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1178 results


Maria Montessori und die Montessori-Erziehung [Maria Montessori and Montessori Education]

Publication: Pädagogische Welt, vol. 9

Pages: 27-29

Europe, Germany, Western Europe

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Language: German


Hrvatska Montessori prica: nastanak i metoda prve Montessori skole [The Croatian Montessori story: Origin and model of the first Montessori school

Croatia, Eastern Europe, Europe, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools

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Language: Croatian

Published: Zagreb, Croatia: Nakladnička kuča Aagram, 2007

ISBN: 978-953-7214-07-4 953-7214-07-9


✓ Peer Reviewed

Views on Montessori Approach by Teachers Serving at Schools Applying the Montessori Approach / Montessori yaklaşımını uygulayan okullarda çalışan öğretmenlerin Montessori yaklaşımına ilişkin görüşleri

Available from: Eurasian Journal of Educational Research

Publication: Eurasian Journal of Educational Research [Egitim Arastirmalari], no. 66

Pages: 123-138

Asia, Middle East, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Teachers - Attitudes, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Problem Statement: Further studies on Montessori teachers are required on the grounds that the Montessori approach, which, having been applied throughout the world, holds an important place in the alternative education field. Yet it is novel for Turkey, and there are only a limited number of studies on Montessori teachers in Turkey. Purpose of Study: The aim was to investigate views on the Montessori approach by the teachers who serve at the schools applying the Montessori approach. Methods: Research data was collected by the basic qualitative research, one of the qualitative research methods. Descriptive analysis method was used in analysis of the qualitative data. Nine teachers serving at three different schools in Ankara province applying Montessori approach were interviewed. Findings and Results: Eight main themes were determined upon data analysis; namely, education on Montessori approach, basic qualities required for teachers applying Montessori approach, adequacy of education on Montessori approach, in-service training on the challenges experienced by Montessori teachers, plans of teachers for self-development, following existing studies in Turkey on Montessori approach, views on studies on Montessori approach, and views on the criticisms towards Montessori approach. Conclusions and Recommendations: All teachers confirmed that they internalized the approach upon training in line with Montessori philosophy. They emphasized that they received training covering all the educational fields, yet the implementation dimension was inadequate due to training without the involvement of children. Furthermore, they suggested that all the schools in Turkey were opened by commercial motives, and as such these schools failed to comply with the standards of the institutions providing education on the basis of Montessori approach. They asserted that all criticisms towards Montessori approach would be proved to be groundless upon implementation of the approach. It was seen that experienced supervisors, in-service training, and scientific studies on Montessori approach were required.

Language: English

ISSN: 1302-597X, 2528-8911


Psychologisches zur Montessori-Methode: Aus dem Montessori-Heft der Neuen Erziehung [Psychological information on the Montessori method: From the Montessori booklet of the New Education]

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Abstract/Notes: Distributed by the Deutsche Montessori-Gesellschaft with the January 1927 issue of their periodical "Montessori-Nachrichten".

Language: German

Published: Berlin, Germany: Hensel and Co. Verlag, 1927


Diffusione e Prospettive dell'Educazione Montessori in Giappone: Montessori nel Mondo [Diffusion and Perspectives of Montessori Education in Japan: Montessori in the World]

Publication: Vita dell'Infanzia (Opera Nazionale Montessori), vol. 46, no. 6

Pages: 14-19

Asia, East Asia, Japan, Montessori method of education - History

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0042-7241


Pädagogik für besondere Bedürfnisse an der Grundschule: fallbezogene Analyse der Einführung schulischer Integration auf der Grundlage der Montessori-Pädagogik in Thüringen im Zeitraum von 1993/94 bis 1997/98

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Language: German

Published: Weimar, Germany: VDG, 1999

ISBN: 3-89739-107-4


Welche Schule für mein kind?: Montessori-Pädagogik, Waldorf-Pädagogik und pädagogische Grundsätze von Krishnamurti im Vergleich

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Language: German

Published: Grafing, Germany: Aquamarin, 1998

ISBN: 3-89427-102-7


Wozu braucht mein Kind die Montessori-Pädagogik?: eine Einführung in die Montessori-Pädagogik für Eltern

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Language: German

Published: Zurich, Switzerland: Assoziation Montessori Schweiz, 1994

Edition: 2. Aufl

Series: Assoziation Montessori Schweiz


"Hilf mir es selbst zu tun": Solidarität und Kooperation in der Montessori-Pädagogik als Perspektive für die Pflegepädagogik ["Help me do it myself": Solidarity and cooperation in Montessori pedagogy as a perspective for nursing pedagogy]

Available from: Hogrefe

Publication: PADUA: Die Fachzeitschrift für Pflegepädagogik, Patientenedukation und -bildung, vol. 14, no. 5

Pages: 301-306

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Abstract/Notes: Zusammenfassung. Fortschritte in Medizin und Pflegewissenschaft, demographische und rechtliche Umbrüche stellen die Pflegepädagogik vor neue Herausforderungen. Handlungsorientierung und Lehrende, die den Lern- und Entwicklungsprozess ihrer Lernenden fördern, sind gefragt. Eine Antwort auf diese Problemlagen in der Pflegeausbildung könnte ein altes, jedoch ungeahnt aktuelles pädagogisches Konzept liefern – die Montessori-Pädagogik, die vor allem über eine solidarische Lehrerpersönlichkeit implementiert werden kann. [Summary. Advances in medicine and nursing science, demographic and legal upheavals pose new challenges for nursing education. Action orientation and teachers who promote the learning and development process of their learners are in demand. An answer to these problems in nursing education could be provided by an old, but unexpectedly up-to-date pedagogical concept - Montessori pedagogy, which can be implemented primarily through a solidary teacher personality.]

Language: German

DOI: 10.1024/1861-6186/a000519

ISSN: 1861-6186


Montessori-Pädagogik und interkulturelle Erziehung: Thesen zur Eignung der Montessori-Pädagogik für die Förderung und Integration von Ausländerkindern

Publication: Montessori-Werkbrief (Montessori-Vereinigung e.V.), vol. 23, no. 1-2

Pages: 34-41

Harald Ludwig - Writings, Intercultural education

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Language: German

ISSN: 0722-2513

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