Le lezioni si svolgono dalle 9am alle 12, e i bambini che le frequentano sono una trentina. Il più piccolo ne ha quattro. Questi 30 bimbi sono stati scelti fra 2500 i cui loro genitori avevano chiesto che fossero ammessi alla "Casa dei Bambini".

Language: Italian

ISSN: 2637-5400


✓ Peer Reviewed

Visszaemlékezéseim Montessori módszerüü magánóvodámra és magán Népiskolámra / Memories of my private nursery and infant school of Montessori method

Available from: Arcanum Digitális Tudománytár

Publication: Pedagógiai Szemle (Magyar Pedagógiai Társaság) [Pedagogical Review (Hungarian Pedagogical Society)], vol. 37, no. 12

Pages: 1187-1207

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Abstract/Notes: Reprinted in "Montessori müühely: a Magyarországi Montessori Egyesület folyóirata" (1997, issue 2).

Language: Hungarian

ISSN: 0031-3785

Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)

Examination of Montessori Training: Experiences of People of Color in Public and Charter Montessori Schools

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

Americas, Montessori method of education - Study and teaching, Montessori method of education - Teacher training, Montessori training courses, Montessori training courses, North America, Teacher training, Teachers, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: This research consisted of a qualitative phenomenological study of public and charter Montessori educators who are linked with Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) teacher training. This study aimed to explore the lived experiences of people of Color associated with AMI teacher training and public or charter schools. The problem statement to be addressed in this study is limited Montessori-trained teachers of color noted in Montessori research and limited representation of people of color in public and charter Montessori schools. Experiences of people of color associated with Montessori have not been shared to the extent of their White counterparts. The guiding theoretical framework of the study is the Montessori methodology. The lived experiences of 14 study participants identified the phenomenon of the study. The Montessori participants, educators of color shared their lived experiences from one of three perspectives: teaching as a fully trained Montessori guide, teaching while enrolled in Montessori teacher training, or working as a Montessori assistant under a trained guide while enrolled in Montessori training. Five major themes emerged from nine interview questions: (1) training experience, (2) work/course load, (3) social emotional wellness, (4) training deficits, and (5) financial implications. Implications that emerged from the study’s findings were connected to social emotional wellness, the intensity of AMI teacher training, and a need for supplemental knowledge of practices outside of Montessori.

Language: English

Published: Jonesboro, Arkansas, 2023


✓ Peer Reviewed

Das Pädagogische Konzept Maria Montessoris: Die Permanente Diskussion [Maria Montessori's Pedagogical Concept: The Permanent Discussion]

Available from: Springer Link

Publication: International Review of Education, vol. 25, no. 1

Pages: 21–41

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: This article emphasises the internal consistency of Maria Montessori's work by identifying her main educational ideas and clarifying the interrelationships between the individual experimental schools and her writings. An elucidation of the vital part played by the anthropological basis of Maria Montessori's work shows that her entire efforts were directed towards illuminating childhood as the foundation of human development. Within this framework her relationship to Rousseau on the one hand, and to educational reform trends on the other is brought out. It is in this connection that her relations with the World Education Fellowship in general and with Decroly in particular find their significance.

Language: German

DOI: 10.1007/BF02426180

ISSN: 1573-0638, 0020-8566

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