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An Evaluation of the Relationship between Academic Performance and Physical Fitness Measures in City Montessori Schools

Available from: Social Science Research Network

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between academic achievement and physical fitness in City Montessori Schools. Data from the academic year 2004-2005 Fitnessgram were compared to reading, mathematics and science scores on the Health Standards Test (CST) of 253 elementary schools in the Orange County School District. Physical education teachers from the 10 lowest scoring and 10 highest scoring schools were interviewed regarding content of the physical education classes in their school. Simple correlation coefficients revealed a positive linear relationship between academic scores and physical fitness scores. The interview with the teachers revealed that most of the 10 lowest scoring schools did not have a designated physical education teacher. All of the 10 highest scoring schools had designated physical education teachers and followed the physical education guidelines recommended by the Lucknow Education Board.

Language: English

Published: Rochester, New York, Mar 27, 2013


Montessori Partners Serving All Children: Evaluation Report for 2012–2015

Available from: Development and Training, Inc

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori Partners Serving All Children (MPSAC) is a collaborative between the Montessori Center of Minnesota (MCM) and metro-area organizations. The goal of MPSAC is to demonstrate how the Montessori approach, starting with early education, can be viable, effective, culturally responsive, and accessible for all Minnesota children, including low income children from culturally distinct families and communities. Toward that end, MCM commissioned a three-year evaluation of its MPSAC initiative, currently a partnership with four participating community-led schools. This report presents comparative data and findings from that evaluation process, including data and analysis for this third and final year. The MPSAC initiative engaged partners in community-led Montessori schools in a three-year evaluation to assess the progress of children, staff, and schools in the following areas: School structures and quality (classroom environments, professional development, ongoing mentoring, and administrative technical assistance for newly formed schools); Children’s academic, cognitive, social, and physical health; and Successful inclusion and support of parents and community.

Language: English

Published: [Minnesota], 2015


An Evaluation of Montessori and Other Pre-Readiness Approaches to Reading

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Abstract/Notes: Paper presented at the SRA workshop for teachers of the culturally disadvantaged, San Antonio, Texas.

Language: English

Published: San Antonio, Texas: [s.n.], 1966

Master's Thesis (M. Ed.)

Montessori: A Critical Evaluation from Current Perspectives of Her Contribution to Education

Maria Montessori - Influence, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: This thesis focuses upon the explosion of renewed interest in the USA and Australia in the methods of Montessori and examines the direction being taken by the present day exponents of the Montessori system. The thesis sets out to show how a flexible philosophy became a rigid method; how the theory and practice of the Montessori method became a contradiction in terms. In theory, a timeless method; in practice it became institutionalised and unchangeable, while remaining a viable alternative for many areas of contemporary education. An examination of the current research into the Montessori method, while substantiating some of the claims made by her protagonists, confutes many of the other assertions made by them. The writer sees the Montessori method as a viable model of teaching equally applicable to the modern educational setting as it was to a past pedagogical arena and proceeds to demonstrate how the method can be extended, and interrelated with recent educational procedures. Thus the thesis tentatively places the Montessori method, a model that begins with observation and ends with discovery, in its correct philosophical and historical setting. It is not a cure for all the educational problems of today, much as some enthusiasts would like to believe, but rather the efforts of a pioneering genius, who developed educational practices based on an approach to children that had never before been tried

Language: English

Published: Queensland, Australia, 1984

Bachelor's Thesis

Een andere visie op evalueren vanuit verschillende methodescholen [A different vision on evaluation from different method schools]

Available from: DOKS

Comparative education, Dalton laboratory plan - Evaluation, Freinet Modern School Movement - Evaluation, Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Waldorf method of education - Evaluation

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Abstract/Notes: In dit praktijkonderzoek wordt er getracht een antwoord te vinden op de onderzoeksvraag ' Welke verschillende vormen van evaluatie worden door leerkrachten binnen het Montessori-, het Dalton-, het Steiner- en het Freinetonderwijs gebruikt om de vorderingen van hun leerlingen bij te houden?' Om hierop een antwoord te vinden ben ik de klaspraktijk van methodescholen gaan observeren. Verder heb ik leerkrachten die les geven in deze methodescholen bevraagd. Deze observaties en bevragingen heb ik in een Daltonschool, een Montessorischool en een Freinetschool kunnen doen.Allereerst heb ik kennis gemaakt met de visies van verschillende methodescholen. Methodescholen waren voor mij immers onbekend terrein. Na dit beschreven te hebben in de literatuurstudie heb ik een vragenlijst opgesteld waarop ik zeker antwoorden wou vinden in verband met de manier van evalueren in methodescholen. Deze vragen gingen zowel over hoe de leerkracht in het oog houdt hoever de leerlingen zitten in het leerproces als over de manier van toetsen van kennis. Met deze vragen ben ik naar de methodescholen getrokken om antwoorden te vinden en dus te onderzoeken hoe de scholen aan evaluatie doen.Tijdens het onderzoek heb ik het onderwerp evaluatie opgesplitst in twee delen, namelijk in formatieve en summatieve evaluatie. Er is namelijk een groot verschil tussen het evalueren tijdens de lessen om te achterhalen in hoeverre de leerlingen de leerstof al begrijpen en het evalueren op het einde van de rit om de leerstof af te sluiten en te beoordelen of de leerlingen het kunnen.Uit de resultaten van het onderzoek kan ik concluderen dat de manieren van evaluatie binnen de verschillende methodescholen leerrijk zijn. Zoals de visie van de methodescholen me al vertelt, wordt er veel rekening gehouden met de individuele leerling. Dit kan je ook vaststellen bij de manier van evaluatie. De leerlingen krijgen de kans om op eigen tempo de leerstof te exploreren. Het is als leerkracht wel belangrijk dat je op de hoogte bent van de vorderingen van de leerlingen. Als de leerlingen ver genoeg gevorderd zijn zal er pas 'getest' worden. Er wordt met andere woorden pas getest wanneer de leerkracht er van overtuigd is dat de leerling het kan. Deze testen dienen dan als bevestiging van de kennis voor de leerling en leerkracht en niet als middel om te ondervinden of de leerling de leerstof goed genoeg beheert.

Language: Dutch

Published: Vorselaar, Belgium, 2016

Bachelor's Thesis

Lahden Montessori-leikkikoulun laadun arviointi ja asiakastyytyväisyys: Arvioijina leikkikoululaisten vanhemmat [Evaluation of the quality of Lahti Montessori play school and customer satisfaction: The parents of the play school children were the evaluators]

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

Europe, Finland, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori schools, Nordic countries, Northern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: The goal of the bachelor´s thesis was to research the quality of Lahti´s Montessori-Playschool in parent´s opinion. Later it is possible to use the results of this research to improve the function of the Lahti´s Mon-tessori-Playschool – the final aim is to create high-quality day care for the children of the playschool. The research was made with a questionnaire survey, which had both open questions and questions with limited options. The questions were operationalized from two main source: the quality estimation pattern of Hujala-Huttunen (1995) and also ”Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteet” (2005), which determinates the nationwide contents of the Finnish day care. This bachelor´s thesis has introduction of these two sources and there is also presentation of other alternative ways to research the quality of day-care. Research showed were that parents were pleased with many things in playschool´s function. In parents´ opinion many things that were typical for high-quality day care are fulfilled in Lahti´s Montessori-Playschool. Results also revealed where the weaknesses were, which is a good start for development work. / Opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin, kuinka tyytyväisiä Lahden Montessori-leikkikoululaisten vanhemmat olivat lastensa varhaiskasvatuspalveluun, ja kuinka vanhempien mielestä leikkikoulussa toteutuivat erilaiset hyvänlaatuisen varhaiskasvatuspalvelun osa-alueet. Tutkimuksen tulosten avulla on tarkoitus kehittää Montessori-leikkikoulun toimintaa leikkikoulun lapsille entistä laadukkaammaksi. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenä käytettiin erityisesti Hujala-Huttusen (1995) päivähoidon laa-dunarviointimallia ja valtakunnallisia ”Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelma perusteita” (2005). Teoreettisen vii-tekehyksen pohjalta valmistettiin sekä suljettuja että avoimia kysymyksiä sisältävän lomakekyselyn leik-kikoululaisten vanhemmille. Vanhempien vastaukset taulukoitiin, ja vastausten yhteydessä on vielä ku-vattu, miksi juuri tutkimuksessa mukana olevat asiat ovat oleellisia varhaiskasvatuksen laatua tutkiessa. Lisäksi työssä on esitelty muita vaihtoehtoisia laadunarviointimalleja ja perusteltu varhaiskasvatuksen laadun arvioimisen tärkeyttä. Tutkimuksen tuloksena Lahden Montessori-leikkikoululaisten vanhempien vastauksista tuli ilmi, että vanhemmat ovat tyytyväisiä hyvin moneen hyvälaatuisen varhaiskasvatuksen osa-alueeseen lapsensa varhaiskasvatuspalvelussa. Tuloksista on helppo huomata, missä asioissa on parantamisen varaa ja mitkä asiat ovat jo nyt hyvin leikkikoulussa. Kyselyn tuloksia voidaan jatkossa käyttää yksikön laadun kehittämisessä tai varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman päivittämisessä.

Language: Finnish

Published: Mikkeli, Finland, 2010

[Thesis In Preparation]

Evaluation de la mise en oeuvre d'une approche centrée sur la personne à travers l'application de la méthode Montessori dans l'accompagnement des personnes âgées présentant des troubles cognitifs [Assessing implementation of a person-centered care through application of Montessori principles in dementia care]

Available from: Theses Portal (France)

Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Gerontology, Montessori method of education, Montessori therapy, Montessori-Based Dementia Programming (MBDP), Montessori-based interventions (MBI)

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Abstract/Notes: Les approches centrées sur la personne constituent, dans l'accompagnement des personnes atteintes de démence, un courant humaniste fort et en plein essor. Néanmoins, les grands principes peuvent parfois être difficiles à traduire en actions concrètes sur le terrain. La méthode Montessori adaptée aux personnes âgées représente en essence une mise en œuvre de la vision des approches centrées sur la personne. Dans ce travail, nous nous intéresserons à son application par les professionnels de l'accompagnement des personnes âgées, en tant qu'approche centrée sur la personne, à un niveau individuel et collectif. Dans une première partie, nous effectuerons une revue détaillée de la littérature scientifique sur la méthode Montessori adaptée aux personnes âgées et ses liens avec les approches centrées sur la personne. Dans une seconde étude, nous nous intéresserons aux conditions d'application des principes Montessori à un niveau individuel dans le contexte de l'évaluation de personnes présentant des troubles cognitifs sévères, en utilisant la Montessori Assessment System et en nous intéressant à l'impact potentiel des troubles du comportement sur son administration. Dans une troisième étude, nous construirons un questionnaire visant à évaluer l'application des principes Montessori à l'échelle collective au sein d'institutions accompagnant des personnes âgées. Nous réaliserons une étude multi-centrique de validation (validité inter-juges, validité discriminante, cohérence interne). [Person-centered care in dementia care represents a strong and booming humanistic movement. However, its principles may be challenging to apply concretely on the field. The Montessori method for people with dementia is, in essence, an attempt to apply the philosophy and vision of person-centered care. In this work, we will focus on the application of the Montessori method for people with dementia by staff in dementia care, at an individual and collective level, as a person-centered approach. In a first part, we will make a detailed and review the scientific literature about Montessori for dementia and its links with person-centered care. In a second study, we will focus on the application conditions of Montessori principles at an individual level, in the context of assessment of person with severe dementia with the Montessori Assessment System. More specifically, we will observe the impact of behavioral disturbances on its administration. In a third study, we will create a questionnaire to assess Montessori principles application at a collective and institutional level, in nursing homes for persons with dementia. We will assess its validity (inter-rater reliability, discriminant validity, internal consistency) in a multi-center study.]

Language: French

Published: Montpellier, France, 2019


✓ Peer Reviewed

Evaluation of the Montessori-Inspired Lifestyle® as the Foundation of Care in Assisted Living Memory Care

Available from: Healio

Publication: Journal of Gerontological Nursing, vol. 46, no. 5

Pages: 40-46

Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Gerontology, Montessori method of education, Montessori therapy, Montessori-Based Dementia Programming (MBDP), Montessori-based interventions (MBI)

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Abstract/Notes: The Montessori-Inspired Lifestyle® (MIL) was implemented as the foundation of care in several assisted living memory care (ALMC) neighborhoods to enhance meaningful social roles, engagement, and focus on residents' remaining capabilities. The purpose of this quality improvement project was to evaluate the outcomes regarding resident levels of engagement and prescribed antipsychotic medications before and after MIL implementation. A total of 85 residents were observed for 10-minute periods seven times during 1 day to ascertain the level of engagement during meals and planned and unplanned activities. Positive engagement minutes increased after MIL implementation for activities and meals. Outcomes of this project support the MIL as a foundation of care for ALMC residents and have raised the awareness for addressing diverse cognitive abilities. The need for reoccurring training for the sustainability of this model of care was recognized. [Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 46(5), 40–46.]

Language: English

DOI: 10.3928/00989134-20200409-01

ISSN: 1938-243X, 0098-9134


Comprehensive Evaluation Needed to Determine A.D.D.

Publication: The National Montessori Reporter

Pages: 15–17

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Language: English


✓ Peer Reviewed

Montessori-Based Activities Among Persons with Late-Stage Dementia: Evaluation of Mental and Behavioral Health Outcomes:

Available from: SAGE Journals

Publication: Dementia, vol. 18, no. 4

Pages: 1373-1392

Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Gerontology, Montessori method of education, Montessori therapy, Montessori-Based Dementia Programming (MBDP), Montessori-based interventions (MBI)

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Abstract/Notes: Literature regarding Montessori-based activities with older adults with dementia is fairly common with early stages of dementia. Conversely, research on said activities with individuals experiencing late-stage dementia is limited because of logistical difficulties in sampling and data collection. Given the need to understand risks and benefits of treatments for individuals with late-stage dementia, specifically regarding their mental and behavioral health, this study sought to evaluate the effects of a Montessori-based activity program implemented in a long-term care facility. Utilizing an interrupted time series design, trained staff completed observation-based measures for 43 residents with late-stage dementia at three intervals over six months. Empirical measures assessed mental health (anxiety, psychological well-being, quality of life) and behavioral health (problem behaviors, social engagement, capacity for activities of daily living). Group differences were observed via repeated measures ANOVA and paired-samples t-tests. The aggregate, longitudinal results—from baseline to final data interval—for the psychological and behavioral health measures were as follows: problem behaviors diminished though not significantly; social engagement decreased significantly; capacities for activities of daily living decreased significantly; quality of life increased slightly but not significantly; anxiety decreased slightly but not significantly; and psychological well-being significantly decreased. Improvements observed for quality of life and problem behaviors may yield promise for Montessori-based activities and related health care practices. The rapid physiological and cognitive deterioration from late-stage dementia should be considered when interpreting these results.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1177/1471301217703242

ISSN: 1741-2684, 1471-3012

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