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Doctoral Dissertation

Experience and Pedagogy in Practice: A Comparative Study on the Pedagogical Work of Six Innovative Educators

Available from: McGill University - eScholarship

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Abstract/Notes: How to combine experience and learning in a school or a university? How do new pedagogies get created? Who creates them, and why? The history of education is full of creative educators who integrated experience and education in new ways. By comparing a few of these cases it is possible to uncover some underlying characteristics of this practice. This is the goal of this study: to identify common, fundamental elements in the practice of integrating experience and education that transcend any particular pedagogy. The study selects six cases: three historical educators of children: John Dewey (U.S.), Maria Montessori (Italy), and Rabindranath Tagore (India); and three contemporary educators of managers and leaders: Ronald Heifetz (U.S.), Marshall Ganz (U.S.), and Henry Mintzberg (Canada). The data is collected from archival sources, direct observation and interviews. It focuses on their pedagogical creations and some biographical facts. Following a constructivist grounded theory approach (Charmaz, 2006) the collected data is re-selected, coded, and organized according to common categories.A set of principles and practices on how to integrate experience and education emerged from this study. First: the sources of educative experiences: connecting with nature, service to society, community life, personal relationships, and discovering oneself. Second: the principles of educative experiences: educating for and in the present; embracing real life in real context; integrating content, method, and practice; educating in the 'whole game;' and combining head, heart, and hands. Third: the attributes of experiential learners: doing first, courageous, explorer, appreciative, reflective, and autonomous. And fourth: the tasks of creating pedagogies: designing learning experiences, establishing a laboratory of pedagogy, integrating everything into a culture, training other educators, leading a pedagogical movement, and writing about pedagogy and education. The findings contribute to the literature on experience and education by offering a set of principles and practices about pedagogical creation and development. These can help educators, schools, and universities to promote pedagogical innovation. Business schools can also use these findings to foster pedagogical experimentation and help bring their teaching methods closer to the actual practice of managers and leaders. / Comment allier l'expérience et l'apprentissage dans une école ou une université? Comment les nouvelles pédagogies voient-elles le jour? Qui les crée et pourquoi? L'histoire de l'éducation est riche de pédagogues créatifs qui intègrent l'expérience et l'éducation de façon créative. La comparaison de quelques cas permet de révéler des caractéristiques sous-jacentes de cette pratique. L'objectif de la présente étude est de recenser les éléments communs et fondamentaux de la pratique d'intégration de l'expérience et de l'éducation qui transcendent toute pédagogie. L'étude porte sur six cas : trois pédagogues historiques centrés sur l'enfant : John Dewey (É.-U.), Maria Montessori (Italie) et Rabindranath Tagore (Inde); et trois pédagogues contemporains en gestion et en leadership : Ronald Heifetz (É.-U.), Marshall Ganz (É.-U.) et Henry Mintzberg (Canada). Les données proviennent de sources d'archives, d'observation directe et d'entrevues. L'accent est mis sur la création pédagogique et sur des données biographiques. Suivant une approche de la théorisation ancrée constructiviste (Charmaz, 2006), les données recueillies sont sélectionnées de nouveau, codées et classées en catégories communes.Un ensemble de principes et de pratiques sur la façon d'intégrer l'expérience et l'éducation est ressorti de la présente étude. Premièrement, les sources des expériences éducatives : le lien avec la nature, le service à la société, la vie communautaire, les relations personnelles et la découverte de soi. Deuxièmement, les principes des expériences éducatives : l'éducation pour le présent et dans le présent; l'adhésion à la vraie vie dans un contexte authentique; l'intégration du contenu, de la méthode et de la pratique; l'éducation dans « l'ensemble du jeu » et la combinaison du cœur, de la tête et des mains. Troisièmement, les attributs de l'apprenant expérientiel : personne d'action, courageux, explorateur, reconnaissant, réfléchi et autonome. Et quatrièmement, les tâches de la création de pédagogies : la conception d'expériences d'apprentissage, la mise en place d'un laboratoire pédagogique, l'intégration de tout à une culture, la formation d'autres pédagogues, la direction d'un mouvement pédagogique et la rédaction sur la pédagogie. Les constatations apportent une contribution à la documentation sur l'expérience et l'éducation en établissant un ensemble de principes et de pratiques sur la création et le développement en matière de pédagogie. Cet ensemble de principes et de pratiques peut aider les pédagogues, les écoles et les universités à inspirer et à soutenir l'innovation pédagogique. Les écoles de gestion peuvent également mettre à profit ces constatations pour favoriser l'expérimentation pédagogique et rapprocher leurs méthodes d'enseignement de la pratique actuelle des gestionnaires et des leaders.

Language: English

Published: Montreal, 2018


A Little Piece of Peace for Montessori: Teacher Educators Unite for Accreditation

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 4, no. 1

Pages: 22–24

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

Emotional Wellness in NM Early Childhood Educators: A Critical Constructivist Examination of Neoliberalism in Education Policy and the Influence of Neoliberal Policy on Educator Wellness

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: This dissertation examines neoliberalist policy in public school education in order to understand the influence of this neoliberalist policy on educator wellness in New Mexico early educators. Establishing the neoliberal influence in public education, the presidencies of Eisenhower, Johnson, Carter, G.H.W. Bush, G.W. Bush, and Obama, as related to education policy and influences, presents the idea of education for profit through high stakes testing and scripted curriculums (Ali, 2019; Burke, et al., 2020; Howell et al., 2017; Leistyna, 2010; Mazzoni, 1977; Vaughn et al.; Wooley et al., 1999; Yardley, 2000). This dissertation establishes connections between neoliberal federal policy and widespread unrest among American educators (Adams et al., 2018; Macrine et al., 2010; Nieto, 2013). National exit attrition rates as well as rates of enrollment in teacher preparatory programs examined herein connect to widespread professional dissatisfaction among public educators (Boe et al., 2008; Engledowl, et al., 2020; Nieto, 2013). Subjective Well Being (SWB) of New Mexico early educators as influenced by neoliberalist public education policy is qualitatively examined via this interpretive phenomenological analysis. Methods included interviews, surveys, and questionnaires conducted with eight New Mexico educators. Utilization of hermeneutic member checking promotes trustworthiness and credibility (Noon, 2018). Through coding, findings reveal that NM early educators’ SWB may be negatively influenced by neoliberalist policy in public education. Themes related to connections between neoliberal public education policies and SWB include: demoralization caused by leaders; control of creativity; confines of curriculum; an illusion of freedom; limitations of high stakes testing and curriculum; experiences centered on abuse, trauma, and PTSD; and exhaustion, lack of humanity in public education policy, as well as educators’ invisibility. Implications exist for the arenas of education policy, high stakes testing, curriculum, ethics in education, and educator activism.

Language: English

Published: Las Cruces, New Mexico, 2022


Montessori Will Demonstrate with L. A. School Pupils: World-Famous Teacher Will Be Met Here May 1 by Prominent Educators

Available from: Newspapers.com

Publication: Los Angeles Express (Los Angeles, California)

Pages: 13

Americas, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: World-Famous Teacher Will Be Met Here May 1 by Prominent Educators To be used by Dr. Maria Montessori in demonstrating her world-famous system of teaching, is an honor soon to befall a class of little Los Angeles children. They are too young now to understand the significance of it, but, in years to come, they will no doubt recall with pride that they were the first youngsters, outside Rome, to learn from the hands and lips of the great Italian "Dottoressa," as her friends and admirers lovingly call the inventor of the Montessori system. Miss Catherine Moore, who is conducting the arrangements for Dr. Montessori's coming May 1, is receiving letters and telegrams from prominent educators all over the country. Many of them are coming. OFFERS COOPERATION. Mrs. Alexander Graham Bell, president of the Montessori Educational Association of Washington, D. C., has just written congratulating Los Angeles and offering co-operation. The association includes Philander P. Claxton, United States Commissioner of Education; Miss Margaret Woodrow Wilson and many other members of Washington official circles. San Francisco wants the "Dottoressa," and so does San Diego. "President [Superintendent J.H.] Francis, by his early recognition and understanding of her system, is to be credited for the coming of Dr. Montessori to Los Angeles first of any city outside of Italy," said Miss Moore. "The whole country is now interested." Classes will be held at the East Seventh street school, Saint Catherine's nonsectarian school and the Hotel Maryland, Pasadena. The children of Miss Moore's class at Saint Catherine's will be used for demonstrations every Saturday during the course. ADDRESS BY LETTER. Swarms of callers, anxious to learn more of Dr. Montessori, have made it difficult for Miss Moore to carry on her public school work, and she has been forced to ask every one to address her by letter at the East Seventh street school. Miss Moore, who has long been a Montessori enthusiast, learned Italian in the Dante Alighieri night school in this city and later went to Rome, where she studied with the "Dottoressa," who, contrary to popular belief, is not an aged woman, for Montessori recently celebrated her forty-fourth birthday. TO VISIT San Diego. Dr. Montessori has accepted the invitation of the officials of the San Diego exposition to visit the exposition in July, according to Dr. Mary Paul-Jordon of 456 North Juanita street. Officials of the exposition received a cablegram from Dr. Montessori, who is still in Rome, late yesterday. This information was received by Dr. Jordon in a telegram from Duncan MacKinnon, superintendent of schools of the Southern city [San Diego], last night.

Language: English


Fourth Lecture on Montessori System: Miss Helen Parkhurst Explains Italian Educator's Didactic Material

Available from: Columbia Spectator Archive

Publication: Columbia Spectator, vol. 59, no. 196

Pages: 4

Americas, Helen Parkhurst - Biographic sources, Montessori materials, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori movement, North America, United States of America

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Language: English


Educators Gather at Bay for International Session

Available from: California Digital Newspaper Collection

Publication: Sacramento Union (Sacramento, California)

Pages: 8

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Abstract/Notes: "Oakland, Aug. 14 - Between 4000 and 5000 delegates, including some of the leading educators of the United States and several foreign countries, are in Oakland for the world's congress of education, which will be opened in municipal auditorium at 9 o'clock Monday morning. It is expected that more than ten thousand delegates will be in attendance at the general meetings and the sessions of the forty-three organizations affiliated with the National Education Association, under auspices of which the great convention is to be held. The sessions will close August 28. Many prominent educators are already in the city. David Starr Jordan, chancellor of Stanford University and president of the National Education Association, will arrive tomorrow. Among those already here are Miss Grace C. Strachan, district superintendent of schools for the city of New York, the woman who led and won the now famous fight for 'equal pay for equal work' and candidate for the presidency of the association; Dr. Maria Montessori of Rome; Ferdinand Buirsson, commander of the legion of honor of France; Dr. Jose Swain, president of Swarthmore College, Pa.; Ernesto Nelson, director of secondary education for Argentina; C. W. Crook, vice-president of the English National Union of Teachers; Ella Flagg Young, superintendent of schools of Chicago, and a score of others from all parts of the world. Every modern phase of the education of the youth of this and coming generations will be discussed at the congress. This is the third international congress of the National Education Association."

Language: English


Children Their Own Educators: First Montessori School in the State Here

Available from: ProQuest - Historical Newspapers

Publication: Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

Pages: 1, 10 (Pictorial City/Editorial)

Americas, Katherine Moore - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education, North America, Public Montessori, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: A Montessori School, the first in California, and one of the first in the country, will open its doors in Los Angeles within the next few weeks, in one of the west-end schools not yet definitely decided upon.

Language: English


10,000 Educators Assemble for Convention

Available from: NewsBank - San Diego Union Historical

Publication: San Diego Union (San Diego, California)

Pages: 2

Americas, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, National Education Association (NEA), North America, Panama-Pacific International Exposition (1915, San Francisco, California), United States of America

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Language: English

Master's Thesis

Montessori eğitmenlerinin sınıf yönetimi uygulamalarına yönelik görüşleri / Montessori educators' views about classroom management practices

Available from: Ulusal Tez Merkezi / National Thesis Center (Turkey)

Classroom environments, Classroom management, Montessori method of education - Teachers, Teachers, Teachers - Attitudes

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Abstract/Notes: One of the pre-school education programs widely implemented in our country is the Montessori education approach developed by Montessori. The impact of the Montessori approach, which places a lot of emphasis on the prepared environment, the materials that make up this environment, and the prepared adult instructor, on the classroom management practices of instructors, cannot be ignored. In order to determine the applications applied to classroom management by Montessori instructors working in early childhood classes where Montessori education approach is applied in public and private preschool education institutions in Turkey, this research was created in a qualitative research pattern by adopting a phenomenological approach. In educational settings, the phenomenological approach is used to make concrete the participants ' knowledge, perception, experience and feelings about the identified phenomenon. The phenomenon covered in this study is the classroom management practices of Montessori instructors who are working at the early childhood level within preschool education institutions in our country. The Working Group consists of 13 preschool teachers and master instructors who are Montessori instructors. The "criteria sampling" method was used to determine the Working Group. It is taken as criteria by the researcher that the instructors are employed in the kindergarten or kindergarten level of 3-6 years of early childhood, have received Montessori instructor training from a formal educational institution and have completed one-year internship periods and have earned the right to receive their certificates. All of the data were collected in the 2019-2020 school year. Personal data form and structured interview and follow-up interview were used as data collection tools. Interviews with participants were conducted individually and face-to-face. The data obtained; it is collected under four dimensions in the form of the regulation of the physical environment, communication and behavior management, time management, and plan and program studies. According to the results of the research, Montessori instructors ' applications for these four dimensions have similarities and differences with the studies that have been done, and they relate these practices to the three basic elements of classroom management: "prepared environment", "prepared adult" and "learning materials". The findings were discussed within the framework of the studies in the field. / Ülkemizde yaygın olarak uygulanan okul öncesi eğitim programlarından biri de Montessori tarafından geliştirilmiş olan Montessori yaklaşımıdır. Hazırlanmış çevreye, bu çevreyi oluşturan materyallere ve hazırlanmış yetişkin olarak adlandırılan eğitmene çokça vurgu yapılan Montessori yaklaşımının eğitmenlerin sınıf yönetimi uygulamalarına etkisi göz ardı edilemez. Bu araştırma Türkiye'de resmi ve özel okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarındaki Montessori eğitim yaklaşımının uygulandığı erken çocukluk sınıflarında görev yapmakta olan Montessori eğitmenlerinin sınıf yönetimine ilişkin başvurdukları uygulamaların ve bu uygulamaları sınıf yönetimiyle nasıl ilişkilendirdiklerinin tespit edilmesi amacıyla, fenomenolojik yaklaşım benimsenerek nitel araştırma deseninde oluşturulmuştur. Eğitim ortamlarında fenomenolojik yaklaşım, katılımcıların belirlenen fenomen hakkındaki bilgi, algı, deneyim ve duygularını somut bir hale getirmek için kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışma kapsamında ele alınan fenomen, ülkemizde okul öncesi eğitim kurumları bünyesinde bulunan erken çocukluk kademesinde görev yapmakta olan Montessori eğitmenlerinin sınıf yönetimi uygulamalarıdır. Çalışma grubu, Montessori eğitmeni olan 13 okul öncesi öğretmeni ve usta öğreticiden oluşmaktadır. Çalışma grubunu belirlemek amacıyla "ölçüt örnekleme" yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Eğitmenlerin MEB'e bağlı anaokullarında veya anasınıflarında 3-6 yaş erken çocukluk kademesinde görev yapmaları, resmi olarak eğitim veren bir kurumdan Montessori eğitmen eğitimi almış ve bir yıllık staj sürelerini tamamlayıp sertifikalarını almaya hak kazanmış olmaları araştırmacı tarafından ölçüt olarak alınmıştır. Verilerin tümü 2019-2020 eğitim öğretim yılında toplanmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak kişisel bilgi formu ve yapılandırılmış görüşme ve takip görüşmesi formları kullanılmıştır. Katılımcılarla yapılan görüşmeler bireysel ve yüz yüze gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler; fiziksel ortamın düzenlenmesi, iletişim ve davranış yönetimi, zaman yönetimi ve plan ve program çalışmaları şeklinde dört boyut altında toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre Montessori eğitmenlerinin bu dört boyuta yönelik uygulamalarının yapılmış olan çalışmalarla benzerlikleri ve farklılıkları bulunmakta ve eğitmenler bu uygulamaları sınıf yönetiminin üç temel öğesi olan "hazırlanmış çevre", "hazırlanmış yetişkin" ve "eğitici materyaller" ile ilişkilendirmektedirler. Elde edilen bulgular, alan yazındaki çalışmalar çerçevesinde tartışılmıştır.

Language: Turkish

Published: Istanbul, Turkey, 2020

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