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1003 results


Primenenie Pedagogiceskich Idej Montessori v Nacal'noj Skole [Applying Montessori Teaching Ideas In Elementary School]

Publication: Pedagogiceskij Sbornik [Pedagogical Compendium]

Pages: 67-80

Elementary education, Elementary schools, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools

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Language: Russian


Opinioni - Montessori sì Montessori no

Available from: Fondazione Montessori

Publication: MoMo (Mondo Montessori), no. 2

Pages: 36-37

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 2421-440X, 2723-9004


✓ Peer Reviewed

A Montessori-konduktív nevelési gyakorlat pedagógiai kísérlete 2000-2003 [A pedagogical experiment in Montessori-conductive education practice 2000-2003]

Available from: University of Debrecen Publishing Platform

Publication: Különleges Bánásmód - Interdiszciplináris folyóirat, vol. 4, no. 3

Pages: 11-23

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori pedagógiáját a kutatók nevezik fejlesztő vagy fejlődéspedagógiának. Magyarországon az utóbbi évtizedben a pedagógiai gyakorlatban fejlesztő pedagógiaként jelenítik meg. Mária Montessori módszerét fejlesztő pedagógiai módszernek tekinthetjük, mert sajátos nevelési szükségletű gyermekek fejlesztésére is alkalmas. Pedagógiai munkáját értelmi fogyatékos gyermekek körében kezdte el. A konduktív módszer a fejlesztés speciális komplex pedagógia módszerének tekinthető, mert a tervezésben és a megvalósításban sajátos nevelési szükségletet és a speciális nevelési igényeket veszi figyelembe. A Montessori fejlesztés a konduktív nevelés gyakorlatában nem fordult elő. A kutatással a Montessori módszer alkalmazását szélesíteni kívántuk a gyógy- és fejlesztő pedagógia gyakorlatában. Igazolni kívántuk a két orvos-pedagógus holisztikus szemléletéből adódó hasonlóságot és különbséget. Pető holisztikus szemléletével magyarázható, hogy az érzékelés, észlelés, beszéd, mozgás és kommunikáció zavarát okozó állapot befolyásolását nem a különböző helyen és időben dolgozó szakemberekre bízta. A Montessori konduktív nevelési gyakorlatot 2000-2003, 2007-2008 tanévben kísérleti céllal vezettük be a konduktor hallgatók főiskolai képzésével összhangban. A program kidolgozásának a célja volt, hogy a két módszer elemeinek alkalmazását, összehangolt működését a gyakorlatban igazoljuk. [Montessori’s pedagogy is called developmental or developmental pedagogy by researchers. In Hungary, it has been portrayed as a developmental pedagogy in pedagogical practice in the last decade. Maria Montessori's method can be considered a pedagogical method, because it is also suitable for the development of children with special educational needs. He began his pedagogical work among children with intellectual disabilities. The conductive method can be considered as a special complex pedagogy method of development, because it takes into account special educational needs and special educational needs in the planning and implementation. Montessori development has not occurred in the practice of conductive education. The aim of the research was to broaden the application of the Montessori method in the practice of therapeutic and developmental pedagogy. We wanted to demonstrate the similarities and differences arising from the holistic approach of the two physician-educators. Pető's holistic approach can be explained by the fact that he did not entrust the influence of the disturbance of perception, perception, speech, movement and communication to professionals working in different places and times. The Montessori conductive education practice was introduced on an experimental basis in the 2000-2003 and 2007-2008 school years in accordance with the college training of conductor students. The aim of the development of the program was to prove the application and coordinated operation of the elements of the two methods in practice.]

Language: Hungarian

DOI: 10.18458/KB.2018.3.11

ISSN: 2498-5368


✓ Peer Reviewed

Global Diffusion of Montessori Schools: A Report From the 2022 Global Montessori Census

Available from: University of Kansas Libraries

Publication: Journal of Montessori Research, vol. 8, no. 2

Pages: 1-15

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori education is distinct for its implementation in 154 countries around the world. Lacking a Montessori trademark or comprehensive overseeing body, the expansion of the Montessori approach has often been diffuse and fragmented among competing organizations. The absence of centralized, accurate, and consistent accounting has made it difficult to document the scope, growth trends, and diverse populations of students served in Montessori schools. The primary objective of this study was to gather evidence to support a robust estimate of the number of Montessori schools worldwide. This estimate relies on national and regional organizations’ broadest definitions of what constitutes a Montessori program. The study included two components: a survey of regional and national Montessori organizations and supplemental sources, including other published estimates and direct inquiries within key countries. Multiple sources allowed for triangulating data to reach a more confident estimate for the number of schools in each country and for synthesizing global perspectives on significant elements of Montessori fidelity worldwide. Through these sources, we document a total of 15,763 Montessori schools around the globe, roughly 9% of which are government funded. Countries with the largest number of Montessori schools are the United States, China, Thailand, Germany, Canada, and Tanzania; the United States, Thailand, the Netherlands, and India have the largest number of government-funded or public Montessori programs. Results of the fidelity analysis identified six practices that emerge consistently as central pillars of Montessori implementation.

Language: English

ISSN: 2378-3923


Bon shiritsu montessōri shōgakkō / ボン市立モンテッソーリ小学校 [A Municipal Montessori School in Bonn]

Publication: Montessori Kyōiku / モンテッソーリ教育 [Montessori Education], no. 18

Pages: 90-97

Asia, East Asia, Japan

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Language: Japanese

ISSN: 0913-4220


Maria Montessori and the Contemporary Pedagogical Thought: XI International Montessori Congress [program]

Available from: Stadsarchief Amsterdam (Amsterdam City Archives)

Conferences, International Montessori Congress (11th, Rome, Italy, 26-28 September 1957)

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Language: English

Published: Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Association Montessori Internazionale, [1957]

Book Section

Le scuole Montessori a Ceylon [Montessori schools in Ceylon]

Book Title: Maria Montessori cittadina del mondo [Maria Montessori, citizen of the world]

Pages: 283-286

Asia, Ceylon, Conferences, International Montessori Congress (8th, San Remo, Italy, 22-29 August 1949), Lena Wikramaratne - Speeches, addresses, etc., Lena Wikramaratne - Writings, South Asia, Sri Lanka

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Abstract/Notes: Dal volume degli Atti dell'VIII Congresso Internazionale Montessori, svoltosi a S. Remo dal 22 al 29 agosto 1949 sul tema: "La formazione dell'uomo nella ricostruzione mondiale", edizione "Opera Montessori", Roma 1950, riportiamo la relazione della signorina Lina Wikramaratne, rappresentante dell'Associazione Internazionale Montessori di Ceylon (India). [From the volume of the Proceedings of the VIII Montessori International Congress, held in San Remo from 22 to 29 August 1949 on the theme: "The formation of man in world reconstruction", "Opera Montessori" edition, Rome 1950, we report the report of the young lady Lina Wikramaratne, representative of the Association Montessori Internationale of Ceylon (India).]

Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Comitato italiano dell'OMEP, 1967


Montessori-kinderhuis te Naarden-Bussum [Montessori children's home in Naarden-Bussum]

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: Eigen Haard, vol. 43

Pages: 592-594

Europe, Holland, Netherlands, Western Europe

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Language: Dutch

ISSN: 0924-5618

Book Section

Musikalische Erziehung in der Montessori-Pädagogik [Musical education in Montessori pedagogy]

Book Title: Montessori-Pädagogik das Kind im Mittelpunkt

Pages: 184-205

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Language: German

Published: Wien, Austria: Jugend & Volk, 2020

ISBN: 978-3-7100-4362-8 3-7100-4362-X

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

Montessori e Steiner: due approcci pedagogici a confronto [Montessori and Steiner: two pedagogical approaches compared]

Available from: Tesi online

Comparative education, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Rudolf Steiner - Philosophy, Waldorf method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: La tesi si propone di analizzare le proposte pedagogiche di Maria Montessori e Rudolf Steiner in relazione alla scuola tradizionale e alla diffusione di tali scuole nel Mondo e in Italia, con particolare focus su Torino. Ripercorrendo il contesto socio-culturale e...

Language: Italian

Published: Torino, Italy, 2019

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