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✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori tra Epistemologia e Psicopedagogia: Qualche Riflessione [Maria Montessori between Epistemology and Psychopedagogy: Some Reflections]

Available from: Università Degli Studi Firenze

Publication: Studi sulla Formazione / Open Journal of Education, vol. 18, no. 2

Pages: 123-128

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Abstract/Notes: This article present some observations about the Montessori's conception of science, indicating the centrality and the evolution in her pedagogy.

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.13128/Studi_Formaz-18019

ISSN: 2036-6981

Doctoral Dissertation

L'héritage des pédagogies de Maria Montessori et de Friedrich Fröbel dans les classes enfantines valaisannes, respectivement dans le Valais romand et dans le Haut-Valais [The legacy of Maria Montessori's and Friedrich Fröbel's pedagogies in Valais infant classes, respectively in Valais Romand and Haut-Valais]

Available from: Haute École Pédagogique du Valais

Friedrich Fröbel - Biographic sources, Friedrich Fröbel - Philosophy, Kindergarten (Froebel system of education) - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History

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Abstract/Notes: Dans notre travail de recherche nous nous sommes intéressée à l’héritage des pédagogies de Maria Montessori et de Friedrich Fröbel dans les classes enfantines valaisannes, respectivement dans le Valais romand et le Haut-Valais. Pour ce faire, nous avons tout d’abord proposer une brève partie historique. Cette partie a permis de comprendre comment les noms de Maria Montessori et de Friedrich Fröbel sont entrés dans la pédagogie de notre pays et dans celle de notre canton. De plus, nous avons retracé l’évolution des institutions enfantines dans notre pays. Étant donné que nous cherchons à définir l’héritage de ces deux pédagogies originnelles dans l’enseignent en enfantine de nos jours, il nous a fallu décrire ce qu’est l’école enfantine actuellement. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé les plans d’études en vigueur dans notre canton, à savoir le Plan d’études romand (Valais romand) et le Lehrplan 21 (HautValais). Puis, nous avons présenté les principes et les caractéristiques qui régissent les pédagogies de Maria Montessori et Friedrich Fröbel. Les concepts mis en évidence nous ont permis d’établir deux tableaux de synthèse des concepts des pédagogues qui étaient nos outils principaux pour l’analyse des données. Toute notre partie empirique nous a permis d’analyser les concepts des pédagogies de Maria Montessori et de Friedrich Fröbel grâce aux discours des enseignantes rencontrées et de les interpréter. À la fin de ce travail, nous avons obtenu des résultats qui nous ont permis de répondre à notre question de recherche. / In our research work we are interested in the heritage of the pedagogies of Maria Montessori and Friedrich Fröbel in the Valais child classes, respectively in Valais Romand and Haut-Valais. To do this, we first propose a brief historical part. This part has made it possible to understand how the names of Maria Montessori and Friedrich Fröbel entered the pedagogy of our country and that of our canton. In addition, we traced the evolution of children's institutions in our country. Given that we seek to define the heritage of these two original pedagogies in teaching in kindergarten today, we had to describe what kindergarten is today. For this, we used the study plans in force in our canton, namely the Plan d’études romand (Valais romand) and the Lehrplan 21 (Haut Valais). Then, we presented the principles and characteristics that govern the pedagogies of Maria Montessori and Friedrich Fröbel. The concepts highlighted allowed us to establish two summary tables of the concepts of the pedagogues which were our main tools for the analysis of the data. All our empirical part allowed us to analyze the concepts of the pedagogies of Maria Montessori and Friedrich Fröbel thanks to the speeches of the teachers met and to interpret them. At the end of this work, we obtained results that allowed us to answer our research question.

Language: French

Published: Saint-Maurice, Switzerland, 2016

Doctoral Dissertation

Análisis bibliométrico de María Montessori (1870-1952) en la actualidad [Bibliometric Analysis of Maria Montessori (1870-1952) today]

Available from: Universidad de Màlaga - Institutional Repository

Bibliometrics, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Writings, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: Se aproxima a la obra de Maria Montessori (1870-1952) con el objeto de comprender su obra médico-educativa, no sólo en sentido histórico sino conociendo la presencia de la misma en los diferentes campos de la ciencia en la actualidad. Las técnicas bibliométricas que nos permiten análisis de datos muy detallados, en la actualidad, han servido para rastrear la presencia de la misma, desde 1950 hasta la actualidad.

Language: English, Spanish

Published: Málaga, Spain, 2012


Dr. Maria Montessori og bornene [Dr. Maria Montessori and the children]

Publication: Tidens kvinder, vol. 4, no. 37

Pages: 3-6

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Language: Danish

ISSN: 0040-6775


Maria Montessori's Contribution to Educational Thought and Practice: Souvenir in honour of Dr. Maria Monessori's Birth Centenary, 31 August, 1970

Albert Max Joosten - Writings, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Rajendra Kumar Gupta - Writings

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Language: English

Published: New Delhi, India: Association of Delhi Montessorians, 1971


Das freie Spiel Emmi Pikler und Maria Montessori im Vergleich [The Free Play Emmi Pikler and Maria Montessori in Comparison]

Emmi Pikler - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources

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Abstract/Notes: Dieses Buch beinhaltet eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung der Reformpädagogik Emmi Piklers und Maria Montessoris im Bereich des freien Spiels. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, die von Emmi Pikler und Maria Montessori entwickelten Richtlinien einer optimalen Erziehung darzustellen, miteinander zu vergleichen und anhand wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen zu beurteilen. Die grundlegende Frage ist, auf welche Details Eltern und Erzieher im kindlichen freien Spiel achten müssen, um eine ideale Entwicklung des Kindes ermöglichen zu können und welche Vorteile eine solche Erziehung für das Kind bringen kann. Anhand der Methode einer Inhaltsanalyse wird versucht, die entsprechenden Konzepte zur Darstellung der pädagogischen Annahmen einzubringen. Desweiteren wird über die Parallelen und Unterschiede in den erzieherischen Theorien Piklers und Montessoris diskutiert. Bei jenen Annahmen, in denen Pikler und Montessori differenzierte Ansichten vertreten, sollen wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zeigen, welche Theorie tatsächlich im Interesse des Kindes ist. Anhand mehrerer empirischen Studien werden die Konzepte der beiden Pädagoginnen verglichen und beurteilt. Anhand eines Literaturreviews werden die sechs Studien und ihre Forschungsergebnisse zusammengefasst. Der Leser erhält dadurch einen Überblick über Art und Vorgehensweise der Untersuchung was die Interpretation der Ergebnisse nachvollziehbar macht. Weiter bietet das Buch einen Überblick über Gestaltung und Organisation von Pikler- beziehungsweise Montessorispielgruppen, das freie Spiel aus Entwicklungspsychologischer Sicht und biographischen Angaben der beiden Reformpädagoginnen. [This book contains a scientific examination of Emmi Pikler's and Maria Montessori's reform pedagogy in the area of ​​free play. The aim of the study is to present the guidelines for optimal upbringing developed by Emmi Pikler and Maria Montessori, to compare them and to assess them on the basis of scientific studies. The basic question is which details parents and educators have to pay attention to in children's free play in order to enable ideal development of the child and what advantages such an upbringing can bring to the child. Using the method of content analysis, an attempt is made to introduce the appropriate concepts for the presentation of the pedagogical assumptions. Furthermore, the parallels and differences in the educational theories of Pikler and Montessori are discussed. In the case of those assumptions in which Pikler and Montessori represent differentiated views, scientific studies should show which theory is actually in the interest of the child. Based on several empirical studies, the concepts of the two teachers are compared and evaluated. The six studies and their research results are summarized using a literature review. This gives the reader an overview of the type and procedure of the investigation, which makes the interpretation of the results comprehensible. The book also offers an overview of the design and organization of Pikler and Montessori play groups, free play from a developmental psychological point of view and biographical information from the two reform educators.]

Language: German

Published: Hamburg, Germany: Diplomica, 2009

Edition: 1st ed.

ISBN: 978-3-8366-7299-3 3-8366-7299-5


Peter Petersen und Maria Montessori [Peter Petersen and Maria Montessori]

Publication: Montessori-Werkbrief (Montessori-Vereinigung e.V.), vol. 28

Pages: 34-60

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Peter Petersen - Philosophy

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Language: German

ISSN: 0722-2513


Gedanke und Andenken der Maria Montessori [Thoughts and Memories of Maria Montessori]

Publication: Neue Schweizer Rundschau, vol. 21

Pages: 119

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Language: German


The California Lectures of Maria Montessori, 1915: Collected Speeches and Writings by Maria Montessori

Americas, International Montessori Training Course (3rd [course 1], Los Angeles and San Diego, USA, May - July 1915), International Montessori Training Course (3rd [course 2], San Francisco, USA, August – November 1915), Maria Montessori - Speeches, addresses, etc., Maria Montessori - Speeches, addresses, etc., Maria Montessori - Writings, Montessori Congress (Oakland, California, 1915), Montessori method of education, Montessori method of education - Study and teaching, Montessori method of education - Teacher training, North America, Panama-California Exposition (1915-1916, San Diego, California)

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Abstract/Notes: Adelia Pyle transcribed the lectures. Includes transcripts of lectures from Los Angeles, San Diego, Oakland, and San Francisco (Panama-Pacific International Exposition), as well as a group of newspaper articles that appeared in the 'San Francisco Call and Post' and 'L'Italia'.

Language: English

Published: Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company, 2018

ISBN: 978-1-85109-296-3

Series: The Montessori Series , 15

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