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663 results

Master's Thesis

Zgodnje poučevanje in učenje angleščine v Montessori vrtcu [Teaching and Learning English in the Montessori Kindergarten]

Available from: Digital Library of the University of Maribor (DKUM)

Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Language acquisition, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, Teacher-student relationships

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Abstract/Notes: V magistrski nalogi smo združili področji angleškega jezika in predšolske vzgoje. Osredotočili smo se na sodobne pristope poučevanja tujega jezika v vrtcu Montessori ter želeli ugotoviti, kako predšolski otroci usvajajo tuj jezik. V teoretičnem delu smo pregledali teorijo pedagogike Montessori in značilnosti učenja ter poučevanja tujega jezika v predšolskem obdobju. Empirični del smo zastavili tako, da je združil obe področji. V Hiši otrok Antonina v Biljah pri Novi Gorici smo s pomočjo opazovalnega lista pridobili potrebne informacije, s katerimi smo odgovorili na že prej zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja ter potrdili oziroma zavrnili zastavljene hipoteze. Pri opazovanju smo se osredotočili na strategije poučevanja angleškega jezika, metode dela, tematike učnih ur, raznolikost dejavnosti, uporabljene materiale, aktivnost otrok, uporabo angleškega jezika, odziv vzgojitelja na napake otrok in na napredek otrok ob večkratni ponovitvi individualnih in skupinskih dejavnosti. Ker sta vzgojiteljici med učenjem angleščine nenehno uporabljali angleški jezik, so se otroci poleg besedišča učili tudi melodijo in ritem jezika, kar jim bo pomagalo pri nadaljnjem učenju angleščine. Koncept Montessori poskuša otroke izoblikovati tako, da bodo v nadaljnjem življenju samostojni, odgovorni in potrpežljivi. Otroci se preko različnih pravil in dejavnosti tega učijo. [In this Master's thesis we combined English language and preschool education. We focused on modern ways of teaching and learning a foreign language in Montessori kindergarten. In theoretical part we took a look at theory of Montessori pedagogy and theory of learning a foreign language in kindergarten. In empirical part we combined these two together. In Hiša otrok Antonina in Bilje near Nova Gorica we organised an observation of a group of children from the second age group in kindergarten. In our observations we used observation sheets. With those, we obtained the information we were interested in. During our ten observations we focused on seventeen points of our observation sheet. The first part contained basic information like the name of the observer, the name of the teacher, number of children, age group, theme and lesson aims, goals of the activities, methods used, didactic materials, the language of instructions, comprehension of instructions, teacher's reaction to children's mistakes, teacher's usage of English language, whether the children waited for a specific material or they focused their attention on something else, whether children were active during different tasks, whether children returned to the same material and an observation of individual's and group's multiple usage of the same material.]

Language: Slovenian

Published: Maribor, Slovenia, 2017


New trends in teaching a foreign language: Montessori's pedagogy and CALL integrated in FLT and SLA

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Language: German

Published: [Salzburg, Austria]: [s.n.], 1997

Master's Thesis

Poučevanje tujih jezikov v montessori in waldorfskih šolah ter v vrtcih v Sloveniji / Fremdsprachenunterricht an Montessori und Waldorfschulen und Kindergärten in Slowenien [Foreign language teaching at Montessori and Waldorf schools and kindergartens in Slovenia]

Available from: Digital Library of the University of Maribor (DKUM)

Comparative education, Europe, Language acquisition, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, Second language acquisition, Slovenia, Southern Europe, Waldorf method of education, Waldorf schools

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Abstract/Notes: Magistrsko delo se posveča alternativnim šolam in vrtcem v Sloveniji na primeru pristopov montessori in waldorf. Ti dve vrsti šol, ki so ju običajno ustanovili starši, postajata v Sloveniji v zadnjih letih vedno bolj priljubljeni. Namen magistrskega dela ju je primerjati in analizirati, torej podrobneje preučiti filozofiji waldorf in montessori šol, njun položaj v svetu in v Sloveniji ter znotraj tega njuno poučevanje tujih jezikov. V nadaljevanju magistrskega dela sledi opis izobraževanja za učitelje pri enem in pri drugem sistemu, torej waldorf in montessori. Navajamo tudi, kdo so znane osebnosti obeh šol in kaj o njuni teoriji, razlikah in podobnostih ter primerjavi z ustaljenim šolskim sistemom ugotavljajo mednarodne in domače raziskave. Sledi opis organiziranosti teh šol in vrtcev v Sloveniji. V empiričnem delu se ukvarjamo s podobnostmi in razlikami obeh šol. Skušamo odgovoriti na vprašanje, kakšno vlogo igrajo te alternativne šole v našem šolskem sistemu. Primerjalno opišemo tudi učne načrte obeh šol s poudarkom na področju poučevanja tujih jezikov. S pomočjo intervjujev in opazovanj pouka tujega jezika skušamo predstaviti sliko realnega šolskega življenja v teh alternativnih šolah. / Die vorliegende Magisterarbeit widmet sich Alternativschulen und Kindergärten, und zwar den Montessori- und Waldorfschulen in Slowenien. In Slowenien bekommen diese aus Elterninitiativen entstandenen Schulen in letzter Zeit neuen Schwung. Der Zweck der Magisterarbeit ist die Montessori- und Waldorfschulen gegenüberzustellen und sie zu analysieren, insbesondere im Bereich der Fremdsprachen. Zuerst befasst sich die Magisterarbeit mit der Montessori-Schule und ihrer Philosophie, ihrer Lage weltweit und in Slowenien und mit dem dort ausgeführten Fremdsprachenunterricht. Im Weiteren wird untersucht, wie man ein Montessori- oder Waldorf-Pädagoge wird, wer bekannte Montessori- oder Waldorf Personen sind und was die Forschung empfiehlt. Es folgt die Beschreibung der Organisation der Montessori- oder Waldorfschulen und Kindergärten im slowenischen Raum. Der empirische Teil befasst sich mit den Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschieden der beiden Alternativschulen. Der Frage, welche Rollen diese beiden Alternativschulen in slowenischem Schulsystem spielen, wird ebenfalls nachgegangen. Die Lehrpläne der beiden Schulen wurden verglichen, insbesondere im Bereich der Fremdsprachen. Mit den Interviews und den Unterrichtsbeobachtungen wird ein Bild des realen schulischen Lebens in beiden Alternativschulen dargestellt. [This master’s thesis is dedicated to alternative schools and kindergartens, namely the Montessori and Waldorf schools in Slovenia. In Slovenia, these schools, which were created from parents' initiatives, have recently been gaining momentum. The purpose of the master’s thesis is to compare the Montessori and Waldorf schools and to analyze them, especially in the field of foreign languages. First, the master’s thesis deals with the Montessori school and its philosophy, its situation worldwide and in Slovenia and with the foreign language teaching carried out there. It also examines how to become a Montessori or Waldorf teacher, who are known Montessori or Waldorf people and what research recommends. The following is a description of the organization of the Montessori or Waldorf schools and kindergartens in the Slovenian region. The empirical part deals with the similarities and differences between the two alternative schools. The question of what roles these two alternative schools play in the Slovenian school system will also be investigated. The curricula of the two schools were compared, particularly in the field of foreign languages. With the interviews and the observation of lessons, a picture of the real school life in both alternative schools is presented.]

Language: Slovenian

Published: Maribor, Slovenia, 2017


Per l'insegnamento della scrittura (Sistema della Dott. M. Montessori) [For the teaching of writing (System of Dr. M. Montessori)]

Publication: Bollettino dell'Associazione romana per la cura medico-pedagogica dei fanciulli anormali e deficienti poveri, vol. 1, no. 4

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Language: Italian


Primenenie Pedagogiceskich Idej Montessori v Nacal'noj Skole [Applying Montessori Teaching Ideas In Elementary School]

Publication: Pedagogiceskij Sbornik [Pedagogical Compendium]

Pages: 67-80

Elementary education, Elementary schools, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools

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Language: Russian


The Bronx New School: Weaving Assessment into the Fabric of Teaching and Learning. A Series on Authentic Assessment and Accountability

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: In 1987, parents and teachers from diverse neighborhoods of a local school district in New York (New York) founded the Bronx New School, a small public elementary school of choice that was meant to be learner-centered, with high standards for all. The school was organized into heterogeneous, multi-age classes and structured to encourage collaboration among faculty, students, and families. In spite of political stresses, the school's founding values have survived. This report focuses on the first 3 years of its life, a time when a comprehensive assessment system was designed and used throughout the school. The assessment system was designed to support instruction and learning through the collection of descriptive records of student growth. Teacher-kept records, student-kept records, and samples of student work in portfolios are used in combination to develop a picture of student learning. A developmental framework constructed by teachers provides a general guide for expectations of

Language: English

Published: New York, New York, Sep 1994


Research on Multi-Age/Multi-Grade Classes: Report to the Teaching and Learning Issues Group

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: Multiage/multiability grouping is when more than one grade level of students is grouped in a classroom. This report summarizes the research on multiage/multiability grouping in the primary grades. The paper, which is intended for use in Kentucky's educational system, focuses on quantitatively based comparative research syntheses. The text describes the Primary Program and looks at factors that may explain improved learning and test results. It asks numerous questions: "What are the problems in implementing the multi-age/multi-grade grouping attribute of the Primary Program?""Does the multi-age requirement limit implementation of other critical attributes of the Primary Program?""Are there inconsistencies between the Primary Program and other components of the Kentucky Education Reform Act?""What are the findings from research studies on multiage/multigrade grouping?" and "What effect has Kentucky's Primary Program had on the number of children labeled 'exceptional' in grade 4?" Each

Language: English

Published: Lexington, Kentucky, May 1997


Differentiated Teaching and Learning in Heterogeneous Classrooms: Strategies for Meeting the Needs of All Students

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: This guide provides conceptual as well as practical information for meeting the needs of all learners in heterogeneous classrooms. The first six sections discuss the growing heterogeneity in today's classrooms, the rationale for differentiated teaching and learning, the changing roles of teachers and students, the importance of creating classroom communities that nurture diversity, helpful ideas for organizing a classroom in which differentiated teaching and learning is practiced, and a step-by-step process for differentiation. The seventh section provides many examples of how to differentiate teaching and learning in four areas: (1) what students learn; (2) how students learn; (3) how students integrate and demonstrate what they have learned; and (4) how students and teachers utilize assessment throughout the learning process. Sections 8 and 9 include an in-depth look at actual classrooms through case studies. The first case study describes how two multi-age elementary classrooms

Language: English

Published: Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1997


Process Versus Content in Elementary School Science Teaching

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of the monograph was to determine if the process of science or the content of science should be emphasized in elementary school science teaching. The discussion attempts to show why process, and not content, should be the primary emphasis in elementary school science teaching by examining the history of elementary school science in the United States, cognitive development, and the preparation of teachers. The results indicate that educators regard the development of competence in use of the scientific method and the development of the scientific attitude the most important objectives of science instruction. Developmental psychologists such as Montessori, Piaget, and Bruner believe that child cognition is enhanced when pupils use the processes of science. Finally, there is evidence that elementary school teachers can be better trained to teach a process-oriented curriculum because it requires little understanding of the concepts and principles of science and does not require teachers to keep up to date with scientific information. (Author/BR)

Language: English

Published: Syracuse, New York: Department of Science Teaching, Syracuse University, 1973

Conference Paper

The Effects of Nongrading, Team teaching and Individualizing Instruction on the Achievement Scores of Disadvantaged Children

Available from: ERIC

International Reading Association

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Abstract/Notes: In 1968, Clifton Hills Elementary School in Chattanooga, Tennessee, adopted the "Supermarket Idea of Learning." This learning theory provided for setting up a learning center in each instructional area with materials and machines of instruction accessible to all students. Additional features to implement the theory included; a) a daily teacher planning period, b) teaching teams, c) elimination of grade level expectation, d) individualization of instruction, e) multi-age and multi-grade grouping, f) large and small group instruction, g) independent study, and h) opportunities for student tutorials. The California Achievement Test was administered to the students every October for several years; it was possible to compare the test scores for fifth grade children in 1967 before the program was implemented with the test scores for fifth grade children in 1971 three years after the program was initiated. The direction and degree of change of mean CAT scores for the 60 children were

Language: English

Published: Atlanta, Georgia, Feb 1971

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