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255 results


What? No Grades? Understanding Academic Achievement in Montessori Classrooms

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 17, no. 1

Pages: 5–8, 23, 26–27

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Impact of Using Activities Based on the Montessori Approach in Science in the Academic Achievement of Fourth Grade Students

Available from: International Journal of Instruction

Publication: International Journal of Instruction, vol. 12, no. 2

Pages: 695-708

Academic achievement, Montessori method of education, Science - Study and teaching

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Abstract/Notes: This study investigated the effect of using activities based on the Montessori approach in science academic achievement of the fourth grade students. A quasiexperimental design was used wherein the students were equally divided into two groups: the experimental and the control group. Both groups consisted of 31 students. To achieve the aim of the study, Montessori Hall has been set up with six dimensions, and each corner has several shelves comprised different materials used for conducting the science activities. In addition, a teacher guide was prepared to be used by the teacher to implement the Montessori approach for the experimental group. Finally, an achievement test that consisted of seven multiple choice questions (MCQs) and five short answer questions was constructed and administered to both study groups. The results of the study indicated that there were statistically significant differences at the level of significance (P ≤ 0.05) between the mean values of the experimental and the control groups in the academic achievement in favor of the experimental group. In light of the study results, the study recommends holding training workshops for teachers on how to use the Montessori approach in teaching science classes.

Language: English

DOI: 10.29333/iji.2019.12244a

ISSN: 1308-1470, 1694-609X

Master's Thesis (Action Research Report)

"What are the Effects of Goal-Setting on Motivation and Academic Achievement in a Fourth Grade Classroom?"

Available from: St. Catherine University

Action research

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this action research was to study the effects of goal-setting as a strategy on student motivation and academic achievement in a fourth-grade classroom. The study was performed at a rural public elementary school in South Carolina, consisting of eighteen students in a general education classroom. This study used a preassessment/post-assessment set-up in order to collect data for math achievement and reading comprehension. An attitude survey was used to collect data on student’s motivation towards academic work. The data shows that the goal-setting strategy had a positive effect on math achievement and motivation towards academic work and may have an effect on reading comprehension.

Language: English

Published: St. Paul, Minnesota, 2019

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

Longitudinal Academic Achievement Outcomes: Modeling the Growth Trajectories of Montessori Public Elementary School Students

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: Elementary education has theoretical underpinnings based on cognitive psychology. Ideas from cognitive psychologists such as James, Dewey, Piaget, and Vygotsky coalesce to form constructivism (Cooper, 1993; Yager, 2000; Yilmaz, 2011). Among others, the Montessori Method (1912/1964) is an exemplar of constructivism. Currently, public education in the United States is heavily impacted by the No Child Left Behind legislation (Paige, 2006) which emphasizes high stakes academic achievement testing. Absent from the literature is an examination of the academic achievement of Montessori students in public education. This study explores the academic achievement outcomes of public school students who completed varying numbers of years in Montessori elementary education. Singer and Willett's (2003) multilevel model of change serves as the statistical tool utilized to explore the academic achievement outcomes of a first grade cohort through their elementary and secondary school careers. Accrued years in Montessori did not account for significant variance amongst the trajectories, and gender and ethnicity, when considered without the interactions with accrued years, had minimal impact. Socioeconomic status, when the variable of accrued years in Montessori was removed from the equation, was a significant predictor of reading and math achievement.

Language: English

Published: Commerce, Texas, 2014


✓ Peer Reviewed

Montessori vs. Traditional Education in the Public Sector: Seeking Appropriate Comparisons of Academic Achievement

Available from: ERIC

Publication: Forum on Public Policy, vol. 2007, no. 2

Pages: 23 p.

Americas, Comparative education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., North America, Public Montessori, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Recent years have provided an interest on the part of public school systems regarding Montessori as an educational choice, often as a magnet school option. "No Child Left Behind" legislation emphasizes the social and learning needs of individual children as well as a national spirit of accountability for academic achievement, and the public sector is making a comprehensive examination of curriculum delivery systems which can provide benefits for all learners in quantifiable ways, most often in the form of standardized test scores which demonstrate improved student achievement. This study examines the relationship of public Montessori education expressed as Stanford Achievement Test scores in reading and math in comparison with similar scores for students in traditional programs, using a within subjects, matched pairs design of repeated measures over a three year period. Math scores for the groups were not observed to be significantly different, although, following the initial observation, the Montessori group continued to produce increasingly higher mean scores than the traditional students. Marginal significance between the groups suggests that the data analysis should continue to elucidate a possible trend toward significance. Reading scores for the groups demonstrated significant differences, and in the second and third years of the study, Montessori students produced means which consistently outperformed the traditional group.

Language: English

ISSN: 1556-763X, 1938-9809


✓ Peer Reviewed

Four Seventh Grade Students Who Qualify for Academic Intervention Services in Mathematics Learning Multi-Digit Multiplication with the Montessori Checkerboard

Available from: ERIC

Publication: Teaching Exceptional Children Plus (TECPlus), vol. 4, no. 3

Pages: Article 2

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Abstract/Notes: This article describes the positive impact of Montessori manipulative materials on four seventh grade students who qualified for academic intervention services because of previous low state test scores in mathematics. This mathematics technique for teaching multi-digit multiplication uses a placemat-sized quilt with different color-coded squares for place value, color-coded bead bars for representing digits, and small numeral tiles in a procedure related to lattice multiplication. The article presents a brief introduction to the Montessori approach to learning, an overview of Montessori mathematics, and an explanation of the Checkerboard for Multiplication with related multiplication manipulatives. Pretest/posttest results of the four students indicated that all increased their understandings of multiplication. The results of an attitude survey showed students improved in enjoyment, perceived knowledge, and confidence in solving multiplication problems. (Contains 19 figures and 5 tables.)

Language: English

ISSN: 1553-9318


The Effects of Young Children's Team centered Problem-Based Learning Strategies on the Self-Efficacy and Academic Interests in Young Children's Mathematics / 유아 수학에 대한 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략이 유아의 자기효능감과 학습흥미에 미치는 효과

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 17, no. 1

Pages: 37-53

Asia, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, East Asia, Montessori method of education, South Korea

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of young children's team centered problem-based learning strategies(team centered PBL) on the self-efficacy and academic interests in young children's mathematics. For these purposes, the data were collected by questionnaire from 27 young children living in S-city. They were respectively assigned to experimental group and comparative group. The experimental group was trained four weeks with the 12th sessions through the team centered PBL. Before administrating the experimental procedure, both groups took the pretest for measuring their self-efficacy and academic interests. After the experimental sessions, they also took the posttests to measure both of them. The major results of this study were as follows: First, the experimental group trained through the team centered PBL strategies has got higher scores on the self-efficacy questionnaire than the comparative group. Second, the former which got higher scores on the self-efficacy also gained more scores on academic interests test than the latter. In light of these results, it suggests that young children's self-efficacy in the kindergarten could be acquired through team centered PBL strategies. / 본 연구의 목적은 유아 수학에 대한 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략이 유아의 자기효능감과 학습흥미에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 밝혀내는 것이다. 이를 수행하기 위해 경기도 S시 소재의 H유치원만 5세반 실험집단 14명에게 4주 동안 총 12차시에 걸쳐 유아 수학 관련 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략을 실시하였다. 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략이 종료된 후에 유아 수학 관련 자기효능감검사와 학습흥미검사의 결과를 비교집단 13명의 결과와 비교 분석하였다. 본 연구에서 밝혀진 주요 결과로는 첫째, 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략을 받은 실험집단이 그렇지 않은 비교집단보다 유아 수학에 대한 자기효능감 점수가 유의미하게 높았다. 둘째, 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략으로 자기효능감이 높아진 실험집단이 그렇지 않은 비교집단보다 유아 수학에 대한 학습흥미에서도 유의미하게 높았다. 이 같은 연구결과는 수업시간에 유아들에게 수학 관련 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략이 제공될 경우, 유아들의 수학 관련 자기효능감과 학습흥미가 향상될 수 있음을 의미한다. 따라서 유아들의 수학 관련 자기효능감과 학습흥미 향상을 위해 모둠별 문제중심 학습전략을 적용해 볼 필요성이 있을 것이다.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417

Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)

The Impact of Multi-Age Instruction on Academic Performance in Mathematics and Reading

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

Academic achievement, Americas, Elementary education, Mathematics education, Nongraded schools, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Teachers and administrators are faced with a basic question when planning for a school year: how should the students be grouped when coming to school? Should students of similar age be together or should students be assigned to multi-age classrooms at the elementary school level? If the multi-age method is chosen, how will academic progress be affected by this instructional strategy? And, in the end, will the students in a multi-age setting perform similar to students who are in traditional group setting on standardized tests? The question of multi-age grouping and academic performance was the focus of this study. The purpose of this study was to compare the academic performance in reading and mathematics of third- and fifth-grade students who have completed three years of multi-age instruction with the academic performance of students in third and fifth grade who have been instructed in the similar-aged traditional classroom. The study compared test scores of students in third and fifth grades using the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment exams. This study determined that there was no significant difference in the scholastic performance between the groups of students who were instructed in the multi-age instructional settings compared to the traditional same age setting. The multi-age setting does allow for positive social settings particularly the opportunity for students to take leadership roles with fellow classmates.

Language: English

Published: Vermillion, South Dakota, 2010


✓ Peer Reviewed

Aspects of Self-Regulated Learning and Their Influence on the Mathematics Achievement of Fifth Graders in the Context of Four Different Proclaimed Curricula

Available from: Frontiers in Psychology

Publication: Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 13, no. 963151

Pages: 1-15

Mathematics - Academic achievement, Mathematics education - Achievement

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Abstract/Notes: Metacognition is a part of the models of self-regulated learning. The consideration of a broader context resonates with a social cognitive perspective approach to learning which dominates the educational academic field with the theory of self-regulated learning. Metacognition is considered a crucial factor influencing mathematics achievement. Furthermore, the affective field including pupils' self-efficacy, interest and motivation are the phenomena involved in mathematical problem-solving. On the other hand, metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive regulations are not a regular part of mathematics education in the Czech Republic. The main aim of this study was to investigate the relation between pupils' attitude toward mathematics; metacognitive knowledge; self-efficacy and motivation; metacognitive monitoring; and their achievement in solving mathematical problems. All together 1,133 students of Grade 5 from four types of Czech schools participated in the study. There were traditional schools; schools teaching mathematics by genetic constructivism, i.e., Hejný's method; Montessori schools; and Dalton schools were involved. The assessed variables, namely relation to mathematics; metacognitive knowledge; self-efficacy and motivation; metacognitive monitoring; and mathematical achievement were used as an input to regression analysis. Item-response theory was used for assessing the performance of the students and demands of the tasks. The metacognitive monitoring was detected as the most significant predictor of mathematics achievement for higher- and lower-performing students as well as for the item with high and low demands. The study reveals how the different mathematics curricula (un)support the metacognitive processes involved in mathematical problem-solving. The information allows teachers to spend sufficient time with particular types of mathematics problems whose solutions is determined by activation of metacognitive processes. This demonstrates the importance of including the activities for development of metacognitive monitoring in mathematics education.

Language: English

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.963151

ISSN: 1664-1078


✓ Peer Reviewed

Pembelajaran Matematika di TK GMIM 236 Liandok: Pembelajaran Matematika [Learning Mathematics in Kindergarten GMIM 236 Liandok: Learning Mathematics]

Available from: Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Manado (Indonesia)

Publication: Montessori Jurnal Pendidikan Kristen Anak Usia Dini, vol. 3, no. 1

Pages: 35-42

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan Pembelajaran matematika di TK GMIM 236 Liandok, Kecamatan Tenga, Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan, Sulawesi Utara. Ada 3 hal utama yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini yaitu pembelajran matematika, pembelajaran matematika AUD, metode yang digunakan guru dalam pengajaran matematika. Penelitan ini menggunakan jenis pendekatan kualitatif. Prosedur pengumpulan data yang digunakan  yaitu wawancara dan dokumentasi . Sumber-sumber data dari penelitian ini yaitu Kepala Sekolah  serta guru bantu di TK GMIM 236 Liandok. Hasil penelitian menunjukka proses pembelajaran di sekolah tersebut terlebih khusus dalam pengenalan matematika sudah terealisasi karena pembelajarannya sudah memperhatikan konsep serta usia dari peserta didiknya. Adapun pengajarkan matematika selama dilaksankannya pembelajaran di sekolah tersebut dilakukan dengan cara anak sambil bermain dengan anak lainnya  dan membuat permainan sederhana dari barang-barang bekas dilingkungan sekitar. Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran, matematika, Anak usia dini. Abstract Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pembelajaran matematika di TK GMIM 236 Liandok, Kecamatan Tenga, Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan, Sulawesi Utara. Ada 3 hal pokok yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini yaitu pembelajaran matematika, pembelajaran matematika AUD, metode yang digunakan guru dalam pembelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Prosedur pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sumber data dari penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah dan guru pendamping di TK GMIM 236 Liandok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran di sekolah khususnya dalam pengenalan matematika telah terwujud karena pembelajaran telah memperhitungkan konsep dan usia siswa.

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.51667/mjpkaud.v3i1.952

ISSN: 2798-6195

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