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255 results

Master's Thesis

5-6 yaş çocukların matematik becerilerinin geliştirilmesinde Montessori eğitim programının etkisi [The effect of Montessori method of education on the development of mathematics skills in 5-6 year old children]

Available from: Ulusal Tez Merkezi / National Thesis Center (Turkey)

Asia, Comparative education, Mathematics education, Middle East, Montessori materials, Montessori method of education, Preschool children, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Instead of showing mathematics as a lesson Montessori helps children to see the mathematics that it is the most essential part of life. Generally, in our country people have prejudice about the mathematics that it is very difficult and it cannot be learned easily. The reason of this prejudice is teaching mathematisc with abstract examples. Montessori, teaches mathematics by using concrete materials. The aim of this study is, to evaluate the effects of Montessori program in teaching mathematic to 5 and 6 year old children. Hence, of the 40 preschool participants of this research 20 of them were going to school were Montessori method was utilized while not so at the school where the other 20 were going. The interview form composed by the researcher and the data analysed with Nvivo program. / Montessori, matematiği çocukların hayatına bir ders olarak sunmayıp, daha çok hayatı basitleştiren bir bilgi, hayatın bir parçası olarak sunmaktadır. Genel olarak ülkemizde matematik öğrenimine, çok zor olduğu, asla öğrenilemeyeceği şeklinde olumsuz bir ön yargı ile yaklaşılmaktadır. Bu yargının nedeni matematik öğrenim tarzının, genel olarak soyut uygulamalarla öğretilmeye çalışılmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Montessori matematik eğitimi, yıllarca oynamaktan büyük bir haz duyduğu somut bazı materyalleri kullanarak verilmektedir. Araştırmanın amacı 5-6 yaş çocuklara Montessori matematik dersinin öğretilmesinde Montessori eğitim programının etkisini değerlendirmektir. Bu anlamda araştırmacı tarafından oluşturulan mülakat formu ile elde edilen veriler Nvivo programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Bu araştırmanın örneklemini Montessori eğitimi almış (deney) ve almamış (kontrol) 5-6 yaş arası 40 çocuktan oluşan gruplar oluşturmuştur.

Language: Turkish

Published: Istanbul, Turkey, 2019

Undergraduate Thesis

Implementasi metode montessori dalam pembelajaran Matematika anak usia 3-4 tahun di PG-TK Ar-Raudhah Pepelegi [Implementation of the Montessori method in learning Mathematics for children aged 3-4 years at PG-TK Ar-Raudhah Pepelegi]

Available from: Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya Digital Library

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh kemampuan matematika anak usia 3-4 tahun di PG-TK Ar-Raudhah Pepelegi, dengan kemampuan matematika yang dimiliki anak lain, secara umum anak masih bergantung pada orang tua atau guru dalam memahami pembelajaran yang diberikan guru. Jika dilihat pada anak usia 3-4 tahun yang ada di PG-TK Ar-Raudhah Pepelegi, mereka sudah memperlihatkan kemampuan yang dimilikinya mulai dari mengenal bilangan melalui jumlah benda sampai dengan anak mampu menyelesaikan tugas yang diberikan guru. Pada dasarnya dengan memberikan kesempatan kepada anak untuk mencari pengalaman secara langsung dapat menambah kemampuan matematika pada diri anak. Maka metode pembelajaran seperti apakah yang dilakukan di PG-TK Ar-Raudhah sehingga kemampuan matematika anak usia 3-4 tahun dapat berkembang dengan baik. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah (1) Bagaimana kemampuan matematika anak usia 3-4 tahun PG-TK Ar-Raudhah Pepelegi Waru Sidoarjo, (2) Bagaimana Implementasi metode Montessori dalam kemampuan matematika anak usia 3-4 tahun di PG-TK Ar-Raudhah Pepelegi Waru Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisa yang digunakan yakni model Miles dan Huberman dimana dalam proses analisanya dimulai dari mereduksi data, kemudian menyajikan dan verifikasi. Teknik keabsahan data yang digunakan yakni metode triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi metode Montessori dalam pembelajaran matematika khususnya di PG-TK Ar-Raudhah Pepelegi berkembang cukup bagus karena anak mulai mampu mengenal bilangan sampai dengan memahami konsep dan mampu menyelesaikan tugas yang diberikan guru dengan sedikit atau tanpa bantuan sama sekali, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa startegi guru dalam menerapkan metode montessori dalam meningkatkan kemampuan matematika yang dimiliki anak sudah mulai berkembang dengan baik. Begitu juga dengan implementasi yang telah dilaksanakan di lembaga PG-TK Ar-Raudhah Pepelegi sudah sesuai dengan tahapan yang ada pada metode Montessori mulai dari tahapan menunjukkan bilangan, tahapan mengenalkan dengan media pembelajaran kongkret sampai dengan tahapan mengingat kembali pembelajaran matematika yang sudah diberikan guru sebelumnya, sehingga anak dapat meningkatkan kemampuan matematika yang dimilikinya dengan baik. [This research is motivated by the mathematical ability of children aged 3-4 years in PG-TK Ar-Raudhah Pepelegi, with the mathematical abilities of other children, in general children still depend on their parents or teachers in understanding the learning given by the teacher. If you look at children aged 3-4 years in PG-TK Ar-Raudhah Pepelegi, they have shown their abilities ranging from recognizing numbers through the number of objects until the child is able to complete the tasks given by the teacher. Basically, by providing opportunities for children to seek direct experience, they can increase their mathematical abilities. So what kind of learning method is used in PG-TK Ar-Raudhah so that the mathematical abilities of children aged 3-4 years can develop well. The formulation of the research problem is (1) How is the mathematical ability of children aged 3-4 years at PG-TK Ar-Raudhah Pepelegi Waru Sidoarjo, (2) How is the implementation of the Montessori method in the mathematical abilities of children aged 3-4 years at PG-TK Ar-Raudhah Pepelegi Waru Sidoarjo. This study used a qualitative approach and data collection was carried out using the methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. The analysis used is the Miles and Huberman model where the analysis process starts from reducing data, then presenting and verifying. The data validity technique used is the triangulation method. The results showed that the implementation of the Montessori method in learning mathematics, especially in PG-TK Ar-Raudhah Pepelegi developed quite well because children began to be able to recognize numbers to understand concepts and were able to complete tasks given by the teacher with little or no help, this shows that the teacher's strategy in applying the Montessori method in improving children's mathematical abilities has begun to develop well. Likewise, the implementation that has been carried out at the PG-TK Ar-Raudhah Pepelegi institution is in accordance with the stages in the Montessori method starting from the stage of showing numbers, the stage of introducing concrete learning media to the stage of recalling mathematics learning that has been given by the previous teacher, so that children can improve their mathematical abilities well.]

Language: English

Published: Surubaya, Indonesia, 2020

Archival Material Or Collection

Box 16, Folder 12 - Notes, ca. 1929-1948 - "Mathematics" [Decimals; Arithmetic; Education for Democracy; Fractions; Two Points;Dominated by History; S. Periods in Development; Language; Seasonal Materials; Study of Numbers, Triangles; Teaching Religion; Geography, Geometry, Money Sums, Literature; Multiplication; Fractions, Teaching Notes; Mathematics; Groups]

Available from: Seattle University

Edwin Mortimer Standing - Biographic sources, Edwin Mortimer Standing - Writings

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Language: English

Archive: Seattle University, Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons, Special Collections

Archival Material Or Collection

Box 16, Folder 13 - Notes, ca. 1929-1948 - "Mathematics" [continued same as above]

Available from: Seattle University

Edwin Mortimer Standing - Biographic sources, Edwin Mortimer Standing - Writings

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Language: English

Archive: Seattle University, Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons, Special Collections


The Abstraction of Concepts in Mathematics

Publication: The Child and You, vol. 2

Pages: 79-82

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Language: English



Publication: Montessori Elementary Newsletter, vol. 3, no. 1

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Language: English


Refresher Course Held in Atlanta: Mathematics! [Report on recent course]

Publication: AMI/USA News, vol. 12, no. 2

Pages: 7

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Language: English


A History Approach to Mathematics for the Adolescent

Publication: Montessori Insights

Pages: 12-16

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Language: English


New Games and Other Exercises with Montessori Mathematics Material

Publication: The Montessori Journal, vol. 7, no. 50

Pages: 4-6

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Language: English


New Games and Other Exercises with Montessori Mathematics Material

Publication: The Montessori Journal, vol. 7, no. 46-47

Pages: 7

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Language: English

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