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Bachelor's Thesis

"Tunteita tulee ja tunteita menee": Tunnekasvatusmateriaali Lahden Montessori-leikkikouluun ["Emotions come and emotions go": Emotional education material for Lahti Montessori play school]

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

Emotion recognition in children, Emotional intelligence, Emotions in children, Europe, Finland, Montessori method of education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori schools, Nordic countries, Northern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: The subject of practice-based thesis was children’s emotional skills and emotional education in early childhood education. The mandator of the research, Montessori Daycare of Lahti had a need for tailored emotional education material for their daily life in the daycare. The aim of thesis was to produce functional material for emotional education and a guide for the use of the material to the mandator, Montessori Daycare of Lahti. The needs from Montessori Daycare’s daily life guided the planning process and it was developed by implementing short functional lessons on emotions with a small group of children. The purpose of the thesis was to give tools for emotional education for early childhood educators. The end product of thesis was emotional education -package, which contains puppets made by hand, some essential equipment for drama and a guide for implementing emotional education lessons. The package was designed so that it can be easily handled and carried around, which enables having lessons also outside of the daycare environment. The exterior of the package is designed to be in line with its contents and as a whole the material follows the guiding principles of Montessori education. Based on the trial use of the material and the following evaluation, the emotional education -package was found to be well functioning and the material can be used in the daily life of the daycare in addition to emotional education lessons. This shows that the aim and purpose of the thesis, producing tools for emotional education for early childhood educators, has been achieved. / Toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön aiheena oli tunnetaidot sekä tunnekasvatus varhaiskasvatuksessa. Aihe tuli toimeksiantajalta Lahden Montessori-leikkikoululta, jolla oli selkeä tarve heille räätälöityyn tunnekasvatusmateriaaliin. Työn tavoitteena oli tuottaa tunnekasvatuksen toiminnallinen opas ja siihen liittyvä materiaali Lahden Montessori-leikkikoululle. Materiaali suunniteltiin päiväkodin arjesta nousseiden tarpeiden mukaan, ja sitä kehitettiin toteuttamalla toiminnallisia tunnehetkiä päiväkodin lapsiryhmälle. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli antaa varhaiskasvattajien käyttöön lisää työkaluja tunnekasvatukseen, tunteiden tunnistamiseen, nimeämiseen ja käsittelyyn lasten kanssa. Opinnäytetyön tuotoksena valmistui tunnekasvatussalkku, joka sisältää itse valmistetut käsinuket, tarvittavat draamavälineet sekä oppaan tunnehetkien toteuttamista varten. Salkku on suunniteltu niin, että sitä on helppo käsitellä ja se on kätevästi mukaan otettavissa, jolloin tunnehetki on mahdollista toteuttaa myös päiväkodin ulkopuolella. Salkun ulkoasu on suunniteltu yhteneväiseksi sisällön kanssa, ja se on Montessori-oppien mukainen valmisteltu kokonaisuus. Kokeilun ja arvioinnin pohjalta voidaan todeta, että tunnekasvatussalkku on toimiva kokonaisuus, ja materiaalia voidaan hyödyntää myös päiväkodin arjessa varsinaisten tunnehetkien ulkopuolella. Tämän perusteella voidaan todeta, että työn tavoite ja tarkoitus tuottaa varhaiskasvattajille käytännön työkaluja tunnekasvatuksen toteuttamista varten, ovat toteutuneet.

Language: Finnish

Published: Lahti, Finland, 2019


✓ Peer Reviewed

Emotion Recognition Development: Preliminary Evidence for an Effect of School Pedagogical Practices

Available from: ScienceDirect

Publication: Learning and Instruction, vol. 69

Pages: 101353

Comparative education, Europe, Neuroscience, Switzerland, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: While emotion recognition is shaped through social interactions from a child's early years through at least late adolescence, no emphasis has thus far been given to the effects of daily experiences at school. We posited that enriched, more diverse, and less competitive social interactions fostered by some pedagogical practices may contribute to emotion recognition processes in children. Here, we investigated differences in emotion recognition among schoolchildren experiencing the Montessori versus traditional practices. Children performed two tasks; one measuring the impact of social context on fear-surprise perception, and one measuring their bias toward happiness or anger. Results suggest that children experiencing traditional practices show a higher sensitivity to fear-recognition, while children attending Montessori schools show a higher integration of social cues and perceive expressions of happiness for longer durations. Such preliminary findings call for replication and further research to determine which pedagogical features from the Montessori method may explain these effects.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2020.101353

ISSN: 0959-4752


Emotion Recognition: Social Appraisal and Offset Task, 8-12 yo.

Available from: Zenodo

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Abstract/Notes: Dataset — Data from social appraisal task and offset task in 57 8-12 yo. school children, with pedagogy school type information.

Language: English

Book Section

Emotional gestörte und schlechtangepasste Kinder [Emotionally disturbed and poorly adjusted children]

Book Title: Die Montessori-Pädagogik und das behinderte Kind: Referate und Ergebnisse des 18. Internationalen Montessori Kongresses (München, 4-8 Juli 1977) [The Montessori System and the Handicapped Child: Papers and Reports of the 18th International Montessori Congress (Munich, July 4-8, 1977)]

Pages: 98-107

Children with disabilities, Conferences, International Montessori Congress (18th, Munich, Germany, 4-8 July 1977), Mentally ill children

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Language: German

Published: München: Kindler, 1978

ISBN: 3-463-00716-9

Book Section

Frühtherapie von Kleinkindern mit emotionalen Störungen. Skizze einer Interaktionstherapie [Early therapy for young children with emotional disorders. Sketch of an interaction therapy]

Book Title: Die Montessori-Pädagogik und das behinderte Kind: Referate und Ergebnisse des 18. Internationalen Montessori Kongresses (München, 4-8 Juli 1977) [The Montessori System and the Handicapped Child: Papers and Reports of the 18th International Montessori Congress (Munich, July 4-8, 1977)]

Pages: 256-260

Adjustment disorders in children, Children with disabilities, Conferences, International Montessori Congress (18th, Munich, Germany, 4-8 July 1977)

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Language: German

Published: München: Kindler, 1978

ISBN: 3-463-00716-9

Book Section

Emotionale Entwicklung und die Montessori-Pädagogik [Emotional development and the Montessori pedagogy]

Book Title: Die Montessori-Pädagogik und das behinderte Kind: Referate und Ergebnisse des 18. Internationalen Montessori Kongresses (München, 4-8 Juli 1977) [The Montessori System and the Handicapped Child: Papers and Reports of the 18th International Montessori Congress (Munich, July 4-8, 1977)]

Pages: 108-120

Child development, Conferences, International Montessori Congress (18th, Munich, Germany, 4-8 July 1977), Mario M. Montessori Jr. - Speeches, addresses, etc., Montessori method of education

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Language: German

Published: München: Kindler, 1978

ISBN: 3-463-00716-9

Master's Thesis

The Impact of Direct Integration of Social Emotional Lessons with Montessori Upper Elementary Children

Available from: St. Catherine University

Action research, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: This action research study aimed to analyze the impact of direct social-emotional lessons on students' emotional intelligence in a Montessori upper elementary classroom. This study explored the impact of combining social-emotional vocabulary with social-emotional learning (SEL) skill development. The study used quantitative and qualitative data, including pre- and post-assessments, follow-up work, observation logs, and SEL elements added to the students’ weekly work plans. SEL curriculum materials and follow-up work were created for this study following the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) framework and their SAFE acronym: sequenced, active, focused, and explicit. The data showed that teaching SEL vocabulary and the five competencies’ qualities positively impacted student understanding and SEL skill development. Based on these results, Montessori teachers could positively impact students' emotional intelligence, normalization in the classroom, and overall student well-being by integrating SEL lessons into the cosmic curriculum.

Language: English

Published: St. Paul, Minnesota, 2023


✓ Peer Reviewed

Research on the Impact of the Emotional Expression of Kindergarten Teachers on Children: From the Perspective of the Class Micro-Power Relationship

Available from: Frontiers in Psychology

Publication: Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 13

Pages: Article 808847

Asia, China, East Asia, Montessori method of education - Evaluation

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Abstract/Notes: During the preschool years, the socio-emotional responses children receive from interactions with teachers are incorporated into their own social behaviors. This is one of the key ways in which children acquire social and emotional skills. Based on field studies, it can be found that this learning process is not simple imitation of children, but of a more complex context of group interaction. To further clarify the impact of kindergarten teachers’ emotion on the sociometric status and behavior of 3–5 year-old children in their classes, the researchers chose a Montessori mixed-age kindergarten in Beijing as the field site and observed five classes within the kindergarten over a 2-month period in this ethnographic case study. The study found that the power gap between teacher and pupil spreads rapidly to all children in the classroom as a result of the teacher’s emotions, and even stimulates power stratification within the children. In addition, there are differences in the social behaviors between the children of different levels of power. As preschool children are in a critical developmental window when social knowledge is being accumulated and social skills are being acquired, using power relations within the kindergarten classroom as an entry point to analyze the impact of teachers’ emotions on children’s social behavior provides a new breakthrough for the professional development of early childhood education and the better achievement of educational goals.

Language: English

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.808847

ISSN: 1664-1078

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

Self Concept, Emotional Intelligence, and Frustration of High School Children with Montessori and Traditional Method of Education Background

Available from: Shodhganga: Indian Theses

Asia, Comparative education, Emotional intelligence, India, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Self-esteem in children, South Asia

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Language: English

Published: Dharwad, India, 2017


What's Eating Our Children: Eating Disorders in Young Children

Publication: Tomorrow's Child, vol. 1, no. 5

Pages: 8–9

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Abstract/Notes: An interview with Darlene M. Atkins

Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246

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