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1219 results


Conference of Montessori Students

Available from: The Times Educational Supplement Historical Archive - Gale

Publication: The Times Educational Supplement (London, England)

Pages: 282

England, Europe, Great Britain, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Speeches, addresses, etc., Montessori method of education - Study and teaching, Montessori method of education - Teacher training, Northern Europe, Teacher training, United Kingdom

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Language: English

ISSN: 0040-7887


✓ Peer Reviewed

Peran Musikalisasi Puisi Dalam Meningkatkan Kosakata Siswa Tunarungu di SLB-B Frobel Montessori [The Role of Musicalization of Poetry in Increasing the Vocabulary of Deaf Students in SLB-B Frobel Montessori]

Available from: Prime Identity House

Publication: SUBSERVE: Community Service and Empowerment Journal, vol. 2, no. 1

Pages: 8-17

Asia, Indonesia, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori schools, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Kurangnya perbendaharaan kosakata dan ketidakmampuan dalam mengucapkan suatu kata merupakan tantangan signifikan bagi siswa tunarungu, dimana keduanya menjadi elemen krusial dalam proses komunikasi. Tujuan dari Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) dalam bidang pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memanfaatkan musikalisasi puisi untuk meningkatkan kosakata siswa tunarungu di SLB-B Frobel Montessori yang dibantu dengan media ajar berbentuk flashcard. Metode yang digunakan berupa ceramah, demonstrasi, dan praktik serta penggunaan media ajar flashcard. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dalam bentuk Pre-Experimental Design dengan jenis One Group Pretest-Posttest. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pengujian data melibatkan uji hipotesis telah sesuai diterapkan pada siswa tunarungu dan diharapkan dapat efektif meningkatkan kosakata mereka. Dengan demikian, program PKM pengabdian masyarakat berhasil memecahkan masalah siswa tunarungu dalam meningkatkan kosakata.

Language: English

DOI: 10.36728/scsej.v2i1.7

ISSN: 3021-7059


✓ Peer Reviewed

Efektivitas Penerapan Metode Montessori Dalam Upaya Membangun Pemahaman Konsep Dasar Matematika Siswa Kelas 1 Mi Tarbiyatus Shibyan Kembiritan Genteng Banyuwangi [The Effectiveness of Applying the Montessori Method in Efforts to Build Understanding of Basic Mathematical Concepts in Grade 1 Students Mi Tarbiyatus Shibyan Kembiritan Genteng Banyuwangi]

Available from: Proceedings ICHES

Publication: Proceedings: International Conference on Humanity Education and Society (ICHES), vol. 3, no. 1

Asia, Conferences, Elementary education, Elementary students, Indonesia, Mathematics - Academic achievement, Mathematics education - Achievement, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: This research aims to determine the effectiveness of implementing the Montessori Method in an effort to build understanding of basic mathematical concepts in grade 1 students at MI Tarbiyatus Shibyan Kembiritan Genteng Banyuwangi. This research is quantitative quasi-experimental, using parallel classes namely classes for the experimental group that receive learning using the Montessori method and control group classes with conventional learning. Data was collected through a test of understanding basic mathematical concepts before (pretest) and after the intervention (post test). The research results show that the average value of N- Gain in the experimental class is 70.00. The average N-Gain value of the control class is 15.47. This shows that the Montessori Method is 54.53% more effective in improving student learning outcomes on adding tens and hundreds than conventional methods. The application of the Montessori method makes a positive contribution to increasing students' understanding, especially in critical aspects of mathematics for grade 1 students. Statistical analysis shows significant differences between the two groups, with a p-value of 0.00<0.05 which supports the effectiveness of the Montessori method. The implication of this research is that the application of the Montessori method can be used as an effective alternative learning approach to build understanding of basic mathematical concepts in grade 1 students. This can be a reference for schools, teachers and policy makers in designing more effective learning strategies at the educational level basic, especially at MI Tarbiyatus Shibyan Kembiritan Genteng Banyuwangi. Further studies can explore the long-term impact of implementing the Montessori method in the context of Islamic education.

Language: Indonesian

ISSN: 2988-5027

Master's Thesis

The Impact of Cognitively Guided Instruction on Students’ Mathematical Mindsets

Available from: St. Catherine University

Action research, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this research was to analyze the impact of an inquiry-based word problem-solving framework, known as Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI), on students’ mathematical mindsets in an early elementary Montessori classroom. Students received one word problem-solving lesson per week over a six-week period. Students completed a pre-intervention and post-intervention mathematical mindset rubric, as well as CGI assessment. Both qualitative and quantitative results show that students had an increase in their variety of word problem-solving strategies, were able to solve word problems more accurately, and showed increased levels in self-efficacy, perception, and affinity towards math. Based on these results, CGI could be utilized as a supplementary instructional method to build students’ mathematical mindsets and word problem-solving skills in Montessori classrooms. Further research is needed to know if these results hold true for other student populations.

Language: English

Published: St. Paul, Minnesota, 2023

Master's Thesis

The Impact of Geometry Montessori Education on Students’ Skills and Mindsets

Available from: St. Catherine University

Action research, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori education has gained recognition due to its long-lasting positive effects on students. However, no studies have targeted its effectiveness on geometry education. This action research project investigated the impact and effectiveness of switching a non-sequential geometry curriculum with the Montessori method and curriculum on students' attitudes and geometrical skills. During six weeks, a population of 16 grade 6 students received weekly lessons that followed the Montessori method and curriculum while their skills were measured and compared against the British Columbia (BC) geometry curriculum. Students were interviewed before and after the intervention to track changes in their learning attitudes. Teacher observations and tracking of student work complemented the data. Results showed that the intervention had an overall positive impact, with a 13% increase in student's confidence in their geometrical skills. Likewise, 93% of students reported having an easier time understanding abstract concepts when previously demonstrated with Montessori materials. Also, 100% reported that geometric concepts became more evident in a curriculum with logically sequenced lessons, and 53% reported increased joy related to geometry learning. In sum, it took students only six weeks of following the Montessori curriculum to master 66% of the BC outcomes for geometry, on average, a percentage that makes sense considering the reduced geometrical content and gaps found in the BC Curriculum during the present work's literature review. Therefore, replacing the BC Curriculum with the Montessori method and curriculum would benefit students. Future similar research focused on larger, possibly younger, populations would further enrich the literature.

Language: English

Published: St. Paul, Minnesota, 2023


From One of Our Students

Publication: Montessori Quarterly, vol. 29/30

Pages: 10–12

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Language: English

Master's Thesis (M. Ed.)

Sight Word Practice in a Lower Elementary Classroom:The Impact of Daily Sight Word Practice on Student’s Acquisition

Available from: MINDS@UW River Falls

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this study was to look at how effective daily sight word practice was the acquisition of sight words. The study took place in a public charter Montessori school located in the Midwest. The classroom had 25 students ranging from first through third grade. Researchers assessed the daily sight word practice of 8 first graders. The researchers also administered two surveys which were given to the students and families. Each student was assessed using flashcards on the first day of each week and they were then given a list of those five words each week. They were also assessed on the last day of the week using the same flashcards from the first assessment. After six weeks of new words assessed, the students were then measured on 14 of the sight words within sentences. Overall, there was a positive learning experience for all six weeks. The parent survey focused on their knowledge of sight words and how they work on reading and sight words at home. The study shows daily practice of sight words does in fact help with the acquisition. Many parents know what sight words are but would like to learn new strategies about how to teach sight words to their child. The effects of daily practice helps strengthen the students reading skills and help create fluency.

Language: English

Published: River Falls, Wisconsin, 2023


The Development of Teaching Module for Students’ Reading Difficulty at Primary School

Available from: Bulletin of Science Education

Publication: Bulletin of Science Education, vol. 4, no. 1

Pages: 209-226

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Abstract/Notes: The aim of this research developed Teaching Module for students’ Reading Difficulty at Primary School. This research uses the Borg and Gall development procedure which has been simplified into 4 stages, namely (1) research and data collection, (2) planning, (3) module development, (4) validation and testing. The research subjects were students who had difficulty learning to read at the beginning of grade I elementary school. Data collection techniques use observation, reading ability tests, product validation questionnaires by experts. The steps used in this research and development are (1) research and gathering initial information; (2) planning; (3) product format development; (4) small scale trials; (5) final revision and product improvement. Module validation is carried out by media expert validators, material experts and class teachers. The score from the media expert validator got a percentage of 96%, the score from the media expert validator got a percentage of 96%, the class teacher got a percentage of 100%. Thus, all validation results are classified in the "very feasible" category. Based on research on the quality of learning media, learning modules without spelling using the Montessori method have been made feasible and practical for use in teaching and learning reading activities at MIS Nurul Falah Kemuning.

Language: English

DOI: 10.51278/bse.v4i1.1072

ISSN: 2774-4299


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Effectiveness of the 7E Learning Cycle Model Aided by Montessori Media on Students' Critical Thinking Ability

Available from: Rayyan Jurnal

Publication: AURELIA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia, vol. 2, no. 2

Pages: 1012-1020

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the Learning Cycle 7E learning model assisted by Montessori media on the critical thinking skills of elementary school students in class IV hearing senses. This research is motivated by the existence of a phenomenon where students have difficulty understanding material about the sense of hearing which is quite complicated because of the many terms used. Science subjects in elementary schools are generally taught by lecture and assignment methods, this will make students feel bored faster in class and unable to absorb the information conveyed correctly. Therefore, research was made to show how effective the Learning Cycle 7E model assisted by Montessori media was on students' critical thinking skills. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach with quasi-experimental methods. The research design developed was a quasi-experimental design model with nonequivalent control group design. The sample used was fourth grade students at SDN Sukarasa. As for the data processing techniques, the authors use descriptive techniques to obtain conclusions from this study. As a result, there is a positive relationship from the Montessori media-assisted LC 7E learning model to students' critical thinking skills. This is also supported by the opinions of experts on how effective learning can be done, one of which is by using a fun learning model so that children's thinking abilities increase.

Language: English

DOI: 10.57235/aurelia.v2i2.600

ISSN: 2964-2493


Students Thrive Amidst Comfort Dogs

Available from: ISSUU

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 28, no. 2

Pages: 10-11

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246

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