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Master's Thesis

Montessori materyalleri destekli bireysel ve işbirlikli matematik etkinliklerinin erken matematiksel akıl yürütme becerilerine etkisi / The effect of Montessori materials supported individual and cooperative math activities on early mathematical reasoning skills

Available from: Ulusal Tez Merkezi / National Thesis Center (Turkey)

Asia, Mathematics education, Middle East, Montessori materials, Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Preschool children, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Bu çalışmanın amacı okul öncesi dönemdeki çocukların matematiksel akıl yürütme becerilerinde Montessori materyalleri destekli bireysel ve işbirlikli matematik etkinliklerinin etkilerini ortaya koymaktır. Çalışmada 'öntest sontest kontrol gruplu desen' uygulanmıştır. Çalışmaya Kırklareli il merkezinde bulunan Y Lisesi Uygulama Anasınıfı'ndaki deney 1 grubunu oluşturan 15, deney 2 grubunu oluşturan 15 ve X Anaokulu'ndaki kontrol grubunu oluşturan 15 çocuk olmak üzere toplam 45 çocuk katılmıştır. Uygulama deney 1 grubunda Montessori materyalleri destekli bireysel matematik etkinlikleri, deney 2 grubunda Montessori materyalleri destekli işbirlikli matematik etkinlikleri ve kontrol grubunda MEB (2013) Okul Öncesi Eğitim Programı destekli matematik etkinlikleri ile sürdürülmüştür. Veri toplama aracı olarak, kişisel bilgi formu ve 'Erken Matematiksel Akıl Yürütme Becerileri Değerlendirme Aracı' kullanılmıştır. 2018-2019 eğitim öğretim yılı güz döneminde toplanan verilerin analizinde Kruskal Wallis Testi ve Mann Whitney U Testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın birinci hipotezi kapsamında elde edilen bulgularda deney 1 ve kontrol grubunu oluşturan çocukların matematiksel akıl yürütme becerisine ilişkin performansı arasında deney 1 grubu lehine istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmuştur. Araştırmanın ikinci hipotezi kapsamında elde edilen bulgularda deney 2 ve kontrol grubunu oluşturan çocukların matematiksel akıl yürütme becerisine ilişkin performansı arasında deney 2 grubu lehine istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmuştur. Araştırmanın üçüncü hipotezi kapsamında elde edilen bulgularda deney 1 ve deney 2 grubunu oluşturan çocukların matematiksel akıl yürütme becerisine ilişkin performansı arasında deney 2 grubu lehine istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmuştur. Araştırmanın dördüncü hipotezi kapsamında elde edilen bulgularda deney 1, deney 2 ve kontrol grubunu oluşturan çocukların matematiksel akıl yürütme becerisine ilişkin performansının cinsiyete göre anlamlı fark göstermediği bulunmuştur. / The aim of this study is to analyse the effects of individual and cooperative mathematics activities supported by Montessori materials on mathematical reasoning skills of pre-school children. In the study, "pre-test post-test control group design" technique was applied. The study included a total of 45 children, 15 of which constituted the experimental group-1; 15 of which constituted the experimental group-2 in the Y High School Practice Pre-School in Kırklareli city centre, and 15 of them constituted the control group in the X Kindergarten. The application was carried out by using the Montessori Materials Supported Individual Math Activities in the experimental group-1, Montessori Materials Supported Cooperative Math Activities in the experimental group-2, and mathematics activities supported by MEB (2013) Preschool Education Program in the control group. Personal data form and "Early Mathematical Reasoning Skills Assessment Tool" were used as data collection tools. Kruskal Wallis Test and Mann Whitney U Test were used to analyse the data collected in the fall semester of 2018-2019 academic year. In the results obtained under the first hypothesis of the study, there was a statistically significant difference between the performance of experimental group-1 and the control group in terms of mathematical reasoning skills in favour of experimental group-1. In the results obtained under the second hypothesis of the study, there was a statistically significant difference between the performance of experimental group-2 and the control group in terms of mathematical reasoning skills in favour of experimental group-2. In the results obtained under the third hypothesis of the study, there was a statistically significant difference between the performance of experimental group-1 and the experimental group-2 in terms of mathematical reasoning skills in favour of experimental group-2. In the results obtained under the fourth hypothesis of the study, it was found that the performance of the children constituting the experimental group-1, the experimental group-2 and the control group regarding mathematical reasoning were not significantly different according to the gender.

Language: Turkish

Published: Kırklareli, Turkey, 2019


✓ Peer Reviewed

Classics of Education Sciences: Maria Montessori. Background knowledge and perceived meanings of University students compared to teachers attending Montessori in-service training courses / Klasyka nauk edukacyjnych: Maria Montessori. Wiedza środowiskowa i odkrycie znaczenia w ocenie studentów Uniwersytetu oraz nauczycieli uczestniczących w kursie szkoleniowym Montessori

Available from: Uniwersytet Rzeszowski (Poland)

Publication: Kultura - Przemiany - Edukacja, vol. 6

Pages: 241-255

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori’s pedagogy is considered a “classics” of Education Sciences. In this contribution, a survey conducted with three different groups of subjects attending University lectures or in-service Montessori training courses is reported. Main research purpose is to discover background knowledge and perceived meanings of each group concerning the Montessori Method and its main characteristics. Data collected from the three groups under investigation are compared to identify the most macroscopic differences and / or similarities. Through the graphs produced, first reflections and conclusions are attempted, at the same time readers are invited to build their own opinions inferring other meanings or conclusions thanks to data and reading tools provided.

Language: English

DOI: 10.15584/kpe.2018.6.18

ISSN: 2300-9888, 2544-1205


Aussprache über das System Montessori: veranstaltet von der Berufsvereinigung der Kindergärtnerinnen Österreichs am 21 Mai 1925 in Wien [Discussion about the Montessori system: organized by the professional association of kindergarten teachers in Austria on May 21, 1925 in Vienna]

Publication: Zeitschrift für das Kindergartenwesen, vol. 44, no. 1-2

Pages: 54-63

Austria, Europe, Western Europe

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Language: German


✓ Peer Reviewed

La Aplicación del Método Montessori en la Educación Infantil Ecuatoriana [The Application of the Montessori Method in Ecuadorian Early Childhood Education]

Available from: Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi (Ecuador)

Publication: Revista SATHIRI: Sembrador, vol. 15, no. 1

Pages: 122-131

Americas, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Ecuador, Latin America and the Caribbean, Montessori method of education, Preschool education, South America

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Abstract/Notes: El método de Montessori destaca la didáctica a través de los cinco sentidos, no sólo a través de tres de ellos como se hace tradicionalmente (escuchar, ver o leer), el docente deberá saber con previa evaluación lo que cada niño está listo para realizar. Esta enseñanza es un fascinante proceso de invención, lo que conduce a la plena concentración, la motivación y sobre todo el auto-control. El objetivo de la investigación es impulsar el hábito del auto-estudio y la autodisciplina, es decir que posibilita a que el niño trabaje con autonomía, favoreciendo el propio interés y la investigación que ayudan al niño a concentrarse en su aula; la metodología aplicada se buscó coordinar y alcanzar los objetivos propuestos mediante una investigación bibliográfica y relatos narrativos. La función del orientador fundamental es la del adulto, y en especial el padre, ya que se considera el principal guía del niño, quien es el responsable de mostrarle elmundo en sus primeros pasos. Esta enseñanza es un fascinante proceso de invención, lo que conduce a la plena concentración, la motivación y sobre todo el auto-control, los niños logran asimilar: una investigación propia e independiente, planificar, organizar, compilar información; crear: presentaciones, exposiciones y proyectos. [The Montessori method highlights the didactics through the five senses, not only through three of them as is traditionally done (listening, seeing or reading), the teacher must know with prior evaluation what each child is ready to do. This teaching is a fascinating process of invention, which leads to full concentration, motivation and above all self-control. The objective of the research is to promote the habit of self-study and self-discipline, that is, it enables the child to work with autonomy, favoring self-interest and research that help the child to concentrate in her classroom; The applied methodology sought to coordinate and achieve the proposed objectives through bibliographic research and narrative stories. The role of the fundamental guide is that of the adult, and especially the father, since she is considered the child's main guide, who is responsible for showing her the world in her first steps. This teaching is a fascinating process of invention, which leads to full concentration, motivation and above all self-control, children manage to assimilate: their own independent research, planning, organizing, compiling information; create: presentations, exhibitions and projects.]

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.32645/13906925.935

ISSN: 2631-2905


Montessori paddhati / मोंटेसरी पद्धति [Montessori Method]

Maria Montessori - Writings, Taraben Modak - Writings

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Language: Hindi

Published: Bhavnagar, India: [s.n.], 1923

Edition: [Hindi edition]


Identifying the Montessori "Brand": How Do You Know If You've Found an "Authentic" Montessori School?

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 15, no. 5

Pages: 24–25

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


✓ Peer Reviewed

La didattica Montessori nella scuola dell’infanzia: Un metodo per programmare spazi e tempi a misura di bambino / La didáctica Montessori en la escuela infantil: Un método para programar espacios y tiempos a medida de los niños / The Montessori approach to the Early Childhood Education: A method to organize spaces and times that fits to children

Available from: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Publication: RELAdEI (Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Infantil), vol. 3, no. 2

Pages: 81-93

Autonomy in children, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Montessori materials, Montessori method of education, Prepared environment

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Abstract/Notes: Nella consapevolezza che spazi e tempi costituiscono spesso il principale strumento educativo per coloro che frequentano la prima scuola a più livelli – tanto per i bambini, nei quali tali categorie contribuiscono a rafforzare il livello di familiarità con il contesto di apprendimento, quanto per gli educatori, che riconoscono spesso nell’organizzazione di spazi e tempi scolastici un fondamentale dispositivo didattico – il presente contributo intende focalizzare l’attenzione sul metodo Montessori, che rappresenta in tal senso un utile strumento per adattare spazi e tempi della programmazione educativa ai ritmi di apprendimento e ai livelli cognitivi dei bambini. Il principio 'dell’aiutami a fare da solo' alla base del metodo Montessori, che per i bambini presenta valenza emancipativa, in quanto dispositivo ideale per apprendere l’autonomia, può dunque diventare per gli educatori un utile strumento didattico per avviare un’azione trasformativa della propria esperienza professionale e per ripensare in termini progettuali il proprio agire formativo. / Los espacios y tiempos son, con frecuencia y desde diversas perspectivas, el principal instrumento educativo para los niños de Educación Infantil. Son importantes para los niños, porque contribuyen a reforzar el nivel de familiaridad con el contexto de aprendizaje, y lo son para los educadores porque la organización de los espacios y de los tiempos escolares resulta, para ellos, un dispositivo didáctico fundamental. El presente artículo quiere dirigir la atención al método Montessori que representa, en tal sentido, un instrumento útil para adaptar los espacios y los tiempos de la programación educativa a los ritmos de aprendizaje y a los niveles cognitivos de los niños. El principio de 'Ayúdame a hacerlo yo sólo' que está en la base del método Montessori, tiene para los niños un valor de emancipación en cuanto dispositivo ideal para aprender la autonomía y puede, por lo tanto, convertirse para los educadores en un instrumento didáctico útil para empezar una acción transformadora de su propia experiencia profesional y para repensar, en términos de proyecto, su propia acción educativa. / Space and time are often, and from different perspectives, the main educational tools for Early Childhood Education. They are very important for children because they help them to strengthen their level of familiarity with the context of learning, and so are for educators because the organization of space and school time acts as an essential teaching device. This article aims to draw attention to the Montessori method because it represents, in this sense, a useful tool to adapt the spaces and times of educational programming to the rhythms of learning and to cognitive levels of children. The principle of “Help me do it by myself”, which is one of the basis of the Montessori method, has a great value for emancipation as an ideal device for children to learn autonomy. This principle may, therefore, become a useful teaching tool for educators to transform their professional experience and to rethink, in terms of project, their own educational practices.

Language: Italian

ISSN: 2255-0666


Teresa De Santis, L'autoeducazione nella concezione della Montessori e nella pratica della scuola [Teresa De Santis, Self-education in the conception of Montessori and in school practice] (Book Review)

Available from: Université Caen Normandie

Publication: Pour l'ère nouvelle: revue internationale d'èducation nouvelle, vol. 7, no. 38

Pages: 112

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Abstract/Notes: Book Review

Language: French


✓ Peer Reviewed

Koncepcja Marii Montessori a rozwój umiejętności samoobsługowych dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym / The Concept of Maria Montessori and the Development of Self-Care Skills in Children of Preschool Age

Available from: Index Copernicus International

Publication: Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna [Pre-School and Early School Education], vol. 6, no. 2 (whole no. 12)

Pages: 257-269

Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: The development of self-care skills in children is a part of the Core curriculum for preschool education. The contents regarding formation of such skills include shaping hygiene practices, goodhabits and developing motor skills. Maria Montessori drew attention to the development of selfcare skills and functional independence. In her concept of preschool child education, Maria Montessori developed practical life activities which were intended to serve the development of specificskills and their application to everyday life. Therefore, the aim of the research was to identify thelevel of self-care skills in 4-year-old children attending selected kindergartens located in MińskMazowiecki and Siedlce. The research was conducted on 200 children from Non-public CreativeActivity Montessori Kindergarten ‘Zameczek’ in Siedlce, Non-public Montessori Kindergarten‘Delfinek’ in Mińsk Mazowiecki and 6 traditional kindergartens — 2 of which were located inMińsk Mazowiecki and 4 located in Siedlce. The obtained research results indicated a varied levelof self-care skills depending on kindergarten the children attended.

Language: Polish

ISSN: 2353-7140, 2353-7159


Montessori-Geist und Montessori-Praxis in der Schule

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: Die Neue Erziehung, vol. 8, no. 9

Pages: 644-658

Montessori method of education

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Language: German

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