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✓ Peer Reviewed

Role učitele ve škole Montessori / Teacher's Role in Montessori School

Available from: Digitální knihovna Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity (Czechia)

Publication: Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. U, Řada pedagogická, vol. 55, no. U12

Pages: 117-126

Montessori schools, Teachers

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Abstract/Notes: This contribution deals with the role of teachers interacting with pupils in Montessori schools. Originally an exercise research for the study course of qualitative research in educational sciences, the text outlines the basic principles of Maria Montessori’s pedagogy, describing then the research method and the findings. A teacher was observed, keeping to her designed role within a certain extent of workload only. Yet once there were too many requirements from pupils, she abandoned her ideal role and became a captive who, under the load of her tasks, tended to solutions contravening to Montessori’s philosophy and reprobated by herself when she spoke about them. / Zaměření textu na roli učitele ve škole Montessori vzniklo souhrou několika faktorů, z nichž klíčová byla volba tématu pro cvičný kvalitativní výzkum v rámci kurzu Kvalitativní výzkum v pedagogických vědách a možnost navštívit základní školu Montessori. Zájem o alternativní koncepci výuky, kterou jsem mohla pozorovat, se pak stal základem pro téma této práce, jejímž cílem je popsat, jak učitelka Králová1 zvládá roli učitele ve škole Montessori a pokusit se odhalit obecné zákonitosti jejího jednání v interakci se žáky.

Language: Czech

ISSN: 1211-6971


I Found "Montessori" in the Mainstream (Why My Child Is Not at a Montessori Nursery)

Publication: Montessori International, vol. 10, no. 5

Pages: 27

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Language: English

ISSN: 1470-8647


Author Luncheon, Book Fair, Book-Signing Signals Montessori Spring in Atlanta [Paula Polk Lillard visits Northwoods Montessori School]

Publication: AMI/USA News, vol. 11, no. 3

Pages: 3

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Language: English


✓ Peer Reviewed

Türkiye'de Montessori Yöntemi ile İlgili Yapılan Çalışmaların İncelenmesi / Investigation of Studies on Montessori Method in Turkey

Available from: DergiPark Akademik

Publication: Yaşam Becerileri Psikoloji Dergisi / Life Skills Journal of Psychology, vol. 5, no. 10

Pages: 101-118

Asia, Literature reviews, Middle East, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori Yöntemi, bir eğitim sistemidir ve Maria Montessori tarafından oluşturulmuştur. Maria Montessori İtalyan bir pedagog ve ülkesinin ilk kadın doktorudur. Montessori sistemi çocuğu merkeze alır ve çocuğa görelik ilkesiyle hareket ederek, çocuğa uygun oluşturulmuş bir çevreye dayanır. Çocuğun ilgi alanları ve yetenekleri dikkate alınarak, bireysel öğrenme hızının olduğunu kabul eder ve bunu temel alan esnek bir eğitim süreci oluşturur. Montessori yöntemi bir sentezdir; çocukların içlerindeki potansiyeli fark edip keşfetmelerini ve karakterlerini oluşturmalarını amaçlar. Ayrıca çocuğun içindeki potansiyele ulaşması için düzenlenmiş bir alana ve özgürlüğe ihtiyacı olduğunu savunur. Ülkemizde Montessori konusu ile ilgili bilimsel çalışmalara önem verildiği ve çalışmalarının son yıllarda arttığı gözlemlenmektedir. Bu araştırmada, ülkemizde Montessori metodu ve uygulamaları ile ilgili, 2010-2021 yılları arasında yazılan tez ve makaleler, belirlenen ölçütlere göre incelenerek, hem bu metodun güvenilirlik ve geçerliliğini görmek hem de yapılacak yeni araştırmalara fikir vermek amaçlanmıştır. Bu çalışma nitel bir araştırma olup, amaçsal öğrenme stratejilerinden ölçüt öğrenme yöntemi ve doküman tarama (analizi) tekniği kullanılmıştır. Google Akademi, Dergipark ve Ulusal Tez Merkezi veri ortamlarından “montessori” kelimeleri ile kaynaklar taranmış ve 48 tez çalışması, 36 makale çalışması olmak üzere toplam da 84 çalışmaya ulaşılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara bakıldığında; ülkemizde Montessori metoduna yönelik çalışmalarının yoğunluğunun son 5 yıla ait olduğu saptanmıştır. Araştırmaların büyük bir bölümünün okul öncesi kademesinde yapıldığı söylenebilir. Yapılan çalışmaların tamamına yakınının sonuç bölümlerinde, Montessori yöntemi ile eğitim alan çocukların lehine değişim gözlendiği belirtilmiştir. / The Montessori Method is an education system and was created by Maria Montessori. Maria Montessori is an Italian pedagogue and the first female doctor in her country. The Montessori system puts the child in the center and, acting on the principle of relative to the child, is based on an environment created suitable for the child. Considering the interests and abilities of the child, it accepts the individual learning speed and creates a flexible education process based on this. The Montessori method is a synthesis; It aims for children to realize and discover the potential within them and to create their characters. He also argues that the child needs a regulated space and freedom to reach their potential. It is observed that scientific studies on the subject of Montessori are given importance in our country and their studies have increased in recent years. In this study, it is aimed to see the reliability and validity of this method and to give an idea for new researches by examining the theses and articles written between 2010-2021 about the Montessori method and its applications in our country, according to the determined criteria. This study is a qualitative research and criterion learning method and document scanning (analysis) technique, which are purposeful learning strategies, were used. Sources were scanned with the words "montessori" from Google Academy, Dergipark and National Thesis Center data environments, and a total of 84 studies, including 48 thesis studies and 36 article studies, were reached. Considering the findings obtained from the research; It has been determined that the intensity of the studies on the Montessori method in our country belongs to the last 5 years. It can be said that most of the studies were conducted at the preschool level. In the conclusion sections of almost all of the studies, it was stated that a change was observed in favor of the children who received education with the Montessori method.

Language: Turkish

DOI: 10.31461/ybpd.1026936

ISSN: 2587-1536

Master's Thesis

La méthode Montessori en regard de la cohérence et de la continuité d'un projet éducatif [The Montessori method with regard to the coherence and continuity of an educational project]

Available from: Université du Québec à Chicoutimi - Institutional Repository

Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: La littérature pédagogique préconise que toute action éducative doit tenir compte des principes tels que: la continuité dans l'éducation du jaune, la cohérence entra les valeurs éducatives et les pratiques éducatives au quotidien, ainsi que le respect de l'enfant tout au long de sa formation. L'examen de la pratique scolaire courante soulève cependant une certaine incohérence entre ce qui se fait réellement dans les écoles et les intentions annoncées dans les textes officiels des pouvoirs organisateurs, d'une part, et d'autre part une certaine discontinuité entre les différents cycles scolaires successifs. De là nous est venue l'idée de comprendre comment peut-on assurer cohérence et continuité dans un système éducatif. Le système de la pédagogie Montessori est une preuve qu'on peut assurer cohérence et continuité tout au long d'un processus éducatif, c'est-à-dire à partir des intentions énoncées dans les programmes jusqu'aux actions quotidiennes dans les classes. L'objectif de cette recherche est de découvrir quels éléments favorisent la cohérence et la continuité de cette méthode. Pour ce faire, il nous a fallu d'abord établir, à un niveau général, un parallèle entre les valeurs de références, les buts et les objectifs préconisés par le MEQ et ceux préconisés par la méthode Maria Montessori. Nous sommes arrivés au constat que les deux modèles mettent de l'avant à peu de chose près, les mêmes valeurs et les mêmes objectifs éducatifs. Donc, au niveau des intentions peu de choses distinguent les deux modèles. Par exemple, nous avons retenu trois grandes valeurs communes: premièrement l'individualisation et le respect des besoins de l'enfant, deuxièmement l'autonomie et la liberté, et finalement la relation maître-élève de type guide. Toujours à ce niveau général, nous avons défini et analysé les grands concepts utiles à la compréhension de notre démarche (notion de paradigme, de vision éducative, de projet éducatif, de conception de l'éducation, de courant, d'approche, de pratique, de technique et de fait pédagogiques). Une fois ce cadre de référence établi, nous avons ensuite examiné un premier niveau de traduction des intentions en acte, c'est-à-dire celui des programmes éducatifs et de l'organisation scolaire. Afin de se rapprocher du concret, nous avons également étudié les différentes méthodes d'intervention auprès des élèves. Une fois les deux systèmes analysés, nous avons tenté de démontrer la cohérence et la continuité montessoriennes, à partir des observations dans des classes Montessori et des données théoriques amassées tout aussi bien au cours d'une formation des maîtres Montessori que dans la littérature. Nous avons ainsi confronté aux critères et dimensions d'analyse des modèles de Paquette et Houssaye les trois catégories des faits observables en classe que sont l'aménagement physique, les activités d'apprentissage et l'intervention pédagogique; ceci pour voir si ces faits pédagogiques sont en cohérence et en continuité avec les niveaux en amont du système (Paquette) ou avec les dimension du «Triangle pédagogique» (Houssaye). Les résultats de nos analyses confirment que le système montessorien, par son organisation rigoureuse et systématique, permet d'assurer plus de cohérence et de continuité entre les valeurs et les principes éducatifs annoncés au départ et la pratique quotidienne dans les classes. Cette constatation nous permet de comprendre que la notion de projet éducatif, définit par Paquette comme étant un processus continu fondé sur une éducation cohérente implique nécessairement la continuité et de cohérence des gestes au quotidien. En effet, un projet éducatif efficace, assure un travail d'équipe; est porteur d'une tradition éducative; engendre un souci de clarté et de transparence au niveau des actions collectives et individuelles; stimule l'analyse réflexive de tous les partenaires issus du même projet, pour finalement se centrer sur la qualité des apprentissages et redonner à l'élève la place qui lui revient au coeur de son propre développement.

Language: French

Published: Saguenay, Quebec, Canada, 1998


Montessori-musiikkikasvatus: Montessori-menetelmän mahdollisuudet musiikkikasvatuksessa [Montessori music education: the possibilities of the Montessori method in music education]

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Language: Finnish

Published: Helsinki, Finland: Yliopistopaino, 1991

ISBN: 951-570-097-3


Montessori 'Seal of Approval' Is a Bit Sticky [Phillip Montessori, Educorp videos]

Available from: University of Connecticut Libraries - American Montessori Society Records

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 11, no. 4

Pages: 1

Public Montessori

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Confirmation of Montessori Postulates in Contemporary Educational Neuroscience / Potvrde postulata Montessori pedagogije u suvremenoj obrazovnoj neuroznanosti

Available from: University of Zagreb

Publication: Croatian Journal of Education - Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, vol. 22, no. 4

Croatia, Europe, Neuroscience, Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: This paper lends insight into the fundamental postulates of Montessori pedagogyand definitions of contemporary educational neuroscience, focusing on the needsand solutions of contemporary didactic approaches. By presenting the results ofcontemporary researches, the paper connects the achievements of Montessoripedagogic methods and strategies with the scientific indicators of educationalneuroscience about the manners of positive impact on the development of anindividual. The results of the educational neuroscience research will corroborate thepostulates of Montessori pedagogy that state that understanding the developmentalstages of upbringing, individual competences, and specificities of each child areimportant for upbringing. Specific cases will be used to emphasize that, apartfrom the cognitive competence, it is essential to develop psychomotor and affectivecompetences, meaning that the development of these personality spheres isconnected and interdependent. By providing the pedagogic perspective, the paperpoints to the need for further deliberation on how to shape an optimal curriculum.The paper suggests that various social and technological changes are reasons toconsider pedagogic methods, strategies, and approaches of Montessori, which is alsosupported and substantiated by contemporary educational neuroscience.Key words: didactics; Montessori pedagogy; neurodidactics; neuroscience. - U ovom radu daje se uvid u osnovne postulate Montessori pedagogije i definicijesuvremene obrazovne neuroznanosti, orijentirajući se prema potrebama i rješenjimaza suvremene didaktičke pristupe. Prikazom rezultata suvremenih istraživanja radpovezuje dostignuća Montessori pedagoških metoda i strategija sa znanstvenimpokazateljima obrazovne neuroznanosti o načinima pozitivnoga utjecaja na razvojpojedinca. Rezultati istraživanja obrazovne neuroznanosti potkrijepit će postulateMontessori pedagogije da je za odgojni pristup važno razumijevanje razvojnih fazaodrastanja, individualnosti kompetencija i specifičnosti odgajanika. Specifičnimprimjerima naglasit će se da je uz kognitivne, bitno razvijati psihomotorne iafektivne kompetencije, odnosno da je razvoj ovih sfera ličnosti povezan imeđuovisan. Ponuđenom pedagoškom perspektivom rad ukazuje na potrebudaljnjega razmatranja kako pristupiti oblikovanju optimalnih kurikula. U radu sesugerira da je upravo zbog različitih društvenih i tehnoloških promjena potrebnorazmišljati o pedagoškim metodama, strategijama i pristupima Montessoripedagogije, što podržava i potkrepljuje suvremena obrazovna neuroznanost.Ključne riječi: didaktika; Montessori pedagogija; neurodidaktika; neuroznanost.

Language: English

DOI: 10.15516/cje.v22i4.3751

ISSN: 1848-5189, 1848-5197


✓ Peer Reviewed

Das Pädagogische Konzept Maria Montessoris: Die Permanente Diskussion [Maria Montessori's Pedagogical Concept: The Permanent Discussion]

Available from: Springer Link

Publication: International Review of Education, vol. 25, no. 1

Pages: 21–41

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: This article emphasises the internal consistency of Maria Montessori's work by identifying her main educational ideas and clarifying the interrelationships between the individual experimental schools and her writings. An elucidation of the vital part played by the anthropological basis of Maria Montessori's work shows that her entire efforts were directed towards illuminating childhood as the foundation of human development. Within this framework her relationship to Rousseau on the one hand, and to educational reform trends on the other is brought out. It is in this connection that her relations with the World Education Fellowship in general and with Decroly in particular find their significance.

Language: German

DOI: 10.1007/BF02426180

ISSN: 1573-0638, 0020-8566


✓ Peer Reviewed

Edukacja muzyczna dzieci w przedszkolu Marii Montessori / Musical education of children in Maria Montessori nursery

Available from: CZASOPISMA - Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Techniczno-Ekonomiczna

Publication: Edukacja, Terapia, Opieka, vol. 1

Pages: 31-52

Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, Music - Instruction and study, Music and children, Preschool children, Preschool education

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Abstract/Notes: The being of Pedagogy for Maria Montessori is getting to the statement itself, that since every child is different, should develop according to its possibilities, competence and the ability – of individual developmental plans so that their real accomplishment enables the independent and more effective learning for him. Child raised in its heart of hearts pedagogies of Maria Montessori will be a person independent, responsible for oneself and world, diligent in the future. The development of every child is causing itself according to individual of “plan of the development”. Therefore it isn’t possible from above to create the education and teaching system without taking individual characteristics of the child into account. Maria Montessori devoted a lot of attention to the music appreciation. A join of the music is important with the move which is an important factor of the child development. / Istota pedagogiki Marii Montessori sprowadza się do stwierdzenia, że każde dziecko jest inne, powinno rozwijać się według swoich możliwości, kompetencji i umiejętności – indywidualnych planów rozwojowych tak, aby ich właściwa realizacja umożliwiała mu naukę samodzielną i efektywniejszą. Dziecko wychowane w duchu pedagogiki Marii Montessori będzie w przyszłości osobą samodzielną, odpowiedzialną za siebie i świat, pracowitą. Rozwój każdego dziecka dokonuje się według indywidualnego „planu rozwoju”. Dlatego nie można z góry stworzyć systemu wychowawczego i dydaktycznego bez uwzględnienia indywidualnych cech dziecka. Wychowaniu muzycznemu Maria Montessori poświęciła wiele uwagi. Ważne jest łączenie muzyki z ruchem, który jest ważnym czynnikiem rozwoju dziecka.

Language: Polish

DOI: 10.52934/eto.58

ISSN: 2720-2429, 2658-0071

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