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854 results


Education for a New World

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Language: English

Published: Wheaton, Illinois: Theosophical Press, 1963


Message to Symposium "Cosmic Education," Palo Alto, Cal., March 25-30, 1972 – Sent by the Hon. President of A.M.I.

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 1972, no. 2/3

Pages: 5

Conferences, Cosmic education

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Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959


Montessori Educational Association

Publication: Beinn Bhreagh Recorder, vol. 15

Pages: 229

Montessori Educational Association (USA)

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Language: English


Namų erdvių bei baldų pritaikymas vaiko poreikiams pagal Marijos Montessori ugdymo metodiką [Adaptation of home spaces and furniture to the child's needs according to Maria Montessori's educational methodology]

Available from: Kaunas College

Publication: Inovacijų taikymas technologijose 2022 Kauno kolegija, Technologijų fakultetas, vol. 2022

Pages: 157–173

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Abstract/Notes: Dėl šiomis dienomis vyraujančios itin didelės vaikiškų baldų pasiūlos, išsirinkti tinkamiausius baldus ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikams yra nelengva užduotis. Vienas iš kriterijų, pagal kurį galima įrengti vaiko gyvenamąją erdvę – šeimoje taikoma vaiko ugdymo metodika. Šiame darbe pristatomas vaikiškų baldų bei namų erdvių pritaikymas individualiems vaiko poreikiams, remiantis Marijos Montessori pedagogikos koncepcija, kurios pagrindinė idėja – vaiko savarankiškas ugdymasis bei neribotas pasaulio pažinimas. Straipsnyje pristatoma vaikiškų M. Montessori baldų atsiradimo istorija, M. Montessori baldų tipai, pagrindiniai vaiko gyvenamųjų erdvių pagal M. Montessori metodiką įrengimo principai. Nuošalyje nelieka ir ekologija.

Language: Lithuanian

ISSN: 2345-0185

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

A Comparative Historical and Philosophical Study of the Educational Theories of John Amos Comenius (1592-1670), Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852), and Maria Montessori (1870-1952)

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: This dissertation was a comparative study from the perspectives of history and philosophy of the educational theories of John Amos Comenius, Friedrich Froebel, and Maria Montessori. The purpose of this dissertation was: 1 - to determine whether or not there were parallel ideas in the educational theories of Comenius, Froebel, and Montessori; 2 - to show to what extent these ideas were actually similar or divergent; and 3 - to consider the additional question of whether or not Froebel and Montessori recognized their theories as part of a sequence of thought originating with Comenius. Using the extant published works of the three educators, descriptions were given of their educational theories in relation to the following topics: the position and principles of methodology; the role of sense realism and the changes in emphasis each educator made in the use of the sense realist concepts of teaching; the role of the religious point of view; the manner of teaching moral values; the role of intellectual and social influences of their respective historical periods in the formation of their educational theories; and the insights of the three educators which can be considered important in the educational world of the latter half of the twentieth century. These descriptions were followed by comparisons of the similarities and differences of the three educators in relation to the above-mentioned topics. The conclusions of the dissertation were the following: 1 - There were parallel ideas present in the educational theories of the three educators. The Comenian concepts and educational emphases which seemed to find restatement most often in the works of Froebel and Montessori were the belief in the importance and the necessity of the use of the correct method of teaching; the theory that if the correct method were used, anything could be taught to nearly anyone; the basic position of the concepts of sense realism in the teaching methodology; and the supreme importance of a definite religious perspective as the groundwork and frame of reference for the whole educational system. 2 - There appeared to be no recognition of influence of the work of Comenius by Froebel and Montessori. In relation to Froebel's gifts or didactic apparatus and his principle of self-activity, there appeared to be a slight recognition of influence by Montessori in the creation of her didactic material and the formulation of her principle of spontaneous activity in a carefully prepared environment. 3 - Concerning the insights of the three educators which may be considered important for education in this century, Comenius was cited for his outstanding ability to systematize knowledge, his championship of the humanitarian ideal of freedom, and his pansophic ideal of universal knowledge through a universal college system with uniform textbooks in a universal auxiliary language. The study of Froebel's work can provide more insights into the educational possibilities of the preschool age child obtained through self-activity. The study of the work of Montessori provides help in the greater educational use of the period of postnatal infancy, and the greater application of the disciplines of anthropology, physiology, and psychology to education. Montessori's work can also prove to be significant in the search for more effective means of education for the culturally deprived child. All three educators seemed to possess an ability to synthesize - to see things in their whole relationships. Specifically they applied this insight to means of educating all facets of human personality.

Language: English

Published: Denver, Colorado, 1970


Cultivation of the Child's Will by Repetition in Montessori Educational Theory / 몬테소리 교육에서 반복에 의한 의지의 도야

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 9

Pages: 1-16

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Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417

Book Section

Montessori-Pädagogik und Gehirnforschung [Montessori education and brain research]

Book Title: Das Lernen in die eigene Hand nehmen: Mut zur Freiheit in der Montessori-Pädagogik [Taking learning into your own hands: Courage for freedom in Montessori pedagogy]

Pages: 25-47


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Language: German

Published: Münster, Germany: LIT, 2008

ISBN: 978-3-8258-0850-1

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 19

Book Section

Ideas of humanistic education M. Montessori in the context of the philosophical foundations of the New Ukrainian School / Ідеї гуманістичного виховання М. Монтессорі в контексті філософських засад Нової української школи

Available from: Digital Library - NAES of Ukraine

Book Title: Історія та філософія освіти в незалежній Україні: здобутки і стратегії: збірник тез Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю [History and philosophy of education in independent Ukraine: achievements and strategies: a collection of theses of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference with international participation]

Pages: 124-127

Child development, Eastern Europe, Europe, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education, Ukraine

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Abstract/Notes: У тезах описано ідеї гуманістичного виховання М. Монтессорі в контексті філософських засад Нової української школи.

Language: Ukrainian

Published: Kyiv, Ukraine: Видавництво «Авторитет» ФОП Курбанова Ю. В., 2020

ISBN: 978-966-97763-8-9

Book Section

Moral Education [30 April 1913]

Book Title: The 1913 Rome Lectures: First International Training Course

Pages: 259-276

International Montessori Training Course (1st, Rome, Italy, 1913), Maria Montessori - Speeches, addresses, etc., Maria Montessori - Writings

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Language: English

Published: Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company, 2018


✓ Peer Reviewed

Learning Disabilities: A Diagnostic and Educational Challenge

Available from: SAGE Journals

Publication: Journal of Learning Disabilities, vol. 13, no. 9

Pages: 28-31

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Abstract/Notes: Learning disabilities is presented as a construct supported by psychoeducational, socioemotional, and physiological data, as illustrated by the Meeker paradigm. Specific learning abilities as conceived in the Structure of Intellect (S.O.I.) model and identified in the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised are discussed in relation to the psychoeducation area of the Meeker paradigm. The absence of specific S.O.I. learning abilities is proposed in the definition of learning disabilities, and suggestions for remediation are delineated.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1177/002221948001300908

ISSN: 0022-2194, 1538-4780

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