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480 results


A Creative Learning Environment for Normal and Handicapped Pupils

Publication: American Montessori Society Bulletin, vol. 3, no. 2

Pages: 1-5

Children with disabilities, Inclusive education, People with disabilities

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Language: English

ISSN: 0277-9064


An Environment for Adolescents: 'Erdkinder'

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 2003, no. 1

Pages: 39

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Abstract/Notes: Pedagogical Committee has no plans for adolescent training

Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959


San Lorenzo, the First Montessori Environment

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 1997, no. 1

Pages: 3

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Abstract/Notes: Call for commemorations

Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959

Master's Thesis

Interaction of Environmental Education and Montessori Pedagogy

Available from: MINDS@UW River Falls

Comparative education, Environmental education, Montessori method of education, Nature education

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Abstract/Notes: Research shows that environmental education and time outdoors increase social emotional, cognitive, and physical health. We know it’s important to start early and to use a holistic systems-based lens. While research is underway in traditional early childhood programs, research is lacking on how environmental education is implemented and practiced in Montessori early childhood programs. The purpose of the study is to integrate information on the philosophical underpinnings of environmental education with Montessori philosophy and pedagogy, create a questionnaire to examine the implementation of environmental education in Montessori early childhood programming, and pilot the questionnaire to gather information through educators’ responses to systems-based environmental education-framed questions on teacher’s understanding of environmental education, program and pedagogical practices, health promotion, social systems education, natural systems education, and barriers to implementation. Special attention was paid to constructivism, realism mixed with wonder, interdisciplinary practices, biophilia versus ecophobia, critical pedagogy of place, local versus global awareness, and the use of play. A pilot questionnaire was created and sent out via the Internet; 43 questionnaires were returned with sufficient information and analyzed using descriptive statistics and qualitative methods. The results are included in full to support continuing conversation about the interaction between environmental education and Montessori pedagogy. Final discussion highlights discrepancies between the philosophical foundations of Montessori pedagogy and environmental education and the reported practices.

Language: English

Published: River Falls, Wisconsin, 2019

Master's Thesis

The Activity Preferences of Pre-School Children Exposed to an Environment Based on Montessorian Principles

Available from: University of the Orange Free State - Institutional Repository

Africa, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Montessori method of education, Preschool children, South Africa, Southern Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa

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Abstract/Notes: The initial purpose of the study was twofold: to assess the possibility of establishing a Montessori environment without formal training, and to determine the extent to which this was successful. The literature study undertaken investigated Montessori from a historical perspective, before detailing the elements of the theory necessary for establishment of a research environment. The positive value of Montessorianism was shown indisputably by an indepth investigation of the opportunities for fulfilling developmental tasks offered by the Montessori environment. The relationship between the theories of Montessori and Piaget was investigated. Extensive agreement as well as areas of disagreement were discovered, the latter mainly due to Piaget's epistemological approach as opposed to Montessori's concern with the needs for development. The research evaluation showed general positive effects of exposure to a Montessori environment. Results were however difficult to interpret due to differences and weaknesses in methodology. In the context of the nature of Montessorianism, an evaluation of process (the HOW of development as addressed by Montessori) is suggested in preference to the nomal product evaluation provided by purely testing procedures. A Montessori environment was established after careful consideration of the works of Maria Montessori. Construction of apparatus was undertaken. Children and facilitators were recruited on a voluntary basis. A total of 27 children were obtained. Two mature facilitators oversaw the running of the group. After a period of 6 months, allowed for settling in, naturalistic observation was begun. Observation was done by classification of the use of specific apparatus into broad activity categories. The proportion time each child engaged in a particular activity category was recorded. This data was summarized and analysed in order to investigate trends in development. The raw data was used for hypothesis testing. Four hypotheses were tested: a sensitive period for motor refinement was not confirmed using the Mann-Whitney U test; a sensitivity for pre-academic activities was confirmed, also using the Mann-Whitney U test; and a preference for functional play over fantasy play in the pre-school period was confirmed, using the parametric t-test. The fourth hypothesis, based on test data delivered by the Griffiths Developmental Scales affirmed the general facilitative effects of the research environment. The sign test was used. The presence of sensitive periods was taken as a sufficient indication that the research environment was "Montessorian", established and run without formal training. The test results proved the facilitativeness of the experience, further supporting the possibility of running a Montessori school without the expense of training. By way of conclusion it was suggested that further research be undertaken to establish the visibility of Montessori in the broader South African context, given the proof that the elitism engendered by expensive training and administration procedures of this approach is not warranted. Given also its benefits, proven elsewhere, the present study is considered a pilot study to further research on this subject in the wider cultural and ethnic conditions.

Language: English

Published: Bloemfontein, South Africa, 1987


L'Utopia Montessoriana: Pace, Diritti, Libertà, Ambiente [Montessorian Utopia: Peace, Rights, Freedom, Environment]

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Peace education

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Abstract/Notes: Il libro indaga un aspetto spesso trascurato e però centrale nella figura e nell'opera di Maria Montessori: l'afflato utopico. I contributi di apertura cercano di restituire un quadro d'insieme dell'«utopia montessoriana», mentre i saggi successivi esplorano, in modo attento, le diverse direzioni della riflessione della studiosa su tale terreno: la pace, l'antiautoritarismo, i diritti dell'infanzia, l'emancipazione femminile, l'ecologia cosmica, ecc. Si tratta di linee di riflessione preziose, tanto più a fronte dell'odierna tendenza a vedere l'educazione come un modo per coltivare le competenze necessarie alla crescita economica e all'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro e ― particolarmente per quando riguarda l'infanzia ― a considerare la scuola da un punto di vista neo-custodialista, come un parcheggio in cui i genitori possono lasciare tranquillamente i figli. Rispetto a questa deriva utilitarista, Maria Montessori propone, invece, una più elevata ambizione: costruire attraverso l'educazione l'«uomo nuovo» per un mondo nuovo. [The book investigates an often overlooked but central aspect in the figure and work of Maria Montessori: the utopian inspiration. The opening contributions try to restore an overall picture of the "Montessori utopia", while the following essays carefully explore the different directions of the scholar's reflection on this terrain: peace, anti-authoritarianism, the rights of childhood, women's emancipation, cosmic ecology, etc. These are precious lines of reflection, all the more so in the face of today's tendency to see education as a way to cultivate the skills necessary for economic growth and integration into the world of work and - particularly when it comes to childhood - to consider the school from a neo-custodial point of view, as a parking lot where parents can safely leave their children. Compared to this utilitarian drift, Maria Montessori instead proposes a higher ambition: to build the "new man" for a new world through education.]

Language: Italian

Published: Trento, Italy: Erickson, 2019

ISBN: 978-88-590-2042-4 88-590-2042-5


Visual Thinking Strategies in Montessori Environments

, Philip Yenawine (Author)

Classroom environments, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori schools, Prepared environment

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Abstract/Notes: This playbook is written for adults who are working with children in Montessori learning environments. Drawing from nearly three decades of research on Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS), aesthetic development, and critical thinking, combined with a growing body of work on human development, deep literacy, and transformational educational initiatives, this book will equip you— the Montessori educator—to make the most of VTS within the Montessori context.

Language: English

Published: West Hartford, Connecticut: National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector, 2022

Edition: 1st ed.

ISBN: 978-1-73386-912-6

Archival Material Or Collection

Box 17, Folder 4 - Notes, ca. 1929-1948 - Misc. 4 [Sensitive Periods; Liberty; Geography; Psychology, Young Explorer Lecture Notes; Liberty in the Schoolroom; Math, Environment, Writing, Reading, Grammar, Freedom, Liberation of Intellect; Montessori Method-Lecture MAY 1938; Right Age to Begin School

Available from: Seattle University

Edwin Mortimer Standing - Biographic sources, Edwin Mortimer Standing - Writings

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Language: English

Archive: Seattle University, Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons, Special Collections

Archival Material Or Collection

Box 15, Folder 21 - Notes, ca. 1929-1948 - "Environment"

Available from: Seattle University

Edwin Mortimer Standing - Biographic sources, Edwin Mortimer Standing - Writings

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Language: English

Archive: Seattle University, Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons, Special Collections


Environmental Education

Publication: The National Montessori Reporter

Pages: 8

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Language: English

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