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Preface: Language, Creativity, and Culture

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 18, no. 2

Pages: i–ii

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734

Book Section

Written Language and Human Progress

Book Title: What You Should Know About Your Child

Pages: 74-77

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Language: English

Published: Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company, 2007

ISBN: 978-90-79506-24-8

Series: Montessori Series , 4

Book Section

Dr. Maria Montessori and the Montessori Movement: A General Bibliography of Materials in the English Language, 1909-1961

Available from: Books to Borrow @ Internet Archive

Book Title: Learning How to Learn: An American Approach to Montessori

Pages: 139-175

Bibliographies, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education, Montessori movement

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Language: English

Published: Baltimore, Maryland: Helicon Press, 1962


Language and Montessori: A Landscape

Publication: Communications: Journal of the Association Montessori Internationale (2009-2012), vol. 2012, no. 1-2

Pages: 76–81

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Abstract/Notes: In conclusion, Hope Leyson brings together many of the aspects that were described and highlighted in the articles selected for this particular issue of our Journal. Language, pertinent theories, and new discoveries into how the language areas in the brain function will continue to evolve. Language development provides an ine xhaustible and joy ful source of observation and learning. And in our Montessori environments language is vibrant, innovative and it encourages creativity. Ms Leyson revels in the miracle of all that human language is, signifies and brings to our world. She of fers the reader a very well-researched overview of a host of aspects connected with the phenomenon and study of human language.

Language: English

ISSN: 1877-539X


Language in Our Classrooms

Publication: AMI Elementary Alumni Association Newsletter, vol. 38, no. 3

Pages: 9

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Language: English

Doctoral Dissertation

Language Learning and Technology in and for a Global World

Available from: University of California eScholarship

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Abstract/Notes: More than ever before, schools and societies are looking to educate children in and for a global world. In the United States, these efforts have taken the form of increased interest in incorporating global or international perspectives into educational curricula, programs, and policy over the past decade (Hayden, 2011; Parker, 2011; U.S. Department of Education, 2012). Despite this interest in what I call global education, ambiguity remains regarding what it means to provide an education for a globalized world, both in terms of its underlying motivations and its ultimate execution in practice (Ortloff, Shah, Lou, & Hamilton, 2012).Two components often placed at the heart of these efforts in the United States—second/foreign language and digital technology—both reflect and contribute to understandings of global education. This study, rooted in an ecological theorization of discourse, asked how different school actors (teachers, administrators, parents, and students) position these two components in education today, how these positionings differ across groups, and what this means for understandings of global education. These questions were investigated through two complementary approaches: a survey distributed to a large cross-section of schools around the United States and an in-depth focal case study of one school. The survey was distributed to teachers, students, parents, and administrators at a broad range of U.S. secondary schools and assessed perceptions of second/foreign language and digital technology in education today. The focal case study focused on two secondary classrooms at a multilingual immersion K-8 school in the western US over a four-month period; data collection included field notes, analytic memos, and audio/video recordings from participant observations as well as multiple rounds of interviews with five students, four teachers, two administrators, and three parents. Data were analyzed using iterative rounds of inductive and deductive coding (Miles & Huberman, 1994; Saldaña, 2009) and critical discourse analysis (Blommaert, 2005; Fairclough, 2001).Findings suggest that second/foreign language and digital technology were positioned in a range of different ways that had concrete ramifications for schools and that built up divergent understandings of global education. The survey component of the study highlighted common discourses reproduced across groups, including: second/foreign language learning as a way to promote cultural understanding and awareness as well as economic opportunity; or digital technology as a threat to learning and as an omnipresent necessity. The focal school offered a more detailed look into these different discourses and their reproduction across groups. Analysis revealed trended similarities and differences across groups. For example, even though parents, teachers, and administrators often articulated a similar understanding of second/foreign language and digital technology, parental actions suggested more alignment with economic-based understandings of these two components. These differences in how second/foreign language and digital technology should be positioned within a global education created a “battle” between parents and the focal school as well as tension within the learning environment. The impact of these discourses and battles on students was unclear: while students at times voiced the discourses that their parents, teachers, and administrators reproduced, data also suggests that students were influenced by outside sources. These findings suggest that resulting understandings of global education were multiple and divergent across school groups. Data analysis also revealed the potential that anxiety, concern, or even fear of globalization and its effects could undergird adult understandings of second/foreign language and of digital technology: beneath economic as well as cultural motivations for second/foreign language and for digital technology learning resided trepidation about a changing world, changing identities, and the unknowns that lay ahead. This suggests that, underneath multiple and complex discourses, there can be a singular discourse that manifests in different ways, nuancing understandings of ecological approaches to discourse. It also suggests that different understandings of global education could stem from the same place: fear or anxiety in the face of a globalizing world. These findings highlight the need for a global education that equips students to navigate a changing world, its challenges, and any potential fears that may arise from these changes and challenges. The study concludes with a pedagogical framework built around discourse analysis that could offer students tools to understand their globalizing world.

Language: English

Published: Berkeley, California, 2017

Doctoral Dissertation

El Método Montessori en el Desarrollo de la Expresión Oral del Idioma Inglés [The Montessori Method in the Development of Oral Expression of the English Language]

Available from: Universidad Central del Ecuador - Repositorio Digital

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Abstract/Notes: El presente proyecto de investigación se realizó con el objetivo de analizar la manera en que el Método Montessori contribuye al desarrollo de la expresión oral del Idioma Inglés en los niños de Educación Inicial del Centro Educativo Margarita Naseau en el periodo 2019-2020. El sustento teórico se orientó en la aplicación educativa, materiales didácticos, rol del docente y la enseñanza del idioma inglés. Por lo tanto, el proyecto tiene un enfoque cuali-cuantitativo, de carácter descriptivo y a su vez correlacional, bajo la modalidad socioeducativa que corresponde a una investigación aplicada porque se basa en datos reales. Las técnicas aplicadas en esta investigación fueron encuesta a los docentes y lista de cotejo a los estudiantes del Centro Educativo con el objetivo de determinar cómo el método Montessori contribuye al desarrollo de la expresión oral del idioma Inglés en los estudiantes. Una vez realizado el análisis e interpretación de resultados se concluyó que la aplicación del Método Montessori así como ayuda al niño a ser independiente también lo ayuda aprender diferentes idiomas y además se determinó la importancia que tiene para mejorar la expresión oral. La propuesta en base a los resultados es la elaboración de una guía de actividades lúdicas que incluye la aplicación del Método Montessori y los diferentes materiales a utilizarse.

Language: Spanish

Published: Quito, Ecuador, 2020

Doctoral Dissertation

The Potentiality of Play: The Shifting Design Language of Play-Based Learning

Available from: Edinburgh Napier University

Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Play, Student-centered learning

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Abstract/Notes: This thesis, underpinned by cross-cultural design ethnography (DE) and research through design (RtD), re-reads play-based learning constructs as design practice. In doing so, it charts the shifting relationship between design and theories of play-based learning. The work frames the design of play-based learning processes, from their emergence in historical learning environments such as the Montessori method to current pedagogies of STEAM learning. This evolutionary focus will be of interest to a wide range of stakeholders such as pedagogues, designers, and policy makers, each of whom contribute to where, what and how children are taught. This thesis presents the following arguments: Firstly, it frames and re-reads key historical play pedagogues as designers and design thinkers, whose work has shaped and influenced the evolution of play-based learning through the inception of play artefacts, spaces, and structures. This thesis further elucidates that design-thinking has been at the heart of play-based learning, demonstrated through the design of modular and standardised pedagogic objects and spaces of historic learning environments. The design evolution within this framework helps to enlighten the development of tinkering and iterative prototyping as twenty-first century affordances of learning through play. Secondly, this thesis uses observation-based design ethnography of the Montessori method, to argue that Montessori’s restrictive pedagogy can be counterproductive to learning through intuitive processes of exploration and iteration. Thirdly, by adapting the practice-based research method of research through design (RtD), the thesis demonstrates and proposes that twenty-first century design affordances of tinkering and iteration can be suitably integrated to enrich historic play-based learning environments such as the Montessori method. In each of these arguments, the ways in which pedagogic theories of play are interwoven with the language of design thinking are revealed. By bringing into focus the triad of play, pedagogy, and design, an additional educational landscape of twenty-first century cultural learning environments is explored. Cultural learning environments (CLEs) such as museums and public galleries extend the scope of play-based learning beyond formalised spaces of schools and bring into relief, the predominance of design while incepting platforms, ateliers, and activities to initiate learning through play.

Language: English

Published: Edinburgh, Scotland, 2021

Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)

The Power of Play: A Case Study on How Play-Based Learning Can Affect the Oral Language and the Social and Emotional Development of Students in the Kindergarten Classroom

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: With the passing of NCLB in 2001, pedagogy in the kindergarten classroom has changed exponentially. The requirement for a rigorous academic curriculum has replaced the play-based learning that used to be synonymous with the kindergarten classroom. Since the beginning of kindergarten, researchers have worked to prove the importance of play in the classroom and the role of the educator in these play-based learning scenarios. Many studies have found a correlation between play and child development, but this has not been enough to change the minds of educators and school districts across the United States. This qualitative case study explored teachers’ perceptions and classroom interactions during play through a triangulation of data including video recordings, interviews, and observations to explore the effect play might have on the social, emotional, and oral language development of kindergarten students in a district that is already implementing free play centers in the classroom. Varying beliefs among the educators and multiple scenarios of social, emotional, and oral language development skills being used by students during these free play sessions were explored. Key themes that emerged from the data included a range of understanding amongst the teachers, the need for regular professional development on how to implement play in the classroom, and the importance dramatic play has on social, emotional, and oral language development for kindergarten students.

Language: English

Published: Springfield, Missouri, 2022


Foreign Language in the Elementary Classroom

Publication: AMI Elementary Alumni Association Newsletter, vol. 34, no. 1

Pages: 3

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Language: English

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