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759 results


Career Education vs. Education as a Career

Publication: American Montessori Society Bulletin, vol. 15, no. 4

Pages: 1-11

Career education, Teaching

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Language: English

ISSN: 0277-9064

Book Section

Kosmische Erziehung zur "Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung" - Vordereitung auf das Leben im Klimawandel [Cosmic education for "Education for Sustainable Development": preparation for life in the face of climate change]

Book Title: 100 Jahre Montessori-Kinderhaus Geschichte und Aktualität eines pädagogischen Konzepts [100 Years of the Montessori Children's Home: History and Topicality of an Educational Concept]

Pages: 253-288

Cosmic education, Sustainability

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Language: German

Published: Berlin, Germany: LIT Verlag, 2009

ISBN: 978-3-8258-1650-6

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 24

Conference Paper

mLearning in Primary Education: An Online Teacher Training Proposal Based on Montessori Education Principles

Available from: IATED Digital Library

12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies

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Abstract/Notes: Mlearning is learning through digital mobile environments, making it possible to acquire, interrelate and share new knowledge through mobile devices. There is a consensus on the growth of the use of these devices for different educational actions. According to Sarrab, Elgamel & Aldabbas (2012), there are different recreational and pedagogical uses based on mlearning. According to De Araújo Junior et al (2019), these uses are based on the possibility of combining more than one methodology and learning strategies in line with students’ learning characteristics and needs. To this end, mlearning seeks to integrate learning theories, especially constructivist and behavioral theories to also create collaborative working environments (Crompton, Burke & Gregory, 2017). The greatest advantage of mlearning is the possibility of it being applied pedagogically beyond the school environment, with the participation of families and with various proposals for interaction between teacher-student, student-student, and teacher-student-families. This whole range of possibilities has created a new field of study. By overcoming the design approach on mlearning environments and their different effects (Devinder Singh & Zaitun, 2006), a new line of research is becoming relevant: the role of teachers and their training in the use of this technology. Sanchez-Prieto & Hernández García (2019) point out that despite its advantages, the number of teachers using this technology is still very limited. A bibliographic review of 7 scientific articles related to the use of mlearning in primary classes within different educational contexts identified that teachers still lack, not only technical and/or pedagogical but also comprehensive training, making it difficult for them to become familiar with this technology and applying it as another teaching tool in their primary classes. Considering the needs found regarding digital teacher competence, the basis of digital interaction between teacher-student-families and the assessment, selection, and design of didactic contents, this study is an integral part of the Koulu I +D project (Mobile learning in primary education) number ID19-XX-003, aims to present a proposal for teacher training taught within an online learning environment. It does so regarding the basis, application and use of mlearning in primary classes based on the principles of Montessori education: personal choice of the student, collaborative learning, self-direction, the teacher as a guide and learning by discovery. To this end, the training model is based on these points to guide the work using mlearning by considering the characteristics and needs of primary education, regardless of the tool’s typology. The training proposal is based on providing the necessary teaching knowledge to conduct the pedagogical work at the comprehension, application and assessment levels of mlearning in primary classes. The training was designed as an online format to overcome the first barrier for some teachers: the use of technology. The defined points of training to meet the demands of the application in primary classes are: Digital teacher competence, Montessori and Mlearning Pedagogy, Pedagogical tools and the possibilities of primary education and mlearning Assessment in primary education.

Language: English

Pages: 7979-7983

DOI: 10.21125/edulearn.2020.2004

ISBN: 978-84-09-17979-4

Master's Thesis (M. Ed.)

Mise en perspective des convergences et des divergences entre les contenus liés au domaine psychomoteur du programme d'éducation préscolaire du Québec (1997) et du programme d'éducation préscolaire Montessorien.

Available from: Université du Québec à Montréal

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Abstract/Notes: Cette recherche avait pour objectif de mettre en perspective le programme préscolaire québécois (MEQ, 1997) et le programme préscolaire issu du modèle pédagogique montessorien (Pédagogie Scientifique, 1958), dans le but de dégager les similitudes et les particularités de leurs contenus liés au domaine psychomoteur. Une analyse globale des problèmes généraux liés à l'éducation préscolaire et un bref rappel du contexte actuel de l'éducation préscolaire au Québec et ailleurs, nous a permis de faire ressortir les infrastructures qui posent problèmes au niveau préscolaire et qui sont en interrelation constante à savoir: les besoins de l'enfant d'âge préscolaire, les objectifs des programmes qui leur sont destinés, les méthodes et techniques utilisées. Le mode d'évaluation des enfants au préscolaire justifie la problématique de recherche et la prise en compte de l'aspect psychomoteur dans cette recherche. Nous avons élaboré une grille d'analyse visant à dégager les contenus liés au domaine psychomoteur de chacun des programmes analysés. La comparaison des deux programmes nous a permis de faire ressortir de nombreux contenus portant sur la psychomotricité. Les résultats de la présente recherche ont permis de révéler l'existence de certaines divergences et convergences entre les éléments liés au domaine psychomoteur, soit par rapport à leur valeur sémantique, soit par rapport à l'échelle de valeur qui leur est accordée dans chacun des programmes respectifs. En outre, nous avons pu constater la pertinence du choix méthodologique que nous avons fait de recourir à une démarche inspirée de l'analyse systémique lors de la comparaison et de l'analyse des programmes en question. Autour de cette assise sont apparus des éléments que nous pouvons qualifier d'invariants: l'intervenant, l'enfant, la méthode, le matériel et les techniques d'enseignement, d'apprentissage et d'évaluation. Enfin le présent travail met en évidence la problématique toujours actuelle de l'intervention pédagogique au préscolaire et de l'application des programmes. Il ouvre aussi des avenues pour de possibles recherches quant à la problématique des contenus des programmes et de leur application, particulièrement au niveau préscolaire.

Language: French

Published: Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2006


India, Democracy and Education: A Study of the Work of the Birla Education Trust

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Language: English

Published: Bombay, India: Orient Longmans, 1955


✓ Peer Reviewed

Inclusive Education for Exceptional Children in Egypt and the US: Reforming Egyptian Inclusive Education System in Post-pandemic World

Available from: Knowledge E Publishing

Publication: Gulf Education and Social Policy Review (GESPR), vol. 3, no. 2

Pages: 318-344

Africa, Americas, Educational change, Egypt, Inclusive education, Middle East, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., North Africa, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Inclusive education means that exceptional children (EC) can fully participate in the learning process alongside their typically developing peers, supported by reasonable accommodations and teaching strategies that are tailored to meet their individual needs. The main goal of inclusion policies for EC is to provide high-quality education for all without discrimination and to ensure the implementation of equal opportunity principles. The primary purpose of this study is to explore the reality of inclusive education systems in Egypt and the United States (US) and to develop a better understanding of similarities and differences and thus identify the lessons learned. The study applied a comparative analysis method. Research findings revealed that the progress towards inclusion practices in Egyptian inclusive public schools is minimal and hindered by many challenges. Among them are lacking financial resources and a shortage of qualified teachers trained to differentiate curricula for EC. Based on the research findings, the study concludes with recommendations to improve the Egyptian inclusive education for EC.

Language: English

DOI: 10.18502/gespr.v3i2.12617

ISSN: 2709-0191


✓ Peer Reviewed

Integration of peace education into early childhood education programs

Available from: Springer Link

Publication: International Journal of Early Childhood, vol. 28, no. 2

Pages: 29-36

Peace education

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Abstract/Notes: Preschool educators may observe that this unique historical period is an opportunity to integrate peace education into the educational program. The communication that has developed thanks to new technology has offered the opportunity for transformation. Teaching, nonviolence, conflict resolution, well-being, economic, political participation and interest in the environment can be considered as concepts of education for peace. This visionary idea includes global education, prevention of violence, character education and moral education. The educational program and methods of education for peace of preschool children (from birth to 8 years old) include different themes: 1) promote cooperation and resolve conflicts 2) respect for self and authority; 3) appreciation of diversity 4) the role of permeating cultural violence including television, video games, films and dramatic games stimulated by toys and representations of violent actions. These central themes contain the hope that the principles contained in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child will be applied. Parents' participation seen as essential agents in decision-making concerning their children is a fundamental concept. The study of this event produced a visionary model, identified as education for peace, with the participation of parents. OMEP members act as catalysts for peace education efforts with an emphasis on intercultural education. Peace education was, is and will be a goal of pre-school and primary education for all educators around the world. There is a great need for activities in preschool, primary and other educational programs to reduce tensions peacefully.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1007/BF03174500

ISSN: 0020-7187, 1878-4658


Montessori-Pädagogik und die Blindenpädagogik [Montessori education and education for the blind]

Publication: Das Kind: Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik, no. 26

Pages: 74-78

Blind, Children with disabilities, Inclusive education, Montessori method of education

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Language: German

ISSN: 0949-2682

Bachelor's Thesis

Montessorimusiikkikasvatus ja sen soveltuminen nykyaikaiseen musiikinopetukseen [Montessori Music Education and its application to modern music education]

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

Europe, Finland, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori schools, Nordic countries, Northern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: This thesis examines the Montessori music curriculum that was developed by Maria Montessori and her music consultant Maria Maccheroni. It introduces the most typical Montessori music instruments and equipment as well as exercises that go with them. It also explores the possibilities of combining Montessori music with today’s music teaching and early childhood music education. The material of this thesis is mainly based on literature about the Montessori Method and its music section, along with observations made while working at various Montessori preschools in Finland. Many of the Montessori method’s musical exercises are challenging and can be seen as old fashioned by today’s music education standards. Maria Montessori expected many things from her Montessori teachers. Montessori teachers were expected to be completely in charge of the children’s musical education. This may be difficult to implement nowadays because in order to properly understand the Montessori music curriculum, one needs a great deal of theoretical knowledge and understanding of music. However, there are plenty of positive aspects to the Montessori music education and its elements can be applied to modern day music teaching. The Montessori method is very child-centered and even though it was developed more than a hundred years ago, the main principles are still valid today. A children’s music lesson plan is included in this thesis. It combines Montessori music education with Finnish early childhood music education. Many music educators and Montessori teachers know little about the music part of the Montessori method. Not much literature can be found about it in Finnish. The goal of this thesis is to study Montessori music education and to give more information about it to music educators and Montessori teachers. / Opinnäytetyössäni tutkin Maria Montessorin ja hänen konsulttinsa Maria Maccheronin yli sata vuotta sitten kehittämää musiikkikasvatusmenetelmää. Esittelen tyypillisimpiä montessorimusiikkivälineitä sekä niihin liittyviä harjoituksia. Lisäksi pohdin miten montessorimusiikkikasvatusta olisi mahdollista soveltaa musiikinopetuksessa ja varhaisiän musiikkikasvatuksessa. Aineistoni perustuu ennen kaikkea montessoripedagogiikasta ja montessorimusiikkikasvatuksesta saatavilla olevaan kirjallisuuteen sekä montessorileikkikoulussa työni kautta tehtyihin havaintoihin. Monet montessorimenetelmän musiikkiosion työt ja harjoitukset ovat haastavia ja nykyisen musiikkikasvatuskäsityksen mukaan vanhanaikaisia. Maria Montessorin toivetta montessoriohjaajasta, joka opettaa musiikkia hänen menetelmänsä mukaisesti, voi olla vaikea toteuttaa, koska montessorimusiikkikasvatuksen hallitseminen vaatii runsaasti musiikin teoreettista tuntemista. Montessorimusiikkikasvatuksessa on kuitenkin myös paljon hyvää ja sitä voi soveltaa nykypäivän musiikinopetukseen. Montessorimenetelmä on erittäin lapsilähtöinen ja vaikka se kehitettiin yli sata vuotta sitten, monet sen perusajatukset ovat edelleen sovellettavissa. Opinnäytetyöni sisältää tekemäni muskarituntisuunnitelman, jossa sovellan montessorimusiikkikasvatusta varhaisiän musiikkikasvatuksen tunnille. Monet musiikkikasvattajat ja montessoriohjaajat eivät tunne tai tuntevat vain pintapuolisesti montessorimenetelmän musiikkiosion, ja montessorimusiikkikasvatuksesta on saatavilla vain hyvin vähän suomenkielistä tietoa. Opinnäytetyöni tarkoitus on tutkia montessorimenetelmän musiikkiosiosta ja antaa lisätietoa montessoriohjaajille ja musiikkikasvattajille.

Language: Finnish

Published: Helsinki, Finland, 2018


Hartford Early Childhood Program, Hartford, Connecticut: An Urban Public School System's Large-Scale Approach Toward Restructuring Early Childhood Education. Model Programs - Childhood Education

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: The Hartford Early Childhood Program involves more than 4,500 children from 4 years old to first grade level in over 200 classrooms. Classrooms are designed to offer children an environment that encourages them to learn independently. Ideas have been borrowed from the Montessori approach and the British Infant Schools and fitted to the needs of the Hartford school district's urban students. The program philosophy embodies new approaches that can be used in old school buildings such as formal education beginning at 3 years, mixed-age "family" grouping, interest centers, and emphasis on intrinsic motivation toward personel success. Future plans call for extension of the program to all public school classes in grades K through 2. Sources of more detailed information are provided for this program, specifically, and for Model Programs Childhood Education, in general. (Author/WY)

Language: English

Published: Palo Alto, California, 1970

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