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Book Section

Grusswort der Montessori-Zentrums der Universität Belgorod (Russische Föderation) [Greetings from the Montessori Center of the University of Belgrade (Russian Federation)]

Book Title: Montessori-Pädagogik in Deutschland: Rückblick - Aktualität - Zukunftsperspektiven ; 40 Jahre Montessori-Vereinigung e.V. [Montessori Pedagogy in Germany: Review - Current Issues - Future Perspectives 40 years of the Montessori Association]

Pages: 26

Asia, Eastern Europe, Europe, Russia, Russia, Western Asia, Western Europe

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Language: German

Published: Münster, Germany: Lit, 2002

ISBN: 978-3-8258-5746-2

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 7


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Significance of Montessori Teaching Method in Improving Students’ Interest at Gifted Kids Montessori School in Pontianak

Available from: Universitas Widya Dharma Pontianak (Indonesia)

Publication: Bilingualism, Language, and Education Studies (BLESS), vol. 2, no. 1

Pages: 32-40

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Montessori schools, Montessori schools, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: The objective of this study is to investigate the Montessori teaching method to improve students’ interest, and to create outstanding young children who are independent, discipline, responsible, and creative by providing a type of learning system called Montessori. It is the learning approach types that provides attractive set of educational as materials and books, creative teachers and supporting environment. The investigation used the qualitative and observational methods. The sample for the study comprised 20 kindergarten pupils from Gifted Kids Montessori School located in Pontianak. The instruments that the writer used for collecting data were questionnaires, interviews, and the observations. Based on the study the writer concluded that kids (under age six) have intern desire to learn and explore, with the help of parent, peers way and environment which supporting they can achieve quality of learning well. This study offers suggestion to future researchers on alternative learning methods, especially for the parents of very young children. The findings of this research could be used as a model for learning other subjects.  Keywords:  Montessori, Learning, Teaching, Sensory

Language: English

ISSN: 2656-0518

Master's Thesis

가톨릭계 유치원의 Montessori 종교교육 실태분석 [Analysis of Montessori Religious Education in Catholic Kindergarten]

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Language: Korean

Published: Daegu, South Korea, 2000


Review: Hundred Years of Montessori Education: A Chronicle of Montessori Education in Switzerland

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 2008, no. 1

Pages: 85-87

Book reviews, Europe, Harald Ludwig - Writings, Switzerland, Western Europe

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Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959

Master's Thesis

O método Montessori-Lubienska no Colégio Sion, Curitiba (1956-1969): entre táticas e estratégicas [The Montessori-Lubienska method at Colégio Sion, Curitiba (1956-1969): between tactics and strategies]

Available from: Universidade Federal do Paraná

Americas, Brazil, Hélène Lubienska de Lenval - Biographic sources, Latin America and the Caribbean, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education, South America

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Abstract/Notes: O presente trabalho busca a identificação de táticas e estratégias empregadas no processo de implantação do método montessori-lubienska no Colégio Sion de Curitiba, entre 1956 e 1959. A construção desta narrativa historiográfica apresenta como eixo teórico articulador o historiador francês Michel de Certeau, com seus conceitos de lugar, de estratégia e de tática, a partir do entrecruzar de fontes de tipologia diversa coletadas nos arquivos do Colégio e em instâncias externas; e do diálogo com publicações acadêmicas que abordam os temas e o contexto, no âmbito nacional e paranaense. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciam que sob atmosfera marcada no Paraná por iniciativas anteriores relacionadas ao método Montessori, a opção e as iniciativas católicas pelo método montessori-lubienska como saída para o embate entre católicos e renovadores, aliadas à formação que Soeur Maria Cristina recebera de Lubienska na França, permitiram que as irmãs de Curitiba por meio de golpes de astúcia organizassem táticas para garantir o método montessori-lubienska como estratégia a partir do Colégio Sion. [The present dissertation seeks to identify tactics and strategies used in the process of implementing the montessori-lubienska method at Colégio Sion in Curitiba, between 1956 and 1959. The construction of this historiographic narrative presents the french theoretical Michel de Certeau as an articulating theoretical axis, with its concepts of place, strategy and tactics, from the intersection of sources of different types collected in the archives of the College and in external instances; and dialogue with academic publications that address the themes and the context, at the Brasil and state of Paraná. The research results show that under an atmosphere marked in Paraná by previous initiatives related to the Montessori method, the Catholic option and initiatives by the montessori-lubienska method as a way out of the clash between Catholics and renovators, combined with the training that Soeur Maria Cristina had received from Lubienska in France, they allowed the sisters of Curitiba by means of cunning strokes to organize tactics to guarantee the montessori-lubienska method as a strategy from Colégio Sion.]

Language: Portuguese

Published: Curitiba, Brazil, 2020


✓ Peer Reviewed

Montessori et la Casa dei Bambini: Dimensions Idéologique, Épistémologique et Spirituelle de la Méthode [Montessori and the Casa dei Bambini: Ideological, Epistemological and Spiritual Dimensions of the Method]

Available from: Open Edition

Publication: Tréma, no. 50

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Avec plus ou moins de prégnance, la pédagogie Montessori reste à la mode depuis plus d'un siècle. Entre les avis très laudatifs et les critiques les plus acerbes, que savons-nous de celle qui a inventé une méthode pédagogique, basée sur une expérience unique, la Casa dei Bambini, et qui a traversé le temps avec aussi peu de modifications ? Ce texte vise à éclairer les dimensions idéologique, épistémologique et spirituelle sur lesquelles s’appuient la doctrine et la méthode. En évitant les controverses stériles, nous montrerons en quoi, si la méthode présente un intérêt indéniable, certains points nécessitent une clarification. [With varying degrees of significance, Montessori pedagogy remained trendy for more than a century. Between the very laudatory opinions and the sharpest critics, what do we know about the one who invented a pedagogical method based on a unique experience, the Casa dei Bambini, who has transcended time with few changes? This text aims to enlighten the ideological, epistemological and spiritual dimensions on which the doctrine and the method are based. By avoiding sterile controversies, we will show how, if the method is of undeniable interest, certain points require clarification.]

Language: French

DOI: 10.4000/trema.4369

ISSN: 1167-315X


Frebel i Montessori [Froebel and Montessori]

Asia, Eastern Europe, Europe, Friedrich Fröbel - Philosophy, Friedrich Fröbel - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Russia, Ukraine, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Reportedly includes a section about Montessori education.

Language: Russian

Published: Kiev, Ukraine: [s.n.], 1915


Die ersten Erfahrungen in der Montessori-Schulklasse [The first experiences in the Montessori school class]

Publication: Montessori-Nachrichten

Pages: 3-7

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Language: German

Conference Paper

Easy Montessori Manager: An Online Montessori Management System

Available from: IEEE Xplore

2012 International Conference on Computer Information Science (ICCIS)

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Abstract/Notes: Easy Montessori Manager is dedicated to all the schools in Malaysia which are using the Montessori approach. It resembles an online management system but specifically designed for Montessori preschools and inclusive of Montessori Methods and for teachers' guidelines and assessments. A preliminary study was conducted to investigate the need of an online Montessori module by doing a survey. The survey is conducted by using questionnaires which are distributed to four Montessori schools in Selangor. From the result of the study, a prototype of the actual system is developed in order to get a general idea on how the system should look like. Afterward, the prototype is then evaluated by a Montessori principal to get her opinion on a good Montessori management system.

Language: English

Pages: 12-18

DOI: 10.1109/ICCISci.2012.6297205


✓ Peer Reviewed

Geragogiczny Model Pracy z Seniorami Oparty na Koncepcji Marii Montessori / A Geragogical Model of Working with the Elderly According to the Concept Maria Montessori

Available from: Library of Science (Poland)

Publication: Edukacja Dorosłych, vol. 2017, no. 2 (whole no. 77)

Pages: 225-239

Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Gerontology, Montessori method of education, Montessori-Based Dementia Programming (MBDP), Montessori-based interventions (MBI)

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Abstract/Notes: The article is a presentation of a model of work with the elderly based on the principles of Maria Montessori pedagogy. The described model provides support for elderly people (also with cognitive deficits) not only in retaining maximum independence and highest possible level of intellectual functions, but also in their development through success-focused learning. Chosen elements adopted from Maria Montessori’s pedagogy such as prepared environment, specific didactic materials, and teacher/companion enable the classes’ participants to learn with joy, enjoying autonomy, respect and dignity. / Artykuł jest prezentacją modelu pracy z osobami starszymi opartej na założeniach pedagogiki Marii Montesssori. Opisywany model jest propozycją wsparcia osób starszych (również z deficytami poznawczymi) nie tylko w zachowaniu maksymalnej samodzielności, utrzymaniu funkcji intelektualnych na możliwie wysokim poziomie, ale także ich rozwój poprzez uczenie się zogniskowane na powodzeniu. Zaadaptowane z pedagogiki Marii Montessori wybrane elementy, m.in. przygotowane otoczenie, specyficzne materiały dydaktyczne, osoba nauczyciela/ towarzysza dają uczestnikom zajęć możliwość uczenia się z radością, poczuciem autonomii, szacunku i godności.

Language: Polish

ISSN: 1230-929X

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