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1193 results

Book Section

Maria Montessori in Gran Bretagna [Maria Montessori in Great Britain]

Book Title: Maria Montessori cittadina del mondo [Maria Montessori, citizen of the world]

Pages: 266-268

England, Europe, Great Britain, Northern Europe, Scotland, United Kingdom, Wales

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Abstract/Notes: Dalla rivista "Vita dell'Infanzia", Roma, anno I, n. 5-6-7, maggio-giugno-luglio, 1952. [From the magazine "Vita dell'Infanzia", Rome, anno I, n. 5-6-7, May-June-July, 1952.]

Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Comitato italiano dell'OMEP, 1967


✓ Peer Reviewed

Pendampingan Pembelajaran Berbasis Metode Montessori Bagi Guru TK Kanisius Demangan Baru [Montessori Method-Based Learning Assistance for Kanisius Demangan Baru Kindergarten Teachers]

Available from: Universitas Sanata Dharma (Indonesia)

Publication: Abdimas Altruis: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, vol. 5, no. 1

Pages: 34-41

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Montessori method of education, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: This community service activity aimed to assist teachers at Kanisius Demangan Baru Kindergarten about Montessori method-based learning so that teachers can apply it in their respective classes. The method applied in this service is the discussion method by explaining the material to be delivered, the question and answer method is used to explore the teacher's understanding of the material to be given and the workshop is used to train and guide teachers in compiling learning videos that are integrated into the classroom. The results showed that the Montessori method of teaching mentoring received a positive response. The teacher clearly understood the material presented, especially the daily life skills area and the sensorial area. For language and mathematics materials, teachers need to get further assistance. The data result also explains that the Montessori method is effective and can be developed in Kanisius Kindergarten, Demangan Baru. In addition, the Montessori method is also relevant to the learning process and curriculum used by Kanisius Demangan Baru Kindergarten in collaboration with reflective pedagogy.

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.24071/aa.v5i1.3949

ISSN: 2620-5513


Dr. Maria Montessori. Montessori-metoden

Available from: National Library of Norway

Publication: Norsk Skoletidende, vol. 53, no. 21

Pages: 305-308

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Language: Norwegian

ISSN: 0802-6017

Book Section

Montessori und die "Alten Chinesen" oder Über historisch-genetischen Mathematikunterricht bei Montessori am Beispiel des Grossen Multiplikationsbrettes

Available from: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek

Book Title: Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2009

Pages: 4 p.

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Abstract/Notes: 43. Tagung für Didaktik der Mathematik vom 02.03.2008 bis 06.03.2009 in Oldenburg.

Language: German

Published: Münster, Germany: WTM-Verlag, 2009


Opinioni - Montessori sì Montessori no

Available from: Fondazione Montessori

Publication: MoMo (Mondo Montessori), no. 2

Pages: 36-37

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 2421-440X, 2723-9004

Master's Thesis

Montessori materyallerinin zihin engelli ve işitme engelli çocukların alıcı dil gelişiminden görsel algı düzeyine etkisi [The effect of Montessori materials on the level of visual perception from receptive language development of developmentally disabled and hearing impaired children]

Available from: Selçuk University (Turkey)

Asia, Developmentally disabled children, Hearing impaired children, Language development, Middle East, Montessori materials, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Engelli çocukların gelişmesi ve iyi yönde ilerleme kaydetmesi, devam ettikleri okullarda almış oldukları eğitim hizmetinin niteliği ile yakından ilişkisi vardır. Engelli çocuklar, diğer normal çocuklar gibi yaşamlarını bağımsız olarak sürdürebilmeleri için günlük yaşamda gerekli bazı davranışları öğrenmeleri gerekir. Engelli çocuklar görerek ve dokunarak öğrendikleri için materyal öğretiminin önemli bir yeri ve eğitici bir etkisi vardır. Pedagojinin etkili temsilcilerinden M. Montessori bu gerçeği görerek engelli çocukların bazı davranışları kolaylıkla edinebilmeleri için farklı gelişim alanlarına yönelik çeşitli materyaller geliştirmiş ve engelli çocukların duyu organlarının eğitimine ağırlık vermiştir. Bu amaçla araştırmada Montessori-Materyallerinden 'geometrik cisimlerin' işitme engelli ve zihin engelli çocukların alıcı dil becerilerinden görsel algı düzeyleri üzerinde etkili olup olmadığı saptanmak istenmiştir. Araştırmanın evreni, Konya'daki KOMMES-İşitme ve Konuşma Özürlüler Rehabilitasyon Merkezine ve EMPATİ-Zihinsel Yetersiz Çocukları Yetiştirme ve Koruma Vakfı'na devam etmekte olan ve belirlenen ön koşul becerilerinin yerine getirebilen 20 işitme engelli (on çocuk kontrol grubu-10 çocuk deney grubu olmak üzere), 20'de zihin engelli (on çocuk kontrol grubu-10 çocuk deney grubu olmak üzere), toplam 40 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmada ön test son test kontrol gruplu model uygulanmıştır. Öğrencilerin alıcı dil becerilerinden görsel algı düzeyleri Dönmez ve arkadaşlarının (1997) dil gelişimi etkinlikleri çalışmasından yararlanılarak araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan 5 maddelik ölçek ile ölçülmüştür. Bu maddeler; 1. tanıyabilme 2. ayırt edebilme 3. gruplayabilme 4. şekil seçme ve bulabilme 5. başka şekiller oluşturabilme Araştırmanın amacına göre ki-kare kullanılmış ve grupların ortalamaları arasındaki farklılıklar 't' testi ile yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonunda işitme engelli ve zihin engelli öğrencilerin görsel algı düzeylerine ilişkin başlangıç düzeylerine ait bulgularına bakıldığında işitme engellilerde (hem deney hem de kontrol grubunda) sonuçların anlamlı olmadığı; zihin engellilerin başlangıç düzeylerine ait bulgularına bakıldığında ise sonuçların anlamlı olduğuna varılmıştır. Başlangıç düzeyi tespitinden sonra 6 haftalık bir süreçte programın etkililiğini incelemek için Montessori-Materyali 'geometrik cisimler' uygulanmıştır. Bu süre sonunda işitme engelliler deney grubunda alıcı dil becerilerinden görsel algı düzeylerinde önemli bir değişiklik saptanmamıştır, zihin engelli deney grubunda ise görsel algı düzeylerinde önemli bir değişiklik elde edilmiştir. Her grup kendi içersinde başlangıç düzeyleri ve 6 haftalık bir süre sonunda test düzeyleri karşılaştırıldığında elde edilen bulgular ise şu şekildedir; İşitme engelli deney grubunun başlangıç düzeyini kontrol grubu ile denk olduğu, 6 haftalık uygulama sonunda da anlamlı düzeyde yüksek olmadığı saptanmıştır. Zihin engelli deney grubunun ise başlangıç düzeyi kontrol grubu ile denk olarak saptanmış, fakat 6 haftalık uygulama sonunda elde edilen sonucun anlamlı düzeyde yüksek olduğu tespit olmuştur. Kontrol gruplarına ise 6 hafta boyunca geleneksel yöntem ile öğretimlerine devam edilmiştir. 6 hafta sonra uygulanan test düzeyleriyle başlangıç düzeyleri karşılaştırıldığında manidar bir farklılık bulunmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. / There is a closest relation and correlation between the positive progressing for underdeveloped-spastic children and the quality of training and their educational performance that was given by their school. In order to continue and follow up their daily life by themselves just like a normal ones, they - underdeveloped children must learn some attitudes, so that underdeveloped children learn by sights and sensation. Therefore, learning by materials has a big importance and also these materials have a great training effects on their learning period. M. Montessori, who created some new approaches on pedagogy by her prescient for reality, developed new methods and created different materials focus on differentiated progressive fields of gaining attitudes and talents by underdeveloped children, hence Montessori focused on the training of senses of underdeveloped children. The purpose of this research study is determination of the effectiveness of 'geometric objects' which included by Montessori training materials, over the children's, those are deafness and mentally insufficient, receptive linguistic of the level of visual perception. The environment-space of this research study is KOMMES-Deafness And Non-Speaker Rehabilitation Center and EMPATİ-Mentally Insufficient Children Training and Protection Foundation. This experimental research study covers insufficient children follow up the courses and training of these two scholl, the selected 20 deafness children who can perform predetermined and conditioned talents (10 of these for controlling, the other 10 for experimental purposes) additionally 20 mentally insufficient children (again 10 for control and the other 10 for experimental purposes). 40 children totally were followed up. In this study Salomon's four-quadral-group model was applied and examined. Them, the students' receptive linguistic abilities through the level of visual perception - Dönmez and Ark's study of linguistic development effectiveness (1997) was measured with 5 factors scale which was prepared by researcher. These are 1. Recognition, 2. Distinguishing, 3. Sorting-Grouping, 4. Selection of figures and finding, 5. Creating the figures and forming. According to aim of this research-study, ki-square was used and the differences between the means of each group were determined by 't' test method. The results of this research study are, the beginning levels of visual perception of deafness children and of the children who are mentally insufficient; it is found that the results of deafness children-for both in control and in experimental group, are not meaningful. The findings of the level of beginning for mentally insufficient children are meaningful. After the determination of the beginning level, Geometric-three dimensional-objects from Montessori's materials method was applied in order to inspect the effectiveness of program for 6 weeks period. At the end of this period, for the experimental group of deafness children. It cannot be found that important changes on the level of visual perception of receptive linguistic talents, On the other hand, in experimental group covers the mentally insufficient children, important changes on visual perception level were found. For each group, the beginning levels of intra group and end of the 6 weeks period, comparing the group's level of test, the findings are as follow: The level of beginning for the experimental group of deafness children is equivalent to the level of beginning for the control group. After the 6 weeks experimental application, it was found that the level changes are not meaningful as much as. It was found that the level of beginning for the experimental group of mentally insufficient children is equivalent to the level of beginning for the control group these are mentally insufficient children. But, end of the 6 weeks experimental application, meaningful changes were taken from results. Along with the 6 weeks period, in controlling groups, the training and learning progress had been continued based on conventional method. End of the 6 weeks period, by the level of applied test and the level of beginning were compared. It was found that there is no valuable and notable differences between these two.

Language: Turkish

Published: Konya, Turkey, 2005


Starting a Montessori School in the 60's [Greater New Orleans Montessori Society]

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 13, no. 1

Pages: 9

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040


Montessori Opvoeding: Was Zijn de Resultaten van het Montessori Lager Onderwijs? [insert]

Available from: Stadsarchief Amsterdam (Amsterdam City Archives)

Publication: Montessori Opvoeding, vol. 12, no. 13

Pages: 4 p.

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Language: Dutch


Reports from the Field: National Public Montessori Support Network [addresses of ten public Montessori schools]

Available from: ERIC

Publication: MPSC Update [Montessori Public School Consortium (Cleveland, OH)], vol. 2, no. 2

Pages: 5

Americas, Montessori schools, North America, Public Montessori, United States of America

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Language: English

Master's Thesis

Una mirada a la filosofía Montessori en el sistema público de enseñanza de Puerto Rico [A look at the Montessori philosophy in the public education system of Puerto Rico]

Available from: University of Puerto Rico - Theses and Disserations Collection

Americas, Caribbean, Latin America and the Caribbean, Public Montessori, Puerto Rico

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Abstract/Notes: Este trabajo presenta las ideas sobresalientes de Montessori. Examina el vínculo entre el enfoque de dicha filosofía y la enseñanza de inglés en Puerto Rico con énfasis de las posibilidades que ofrece tal metodología para obtener logros em la enseñanza de una segunda lengua. Finalmente, expone los retos que enfrenta el maestro que interesa estudiar y aplicar la filosofía Montessori en las escuelas públicas de Puerto Rico.

Language: Spanish

Published: Río Piedras, Puerto Rico, 2020

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