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Master's Thesis

Montessori eğitiminin okul öncesi dönem çocukların problem çözme becerileri ve problem davranışları üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi / The effect of Montessori education on the problem solving skills and problem behaviors of pre-school children

Available from: Ulusal Tez Merkezi / National Thesis Center (Turkey)

Asia, Middle East, Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Preschool children, Problem solving in children, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: This study, aims to investigate the problem solving skills and problem behaviors of pre-school to their type of educational programs that they get.In the study, the problem solving skills and problem behaviors of the children who were educated according to the Ministry of Education Preschool Education Program and Montessori approach were evaluated.Quantitatively designed research was conducted in accordance with the general screening model.The working group formed by 60 children who attended the pre-school education institution in the academic year 2015-2016. The research was carried out in a kindergarten with Montessori education in Atakum District of Samsun and a kindergarten with education according to MEB program in İlkadım District. The personal information form of the study was collected by the Problem Solving Skills Scale (PÇÖÖ) and Kindergarten and Nursery Behavior Scale. In the results of working; The problem behaviors of children were affected by the state of mother education and problem solving skills increased with age. It has been determined that the problem solving skills of children who are going to Montessori school and are from their parents professional profession group are at a better level.It has been determined that as the problem solving skills of Montessori children increase, the levels of inward orientation also increase. It has been determined that children attending Montessori school have better problem solving skills and lower problem behaviours than children attending public school. / Bu araştırmada okul öncesi dönemdeki çocukların problem çözme becerilerini ve problem davranışlarını aldıkları eğitim programının türüne göre incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada MEB Okul Öncesi Eğitim Programı ve Montessori yaklaşımına göre eğitim alan çocukların problem çözme becerileri ve problem davranışları değerlendirilmiştir. Nicel olarak tasarlanan araştırma genel tarama modeline uygun olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma grubunu, 2015-2016 eğitim öğretim yılında okul öncesi eğitim kurumuna devam eden 60 çocuk oluşturmuştur. Araştırma Samsun İli Atakum İlçesi'nde Montessori eğitimi veren bir anaokulu ve İlkadım İlçesi'nde MEB programına göre eğitim veren bir anaokulunda yürütülmüştür. Araştırmanın verileri Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Problem Çözme Becerileri Ölçeği (PÇBÖ) ve Anaokulu ve Anasınıfı Davranış Ölçeği ile toplanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda; çocukların problem davranışlarının anne öğrenim durumundan etkilendiği, problem çözme becerilerinin yaşla birlikte arttığı belirlenmiştir. Montessori okuluna devam edip anne-babası profesyonel meslek grubundan olan çocukların problem çözme becerilerinin daha iyi düzeyde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Montessori eğitimi alan çocuklarda problem çözme becerileri arttıkça içe yönelim düzeylerinin de arttığı belirlenmiştir. Montessori okuluna devam eden çocukların devlet okuluna devam eden çocuklara göre problem çözme becerilerinin daha iyi, problemler davranış görülme durumunun ise daha düşük olduğu belirlenmiştir.

Language: Turkish

Published: Karabük, Turkey, 2017

Doctoral Dissertation

Habilidades de resolução de problemas: desenvolvimento de uma medida e relações com o Método Montessori / Problem-Solving: Development of a Measure and Relation with the Montessori Method

Available from: Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Montessori method of education - Perceptions

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Abstract/Notes: Problems, from simple to complex ones, are present in people's daily lives. The way each person responds to them is related to several psychological correlates, such as better psychological adjustment. Thus, different areas of Psychology have studied the psychological processes related to problem-solving (PS), emphasizing the interface between PS and educational processes. Even though PS skills are key aspects of the educational process, there are controversies about how to promote them in the school environment. The Montessori Method (MM) is one of the educational strategies that has as one of its purposes to develop these skills in the classroom. Thus, this thesis has conducted studies with different designs - correlational and quasi-experimental - with the objective of analyzing whether the MM promotes general PS skills. Due to the lack of Brazilian instruments that assess this construct, the first chapter presents the construction process of the Problem-Solving Scales (ERP), including the elaboration of items, focus groups (N = 24) and analysis by judges (N = 23), as well as studies (N = 767) to obtain evidence of validity based on internal structure and reliability estimates for ERP. Confirmatory factor analyzes showed that the ERP have two scales (Problem Resolution Skills (PSS) and Problem Orientation (PO)) with satisfactory internal consistency. The ERP were used in a study (Chapter 2) that aimed to compare the PS skills of students (N = 91) of traditional and montessorian schools and, in the latter case, implementation fidelity was considered (Classic Montessori or Supplemented Montessori). Associations were also made between these skills and demographic and educational variables. There were no statistically significant differences between the students of the two types of schools researched. PO was not associated to the demographic and educational variables investigated and when PSS was classified in levels (low, medium and high), a higher score of students with average levels was observed. In order to analyze the effects of a mathematical education process based on MM principles on the development of PS skills, a quasi-experiment (Chapter 3) was conducted with students of fourth and fifth grades of Elementary School (N = 18). After subdividing them into Montessori Group (MG) and Traditional Schooling Group (TSG), they participated in a process of mathematical education. The ERP were applied pre and post-mathematical education. There were gains in both PSS and PO, albeit limited, in 7 the MG. However, MG and TSG did not differ in mathematical performance. It is possible to state that, even though other studies are necessary to obtain more evidence of validity and to estimate its reliability, the ERP have satisfactory psychometric properties. There is also evidence that the MM can contribute to the development of PS skills. However, in the latter case, more empirical evidence is also needed, especially those obtained in classrooms rather than in experiments. Developing the PS skills of the students is fundamental, since they are essential both in the teaching-learning process and in life itself. / Problemas dos mais simples aos mais complexos estão presentes no dia-a-dia das pessoas. Assim, diferentes áreas da Psicologia têm estudado os processos psicológicos relacionados à resolução de problema (RP), destacando-se a interface entre RP e processos educacionais. Embora as habilidades de RP sejam aspectos chave do processo educacional, há controvérsias sobre como promovê-las em ambiente escolar. O Método Montessori (MM) é uma das estratégias educacionais que têm como um de seus propósitos desenvolver essas habilidades em sala. Desse modo, esta Tese conduziu estudos com diferentes delineamentos – correlacional e quase experimental – com o objetivo de analisar se o MM promove habilidades gerais de RP. Devido à carência de instrumentos brasileiros que avaliam este construto, no primeiro capítulo é apresentado o processo de construção das Escalas de Resolução de Problema (ERP), incluindo elaboração de itens, grupos focais (N = 24) e análise por juízes (N = 23), bem como estudos (N = 767) para a obtenção de evidências de validade baseadas na estrutura interna e estimativas de fidedignidade para as ERP. Análises fatoriais confirmatórias evidenciaram que as ERP possuem duas escalas (Habilidades de Resolução de Problemas (HRP) e Orientação em Relação ao Problema (ORP)) com consistência interna satisfatória. As ERP foram utilizadas em um estudo (Capítulo 2) que teve como objetivo comparar as habilidades de RP de estudantes (N = 91) de escolas tradicionais e montessorianas, sendo que, no último caso, considerou-se a fidelidade de implementação (Montessori Clássico ou Montessori Suplementar), além de variáveis demográficas e educacionais. Não foram obtidas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os alunos dos dois tipos de escolas pesquisadas. ORP não se associou às variáveis demográficas e educacionais investigadas e, ao classificar HRP em níveis (baixo, médio e alto), observou-se um escore mais elevado de alunas com níveis médios. Com o objetivo de analisar os efeitos de um processo de educação matemática baseado em princípios do MM no desenvolvimento de habilidades de RP, conduziu-se um quase experimento (Capítulo 3) com alunos de quarto e quinto anos do Ensino Fundamental (N = 18). Após serem subdivididos em Grupo Montessori (GM) e Grupo Ensino Tradicional (GET), eles participaram de um processo de educação matemática. As ERP foram aplicadas pré e pós-educação matemática. Foram observados ganhos tanto em HRP quanto em ORP, ainda que limitados, no GM. Todavia, GM e GET não 5 diferiram quanto ao desempenho em matemática. É possível afirmar que, apesar de outras pesquisas serem necessárias para obter mais evidências de validade e estimar sua fidedignidade, as ERP possuem propriedades psicométricas satisfatórias. Também há evidências de que o MM pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de habilidades de RP. Porém, no último caso, também são necessárias mais evidências empíricas, especialmente aquelas obtidas em salas de aula e não em experimentos. Desenvolver as habilidades de RP dos discentes é fundamental, pois elas são essenciais tanto no processo de ensino-aprendizagem quanto na vida.

Language: Portuguese

Published: Juiz de Fora, Brazil, 2017

Doctoral Dissertation

Habilidades de resolução de problemas: desenvolvimento de uma medida e relações com o Método Montessori [Problem-solving: development of a measure and relations with the Montessori Method]

Available from: Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - Institutional Repository

Americas, Brazil, Comparative education, Creative thinking in children, Critical thinking in children, Latin America and the Caribbean, Montessori method of education, Problem solving in children, South America

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Abstract/Notes: Problemas dos mais simples aos mais complexos estão presentes no dia-a-dia das pessoas. Assim, diferentes áreas da Psicologia têm estudado os processos psicológicos relacionados à resolução de problema (RP), destacando-se a interface entre RP e processos educacionais. Embora as habilidades de RP sejam aspectos chave do processo educacional, há controvérsias sobre como promovê-las em ambiente escolar. O Método Montessori (MM) é uma das estratégias educacionais que têm como um de seus propósitos desenvolver essas habilidades em sala. Desse modo, esta Tese conduziu estudos com diferentes delineamentos – correlacional e quase experimental – com o objetivo de analisar se o MM promove habilidades gerais de RP. Devido à carência de instrumentos brasileiros que avaliam este construto, no primeiro capítulo é apresentado o processo de construção das Escalas de Resolução de Problema (ERP), incluindo elaboração de itens, grupos focais (N = 24) e análise por juízes (N = 23), bem como estudos (N = 767) para a obtenção de evidências de validade baseadas na estrutura interna e estimativas de fidedignidade para as ERP. Análises fatoriais confirmatórias evidenciaram que as ERP possuem duas escalas (Habilidades de Resolução de Problemas (HRP) e Orientação em Relação ao Problema (ORP)) com consistência interna satisfatória. As ERP foram utilizadas em um estudo (Capítulo 2) que teve como objetivo comparar as habilidades de RP de estudantes (N = 91) de escolas tradicionais e montessorianas, sendo que, no último caso, considerou-se a fidelidade de implementação (Montessori Clássico ou Montessori Suplementar), além de variáveis demográficas e educacionais. Não foram obtidas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os alunos dos dois tipos de escolas pesquisadas. ORP não se associou às variáveis demográficas e educacionais investigadas e, ao classificar HRP em níveis (baixo, médio e alto), observou-se um escore mais elevado de alunas com níveis médios. Com o objetivo de analisar os efeitos de um processo de educação matemática baseado em princípios do MM no desenvolvimento de habilidades de RP, conduziu-se um quase experimento (Capítulo 3) com alunos de quarto e quinto anos do Ensino Fundamental (N = 18). Após serem subdivididos em Grupo Montessori (GM) e Grupo Ensino Tradicional (GET), eles participaram de um processo de educação matemática. As ERP foram aplicadas pré e pós-educação matemática. Foram observados ganhos tanto em HRP quanto em ORP, ainda que limitados, no GM. Todavia, GM e GET não 5 diferiram quanto ao desempenho em matemática. É possível afirmar que, apesar de outras pesquisas serem necessárias para obter mais evidências de validade e estimar sua fidedignidade, as ERP possuem propriedades psicométricas satisfatórias. Também há evidências de que o MM pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de habilidades de RP. Porém, no último caso, também são necessárias mais evidências empíricas, especialmente aquelas obtidas em salas de aula e não em experimentos. Desenvolver as habilidades de RP dos discentes é fundamental, pois elas são essenciais tanto no processo de ensino-aprendizagem quanto na vida. [Problems, from simple to complex ones, are present in people's daily lives. The way each person responds to them is related to several psychological correlates, such as better psychological adjustment. Thus, different areas of Psychology have studied the psychological processes related to problem-solving (PS), emphasizing the interface between PS and educational processes. Even though PS skills are key aspects of the educational process, there are controversies about how to promote them in the school environment. The Montessori Method (MM) is one of the educational strategies that has as one of its purposes to develop these skills in the classroom. Thus, this thesis has conducted studies with different designs - correlational and quasi-experimental - with the objective of analyzing whether the MM promotes general PS skills. Due to the lack of Brazilian instruments that assess this construct, the first chapter presents the construction process of the Problem-Solving Scales (ERP), including the elaboration of items, focus groups (N = 24) and analysis by judges (N = 23), as well as studies (N = 767) to obtain evidence of validity based on internal structure and reliability estimates for ERP. Confirmatory factor analyzes showed that the ERP have two scales (Problem Resolution Skills (PSS) and Problem Orientation (PO)) with satisfactory internal consistency. The ERP were used in a study (Chapter 2) that aimed to compare the PS skills of students (N = 91) of traditional and montessorian schools and, in the latter case, implementation fidelity was considered (Classic Montessori or Supplemented Montessori). Associations were also made between these skills and demographic and educational variables. There were no statistically significant differences between the students of the two types of schools researched. PO was not associated to the demographic and educational variables investigated and when PSS was classified in levels (low, medium and high), a higher score of students with average levels was observed. In order to analyze the effects of a mathematical education process based on MM principles on the development of PS skills, a quasi-experiment (Chapter 3) was conducted with students of fourth and fifth grades of Elementary School (N = 18). After subdividing them into Montessori Group (MG) and Traditional Schooling Group (TSG), they participated in a process of mathematical education. The ERP were applied pre and post-mathematical education. There were gains in both PSS and PO, albeit limited, in 7 the MG. However, MG and TSG did not differ in mathematical performance. It is possible to state that, even though other studies are necessary to obtain more evidence of validity and to estimate its reliability, the ERP have satisfactory psychometric properties. There is also evidence that the MM can contribute to the development of PS skills. However, in the latter case, more empirical evidence is also needed, especially those obtained in classrooms rather than in experiments. Developing the PS skills of the students is fundamental, since they are essential both in the teaching-learning process and in life itself.]

Language: Portuguese

Published: Juiz de Fora, Brazil, 2017


✓ Peer Reviewed

Solución de Problemas: Estudio evaluativo de tres enfoques pedagógicos en las escuelas mexicanas [Problem-Solving: Evaluative Study of Three Pedagogical Approaches in Mexican Schools]

Available from: Universidad de Almería (Spain)

Publication: Revista Electrónica de Investigación Psicoeducativa / Electronic Journal of Research in Education Psychology, vol. 1, no. 2

Pages: 79-96

Americas, Central America, Comparative education, Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Problem solving

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Abstract/Notes: Introduction: One of the most important goals of the Mexican educational system is that students, from primary education onward, acquire complex thinking skills such as "problem solving" and "creativity", among others. This paper describes how problem solving finds expression in three different pedagogical approaches in Mexico.Method: The design used is not an experimental type, since variables are observed in an existing situation without being deliberately manipulated. The design is also descriptive cross-sectional or transversal, since measurement is taken on a single occasion, obtaining the incidence of values manifest by the variable under study. Additionally it is performed with a mixed design type 6 X 1.Results: Results show how children from the Freinet school obtain the highest scores in both groups, and that the lowest scores correspond to the traditional public school. There are significant statistical differences between the different pedagogical approaches in regard to problem solving in their basic educational process.Discussion: A new educational model is required, one that takes into account all human potentialities in its programs, adapting human resources and necessary materials responsible for the educational process. It is indispensable to include educational content where problem-solving skills are exercised, taught and developed.

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.25115/ejrep.2.111

ISSN: 1696-2095

Master's Thesis (Action Research Report)

The Effects of Social Stories on the Problem Solving Skills of Preschoolers

Available from: St. Catherine University

Action research

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Abstract/Notes: This action research project examined the effects of social stories on the problem solving skills of preschoolers in a Montessori classroom. The classroom was in a private school in Arizona led by a lead Montessori trained teacher and an assistant teacher. The study spanned seven weeks and the subjects were 22 three to five year old children. Three stories were read to the children. Each story was read at circle time daily for a two week interval. Data collected included the observations of the lead teacher, observations of the assistant teacher, and one-on-one conversations with each child at the end of the study. The data showed an increase in the abilities of the children to solve problems without the need of an adult. Future research could be conducted on the effects on female versus male preschoolers to see if the stories affect the children differently depending on their gender. Future research could also be conducted using stories about different social issues.

Language: English

Published: St. Paul, Minnesota, 2016


Exploring The Link Between Creativity And Problem Solving

Available from: ProQuest

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 27, no. 2

Pages: 16

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Abstract/Notes: CINCINNATI MONTESSORI SECONDARY TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM CINCINNATI, OH As part of CMStep's Urban Plunge, an annual study of service and service learning, adult learners examine the complex issues of poverty, how to prepare the adolescent for service work, and how to "hold the container of respect" during service work, explains Marta Donohoe, CMStep executive director.Over a 6-week period, with guidance from the art teacher and the art & technology integration specialist, students acted as directors, storyboard artists, cartoonists, and animators and brought original stories about a small pom-pom's adventures to life.

Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040


✓ Peer Reviewed

Consultation and the Introduction of Social Problem-Solving Groups in Schools

Available from: Wiley Online Library

Publication: The Personnel and Guidance Journal, vol. 60, no. 1

Pages: 37-41

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Abstract/Notes: Social problem-solving programs for withdrawn and hyperactive children within a school context were developed and implemented in a day care center, a Montessori nursery school, a Catholic elementary school, and a Catholic high school. This article describes the program implementation for each of the four schools and some of the effects on the consultative relationship.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1002/j.2164-4918.1981.tb00637.x

ISSN: 0031-5737, 2164-4918

Doctoral Dissertation

The Characteristics of Problem Solving Transfer in a Montessori Classroom

Available from: Baylor University Libraries

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this case study was to examine the use of problem solving strategies and instruction within the Montessori model of learning and to determine if problem solving and transfer occurred. The following research questions were investigated: (1) What Montessori model characteristics are similar to the characteristics reported in the problem solving research which facilitate transfer? (2) In what ways does problem solving within the Montessori classroom transfer? (3) What are the factors that influence problem solving transfer in a Montessori classroom? The site for the study was a fourth through sixth grade level classroom in a private, non-profit Montessori school. Participating in the research were 16 students, two teachers, and a parent of each of the students. The study was conducted over a eight month time period. Data collection and analysis involved both qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative data were gathered through video-taping of 24 classroom lessons, audio-taping interviews with the students, teachers, and parents and curriculum document analysis. Quantitative instruments included the TONI-3: Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, 3rd Edition, the Problem Solving and Thinking Processes scale, the Flanders Interaction Analysis Categories-Modified, and the Engagement Check. These are the findings: (a) as implemented in this study, the Montessori model of learning, did incorporate instructional strategies that facilitated problem solving and transfer; (b) instances of problem solving, problem solving transfer, and knowledge transfer did occur; and (c) six specific instructional and curriculum strategies influenced the opportunities for problem solving and transfer in the classroom. This research contributes to the field by studying transfer with elementary age students in the natural setting of a classroom and by providing a framework for examining the factors which encourage problem solving.

Language: English

Published: Waco, Texas, 2002


Our Best Advice: The Multiage Problem Solving Handbook, K-8

Available from: ERIC

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Abstract/Notes: A multiyear, multiage experience, combined with what is known about collaborative learning, learning styles, and multiple intelligences, grouping practices, and the success of inclusion in such a setting, promises to give all children a real opportunity for success in the classroom. Many schools have implemented multiage programs successfully, but other programs have been rushed into without proper planning and with requirements that conflict with the spirit of multiage practices. This book shows the potential pitfalls of implementing and conducting a multiage program, and tells how to avoid them. It discusses planning, staff development, student selection, parental involvement, inclusion, specialists in the multiage classroom, and many other issues that, handled properly, will make a multiage program a success. The book is a response to concerns expressed by teachers and offers advice to those educators faced with creating a new multiage program, and to those already in a program

Language: English

Published: Peterborough, New Hampshire: Crystal Springs Books, 1996

ISBN: 1-884548-04-0


Sandra Folk: 'Making Connections through Problem Solving'

Publication: CAMT News (Ontario, Canada), vol. 18, no. 4

Pages: 4-5

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Abstract/Notes: Summary of a workshop

Language: English

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