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638 results


A Day in the Life: A Montessori School in England [White Cliffs Montessori Pre-School, Dover]

Publication: The National Montessori Reporter, vol. 29, no. 1

Pages: 11–15

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Language: English


Sokszínű szótanuló – Játékos szókincsfejlesztő Montessori gyöngyökkel [Diverse Vocabulary - Playful vocabulary developer with Montessori beads]

Available from: National Széchényi Library

Publication: Magiszter, vol. 15, no. 3

Pages: 47-51

Eastern Europe, Europe, Hungary, Montessori materials

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Language: Hungarian

ISSN: 1583-6436


Anfänge des Naturkundeunterrichts in unserer Montessori-Klasse [Beginnings of natural history lessons in our Montessori class]

Publication: Presença ABEM: Revista Oficial da Associação Brasileira de Educação Montessori [ABEM Presence: Official Magazine of the Brazilian Association of Montessori Education], no. 12

Pages: 16-18

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Language: German


Montessori Erziehung in Familie/Kinderhaus/Schule: Ein Buch für Eltern und Kinderfreunde mit vielen Bildern [Montessori education in the family/children's home/school: A book for parents and friends of children with many pictures]

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Abstract/Notes: Distributed by the Deutsche Montessori-Gesellschaft with the October 1927 issue of their periodical "Montessori-Nachrichten".

Language: German

Published: Berlin, Germany: Deutsche Montessori-Gesellschaft, [1927]


A Montessori Education for the Adult: Reflections on the Making of a Montessori Educator

Publication: Montessori Matters, no. 2

Pages: 17–18

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Language: English

Master's Thesis

Montessori eğitim yönteminin okul öncesi (36-66 ay) çocuklarının günlük yaşam becerilerine ve ebeveyn tutumlarına etkisinin incelenmesi / Research of the effect of the Montessori education method on the daily life skills and parents' attitude of preschool (36-66 months) children

Available from: Ulusal Tez Merkezi / National Thesis Center (Turkey)

Asia, Life skills, Middle East, Montessori method of education, Parent attitudes, Practical life exercises, Preschool children, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of learning levels of daily life skills on the attitudes of the Montessori children's parents. For this purpose, a questionnaire was applied to 414 children of 3-6 age group and their parents in 9 Montessori schools in Izmit, Istanbul, Antalya and Nevsehir. The "Daily Life Skills Scale" developed by us and the " Parent Attitude Scale " developed by Şendil ve Karabulut (2008) were used to collect the data. In the study, frequency analysis was used to show the demographic information of the participants. Parametric tests were used in the analyzes."One Way ANOVA " and "Independent Sample T Test" were used for the analysis of independent variables in terms of scale scores. Dependent sample t test was used for the analysis of the pre and post scores of the questionnaire. The relationship between independent variables was examined by Pearson correlation coefficient. The relationship between independent variables was examined by pearson correlation coefficient. As a result of the research, it was determined that there is an improvement in daily life skills of preschool students. In terms of pre-test and post-test evaluations, it was seen that there was an increase in parental permissive attitude, authoritarian attitude and excessive protection attitude, while a decrease in democratic attitude was observed. / Çalışmamızda Montessori eğitimi alan çocukların günlük yaşam becerilerini öğrenme seviyelerinin ebeveynlerinin tutumlarına etkisinin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda İzmit, İstanbul, Antalya, Nevşehir illerine bağlı Montessori eğitimi veren 9 kurumda eğitime devam etmekte olan 3-6 yaş grubu 414 çocuğa ve ebeveynlerine anket uygulanmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında tarafımızca geliştirilen "Günlük Yaşam Becerileri Ölçeği" ve Şendil ve Karabulut (2008) tarafından geliştirilen "Ebeveyn Tutum Ölçeği" kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada katılımcıların demografik bilgilerini göstermek için frekans analizine başvurulmuştur. Analizlerde parametrik testler kullanılmıştır. Bağımsız değişkenlerin ölçek puanları bakımından analizleri için "Tek Faktörlü Varyans Analizi " ve "Bağımsız Grup T Testi" kullanılmıştır. Uygulama öncesi ve sonrası ölçek puanlarının karşılaştırılması "Bağımlı Grup T Testi" ile yapılmıştır. "Bağımsız değişkenler arası ilişki pearson korelasyon katsayısı ile incelenmiştir". Araştırma sonucunda okul öncesi öğrencilerin günlük yaşam becerilerinde gelişme olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ön test-son test değerlendirmeleri açısından ebeveynlerin izin verici tutum, otoriter tutum ve aşırı koruyu tutumda artış meydana gelirken demokratik tutumda azalma olduğu görülmüştür.

Language: Turkish

Published: Istanbul, Turkey, 2020

Book Section

Perché contrapporre le Agazzi alla Montessori? [Why contrast Agazzi with Montessori?]

Book Title: Pietro Pasquali, le Agazzi e la riforma del fröbelismo in Italia

Pages: 153-154

Agazzi method of teaching - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Aldo Agazzi - Philosophy, Comparative education, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Rosa Agazzi - Philosophy

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Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Armando, 1962

Book Section

L'educazione religiosa in Maria Montessori [Religious education by Maria Montessori]

Book Title: L'educazione alla socialità nella pedagogia contemporanea [Education to sociality in contemporary pedagogy]

Pages: 171-183

Conferences, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., National Study Conference (4th, Venice, Italy, 12-14 October 1956), Religious education

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Abstract/Notes: Speech delivered by author on October 13, 1956 at the 4th National Study Conference (Venice, Italy).

Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Vita dell'infanzia, 1957


Maria Montessori und die zeitgenössische Pädagogik: (bericht über den 11. Internationalen Montessori-Kongress in Rom)

Publication: Mitteilungen der deutschen Montessori-Gesellschaft e. V., vol. 5, no. 4

Pages: 1-2

Conferences, International Montessori Congress (11th, Rome, Italy, 26-28 September 1957)

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Language: German

Master's Thesis

El mètode Montessori a Catalunya a través de revistes i publicacions periòdiques (1911-2014) [The Montessori method in Catalonia through journals and periodicals (1911-2014)]

Available from: Universitat de Vic - Institutional Repository

Europe, Southern Europe, Spain

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori (1870-1952), doctora i pedagoga, va dedicar la vida a l’estudi de l’infant. A partir de les seves observacions va elaborar un mètode pedagògic en el qual el centre era el nen i propiciava la resolució de les seves necessitats. El seu mètode va estendre’s per tot el món, arribant a Catalunya l’any 1911 a través d’un article a la revista Feminal. L’any 1914 es va dur a terme per primera vegada a la Casa de Maternitat de Barcelona una experiència d’aplicació del mètode Montessori. Des d’aquell moment l’ interès pel mètode va anar en creixement, sent molts els mestres i pedagogs interessats en ell. Aquest fet va provocar que fins i tot la mateixa Maria Montessori va viure durant un període a Catalunya. En aquest treball hem analitzat 95 articles publicats a Catalunya des del 1911 al 2014, any de celebració del centenari de la primera aula Montessori a Barcelona, per tal de valorar la repercussió que aquests articles podien haver tingut en la difusió i impuls del mètode a Catalunya. [Maria Montessori (1870-1952), a doctor and pedagogue, dedicated her life to the study of the child. From his observations he elaborated a pedagogical method in which the center was the child and favored the resolution of his needs. Her method spread all over the world, arriving in Catalonia in 1911 through an article in the magazine Feminal. In 1914, an experiment in the application of the Montessori method was carried out for the first time at the Barcelona Maternity Home. From that moment on, interest in the method grew, with many teachers and educators interested in it. This fact caused that even the same Maria Montessori lived during a period in Catalonia. In this work we have analyzed 95 articles published in Catalonia from 1911 to 2014, the year of the centenary of the first Montessori classroom in Barcelona, ​​in order to assess the impact that these articles could have had on the dissemination and promotion of the method in Catalonia.]

Language: Catalan

Published: Vic, Spain, 2017

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