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Evolution as Philosophy and Action

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 22, no. 1

Pages: 150-156

Evolution, North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Abstract/Notes: Examines implications of creation stories from a Montessorian perspective. Claims that each era has an epic narrative guiding it, and that current ecology epic can educate and inspire children to fulfill their unique role within the larger meaning of life on earth. Suggests that children have a sense of wonder motivating them to realize their unity with the earth. (KDFB)

Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734


The Preschool in Action: Exploring Early Childhood Programs

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Language: English

Published: Boston, Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon, 1972


Montessori Spotlight: Teacher Education Action Commission (TEAC) - Supporting Teacher Education Programs

Available from: ProQuest

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 34, no. 2

Pages: 16-17

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Abstract/Notes: Debbie Sheehan, a TEAC Elementary representative, describes her experience: "TEAC provides teacher education program directors and instructors the opportunity to work with seasoned Montessori directors and instructors from various teacher education programs. Currently, AMS is piloting a training program for teacher education programs and their adult learners. Between meetings, members are expected to participate in work groups and subcommittees, review and recommend teacher education programs for affiliation, review and make recommendations for teacher education standards, and serve as ambassadors for the larger teacher education community.

Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040

Bachelor's Thesis

Lahden Montessori-leikkikoulun laadun arviointi ja asiakastyytyväisyys: Arvioijina leikkikoululaisten vanhemmat [Evaluation of the quality of Lahti Montessori play school and customer satisfaction: The parents of the play school children were the evaluators]

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

Europe, Finland, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori schools, Nordic countries, Northern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: The goal of the bachelor´s thesis was to research the quality of Lahti´s Montessori-Playschool in parent´s opinion. Later it is possible to use the results of this research to improve the function of the Lahti´s Mon-tessori-Playschool – the final aim is to create high-quality day care for the children of the playschool. The research was made with a questionnaire survey, which had both open questions and questions with limited options. The questions were operationalized from two main source: the quality estimation pattern of Hujala-Huttunen (1995) and also ”Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteet” (2005), which determinates the nationwide contents of the Finnish day care. This bachelor´s thesis has introduction of these two sources and there is also presentation of other alternative ways to research the quality of day-care. Research showed were that parents were pleased with many things in playschool´s function. In parents´ opinion many things that were typical for high-quality day care are fulfilled in Lahti´s Montessori-Playschool. Results also revealed where the weaknesses were, which is a good start for development work. / Opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin, kuinka tyytyväisiä Lahden Montessori-leikkikoululaisten vanhemmat olivat lastensa varhaiskasvatuspalveluun, ja kuinka vanhempien mielestä leikkikoulussa toteutuivat erilaiset hyvänlaatuisen varhaiskasvatuspalvelun osa-alueet. Tutkimuksen tulosten avulla on tarkoitus kehittää Montessori-leikkikoulun toimintaa leikkikoulun lapsille entistä laadukkaammaksi. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenä käytettiin erityisesti Hujala-Huttusen (1995) päivähoidon laa-dunarviointimallia ja valtakunnallisia ”Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelma perusteita” (2005). Teoreettisen vii-tekehyksen pohjalta valmistettiin sekä suljettuja että avoimia kysymyksiä sisältävän lomakekyselyn leik-kikoululaisten vanhemmille. Vanhempien vastaukset taulukoitiin, ja vastausten yhteydessä on vielä ku-vattu, miksi juuri tutkimuksessa mukana olevat asiat ovat oleellisia varhaiskasvatuksen laatua tutkiessa. Lisäksi työssä on esitelty muita vaihtoehtoisia laadunarviointimalleja ja perusteltu varhaiskasvatuksen laadun arvioimisen tärkeyttä. Tutkimuksen tuloksena Lahden Montessori-leikkikoululaisten vanhempien vastauksista tuli ilmi, että vanhemmat ovat tyytyväisiä hyvin moneen hyvälaatuisen varhaiskasvatuksen osa-alueeseen lapsensa varhaiskasvatuspalvelussa. Tuloksista on helppo huomata, missä asioissa on parantamisen varaa ja mitkä asiat ovat jo nyt hyvin leikkikoulussa. Kyselyn tuloksia voidaan jatkossa käyttää yksikön laadun kehittämisessä tai varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman päivittämisessä.

Language: Finnish

Published: Mikkeli, Finland, 2010

Master's Thesis

A Study On Perceived Service Quality And Perceived Montessori Characteristics Towards Parents’ Satisfaction For Montessori Kindergarten In Penang [Malaysia]

Available from: University of Science, Malaysia - Repository

Asia, Australasia, Malaysia

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Abstract/Notes: The aim of this study is to investigate parents’ satisfaction for Montessori kindergarten in Penang.

Language: English

Published: George Town, Malaysia, 2006

Bachelor's Thesis

Lasten tyytyväisyys saamaansa päivähoitoon Montessori-päiväkoti Aurinkoleijonassa [Children's satisfaction with the daycare they receive in the Montessori daycare center in Aurinkoleijona]

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

Europe, Finland, Montessori schools, Nordic countries, Northern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Practices of children daycare are guided by international agreements of children rights, national laws, as well as many other documents and local daycare culture. Customer orinted approach has been supported by legislation, and since customers are children, this matter has to be ob-served from the children’s point of view. Children’s participation in developing their daycare services is often obstructed by adult attitudes and lack of functional culture. Feedback provided by parents has been important, especially when practises to collect children’s opinion directly from them are relatively unknown or do not exist. Hearing children’s opinion and al-lowing them to take part on making decisions is considered to be an important factor in modern daycare. This thesis is a part of the Verkonkutoja –project coordinated by Turku university of applied sciences. Project aims to create a network between fields of wellbeing, to develop the cooperation between branches and to create a model for collecting and handling customer feedback. Quality development is targeted to care services of elderly people, mental patients in rehabilitation, children protection and daycare. In the project, the thesis is a part of quality development of children daycare. The purpose of the thesis was to study the level of children’s satisfaction in their care in Montessori daycare center Aurinkoleijona. The goal is to develop the operation at Aurinkoleijona. The study was done by collecting information from children by using a specific Children’s Quality Game. When playing the game, children answered to a number of questions and the answers were frequentially analyzed by arranging them in six themes and dividing the themes in four different questions. According to the results, children were mostly satisfied with the care they receive at Montessori daycare center Aurinkoleijona. Negative issues presented by child-ren were a relative lack of privacy, and the fact that adults at the daycare center do not have enough time to spend with every individual child. Results of this study provided useful information about children’s opinions on their care at Montessori daycare center Aurinkoleijona. This information can be utilized for developing and maintaining the care quality at Aurinkoleijona. A similar study should be repeated in a timespan of a couple of years for controlling the state of care quality. Same study methods can be used also for other daycare establishments. / Lasten päivähoidossa aikuisten toimintaa ohjaavat kansainväliset lapsen oikeuksia määrittelevät sopimukset, kansalliset säädökset, muut ohjaavat asiakirjat sekä päiväkodin oma kulttuuri. Lainsäädäntö raamittaa asiakaslähtöisyyden periaatteen toteutumista ja kun asiakkaana on lapsi, pitäisi asiaa tarkastella lapsilähtöisyyden näkökulmasta. Käytännössä lasten osallistumi-sen esteenä ovat aikuisten asenteet ja toimintakulttuurin puutteet, arvioinnissa vanhemmat ovat olleet lapsen näkökulman viestinviejiä. Käytännöistä kerätä lasten mielipiteitä ja kokemuksia osallistua palveluiden kehittämiseen on niukasti tietoa. Lasten mielipiteen kuuleminen sekä mukaan ottaminen päätöksentekoon koetaan nykypäivänä tärkeäksi. Opinnäytetyö on osa Turun ammattikorkeakoulun koordinoimaa Verkonkutojahanketta, jonka tarkoituksena on hyvinvointialan toiminnan kehittäminen. Hankkeessa luodaan hyvinvointialan toimijoiden verkostoa, kehitetään alojen yhteistyötä ja luodaan asiakaspalautteen keruu- ja kä-sittelymalli. Laadunkehitys kohdistuu vanhusten-, mielenterveyskuntoutujien-, lasten päivähoito- ja lastensuojelupalveluihin. Opinnäytetyö oli hankkeessa osana lasten päivähoidon laadunkehi-tystä. Tarkoituksena oli tutkia lasten tyytyväisyyttä omaan hoitoonsa Montessori-päiväkoti Au-rinkoleijonassa. Tavoitteena on kehittää päiväkodin toimintaa. Tutkimus tehtiin keräämällä tietoa lapsilta (n=23) laatupelin avulla, jossa he vastasivat pelin kysymyksiin. Aineisto analysoitiin frekvenssin avulla. Tutkimuksen perusteella selvisi lasten olevan pääosin hyvin tyytyväisiä hoitoonsa Montessori-päiväkoti Aurinkoleijonassa. Erityisesti leikkiminen päiväkodin pihalla ja askartelu olivat kaikkien lasten mielestä mukavia. Kaikki lapset myös luottivat päiväkodin aikuisiin. Lasten esiintuomia epäkohtia olivat muun muassa yksityisyyden puute sekä se, että aikuisilla oli heille liian vähän aikaa. Tietoa voidaan käyttää päiväkodin laadun kehitykseen ja ylläpitoon. Tutkimus tulisi toistaa muutaman vuoden välein ja seurata päiväkodin laadun tilannetta. Samaa tutkimusmenetelmää voisi soveltaa myös muihin päiväkoteihin.

Language: Finnish

Published: Turku, Finland, 2011

Bachelor's Thesis

Lasten tyytyväisyys päivähoitoon montessori-päiväkoti Aurinkoleijonassa [Children's satisfaction with daycare at the Montessori daycare center in Aurinkoleijona]

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

Europe, Finland, Montessori schools, Nordic countries, Northern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this Bachelor's thesis is to find out children's satisfaction with day care in montessori kindergarten Aurinkoleijona. This study is part of Verkonkutoja-project conducted at Turku University of Applied Sciences. The objective of this research is to create a patern to collect and process customers' feedback. It focuses on five to six years old children in Aurinkoleijona Salo Unit. ”Quality Game” adapted to the children's needs and abilities was used to collect the data. It contained 24 questions considering six themes related to day care: empathy, educational work, circumstances, reliability, responsiveness and assurance. The total of 11 children played the ”Quality Game for Children”: the test group of 3 children in Halikko Unit and 8 children in Salo Unit. The theoretical frame of reference for this thesis was defined in accordance with the quality of day care. It consisted of the facts collected from different sources. The quality of day care is comprised of the experiences of both clients – children and parents – and day care - workers. The quality of day care can be called intersubjective. According to the results, most of the children are satisfied with day care in montessori kindergarten Aurinkoleijona according to the results. Children are especially satisfied with the staff of Aurinkoleijona and its action. All the corresponders can depend on day care adults. Some of the children think that the adults do not have enough time for them. They also give criticism of the day care assignments. The present time and events has an influence on children's satisfaction. There are occasional events in the background of dissatisfaction. Concentration on the game and other children's opinions have an influence on the results. The results show that children are fond of day care theme days, but there is room for improvement. The results of the thesis and the ”Quality Game for Children” will be used in Verkonkutoja-project during next year. / Opinnäytetyöni tarkoituksena oli selvittää lasten tyytyväisyyttä päivähoitoon montessori-päiväkoti Aurinkoleijonassa. Työni on osa Turun ammattikorkeakoulun Verkonkutoja -hanketta, jossa kehitetään asiakaspalautteen keruu- ja käsittelymallia kunnille ja yrityksille. Kohderyhmänä oli Salon yksikön 5 – 6 -vuotiaat lapset. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytin Stakesin Laatupeliä, josta olin muokannut lapsille oman version. Lasten laatupelissä lapsille esitettiin 24 kysymystä liittyen päivähoidon eri osa-alueisiin: empatia, kasvatustyö, olosuhteet, luotettavuus, vastaavuus ja varmuus. Lasten laatupeliä pelasi yhteensä 11 lasta: testipelissä 3 lasta Halikossa ja varsinaisessa pelissä 8 Salossa. Teoreettinen viitekehys työssäni oli päivähoidon laadun määrittely. Se koostui eri lähteistä keräämästäni tiedosta. Päivähoidon laatu muodostuu niin asiakkaiden – lasten ja vanhempien – kuin päivähoidon työntekijöidenkin kokemuksista. Päivähoidon laatua voidaankin kuvailla intersubjektiiviseksi. Tulosten mukaan suurin osa lapsista on tyytyväisiä päivähoitoon montessori-päiväkoti Aurinkoleijonassa. Erityisen tyytyväisiä lapset ovat henkilökuntaan ja sen toimintaan. Kaikki vastanneista kertoo luottavansa päiväkodin aikuisiin. Kritiikkiä herättää aikuisten ajankäyttö ja päiväkodin tehtävien tekeminen. Lasten tyytyväisyyteen vaikuttaa juuri käsillä oleva hetki. Varsinkin tyytymättömyyden taustalla on yksittäiset tapahtumat. Lisäksi peliin keskittyminen ja muiden lasten mielipiteet vaikuttavat tuloksiin. Tuloksista ilmenee, että lapset pitävät päiväkodin teemapäivistä, mutta niissä on kehittettävää. Opinnäytetyöni tuloksia ja Lasten laatupeliä käytetään Verkonkutoja-hankkeessa ensi vuoden aikana.

Language: Finnish

Published: Tampere, Finland, 2009


✓ Peer Reviewed

A Randomized Crossover Trial to Study the Effect of Personalized, One-to-One Interaction Using Montessori-based Activities on Agitation, Affect, and Engagement in Nursing Home Residents with Dementia

Available from: Cambridge University Press

Publication: International Psychogeriatrics, vol. 25, no. 4

Pages: 565-575

Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Gerontology, Montessori method of education, Montessori therapy, Montessori-Based Dementia Programming (MBDP), Montessori-based interventions (MBI)

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Abstract/Notes: Background: Increasingly more attention has been paid to non-pharmacological interventions as treatment of agitated behaviors that accompany dementia. The aim of the current study is to test if personalized one-to-one interaction activities based on Montessori principles will improve agitation, affect, and engagement more than a relevant control condition.Methods: We conducted a randomized crossover trial in nine residential facilities in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia (n = 44). Personalized one-to-one activities that were delivered using Montessori principles were compared with a non-personalized activity to control for the non-specific benefits of one-to-one interaction. Participants were observed 30 minutes before, during, and after the sessions. The presence or absence of a selected physically non-aggressive behavior was noted in every minute, together with the predominant type of affect and engagement.Results: Behavior counts fell considerably during both the Montessori and control sessions relative to beforehand. During Montessori activities, the amount of time spend actively engaged was double compared to during the control condition and participants displayed more positive affect and interest as well. Participants with no fluency in English (all from non-English speaking backgrounds) showed a significantly larger reduction in agitation during the Montessori than control sessions.Conclusion: Our results show that even non-personalized social contact can assist in settling agitated residents. Tailoring activities to residents’ needs and capabilities elicit more positive interactions and are especially suitable for people who have lost fluency in the language spoken predominantly in their residential facility. Future studies could explore implementation by family members and volunteers to avoid demands on facilities’ resources.Trial Registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry – ACTRN12609000564257.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1017/S1041610212002128

ISSN: 1041-6102, 1741-203X


✓ Peer Reviewed

Book Review: Educating for Right Action and Love: Extending and Expanding the Montessori Vision by Phillip Snow Gang

Available from: Center for Holistic Education

Publication: Holistic Education Review (Ashland), vol. 1, no. 1

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Abstract/Notes: The intersections of education, cosmology and spirituality are delicately unfolded in this personal biography. This unfolding is told through the review of decades of one man’s life.  In this new book, “Educating for right action and love: Extending and Expanding the Montessori Vision”, Philip Snow Gang reflects on his own life, and his own emerging world view.  We witness the workings of the mind of a man, who simultaneously accepts the world, and wrestles with meaning.

Language: English

ISSN: 2833-2970


Montessori Method: Science or Belief? Reaction of Dr. André Bergé

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 1964, no. 3/4

Pages: 3–10

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Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959

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