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601 results


Proyecto Educativo de Innovación y Aporte Social como Enlace Urbano: 'Centro de exploración y creatividad Carimagua' [Educational project for Innovation and Social Contribution as an Urban Link: 'Center for Exploration and Creativity Carimagua']

Available from: Universidad Católica de Colombia - Repositorio Institucional

Americas, Colombia, Educational change, Latin America and the Caribbean, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., South America

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Abstract/Notes: Partiendo de la premisa del déficit de infraestructura educativa de la localidad de Kennedy y de la deserción escolar dentro de la misma, el proyecto busca contribuir a la solución del problema de oferta acrecentado por la implementación de la jornada única en algunas instituciones educativas, dando prioridad a la continuidad en el proceso educativo de niños y niñas , para ello se plantea a partir de la necesidad de infraestructuras que permitan desarrollar un modelo pedagógico que atraiga a niños y niñas durante sus primeros años de vida a la continuidad de sus saberes con entusiasmo y ánimo de emprendedores, por ello se propone el “modelo pedagógico de María Montessori”. Para finalizar lo que se espera del proyecto dentro del sector, es que se pueda implementar el modelo pedagógico mencionado y así se genere un impacto social que es medible en los siguientes aspectos: innovación, participación de la comunidad, incremento del interés en los procesos educativos, para que a partir de esto se vea reflejado en la mejoría de infraestructuras, aumento de cupos escolares mejorando así la calidad de la educación. [Starting from the premise of the deficit of educational infrastructure of the town of Kennedy and the school dropout within it, the project seeks to contribute to the solution of the supply problem enhanced by the implementation of the single day in some educational institutions, giving priority to the continuity in the educational process of boys and girls for it arises, from the need infrastructures that allow to develop a pedagogical model that attracts children during their first years of life to the continuity of their knowledge with enthusiasm and encouragement of entrepreneurs, for that reason the "pedagogical model of Maria Montessori" is proposed. To finish what is expected of the project within the sector is that the aforementioned pedagogical model can be implemented and thus generate a social impact that is measurable in the following aspects: innovation, community participation, increased interest in educational processes, so that from this it is reflected in the improvement of infrastructures, increase of school quotas thus improving the quality of education.]

Language: Spanish

Published: Bogotá, Colombia, 2019


The Effects of Montessori Educational Techniques on Culturally Disadvantaged Head Start Children

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: To determine whether significant differences exist in skill performance as a result of head start experience and to determine whether these differences exist between two ethnic groups, 17 Anglo-American [White] and 62 Mexican American [Latino] culturally disadvantaged children were pre-tested and post-tested during the summer of 1965 in connection with six-week head start programs in Costa Mesa and Fullerton, California. Five teachers using modified Montessori materials stressed three developmental areas, (1) perceptual-motor, (2) social-emotional, and (3) intellectual-academic. Seven instruments were used to test the program's effectiveness--Gesell Maturation Index, Mateer Inversion Test, tests of dominance, teacher rating scale, Goodenough-Harris D-A-P, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, and wide range achievement test. Results showed that certain handicaps do exist among culturally disadvantaged children prior to school experience and that positive gains occurred when enrichment experiences were provided. Greatest gains were in the areas of intellectual-academic and social-emotional skills. Ethnic differences appeared in the linguistic skills limitations of the Mexican American children. Need for medical and dental attention was apparent in both groups. Future provision should be made for continued preschool education and wider dissemination of health services. (LG)

Language: English

Published: Fullerton, California, Sep 1965


Beobachtung - erzieherische Grundqualifikation: anleitung zu teilnehmender Beobachtung [Observation - basic educational qualification: guidance on participant observation]

Publication: Montessori: Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik, vol. 37, no. 2-3

Pages: 88-106

Observation (Educational method)

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Language: German

ISSN: 0944-2537

Book Section

100 Jahre Montessori-Kinderhaus - Eine pädagogische Zeitreise [100 years of the Montessori children's home: an educational journey through time]

Book Title: 100 Jahre Montessori-Kinderhaus Geschichte und Aktualität eines pädagogischen Konzepts [100 Years of the Montessori Children's Home: History and Topicality of an Educational Concept]

Pages: 41-68

Harald Ludwig - Writings

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Language: German

Published: Berlin, Germany: LIT Verlag, 2009

ISBN: 978-3-8258-1650-6

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 24


Die Erziehungsmethode der Montessori [The Montessori educational method]

Publication: Katholische Schulzeitung für Norddeutschland, vol. 31, no. 20

Pages: 347

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Language: German


Dr. Montessori; Mrs. Fischer's Manual of Her Educational Method

Publication: New York Times (New York, New York)

Pages: Book Review - 3

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Language: English

ISSN: 0362-4331


The Montessori Method; Originator of Famous Educational System Outlines Principles Upon Which Her School is Founded

Publication: New York Times (New York, New York)

Pages: Book Reviews - 425

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Language: English

ISSN: 0362-4331

Master's Thesis

O projecto do espaço educativo. O Kindergarten na génese da escola contemporânea de Herman Hertzberger [The Design of the Educational Space: The Kindergarten in the Genesis of Herman Hertzberger's Contemporary School]

Available from: Universidade do Porto - Repositório Aberto

Architecture, Europe, Herman Hertzberger - Biographic sources, Herman Hertzberger - Works, Holland, Montessori schools, Netherlands, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: A presente Dissertação de Mestrado, O projeto do espaço educativo - O Kindergarten na génese da escola contemporânea de Herman Hertzberger, propõe uma análise e uma reflexão dos espaços escolares projetados pelo oarquiteto holandês Herman Hertzberger (1932- ), entre 1960 e 2007. No conjunto de obras analisadas, foram destacados alguns temas projetuais caraterísticos dos espaços escolares. Estes temas encontram a própriaorigem no modelo educativo desenvolvido pela médica italiana Maria Montessori (1879-1952) no início do século XX. Nesse contexto, destacam-se os seguintes temas: 1) A polivalência da sala de aula, sendo um dos temas baseado no modelo montessoriano e de relevância nas obras do arquiteto; 2) A função distributiva e social do espaço central, assemelhando-se à piazza de Malaguzzi (1920-1994), com influências de Froebel (1782-1852); 3) A ideia de "learning street" do corredor, assumindo-se como um espaço flexível. O estudo destes temas, entre outros, tornou-se essencial para a compre ensãodas escolas de Herman Hertzberger e, consequentemente, da sua obra em geral. [This Master Thesis proposes an analysis and a reflection of school spaces designed by Dutch architect Herman Hertzberger (1932- ), between 1960 and 2007. The set of works analyzed were assigned some design themes with typical interest in school spaces. These themes have origin in the educational model developed by Italian doctor Maria Montessori (1879-1952) at the beginning of the 20th century. In this context, stands out the following themes: 1) The versatility of the classroom, one of the themes based on the educational model proposed by Maria Montessori and one of the most relevant themes in the architect's work; 2) The distributive and social functions of the central space, similar to the piazza of Malaguzzi (1920-1994), with influences from Froebel (1782-1852); 3) The idea of "learning street" of the corridor, becoming a flexible space. The study of these subjects, among others, was essential to understand Herman Hertzbergers' schools and, consequently, his work in general.]

Language: Portuguese

Published: Porto, Portugal, Nov 15, 2016


A Professional Reading Course on the Educational Work of the Church. V

Available from: JSTOR

Publication: The Biblical World, vol. 43, no. 6

Pages: 403-408

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Language: English

ISSN: 0190-3578


Educational device

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Abstract/Notes: The present invention relates to didactic material for the instruction of children, and it is particularly designed to adapt their mental and muscular system to express itself in the form of writing. The means selected to accomplish this object are such as to permit the free natural manifestations of the child to become converted into an almost spontaneous capacity and desire for expression through the medium of written words or symbols.

Language: English

Date of issue: 1914-07-14

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