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551 results


Work of Red Cross and White Cross in the Great War

Available from: Newspapers.com

Publication: The Morning Echo (Bakersfield, California)

Pages: 12

Americas, Blanche Weill - Biographic sources, Irma Weill - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Mary R. Cromwell - Biographic sources, North America, Red Cross, United States of America, White Cross (Croce Bianca)

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Language: English


✓ Peer Reviewed

A Cluster-Randomized Crossover Trial of Montessori Activities Delivered by Family Carers to Nursing Home Residents with Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia

Available from: Cambridge University Press

Publication: International Psychogeriatrics, vol. 32, no. 3

Pages: 347-358

Alzheimer's disease, Australasia, Australia, Australia and New Zealand, Dementia, Gerontology, Montessori method of education, Montessori therapy, Montessori-Based Dementia Programming (MBDP), Montessori-based interventions (MBI), Oceania

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Abstract/Notes: One-on-one structured Montessori-based activities conducted with people with dementia can improve agitation and enhance engagement. These activities may however not always be implemented by nursing home staff. Family members may present an untapped resource for enabling these activities. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of the Montessori activities implemented by family members on visitation experiences with people who have dementia. This study strengthens the evidence base for the use of the Montessori programs in increasing well-being in nursing home residents. The findings also provide evidence that family members are an additional valuable resource in implementing structured activities such as the Montessori program with residents.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1017/S1041610219001819

ISSN: 1041-6102, 1741-203X


Reading, Writing, and Mathematics: Explored and Discovered Rather than Taught

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 28, no. 1

Pages: 43-55

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Abstract/Notes: Examines reading, writing, and mathematics for older primary children within the Montessori setting. Emphasizes normalization and engaging links with the prepared environment, focusing on how discovery moments in reading and contexts for learning around culture create natural conditions for learning. Asserts that the guided discovery approach means careful planning and direction for the child and that adults must know the passages and meaning of each activity the child chooses. (Author/KB)

Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734


Field Notes [Tim Nee consulting; Hartford school honored; new charters; schools online; Michelle Monson fired from Whitby (CT); M: Magazine; Montessori-IB]

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 20, no. 4

Pages: 8-9

Public Montessori

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


Children's Minds: Endangered or Empowered? Notes on Dr. Jane Healy's Lecture at the AMI International Study Conference

Publication: Forza Vitale!, vol. 14, no. 1

Pages: 7

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Language: English


Scuole di redenzione [Schools of Redemption]

Publication: Risveglio Educativo: Monitore Bisettimanale delle Scuole Elementari, vol. 15, no. 23

Pages: 185-187

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Language: Italian

Doctoral Dissertation

Escola Montessori: um espaço de conquistas e redescobertas [Montessori School: a space of conquests and rediscoveries]

Available from: Universidade LaSalle

Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori schools

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Abstract/Notes: The following investigation focus on the main foundations for the montessorian pedagogy about aspects related to the theory and the method proposed by Maria Montessori since the end of the XIX century and adapted to contemporary educational and curricular contexts at Prima –Escola Montessori, in São Paulo. This school has been recognized for its work for almost three decades in the Brazilian territory and also internationally, being the only South-American one mentioned in Around the World in 100 Years – Montessory Centenary. Taking into consideration the relevance of studies that permit the rescue of the pedagogical dimension in History of the curriculum of the educational institutes, the following work presents, as research problem, the following question: What are the pedagogical contributions to the montessorian curricular model applied to Basic Education in contemporary Brazilian Schools? A predominantly qualitative research was developed to answer it, based on interactive observation, semi-structured interviews and photographs. For that objective, this work is structured in three chapters. The first chapter is a rescue of the significant facts related to Maria Montessori’s personal and professional life; the second presents an approach of basic ideas concerning the scientific pedagogy developed by her and the genesis of the principles that are the bases for her educational method; and the third is about the applied research at Prima-Escola Montessori in São Paulo, with the intention of permitting critical analysis between theory and practice and verifying the values and the possibilities of this teaching system nowadays. / A presente investigação focaliza os principais fundamentos da pedagogia montessoriana no que tange aos aspectos relativos à teoria e ao método propostos por Maria Montessori, desde o final do século XIX, e adaptados aos contextos educativo e curricular contemporâneos na Prima-Escola Montessori, localizada na Cidade de São Paulo. A referida Instituição tem seu trabalho reconhecido ao longo de quase três décadas no território brasileiro e também no plano internacional por ser a única instituição educacional sul-americana citada no Around the World in 100 Years – Montessori Centenary. Considerando, a priori, a pertinência de estudos que oportunizem o resgate da dimensão pedagógica na história do currículo das organizações educativas, este trabalho apresenta como problema de pesquisa a seguinte indagação: quais são as contribuições pedagógicas do modelo curricular montessoriano aplicado à Educação Básica na escola brasileira contemporânea? Para respondê-la, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa, de cunho predominantemente qualitativo, baseada na observação participante por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e fotografias. Nesse sentido, o trabalho estrutura-se em três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo faz um resgate de fatos significativos da trajetória da vida pessoal e profissional de Maria Montessori; o segundo apresenta uma abordagem das ideias básicas da pedagogia científica desenvolvida por ela e a gênesis dos princípios, que fundamentam seu método educativo; e o terceiro fala sobre a pesquisa de campo realizada na Prima-Escola Montessori de São Paulo, com a intenção de permitir uma análise crítica entre teoria e prática e verificar quais são, na atualidade, os valores e as possibilidades desse sistema de ensino.

Language: Portuguese

Published: Canoas, Brazil, 2009

Doctoral Dissertation

Escola Montessori: um espaço de conquistas e redescobertas [Montessori School: a space for conquests and rediscoveries]

Available from: Universidade LaSalle - Institutional Repository

Americas, Brazil, Latin America and the Caribbean, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, South America

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Abstract/Notes: A presente investigação focaliza os principais fundamentos da pedagogia montessoriana no que tange aos aspectos relativos à teoria e ao método propostos por Maria Montessori, desde o final do século XIX, e adaptados aos contextos educativo e curricular contemporâneos na Prima-Escola Montessori, localizada na Cidade de São Paulo. A referida Instituição tem seu trabalho reconhecido ao longo de quase três décadas no território brasileiro e também no plano internacional por ser a única instituição educacional sul-americana citada no Around the World in 100 Years – Montessori Centenary. Considerando, a priori, a pertinência de estudos que oportunizem o resgate da dimensão pedagógica na história do currículo das organizações educativas, este trabalho apresenta como problema de pesquisa a seguinte indagação: quais são as contribuições pedagógicas do modelo curricular montessoriano aplicado à Educação Básica na escola brasileira contemporânea? Para respondê-la, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa, de cunho predominantemente qualitativo, baseada na observação participante por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e fotografias. Nesse sentido, o trabalho estrutura-se em três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo faz um resgate de fatos significativos da trajetória da vida pessoal e profissional de Maria Montessori; o segundo apresenta uma abordagem das ideias básicas da pedagogia científica desenvolvida por ela e a gênesis dos princípios, que fundamentam seu método educativo; e o terceiro fala sobre a pesquisa de campo realizada na Prima-Escola Montessori de São Paulo, com a intenção de permitir uma análise crítica entre teoria e prática e verificar quais são, na atualidade, os valores e as possibilidades desse sistema de ensino. [The following investigation focus on the main foundations for the montessorian pedagogy about aspects related to the theory and the method proposed by Maria Montessori since the end of the XIX century and adapted to contemporary educational and curricular contexts at Prima –Escola Montessori, in São Paulo. This school has been recognized for its work for almost three decades in the Brazilian territory and also internationally, being the only South-American one mentioned in Around the World in 100 Years – Montessory Centenary. Taking into consideration the relevance of studies that permit the rescue of the pedagogical dimension in History of the curriculum of the educational institutes, the following work presents, as research problem, the following question: What are the pedagogical contributions to the montessorian curricular model applied to Basic Education in contemporary Brazilian Schools? A predominantly qualitative research was developed to answer it, based on interactive observation, semi-structured interviews and photographs. For that objective, this work is structured in three chapters. The first chapter is a rescue of the significant facts related to Maria Montessori’s personal and professional life; the second presents an approach of basic ideas concerning the scientific pedagogy developed by her and the genesis of the principles that are the bases for her educational method; and the third is about the applied research at Prima-Escola Montessori in São Paulo, with the intention of permitting critical analysis between theory and practice and verifying the values and the possibilities of this teaching system nowadays.]

Language: Portuguese

Published: Canoas, Brazil, 2009


Metode Montessori: Implikasi Student-Centred Learning terhadap Pekembangan Anak di PAUD [The Montessori Method: Implications of Student-Centred Learning on Child Development in PAUD]

Available from: Jurnal Obsesi

Publication: Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini [Journal of Obsession: Journal of Early Childhood Education], vol. 7, no. 3

Pages: 2961-2976

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Dominasi guru dalam proses belajar masih banyak terlihat, salah satu buktinya saat terjadi pandemik Covid-19, siswa dan orang tua menjadi kebingungan ketika harus belajar dari rumah tanpa kehadiran guru secara langsung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implikasi student-centred learning terhadap perkembangan anak di PAUD Montessori Futura Indonesia, Lombok Barat. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus dengan menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi dalam pengumpulan data. Subyek penelitian berjumlah 10 siswa yang berusia antara 4-6 tahun. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa cara yang diterapkan oleh guru dalam pelaksanaan student-centred learning, yaitu: penggabungan usia, penyesuaian fasilitas dengan kebutuhan dan ukuran tubuh anak, menanamkan kemandirian dan mengurangi keterlibatan guru, menyediakan fasilitas bermain yang lengkap dan beragam, dan berkolaborasi dengan orang tua. Sedangkan implikasi student-centred learning terhadap perkembangan anak dapat terlihat dari beberapa pencapaian anak pada 6 aspek perkembangan yaitu aspek perkembangan nilai agama dan moral, fisik-motorik, kognitif, sosial-emosional, dan seni. Oleh sebab itu, guru perlu memberikan kesempatan kepada anak untuk mengeksplorasi lingkungan belajar dengan mempersiapkan kegiatan bermain sesuai kebutuhan anak.

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.31004/obsesi.v7i3.3323

ISSN: 2549-8959


Colour Boxes I & II (Or Why is Red, Red)

Publication: AMI Journal (2013-), vol. 2014-2015

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Abstract/Notes: Annette Haines provides a historical and cross-cultural survey of research showing that people representing twenty different languages share the same perceptions about the basic colours that we find in Montessori’s colour boxes.

Language: English

ISSN: 2215-1249, 2772-7319

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