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766 results


Starwars Education: Predicting Education in the Year 2000

Publication: The National Montessori Reporter, vol. 9, no. 3

Pages: 15

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Language: English


✓ Peer Reviewed

Early childhood care and education in india [Accueil et education de la petite enfance en inde / Cuidado temprano en la niñez y educación en india]

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Publication: International Journal of Early Years Education, vol. 2, no. 2

Pages: 31-42

Asia, India, South Asia

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Abstract/Notes: A brief history of the development of Early Childhood Care and Education in pre and post Independent India has been given first. The current situation of ECCE, teacher training and research has been described and the Research — Policy — Program interface has been delineated. Among the myriad issues confronting ECCE in the country a few have been selected for discussion. [Un bref historique du développement de l'accueil et de 1'éducation de la petite enfance de la période pré — et post Indepnédance est donné pour débuter. La situation actuelle ,1a formation des enseignants et la recherche ont été décrites et la Recherche — Politique — Programme envisagé ont été délimités. Parmi les myriades de sujets auxquels l'Accueil et l'Education de la Petite Enfance ont été confrontées quelques‐uns ont été sélectionnés pour la discussion. / Primero ha sido descrita una breve historia acerca del desarrollo del Cuidado Temprano de la Niñez y Educacion en la India pre y post independiente. Se ha descrito la situación presente de ECCE, el entrenamiento del profesorado e investigatión y la Investigación — la Política — el Programa común ha sido delineado. Dentro de los muchos miríados temas que confronta la ECCE en el país unos pocos han sido seleccionados para discusión.]

Language: English

DOI: 10.1080/0966976940020103

ISSN: 0966-9760


The Reform of Education During and After Adolescence: The Erdkinder: A Scheme for a Reform of Secondary Education

Publication: Bulletin of the Association Montessori Internationale, vol. 2, no. 1

Pages: 3-23

Adolescence, Educational change, Erdkinder, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Writings, Montessori method of education, Secondary education

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Language: English


La Nouvelle Education en France / The New Education in France

Publication: Entente

Pages: 8-10

Europe, France, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education, New Education Movement, Western Europe

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Language: English, French


Hartford Early Childhood Program, Hartford, Connecticut: An Urban Public School System's Large-Scale Approach Toward Restructuring Early Childhood Education. Model Programs - Childhood Education

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: The Hartford Early Childhood Program involves more than 4,500 children from 4 years old to first grade level in over 200 classrooms. Classrooms are designed to offer children an environment that encourages them to learn independently. Ideas have been borrowed from the Montessori approach and the British Infant Schools and fitted to the needs of the Hartford school district's urban students. The program philosophy embodies new approaches that can be used in old school buildings such as formal education beginning at 3 years, mixed-age "family" grouping, interest centers, and emphasis on intrinsic motivation toward personel success. Future plans call for extension of the program to all public school classes in grades K through 2. Sources of more detailed information are provided for this program, specifically, and for Model Programs Childhood Education, in general. (Author/WY)

Language: English

Published: Palo Alto, California, 1970

Book Section

Erziehung zum Frieden - aber wie?: Praktische Beispiele zur Friedenserziehung [Education for Peace - But How?: Practical Examples for Peace Education]

Book Title: Montessori-Pädagogik und die Erziehungsprobleme der Gegenwart [Montessori Pedagogy and Current Educational Problems]

Pages: 112-115

Peace education

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Language: German

Published: Würzburg, Germany: Königshausen und Neumann, 1990

ISBN: 3-88479-423-X

Book Section

A new method in infant education (da The Journal of education, settembre 1909)

, Leonardo De Sanctis (Editor)

Book Title: L'infanzia svantaggiata e Maria Montessori: esperienze psicopedagogiche, educative e sociali dal '900 ad oggi

Pages: 148-151

Americas, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History, North America, United States of America

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Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Fefè Editore, 2013

ISBN: 978-88-95988-36-8

Series: Pagine Vere , 19


Peace 101: The Introduction of Education for Peace as a Mandatory Subject of the Montessori Teacher Education Curriculum

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Language: English

Published: [S.I.]: Nienhuis Montessori USA, 1992


Appel aux Réformateurs de notre Education Nationale [Appeal to the Reformers of our National Education]

Available from: Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) - Gallica

Publication: La Nouvelle Éducation, no. 133

Pages: 39-43

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Language: French

ISSN: 2492-3524

Master's Thesis (M.A.)

“All Education but No Schooling”: Education Reform in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: When critics consider utopian literature, they often claim that the utopian imagination is limited in its ability to provide practical instruction for societal reform. In Archaeologies of the Future, Fredric Jameson extends this critique by arguing that the utopian imagination only exists “to demonstrate and to dramatize our incapacity to imagine the future” (288-289). By returning to an early twentieth century utopian novel, Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland (1915), we can put pressure on Jameson’s ideas about the ultimate function of the utopian imagination. By analyzing the education system in Herland, we are able to see how Gilman integrated the contemporary educational philosophy of John Dewey and methods of Maria Montessori to provide an intellectual and institutional foundation for her utopian education system. Therefore, Gilman provides a set of ‘instructions’ to suggest how we might reform current methods of education to fit within her utopian vision. Gilman’s Herland allows us to see how a highly imaginative utopian text can promote social change to build a ‘better’ future.

Language: English

Published: Carbondale, Illinois, 2016

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