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1067 results


Die 'Montessorischule', ein neues Schlagwort der pädagogischen Reform [The Montessori school, a new catchphrase in educational reform]

Available from: Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung des DIPF (BBF)

Publication: Pharus, vol. 5 (Halbjahrband 2), no. 10

Pages: 307-310

Europe, Germany, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, Western Europe

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Language: German


Maria Montessori - mit Kindern das Leben suchen: Antworten auf aktuelle pädagogische Fragen [Maria Montessori – Looking for Life with Children: Answers to Current Educational Questions]

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education

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Language: German

Published: Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany: Herder, 2002

ISBN: 3-451-27791-3 978-3-451-27791-7

Book Section

'When I Explain It, You'll Understand': Children's Voices on Educational Care

Book Title: Pedagogies of Kindness and Respect: On the Lives and Education of Children

Pages: 81-96

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Abstract/Notes: "Pedagogies of Kindness and Respect presents a wide variety of concepts from scholars and practitioners who discuss pedagogies of kindness, an alternative to the "no excuses" ideology now dominating the way that children are raised and educated in the U.S. today. The fields of education, and especially early childhood education, include some histories and perspectives that treat those who are younger with kindness and respect. This book demonstrates an informed awareness of this history and the ways that old and new ideas can counter current conditions that are harmful to both those who are younger and those who are older, while avoiding the reconstitution of the romantic, innocent child who needs to be saved by more advanced adults. Two interpretations of the upbringing of children are investigated and challenged, one suggesting that the poor do not know how to raise their children and thus need help, while the other looks at those who are privileged and therefore know how to nurture their young. These opposing views have been discussed and problematized for more than thirty years. Pedagogies of Kindness and Respect investigates the issue of why this circumstance has continued and even worsened today."--Note de l'éditeur.

Language: English

Published: New York: Peter Lang, 2015

ISBN: 978-1-4331-2701-4 978-1-4331-2700-7


A Multi-Age, Multi-Ability, Thematically Taught, Full Inclusion Approach to Education: A Model Summer Educational Program.

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: This paper describes a summer remedial program for third- and fifth-grade students administered by Valdosta State University in Georgia. The program utilizes a multi-age, multi-ability, thematic, and full-inclusion approach. Assessment of the program was based on data collected through interviews with 18 students and a survey of 28 parents. Both groups reported that they enjoyed the program. The high level of student involvement and students' descriptions of the program as "fun" validated the program's hands-on approach. The following recommendations are made for the education of K-7 students: (1) use a hands-on approach to increase student involvement; (2) develop different avenues for parent involvement; (3) incorporate the thematic approach into the instructional process; and (4) consider alternative classroom designs in meeting students' needs. Copies of the interview guide and survey are included.

Language: English

Published: Valdosta, Georgia, Jun 1994


Prekindergarten Programs for Educationally Disadvantaged Children

Available from: ERIC

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Language: English

Published: Albany, New York, 1969


A Comparative Study of the Impact of Two Contrasting Educational Approaches in Head Start, 1968-69

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: As part of a national evaluation of Head Start, a comparison of school readiness and childhood development approaches to preschool education was attempted, but major methodological problems were encountered. It was not possible to find the study samples called for in the original plan, i.e. a child-readiness program of the Bereiter-Engelmann type, and a child development program that was a suitable example. A compromise selection of two Head Start centers included one that was child development-oriented, and one that had a modified Montessori program. A comparison sample was selected from a middle class child development-oriented private nursery school. The children were pre- and posttested on measures of cognitive skills, curiosity, self-concept, and spontaneous language. Individual child observations were also made. However, the original data collection plan was severely curtailed because of lack of time and testing space. The results of the study are not definitive but indicate that the middle class children were more able to benefit in demonstrable ways from a year of preschool education. However, the private program was judged to be of much better quality than the Head Start programs in the study.

Language: English

Published: New York, New York: Bank Street College of Education, 1969


The Effects of Montessori Educational Techniques on Culturally Disadvantaged Head Start Children

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: To determine whether significant differences exist in skill performance as a result of head start experience and to determine whether these differences exist between two ethnic groups, 17 Anglo-American [White] and 62 Mexican American [Latino] culturally disadvantaged children were pre-tested and post-tested during the summer of 1965 in connection with six-week head start programs in Costa Mesa and Fullerton, California. Five teachers using modified Montessori materials stressed three developmental areas, (1) perceptual-motor, (2) social-emotional, and (3) intellectual-academic. Seven instruments were used to test the program's effectiveness--Gesell Maturation Index, Mateer Inversion Test, tests of dominance, teacher rating scale, Goodenough-Harris D-A-P, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, and wide range achievement test. Results showed that certain handicaps do exist among culturally disadvantaged children prior to school experience and that positive gains occurred when enrichment experiences were provided. Greatest gains were in the areas of intellectual-academic and social-emotional skills. Ethnic differences appeared in the linguistic skills limitations of the Mexican American children. Need for medical and dental attention was apparent in both groups. Future provision should be made for continued preschool education and wider dissemination of health services. (LG)

Language: English

Published: Fullerton, California, Sep 1965


New Schools for Young India: A Survey of Educational, Economic and Social Conditions in India with Special Reference to More Effective Education

Available from: Internet Archive

Asia, Comparative education, Educational change, India, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., South Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Specifically see section related to the work of Tagore and his school at Santiniketan which incorporates a Montessori-like method of education. Also published under the title, "Developing a Project Curriculum for Village Schools in India: A Suggestive Method of Procedure."

Language: English

Published: Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina press, 1930


Proyecto Educativo de Innovación y Aporte Social como Enlace Urbano: 'Centro de exploración y creatividad Carimagua' [Educational project for Innovation and Social Contribution as an Urban Link: 'Center for Exploration and Creativity Carimagua']

Available from: Universidad Católica de Colombia - Repositorio Institucional

Americas, Colombia, Educational change, Latin America and the Caribbean, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., South America

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Abstract/Notes: Partiendo de la premisa del déficit de infraestructura educativa de la localidad de Kennedy y de la deserción escolar dentro de la misma, el proyecto busca contribuir a la solución del problema de oferta acrecentado por la implementación de la jornada única en algunas instituciones educativas, dando prioridad a la continuidad en el proceso educativo de niños y niñas , para ello se plantea a partir de la necesidad de infraestructuras que permitan desarrollar un modelo pedagógico que atraiga a niños y niñas durante sus primeros años de vida a la continuidad de sus saberes con entusiasmo y ánimo de emprendedores, por ello se propone el “modelo pedagógico de María Montessori”. Para finalizar lo que se espera del proyecto dentro del sector, es que se pueda implementar el modelo pedagógico mencionado y así se genere un impacto social que es medible en los siguientes aspectos: innovación, participación de la comunidad, incremento del interés en los procesos educativos, para que a partir de esto se vea reflejado en la mejoría de infraestructuras, aumento de cupos escolares mejorando así la calidad de la educación. [Starting from the premise of the deficit of educational infrastructure of the town of Kennedy and the school dropout within it, the project seeks to contribute to the solution of the supply problem enhanced by the implementation of the single day in some educational institutions, giving priority to the continuity in the educational process of boys and girls for it arises, from the need infrastructures that allow to develop a pedagogical model that attracts children during their first years of life to the continuity of their knowledge with enthusiasm and encouragement of entrepreneurs, for that reason the "pedagogical model of Maria Montessori" is proposed. To finish what is expected of the project within the sector is that the aforementioned pedagogical model can be implemented and thus generate a social impact that is measurable in the following aspects: innovation, community participation, increased interest in educational processes, so that from this it is reflected in the improvement of infrastructures, increase of school quotas thus improving the quality of education.]

Language: Spanish

Published: Bogotá, Colombia, 2019


Problemas educativos que implica vivir con déficit de atención en niños/as del centro de rehabilitación integral (CEREIN), para diseñar un programa pedagógico desde el enfoque Montessori [Educational problems involved in living with attention deficit in children from the comprehensive rehabilitation center (CEREIN), to design a pedagogical program from the Montessori approach]

Available from: Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (La Paz, Bolivia)

Americas, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Attention-deficit-disordered children, Bolivia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Montessori method of education, South America

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Abstract/Notes: El Trastorno porDéficitAtención(TDA) es un síndrome conductual de causa poco clara, en la que probablemente intervienen factores genéticos y ambientales y en el que existe una alteración en el sistema nervioso central, que se manifiesta mediante un aumento de la actividad, impulsividad y falta de atención. Este trastorno es una de las causas más frecuentes de fracaso escolar y de problemas sociales en la edad infantil. El síndrome aparece en la infancia y puede persistir y manifestarse enla edad adulta. Se trata de un trastorno neurobiológico en el que se han propuesto factores de origen genético (es decir, heredado, no adquirido en el curso de la vida) aunque no se descarta la influencia de factores que actuarían durante la gestación, el parto o el desarrollo infantil. El factor genético está demostrado, puesto que el TDA es entre 7 veces más frecuente en hermanos y entre 11 y 18 veces más frecuente en hermanos gemelos. Se han descrito varios genes posiblemente implicados. También se sospecha especialmente de toxinas ambientales y algunos estudios, no concluyentes, apuntan por ejemplo a colorantes empleados por la industria alimentaria. Aunque el origen del trastorno en la actualidad no se vincula a esas causas, sí es un hecho conocido que la exposición prolongada a agentes tóxicos puede inducir síntomas que mimeticen los comúnmente atribuidos a un TDA. A pesar de que su origen es todavía incierto se presenta en un porcentaje de los niños/as a diario este tipo de sujetospresentan algunas características comunes y que permite que se los pueda reconocer, son muy inquietos e impulsivos, y tienen problemas para prestar atención y para concentrarse. Estos niños/as a pesar de intentarlo, son incapaces de escuchar correctamente, de organizar sus tareas, de seguir instrucciones complejas, de trabajar o jugar en equipo. El actuar sin pensar (la conducta impulsiva) provoca problemas con padres, amigos y profesores. Suelen ser niños inquietos, siempre en movimiento, incapaces de permanecer sentados mucho tiempo o con una constante inquietud (que se ve en tamborileo de dedos, movimiento constante de los pies o las piernas). El TDA afecta, sobre todo y negativamente el rendimiento escolar en el ambiente educativo, así como en otros aspectos de su vida familiar y social. Tiene tres síntomas básicos: hiperactividad, impulsividad y falta de atención. Por lo tanto, se convierten en niños/as que necesitan apoyo extraordinario para que puedan facilitar su diario vivir. Por lo tanto, la investigación fue llevada a cabo en la ciudad de La Paz, específicamente en el Centro de Rehabilitación Integral CEREIN. El tiempo en el que realizó la investigación fue durante la gestión 2014. Se trabajó el análisis del Trastorno de Déficit de AtenciónTDA con niños y niñas entre 7 a 10 años, a partir de la identificación de las necesidades de los sujetos en estudio, es que se pretende el diseño de un Programa pedagógicofundamentado en el enfoque Montessori, puesto que este método es muy dinámico, enfatiza en la actividad dirigida por el niño/a y conlleva una serie de actividades diferentes que permite el desarrollo óptimo de los niños/as que lo aplican; por esa razón se pretende cimentar el Programa bajo este enfoque, al final de la investigación se propone la aplicación de este Programa por los beneficios que ofrecerá a los niños/as que lo utilicen

Language: Spanish

Published: La Paz, Bolivia, 2016

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