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1510 results


Die Montessori-Methode und die deutschen Katholiken [The Montessori Method and the German Catholics]

Available from: Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung des DIPF (BBF)

Publication: Schule und Erziehung, vol. 17, no. 2

Pages: 81-116

Europe, Germany, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Religious education, Western Europe

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Language: German


Ein Weg für alle! Leben mit Montessori: Montessori-Therapie und -Heilpädagogik in der Praxis

Montessori method of education

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Language: German

Published: Dortmund, Germany: Verlag Modernes Lernen, 2006

Edition: 4th ed.

ISBN: 3-8080-0539-4 978-3-8080-0539-2

Master's Thesis

Glasba in gibanje: razvoj ritmičnih sposobnosti predšolskih otrok v vrtcih montessori [Music and Movement: The Development of Rhythmical Abilities of Children from Montessori Preschool]

Available from: Digital Library of the University of Maribor (DKUM)

Child development, Europe, Eurythmics, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, Music - Instruction and study, Rhythm, Slovenia, Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: V magistrski nalogi smo obravnavali področje razvoja glasbenih sposobnosti s poudarkom na ritmičnih sposobnostih v povezavi z glasbenimi dejavnostmi in izhodiščem pedagoškega koncepta montessori. Želeli smo proučiti učinek glasbeno-gibalnih dejavnosti po konceptu pedagogike montessori na razvoj glasbenih sposobnosti predšolskih otrok iz vrtca montessori. Na podlagi relevantne literature s področja gibanja ob glasbi po konceptu pedagogike montessori smo oblikovali dva eksperimentalna programa. Zanimalo nas je, kakšen bo učinek teh programov in ali bodo otroci teh dveh eksperimentalnih skupin bolje razvili ritmične sposobnosti kot kontrolna skupina ter kakšne bodo razlike med napredki skupin. Uporabili smo neslučajnostni namenski vzorec 59 predšolskih otrok druge starostne skupine iz treh enot vrtca montessori iz osrednjeslovenske regije ter za potrebe raziskave prilagodili tri teste ritmičnih sposobnosti, ki smo jih povzeli po že oblikovanih testih. Najprej smo s testiranjem razvitosti ritmičnih sposobnosti v začetnem stanju ugotovili, da med skupinami ni statistično pomembnih razlik, nato sta obe eksperimentalni skupini tri mesece po trikrat tedensko izvajali eksperimentalna programa. Po koncu eksperimenta smo ponovili testiranje in zaznali statistično pomembne razlike med skupinami v razvitosti ritmičnih sposobnosti. Izvajanje obeh eksperimentalnih programov je imelo pozitiven učinek na razvoj ritmičnih sposobnosti predšolskih otroknajvečji učinek smo opazili pri eksperimentalni skupini 1, pri kontrolni skupini pa učinka neaktivnosti nismo zaznali. [In the master thesis the development of musical abilities with emphasis on rhythmical abilities in connection with musical activities based on the Montessori pedagogy was discussed. The study focused on the effect of music-movement activities that are based on the concept of the Montessori educational method on the development of musical abilities of children from the Montessori preschool. In accordance with the relevant literature from the field of musical movement based on the concept of Montessori pedagogy two experimental programs were developed. The interest of the thesis lies in the effect of these programs, if the children of the two experimental groups would develop better rhythmical abilities than the control group and what the difference in development between the groups would be. A non-probability sample, in which 59 second-age-group preschool children from three Montessori preschool units from Central Slovenia were selected, was used. For the purposes of the study, three rhythmical- ability tests, which had been adapted from previously created tests, were adjusted. An initial test of rhythmical abilities established that there are no major statistical differences between the two groups. Following this, the two experimental groups carried out the workshops of the experimental program, three times per week for a period of three months. After ending the experiment, the testing was repeated and crucial statistical differences in the development of rhythmical abilities were noted between the two groups. The implementation of both experimental programs had a positive effect on the development of rhythmical abilities of preschool children. The biggest effect was noticed in the experimental group 1, while an effect of nonactivity was not detected in the control group.]

Language: Slovenian

Published: Maribor, Slovenia, 2020


La méthode Montessori dans les écoles primaires du Canton du Tessin [The Montessori method in primary schools in the Canton of Ticino]

Available from: Université Caen Normandie

Publication: Pour l'ère nouvelle: revue internationale d'èducation nouvelle, vol. 3, no. 12

Pages: 65-67

Europe, Montessori method of education, Switzerland, Western Europe

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Language: French


Shohyō Hansu erusunā “montessōri kyōiku kosumikku kyōiku no riron to jissen” bideo dō “montessōri no kosumikku kyōiku” ko satsu-ko / 書評 ハンス・エルスナー『モンテッソーリ教育 コスミック教育の理論と実践』ビデオ同『モンテッソーリのコスミック教育』小册子 [Hans Elsner: "Montessori Education: Theory and Practice of Cosmic Education" (video); "Cosmic Education in Montessori" (comic) (review)]

Publication: Montessori Kyōiku / モンテッソーリ教育 [Montessori Education], no. 26

Pages: 120-123

Book reviews

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Language: Japanese

ISSN: 0913-4220


✓ Peer Reviewed

Differences in Mathematics Scores Between Students Who Receive Traditional Montessori Instruction and Students Who Receive Music Enriched Montessori Instruction

Available from: University of California eScholarship

Publication: Journal for Learning Through the Arts, vol. 3, no. 1

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Abstract/Notes: While a growing body of research reveals the beneficial effects of music on education performance the value of music in educating the young child is not being recognized. If research of students in the school system indicates that learning through the arts can benefit the ‘whole’ child, that math achievement scores are significantly higher for those students studying music, and if Montessori education produces a more academically accomplished child, then what is the potential for the child when Montessori includes an enriched music curriculum? The decision to support music cannot be made without knowing music’s effect on academic achievement and its contribution to a student’s education. This study was an experimental design using a two-group post-test comparison. A sample of 200 Montessori students aged 3-5 years-old were selected and randomly placed in one of two groups. The experimental treatment was an “in-house” music enriched Montessori program and children participated in 3 half-hour sessions weekly, for 6 months. The instrument used to measure mathematical achievement was the Test of Early Mathematics Ability-3 (Barody & Ginsburg) to determine if the independent variable, music instruction had any effect on students’ math test scores. The results showed that subjects who received music enriched Montessori instruction had significantly higher math scores and when compared by age group, 3 year-old students had higher scores than either the 4 year-old or 5 year-old children. This study shows that an arts-rich curriculum has a significant positive effect on young students academic achievement.This comprehensive research presents developmentally appropriate early education curriculum for children from 2 through 6 years old and addresses some of the most compelling questions about early experience, such as how important music is to early brain development. Contemporary theories and practices of music education including strategies for developing pitch, vocal, rhythmic, instrumental, listening, movement and creative responses in children are presented. It explores the interrelationship of music and academic development in children, and demonstrates how music can enhance and accelerate the learning process. This study combines the best of research and practical knowledge to give teachers the necessary tools to educate tomorrow's musicians. It is essential reading for all students and teachers of young children.

Language: English

DOI: 10.21977/D93110059

ISSN: 1932-7528

Book Section

Maria Montessori e l'educazione nuova [Maria Montessori and the New Education]

Book Title: Problemi e prospettive di scuola attiva

Pages: 207-226

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., New Education Movement

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Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Armando, 1968

Book Section

Ansprache des Vorsitzenden der Stiftung "Montessori-Pädagogik - Reformpädagogik - Wissenschaft" aus Anlass der Preisverleihung des 2. Deutschen Montessori-Preises am 1. 10. 2011 in Bensberg

Book Title: Das Kind im Mittelpunkt: 50 Jahre Deutsche Montessori-Vereinigung e.V. Rückblick und Ausblick

Pages: 48-50

Montessori method of education

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Language: German

Published: Münster, Germany: Lit, 2012

ISBN: 978-3-643-11762-5 3-643-11762-0

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 30

Book Section

Begabtenförderung und Montessori-Pädagogik [Promotion of talented students and Montessori pedagogy]

Book Title: Montessori-Pädagogik in Deutschland: Rückblick - Aktualität - Zukunftsperspektiven ; 40 Jahre Montessori-Vereinigung e.V. [Montessori Pedagogy in Germany: Review - Current Issues - Future Perspectives 40 years of the Montessori Association]

Pages: 335-342

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Language: German

Published: Münster, Germany: Lit, 2002

ISBN: 978-3-8258-5746-2

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 7


Opinioni - Montessori sì Montessori no

Available from: Fondazione Montessori

Publication: MoMo (Mondo Montessori), no. 2

Pages: 36-37

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 2421-440X, 2723-9004

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