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✓ Peer Reviewed

Sprawozdanie z konferencji "Metoda Montessori Senior – Montessori Lifestyle® w praktyce”, Warszawa, 15–16 czerwca 2019 roku [Report from the conference "Montessori Senior Method - Montessori Lifestyle® in practice", Warsaw, June 15-16, 2019]

Available from: Central and Eastern European Online Library

Publication: Psychologia Rozwojowa, vol. 24, no. 3

Pages: 99-101

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Language: Polish

ISSN: 1895-6297


✓ Peer Reviewed

Montessori e Wittgenstein: Il linguaggio come costruzione del mondo / Montessori y Wittgenstein: El lenguaje como construcción del mundo / Montessori and Wittgenstein: Language as construction of the world

Available from: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Publication: RELAdEI (Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Infantil), vol. 7, no. 2-3

Pages: 137-147

Ludwig Wittgenstein - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Philosophy

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori e Ludwig Wittgenstein hanno apportato un contributo significativo allo sviluppo del concetto di linguaggio in ambito educativo. Muovendo dalla sfera del linguaggio parlato e passando poi a quella del linguaggio scritto, l’articolo che segue ha come proposito quello di far emergere le affinità concettuali rintracciate all’interno delle opere dei due autori. Tale parallelismo ha origine comune nella centralità affidata al rapporto interdipendente tra pensiero e linguaggio. L’articolo qui proposto vuole soprattutto amplificare il messaggio filosofico ed etico che accompagna questo pensiero comune ad entrambi gli autori e che può essere così riassunto: un ambiente educativo all’interno del quale venga promossa una visione filosofica ed etica del linguaggio permette al bambino di migliorare la qualità della propria vita intima e sociale. / Maria Montessori y Ludwig Wittgenstein han aportado una contribución significativa en el desarrollo del concepto de lenguaje en el ámbito educativo. Empezando por la esfera del lenguaje hablado y atravesando la de la escritura, este artículo se propone resaltar las afinidades conceptuales delineadas entre las obras de los dos autores. Este paralelismo encuentra orígenes comunes en la centralidad conferida al vínculo entre pensamiento y lenguaje. El propósito de este artículo es el de destacar el mensaje filosófico y ético que acompaña el pensamiento de los dos autores y que puede ser así resumido: un entorno educativo dentro del cual sea promovida una visión filosófica y ética del lenguaje, permite al niño mejorar la calidad de su propia vida interior y social. / Maria Montessori and Ludwig Wittgenstein contributed to formulate notions of language in the field of education. Starting from spoken language and moving to the written word, this article aims to unfold the conceptual resemblances in both authors. This parallelism finds common origins in the centrality conferred on the relationship between thought and language. The purpose of this article is to highlight the philosophical and ethical message that accompanies the thoughts of the two authors and that can be summarized that way: an educational environment within which a philosophical and ethical vision of language is promoted allows the child to improve the quality of their own individual and social life.

Language: Italian

ISSN: 2255-0666

Doctoral Dissertation

American Writings on Maria Montessori: An Inquiry into Changes in the Reception and Interpretations Given to Writings on Maria Montessori and Montessori Educational Ideas 1910-1915 and 1958-1970

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this dissertation will be to survey and analyze American writings on Maria Montessori and her educational system, in order to show how the idea of Montessori education has interacted with some changing American ideas and social forces. These changes in social and intellectual currents can be likened to a shift from centrifugal to centripetal force; or to the expansion and then the contraction of a universe. The central metaphor is the same. It is applicable to, and illustrative of, much about the changing social and educational scene in America. The writings on Montessori, examined against this framework, should provide a new view on certain changes in American educational thinking.

Language: English

Published: Kent, Ohio, 1973

Master's Thesis

Ortaokul Montessori fen eğitiminin Montessori fen bilgisi öğretmenlerinin görüşleri doğrultusunda incelenmesi / Investigation of Montessori science education in the secondary school according to the perspective of Montessori science teachers

Available from: Ulusal Tez Merkezi / National Thesis Center (Turkey)

Asia, Middle East, Montessori method of education, Montessori method of education - Teachers, Science - Study and teaching, Teachers, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: The purposes of this study are to determine the views of teachers about Montessori science education, to discuss the Montessori approach in detail and make suggestions in this regard. The study was designed as a case study which is a qualitative research method. The participants were selected based on the criterion sampling method that is a purposive sampling method. In this regard, 7 upper elementary teachers and 8 middle school science teachers who are trained in Montessori teacher education programs participate in the study. Data is collected through a semi-structured interview. The collected data is analyzed with content analysis and descriptive analysis techniques from qualitative data analysis techniques. Findings suggest that the Montessori approach encourages children to work freely throughout the entire education but expects them to be responsible for their education. To achieve this, the learning environment, the teaching methods and techniques, and the assessment and evaluation methods take a highly flexible structure. This flexible structure of the approach allows individualization for each child. From the teachers' point of view, it is understood that the Montessori approach focuses on providing a nurturing environment where each child is respected and encouraged, where social interaction is intense, rather than focusing on academic education. In light of these findings, some suggestions for the implementation of the approach are presented. / Bu araştırmanın amacı, Montessori fen eğitimine ilişkin öğretmenlerin görüşlerini belirlemek, bu görüşler doğrultusunda Montessori yaklaşımını detaylı bir şekilde ele almak ve bu konuda önerilerde bulunmaktır. Çalışma nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden durum çalışması olarak desenlenmiştir. Katılımcılar, amaçlı örnekleme türlerinden ölçüt örnekleme göre belirlenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda araştırmaya uluslararası Montessori eğitmen eğitimi programlarına katılmış 7 ilkokul ikinci kademe (4,5 ve 6.sınıf) sınıf öğretmeni ve 8 ortaokul (7 ve 8.sınıf) fen bilgisi öğretmeni dâhil edilmiştir. Veriler yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formuyla toplanmıştır. Toplanan verilerin analizinde nitel veri analiz tekniklerinden içerik analizi ve betimsel analiz kullanılmıştır. Bulgular Montessori yaklaşımının; çocukların tüm eğitim öğretim sürecinde özgür çalışmalarını teşvik eden fakat onlardan kendi eğitimlerinden sorumlu olmalarını bekleyen, bunu sağlayabilmek için öğrenme ortamını, öğretim yöntem ve tekniklerini ve ölçme ve değerlendirme yöntemlerini son derece esnek bir yapıya büründüren bir yaklaşım olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Yaklaşımın bu esnek yapısı her çocuk için bireyselleştirilmesine imkân tanımaktadır. Öğretmenlerin görüşlerinden Montessori yaklaşımının akademik eğitime odaklanmak yerine her çocuğun bireysel farklılıklara saygı duyulan ve teşvik edilen, sosyal etkileşimin yoğun olduğu besleyici bir ortam sağlamaya odaklandığı anlaşılmaktadır. Bu bulgular ışığında yaklaşımın uygulanabilmesine dair bazı öneriler sunulmuştur.

Language: Turkish

Published: Bolu, Turkey, 2019


✓ Peer Reviewed

La pedagogía de Montessori y la formación de profesores. La importancia de la teoría / Montessori Pedagogy and Teacher Training. Nothing so Practical as a Good Theory / Pedagogia Montessori e Formação de Professores. Nada tão prático quanto uma boa teoria

Available from: Universidad Pedagogica Nacional (Colombia)

Publication: Pedagogía y Saberes, no. 58

Pages: 59-72

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Abstract/Notes: This article reflects how to know about Montessori pedagogy and the process she followed to build it, can help future teachers to be reflective and innovative. The aim is not to suggest that student teachers should know the pedagogy of Montessori, nor that of any specific pedagogue, and to put it into practice or imitate it, without further ado. Educational literature agrees that an educational system will be as good as its teachers, and they will not be able to improve education if they simply apply methods designed by others in an uncritical and decontextualized way. After describing how Montessori came to propose her method and establish her pedagogical principles, the importance of linking theory and practice in the initial and permanent training of future teachers is underlined.

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.17227/pys.num58-17194

ISSN: 2500-6436, 0121-2494


Das "Beispiel Montessori": eine Art case-study über Rezeption und Entwicklung der Montessori-Pädagogik im faschistischen Italien [The "Example of Montessori": a kind of case study about the reception and development of Montessori pedagogy in fascist Italy]

Available from: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) - e-Periodica

Publication: Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Historiographie, vol. 7, no. 1

Pages: 11-20

Europe, Fascism, Italy, Montessori method of education, Southern Europe

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Language: German

DOI: 10.5169/seals-901872

ISSN: 1424-845X


The Montessori Erdkinder: Three Abstracts [Montessori de Terra Linda, San Rafael, CA; Hershey Montessori School, Concord Township, OH; Lake Country School, Minneapolis, MN]

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 18, no. 1

Pages: 172–182

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Abstract/Notes: Describes three projects: (1) the Laufenburg Ranch Project, a historical organic farm and agricultural and environmental education center; (2) the Hershey Montessori School's efforts to teach adolescents about the earth; and (3) the Lake Country School, which developed a farm campus and nature center as an integral part of its educational program.

Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734


Montessori incontra... Intrecci pedagogici tra scuola montessoriana e didattiche non tradizionali / Montessori meets... Pedagogical interweaving between Montessori school and non-traditional teaching

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Abstract/Notes: E se Maria Montessori fosse vissuta ancora nei decenni passati dalla sua morte a oggi? Avrebbe verosimilmente incontrato don Milani, Mario Lodi, Rodari, Bortolato, Malaguzzi, Rosenberg, la Pedagogia del bosco, l’Apprendimento cooperativo, l’Educazione diffusa, le Scuole Senza Zaino. E, viceversa, senza Maria Montessori, quante di queste esperienze non sarebbero ciò che sono? In dieci diversi dialoghi viene proposto in questo volume un dizionario pedagogico di incontri e di temi significativi, fraternità pedagogiche evidenti e suggestive. Sono incontri che Montessori non ha mai vissuto personalmente, ma che possiamo provare a immaginare trasformandoli non solo in riflessione educativa e didattica ma anche in pratica quotidiana. Percorsi possibili di apprendimento e di sviluppo, spunti operativi per raccontare come l’incontro pedagogico possa essere declinato nel fare scuola, affidato alla professionalità di docenti che, appassionati al metodo Montessori, abbiano il desiderio e la capacità di farlo vivere nel presente, senza timore che la contaminazione possa voler dire snaturare l’essenza e il valore del metodo.

Language: Italian

Published: Trento, Italy: Erickson, 2018

ISBN: 978-88-590-1642-7


✓ Peer Reviewed

Montessori per i piccoli da 0 a 3 anni / Montessori para niños de 0 a 3 años / Montessori for babies from 0 to 3 years

Available from: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Publication: RELAdEI (Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Infantil), vol. 3, no. 3

Pages: 67-73

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Abstract/Notes: En el movimiento Montessori hay un área específica en el niño y la primera infancia, que en sus orígenes y en su investigación es poco conocido incluso en el interior. La más pequeña, la palabra-no (los bebés, de hecho) están en todas partes infravalorados. Es difícil de morir el prejuicio de que son poco más que un tracto digestivo o una fuente de incomodidad, de caprichos incomprensibles y exige que los padres modernos son cada vez menos dispuestos a cumplir. Montessori lugar ya a principios del siglo XX se ha puesto de manifiesto la riqueza de los recién nacidos, y el extraordinario potencial de auto-propietaria, la recepción sensorial aguda, no postergar la necesidad de estabilidad, continuidad en los informes y los ritmos diarios: ternura y calma, calidez y capacidad de agarrar, señalando con respecto a sus reacciones, necesidades que a menudo, aunque similar a otros compañeros, se revela como absolutamente personal.

Language: Italian

ISSN: 2255-0666


✓ Peer Reviewed

L’educazione morale e religiosa nell’opera di Maria Montessori: Alcuni studi del Laboratorio Montessori di Roma [Moral and religious education in the work of Maria Montessori: Some studies of the Montessori Laboratory in Rome]

Available from: Università di Macerata

Publication: History of Education and Children's Literature (HECL), vol. 6, no. 2

Pages: 159-168

Europe, Italy, Moral education, Religious education, Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: L’articolo illustra il programma di ricerche del Laboratorio Montessori di Roma, un’as- sociazione che raccoglie ricercatori di varia provenienza impegnati nello studio della storia del metodo Montessori. Particolare attenzione è rivolta a due tematiche: da una parte, la formazione del carattere, che è stata oggetto di approfondite ricerche negli ultimi vent’anni (si vedano le ricerche di Angeline Stoll Lillard); e, dall’altra, l’educazione religiosa – temati- ca alla quale la Montessori si dedicò profondamente, mantenendo fino alla fine la radicata convinzione che il proprio metodo potesse essere utile all’insegnamento religioso e della religione cattolica in particolare. [This paper presents the research program of the Laboratory Montessori in Rome. The Laboratory is an association which brings together scholars from various countries to carry out research projects on the history of the Montessori movement. In 2011, the association has explored character education according to the Montessori method and special attention will be devoted to religious education. The character education has been studied with par- ticular attention in the last twenty years, and some research (for example, those of Angeline Stoll Lillard) have demonstrated the validity of the Montessori method. Religious education has been the subject of much discussion since Montessori had intense relationships with other cultures and religious figures from around the world. The author argues that Montes- sori devoted himself to Catholic education; she was linked to this confession until the end of his work and his life.]

Language: Italian

ISSN: 1971-1093, 1971-1131

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