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1510 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

Montessori et la Casa dei Bambini: Dimensions Idéologique, Épistémologique et Spirituelle de la Méthode [Montessori and the Casa dei Bambini: Ideological, Epistemological and Spiritual Dimensions of the Method]

Available from: Open Edition

Publication: Tréma, no. 50

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Avec plus ou moins de prégnance, la pédagogie Montessori reste à la mode depuis plus d'un siècle. Entre les avis très laudatifs et les critiques les plus acerbes, que savons-nous de celle qui a inventé une méthode pédagogique, basée sur une expérience unique, la Casa dei Bambini, et qui a traversé le temps avec aussi peu de modifications ? Ce texte vise à éclairer les dimensions idéologique, épistémologique et spirituelle sur lesquelles s’appuient la doctrine et la méthode. En évitant les controverses stériles, nous montrerons en quoi, si la méthode présente un intérêt indéniable, certains points nécessitent une clarification. [With varying degrees of significance, Montessori pedagogy remained trendy for more than a century. Between the very laudatory opinions and the sharpest critics, what do we know about the one who invented a pedagogical method based on a unique experience, the Casa dei Bambini, who has transcended time with few changes? This text aims to enlighten the ideological, epistemological and spiritual dimensions on which the doctrine and the method are based. By avoiding sterile controversies, we will show how, if the method is of undeniable interest, certain points require clarification.]

Language: French

DOI: 10.4000/trema.4369

ISSN: 1167-315X

Doctoral Dissertation

An Investigation into the Nature and Extent to Which Methods Taught during Montessori Teacher Training in Bangalore Are Applied by Teachers in Montessori and Mainstream Schools

Asia, India, Montessori method of education - Study and teaching, Montessori method of education - Teachers, Montessori method of education - Teachers, Montessori schools, South Asia, Teachers

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Language: English

Published: Northampton, England, 2021


Dr. Maria Montessori. Montessori-metoden

Available from: National Library of Norway

Publication: Norsk Skoletidende, vol. 53, no. 21

Pages: 305-308

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Language: Norwegian

ISSN: 0802-6017

Bachelor's Thesis

Hudební rozvoj dětí předškolního věku ve vzdělávacím systému Marie Montessori / Musical development of preschool children in the Maria Montessori educational system

Available from: Univerzita Karlova Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: Studentka pojedná o vzdělávacím systému Marie Montessori v českém vzdělávacím prostředí. Představí jeho klíčové znaky. Ty se stanou inspirací k rozvoji hudebnosti jako prostředku osobnostního rozvoje dítěte předškolního věku. V praktické části studentka uskuteční longitudinální a kvantitativní výzkum u dětí navštěvujících příslušnou mateřskou školu. Jeho cílem bude představit procesy, jak hudebně výrazové a formotvorné prostředky postupně vstupují do dětského vědomí v kontinuitě s emocionálním a estetickým rozvojem. / The student aims to introduce the topic of Maria Montessori education system in the Czech educational environment. She will describe the key subjects. Those will become an inspiration to the child´s musical growth as a part of preschool child´s personal growth. She will make an longitudinal and qualitative research in the practical part with the kids who are attending the kindergarden. The purpose is to introduce a musical and form-forming instruments which are gradually entering into child´s sences in continuity with emotional and ethical growth.

Language: Czech

Published: Prague, Czechia, 2020


Verslag van de bijeenkomst van Montessori leerkrachten op 10 Maart 1934 in de 2e Lagere Montessori school te Amsterdam

Available from: Stadsarchief Amsterdam (Amsterdam City Archives)

Publication: Montessori Opvoeding, vol. 17, no. 5

Pages: 39-40

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Language: Dutch

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

Montessori e Steiner: due approcci pedagogici a confronto [Montessori and Steiner: two pedagogical approaches compared]

Available from: Tesi online

Comparative education, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Rudolf Steiner - Philosophy, Waldorf method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: La tesi si propone di analizzare le proposte pedagogiche di Maria Montessori e Rudolf Steiner in relazione alla scuola tradizionale e alla diffusione di tali scuole nel Mondo e in Italia, con particolare focus su Torino. Ripercorrendo il contesto socio-culturale e...

Language: Italian

Published: Torino, Italy, 2019


The Study on the Application of Montessori Sensory Materials According to Age and Sex / 연령 , 성별에 따른 Montessori 감각교구의 적용에 관한 연구

Available from: RISS

Publication: 아동교육 [The Korean Journal of Child Education], vol. 3, no. 1

Pages: 119-135

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Abstract/Notes: The Purpose of this study is, to practical application of MONTESSORI education system by comparing degrees of achievement according to age and sex, about offering five MONTESSORI SENSORY MATERIALS which children prefer. And consequently it can be offered as basic data for children of kindergarten of our country at present to appication each educational instrument in proper time according to children's achievements. For this study, randam sample ten 3-year-old boys and girls respectively, who have not any MONTESSORI educational experience at NOLIBANG in Taegu, and at S MONTESSORI KINDERGARTEN ten 4-year-old boys and girls respectively, who have 18 month's MONTESSORI educational experience. Two persons experimented on instruments such as CYLINDER BLOCKS, PINK WOWERS, BROWN STAIRS, COLOR TABLETS, SOUND BOXES which children of the kindergarten preferred, and recorded the results. To ascertain difference between age and sex, respecting achievement degress of MONTESSORI SENSORY MATERIALS, the obtained data was executed MANOVA using SPSS PC+. For verification, WILKS LAMBDA values were estimated and in the case of main effects being reliable, F-TEST and STRUCTURE COEFFICIENTS were measured. Conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows. First, according to age(3,4,5), there is difference in degrees of achievement of MONTESSORI SENSORY MATERIALS. With advancing years, degrees of achievement increase, and children of various age interact with one another, this is younger children observe the older ones and have indirect experience, and afterwards they can experience instruments in proper age. Second, there is not any difference in MONTESSORI SENSORY MATERIALS according to sex distinction. So we can offer SENSORY MATERIALS to children according to application age. Third, there is no disparity of age in sex distinction about achievement degrees of instruments are to be offered in order of age MONTESSORI SENSORY MATERIALS. That regardless of sex distinction. is, there isn't interaction of age and sex, so the instruments are to be offered in order of age regardless of sex distinction.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-2722


Montessori Pedagogika i Autizam [Montessori Pedagogy and Autism]

Available from: Hrčak - Portal of Croatian scientific and professional journals

Publication: Varaždinski učitelj: digitalni stručni časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, vol. 3, no. 3

Pages: 75-81

Autism, Autism in children, Montessori method of education, Special education

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Abstract/Notes: Različiti pedagoški sustavi i filozofije podučavanja djeci na jedinstveni način omogućuju stjecanje znanja i jačanje jakih područja. Jedno on njih je i Montessori pedagogika koja naglašava individualnost djeteta i koja se temelji na razvojnim potrebama djeteta. Njena značajka jest strukturirano okruženje u kojem se djeca ili učenik susreće s materijalima odnosno pomagalima pomoću kojih se stvaraju različita okruženja. Upravo to pripremljeno okruženje i strukturirani materijali slijede osobine djece sa smetnjama autističkog spektra. Svrha članka je prikazati značajke Montessori pedagogike i osobine odnosno funkcioniranje djece sa smetnjama autističkog spektra i na konkretnom primjeru odrediti zajedničke značajke. [Different pedagogical systems and philosophies of teaching children in a unique way enable the acquisition of knowledge and the strengthening of strong areas. One of them is Montessori pedagogy which emphasizes the individuality of the child and which is based on the developmental needs of the child. Its feature is a structured environment in which children or students encounter materials or aids that create different environments. It is this prepared environment and structured materials that follow the characteristics of children with autism spectrum disorders. The purpose of the article is to present the features of Montessori pedagogy and the characteristics and functioning of children with autism spectrum disorders and to determine common features on a concrete example.]

Language: Croatian

ISSN: 2623-7237


A View of India: Reflections on the Practice of Montessori Education at One School [Magic Years Montessori School, Delhi]

Available from: University of Connecticut Libraries - American Montessori Society Records

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 4, no. 3

Pages: 11

Asia, India, Public Montessori, South Asia

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


Montessori Step by Step [Step by Step Montessori Center, Northfield, MN]

Publication: Montessori Education, vol. 7, no. 2

Pages: 41–42

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Language: English

ISSN: 1354-1498

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