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1457 results


Ms. Montessori and Her New Teaching Method

Publication: Chinese Education Review, vol. 1

Pages: 1-8

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Language: Chinese

Archival Material Or Collection

Maria Montessori: Montessori Method teaching tools, circa 1920-1950

Available from: UMass Boston

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Abstract/Notes: This collection consists of wooden boxes, shapes, sticks, and metal rings used by teachers following the Montessori Method. Some of the items were described by a member of UMass Boston's Education Department for a Healey Library exhibit in 1989. The collection also includes: Maria Montessori, The Montessori Method (New York: Schocken Books, 1964; and a 1980's Nienhuis Montessori USA catalog of teaching tools

Language: English

Archive: University of Massachusetts, Boston (Boston, Massachusetts)


✓ Peer Reviewed

Evaluative Study: The Effectiveness of Montessori Method

Available from: Universitas Pakuan

Publication: Journal of Humanities and Social Studies (JHSS), vol. 7, no. 2

Pages: 501-506

Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation

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Abstract/Notes: Evaluative Study: The Effectiveness of Montesorsi [sic] Method / This study reports a qualitative study using descriptive analytics method that finding out the effectiveness of Montessori Method for young learners. Montessori Method is a method that rarely used in Indonesia and there are only some of the schools that apply this method. Teachers who decide to work in the Montessori school basis should be ready with the challenges that might be appear when teaching children to learn using a specific method. The subjects of this research are Cita Harmoni Montessori Teacher. The data were collected through interview, observation and documentation. The study showed that teacher face several challenges when teaching using Montessori Method. Some children still unfamiliar with the Montessori Materials, got some difficulties in understanding abstract concepts even though they have used Montessori materials, children who are solitaire and is difficult to blend in group, some teachers who are not fully understand in working with Montessori Materials and the lack of maximum use of the Montessori apparatus in learning are the challenges that found in this study. In conclusion, teaching using a Montessori Method will be effective to be applied when the materials are involved and mastered. Additionally, it will be the challenge of Montessori teachers in the future.

Language: English

DOI: 10.33751/jhss.v7i2.7735

ISSN: 2598-120X, 2598-117X


✓ Peer Reviewed

A utilização do Método Montessori como ferramenta para contribuição do desenvolvimento socioemocional na primeira infância / The use of the Montessori Method as a tool to contribute to early childhood socio-emotional development

Available from: European Publications

Publication: Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo, vol. 15, no. 9

Pages: 8420-8438

Autonomy in children, Interpersonal relationships, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: When intrapersonal conflicts are observed in the resolution of everyday setbacks in most children who are experiencing early childhood (2 to 6 (two to six years)), there was a need to elaborate this research in order to find ways that can contribute to the processes of building socio-emotional knowledge. Therefore, we want to analyze whether and how the Montessori Method can contribute to this development of the subject when it needs to resolve conflicts. In view of this, the application of the Montessori method may be a methodology capable of helping to alleviate, or even to resolve, the problem. This method seeks to make children more independent as to the mastery of their emotional and social stability. The general objective of this article is to analyze the contribution of the Montessori Method to the independence of children, in the area of their socio-emotional aspects. The specific objectives are: to clarify what intrapersonal conflicts are and to exemplify situations; to understand the Montessori Method when it comes to autonomy and independence in childhood and to ratify the contribution of the method to socio-emotional development. The sequence of discussion sessions of the article deals with subjects that can clarify the aforementioned objectives, which are called: Intra-personal conflicts and example of situations; Montessori method - autonomy and independence of children and contribution of the Montessori method to socioemotional development in early childhood. The methodology used for this research is qualitative and bibliographic, since concepts and reflections that already exist on the theme will be analyzed. The expectation of the authors is that adults who read this article can promote actions and behaviors that contribute to the independence and autonomy of children, mainly in relation to the domain of emotional stability, so that children learn to deal with their intrapersonal conflicts in a natural, reflective, calm and direct way; demonstrating the possible contribution of the method in the maturation of this domain. / Ao serem observados conflitos intrapessoais na resolução de contratempos cotidianos em grande parte das crianças que estão vivenciando a primeira infância (2 a 6 (dois a seis anos)), houve a necessidade de elaborar esta pesquisa a fim de encontrar maneiras que possam contribuir para os processos de construção de conhecimentos socioemocionais. Portanto deseja-se analisar se, e como, o Método Montessori pode contribuir para este desenvolvimento do sujeito quando este necessita resolver conflitos. Em vista disso, a aplicação do Método Montessori pode ser uma metodologia capaz de contribuir para amenizar, ou até mesmo, para uma possível resolução da problemática. Este método procura tornar as crianças mais independentes quanto ao domínio de suas estabilidades emocionais e sociais. O objetivo geral deste artigo consiste em analisar a contribuição do Método Montessori para a independência das crianças, quanto ao domínio dos seus aspectos socioemocionais. Quanto aos objetivos específicos destaca-se: esclarecer o que são os conflitos intrapessoais e exemplificar situações; compreender o Método Montessori quando se trata de autonomia e independência na infância e ratificar a contribuição do método para o desenvolvimento socioemocional. A sequência de sessões de discussão do artigo trata de assuntos que possam esclarecer os objetivos supracitados, os quais são denominados: Conflitos intrapessoais e exemplo de situações; Método Montessori – autonomia e independência infantil e contribuição do Método Montessori para o desenvolvimento socioemocional na primeira infância. A metodologia utilizada para esta pesquisa é qualitativa e bibliográfica, pois serão analisados conceitos e reflexões que já existem a respeito do tema. A expectativa das autoras é que os adultos que lerem este artigo possam promover ações e condutas que contribuam para a independência e autonomia das crianças, principalmente, com relação ao domínio da estabilidade emocional, para que as crianças aprendam a lidar com seus conflitos intrapessoais de maneira natural, reflexiva, calma e direta; demonstrando a possível contribuição do método na maturação deste domínio.

Language: Portuguese

DOI: 10.55905/cuadv15n9-025

ISSN: 1989-4155


✓ Peer Reviewed

Study on the Design Method of Montessori Educational Kindergarten under the Perspective of Preschool Education

Available from: Hill Publishing

Publication: Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, vol. 7, no. 8

Pages: 1535-1540

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Abstract/Notes: Kindergarten, as an important carrier for children's transition from family to society, is a place for the development and practice of preschool education, and plays a role that cannot be ignored in today's preschool education. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to implement the achievements of contemporary excellent early childhood education concepts into the architectural design of kindergartens. In recent years, Montessori's educational philosophy has attracted widespread attention in China. The Montessori teaching method is based on early childhood education, early childhood psychology, physiology, and other aspects. Its core theory coincides with the domestic concept of quality education, and has become a key topic of preschool education in the Ministry of Education. The purpose of this paper is to effectively integrate Montessori education concepts with kindergarten design and provide theoretical support for kindergarten design. Montessori's educational philosophy specifically elaborates on the natural development concept, sensitive period education, and sensory education of young children. These concepts are embodied in the "environmental education" aspect of kindergarten architectural design. By creating indoor and outdoor environments suitable for children's development, arranging rich functional spaces, and designing reasonable scales, colors, and shapes, children can develop freely in a "prepared environment".

Language: English

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/jhass.2023.08.010

ISSN: 2576-0556, 2576-0548


✓ Peer Reviewed

Teaching Young Learners (6-7 Years) Grammar Using Montessori Method

Available from: Innovative Academic Journals

Publication: Web of Synergy: International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, vol. 2, no. 7

Pages: 85-88

Grammar, Language development, Montessori method of education, Reading - Instruction and study, Writing - Instruction and study

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Abstract/Notes: This exploratory action research article overviews the implementation of using the Montessori method in teaching young learners experienced by the 15 students of the 39th school in Namangan region and its conclusions.

Language: English

ISSN: 2835-3013


Montessori Method of Education in Terms of Philosophical Anthropology

Available from: ERIC

Publication: International Journal of Progressive Education, vol. 18, no. 2

Pages: 249-258

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Abstract/Notes: Since its existence, the subject of man has been difficult and painful to understand. Philosophical anthropology comes to the fore as the field that deals with the essence and function of man to make sense of him. Philosophical anthropology tries to evaluate man from his birth to death. By doing so, philosophical anthropology draws on various philosophers. The process of understanding man, which started with Kant, is shaped by names such as Scheler, Cassirer, Mengüsoglu, and Hartmann. In philosophical anthropology, besides these names, Maria Montessori, who assessed man as a child, is also significant. She contributed to philosophical anthropology by actualizing theoretical structures with the Montessori method of education, which is based on the understanding of a child who stands on his/her own feet and which presents a new perspective on the man. This study is considered important in terms of grounding the aforementioned contribution and guiding future studies on the subject.

Language: English

DOI: 10.29329/ijpe.2022.431.16

ISSN: 1554-5210


Penerapan Metode Montessori Menggunakan Media Flashcard Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Awal Anak Usia Dini / Application of the Montessori Method Using Flashcard Media as an Effort to Improve Early Childhood Reading Ability

Available from: Pengelola Jurnal: Yayasan Pendidikan Tanggui Baimbaian

Publication: EduCurio: Education Curiosity, vol. 1, no. 3

Pages: 697-701

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Montessori materials, Montessori method of education, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji secara empiris perkembangan kemampuan membaca awal anak usia dini kelompok A RA Tunas Mulia Dua Malang. Jumlah subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah putra dan  putri kelompok A yang berjumlah 11 orang. Pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan pre-test dan post-test. Hipotesis   diuji menggunakan uji –t untuk melihat   perbedaan kemampuan  sebelum dan sesudah diberikan flashcard  flashcards, Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan Montessori flash playing cards memprediksi peningkatan kemampuan membaca awal anak kru A RA Tunas Mulia 2 Malang. Kontribusi signifikan kelompok eksperimen sebesar 4,37 dan kontribusi kelompok kontrol sebesar 0,64 terhadap peningkatan kemampuan membaca anak RA Tunas Mulia 2 Malang.

Language: Indonesian

ISSN: 2963-0339, 2984-6146


The Expansion of the Montessori Method in India and Neighboring Countries

Available from: Montessori Norge

Publication: Montessori Collaborative World Review: The Montessori Roots of Social Justice, vol. 1, no. 1

Pages: 200-207

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Language: English

Book Section

Der Freiheitsbegriff in der Erziehung und die Montessori-Methode

Book Title: Montessori Pädagogik: aktuelle und internationale Entwicklungen: Festschrift für Harald Ludwig [Montessori Pedagogy: Current and International Developments: Festschrift for Harald Ludwig]

Pages: 91-102

Montessori method of education

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Language: German

Published: Münster, Germany: Lit, 2005

ISBN: 3-8258-8429-5 978-3-8258-8429-1

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 10

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