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✓ Peer Reviewed

Formare il «nuovo Maestro» secondo Maria Montessori / Formar al «nuevo Maestro» según Maria Montessori / Training the «new Teacher» according to Maria Montessori

Available from: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Publication: RELAdEI (Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Infantil), vol. 5, no. 4

Pages: 78-91

Hélène Lubienska de Lenval - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Teacher training, Montessori method of education - Teacher training, Montessori method of education - Teachers, Teacher training

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Abstract/Notes: È noto quanto Maria Montessori fosse esigente nei confronti del maestro. In questo articolo si presenta la sua visione delle caratteristiche che devono animare il «nuovo Maestro» per consentire «al bambino nuovo» di potersi sviluppare in modo armonioso ed equilibrato. Dato che la peculiarità della pedagogia montessoriana è cambiare la modalità relazionale tra l’adulto e il bambino, sono messi in risalto alcuni aspetti concreti e universali condivisibili da tutti gli insegnanti. Questi possono essere applicati ovunque e possono anche facilitare la didattica, anche senza applicare tutto il Metodo Montessori, giacché l’autoeducazione del bambino è legata all’autodisciplina dell’adulto. Per formare i maestri Maria Montessori aveva scelto di organizzare i Corsi internazionali di formazione che duravano diversi mesi. Per chiarire gli elementi essenziali, vengono studiate le conferenze riguardo al nuovo maestro pronunciate durante questi corsi. Da esse vengono ricavati i tre livelli di formazione: materiale, scientifica e spirituale. Alcuni aspetti imprescindibili vengono più approfonditi, quali lo spogliarsi dei preconcetti, il cambiare le attitudini morali e l’essere un’osservatore gioioso, aspetti che la Montessori considerava essenziali per risolvere il problema dell’educazione. Basandosi anche su alcuni racconti di allieve, sono proposte alcune modalità scelte da Hélène Lubienska de Lenval durante il suo Cours Pédagogique, e sono presentate alcune scelte pedagogiche di Adele Costa Gnocchi, che aprirà la Scuola Assistenti all’Infanzia dove saranno approfondite le intuizioni della Montessori per il bambino piccolo fino a tre anni. / Es conocido lo exigente que Maria Montessori ha sido en relación a los maestros. En este artículo se presenta su visión de las características que debería poseer el “nuevo maestro” para permitir al “nuevo niño” desarrollarse de manera armoniosa y equilibrada. Considerando que la finalidad de la pedagogía montessoriana es cambiar la modalidad de interacción entre el adulto y el niño, se pueden destacar algunos aspectos concretos y universales que puedan compartir por todos los maestros. Sin necesidad de aplicar completamente el Método Montessori, estos elementos pueden ser útiles en todo tipo de circunstancia y facilitar la didáctica, puesto che la autoeducación del niño depende de la autodisciplina del adulto. Para formar a los maestros, Maria Montessori decidió organizar los cursos internacionales de formación con una duración de varios meses. Para aclarar los aspectos esenciales, en este artículo se toman en consideración las conferencias relativas al “nuevo maestro” que se pronunciaron en estos cursos. A partir de ellas se pueden derivar los tres niveles de formación: material, científica y espiritual. Se profundiza sobre algunos aspectos fundamentales como liberarse de los prejuicios, cambiar la actitud moral y ser un alegre y atento observador, aspectos que Maria Montessori consideraba primordiales para resolver el problema de la educación. Basándose en algunos relatos de sus alumnas, también se exponen algunas modalidades adoptadas por Hélène Lubienska de Lenval presentadas durante su Cours Pédagogique y además se presentan algunas opciones pedagógicas de Adele Costa Gnocchi, que abrirá la Escuela de Asistentes de la Infancia donde se estudiará a profundidad la visión de Maria Montessori para el niño pequeño, hasta los tres años de edad. / It is well known how much Maria Montessori demanded of teachers. This article presents her vision of the characteristics which should animate the “new teacher” in order to allow the development of the “new child” in a harmonious and balanced manner. Given that the goal of the Montessori pedagogy is to change the manner of relating between adult and child, some concrete and universal characteristics are highlighted which are common to all teachers. Even without applying the entire Montessori methodology, these elements can be useful in all circumstances and can facilitate teaching, given that the self education of the child is linked to the self discipline of the adult. To train teachers, Maria Montessori chose to organize international training courses lasting several months. To clarify the essential elements, the conferences regarding the topic of the new teacher during these training courses are presented here. These elements are divided into three levels of training: the material level, the scientific level, and the spiritual level. Some essential aspects are covered in depth, such as the denuding of preconceptions; changing of moral attitudes; being a joyful observer; all approaches that Maria Montessori considered essential to solve the problem of education. Finally, on the basis of stories of students, there are presented some methods chosen by Helene Lubienska de Lenval taken from her Cours Pedagogique, and some pedagogical methods taken from Adele Costa Gnocchi, who will open the Scuola Assistenti all’Infanzia, where they will delve deeper into Montessori insights regarding the small child up to three years of age.

Language: Italian

ISSN: 2255-0666


✓ Peer Reviewed

La grande bellezza: María Montessori e la Pedagogia al Femminile / La gran belleza: María Montessori y la Pedagogía en Femenino / The Great Beauty: Maria Montessori and Feminine Pedagogy

Available from: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Publication: RELAdEI (Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Infantil), vol. 3, no. 3

Pages: 109-116

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Abstract/Notes: A través de algunos flash, dar luz a los horizontes del pensamiento pedagógico oculto de María Montessori. En particular, vamos a entregar a los lectores un conjunto de "islas" de su inabissabile inexplorado - porque inmortal - archipiélago de niño de la educación. Reforzar el teorema. En las siguientes líneas, illumineremo una cara de luna Montessori se mantuvo en gran medida en las sombras. Hablamos de su mirada problemática y dialéctico de puntos con pensamientos débiles.

Language: Spanish

ISSN: 2255-0666


Voci dal Congresso, Roma 1996: Marie Louise Pasquier, presidente AMF, Parigi, Eva-Maria Ahlquist, docente universitaria, Stoccolma, Alice Renton, esperta di plurilinguismo, Colorado

Available from: Il Quaderno Montessori - Grazia Honegger Fresco

Publication: Il Quaderno Montessori, vol. 14, no. 52

Pages: 74-89

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 2239-5326

Bachelor's Thesis

Een andere visie op evalueren vanuit verschillende methodescholen [A different vision on evaluation from different method schools]

Available from: DOKS

Comparative education, Dalton laboratory plan - Evaluation, Freinet Modern School Movement - Evaluation, Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Waldorf method of education - Evaluation

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Abstract/Notes: In dit praktijkonderzoek wordt er getracht een antwoord te vinden op de onderzoeksvraag ' Welke verschillende vormen van evaluatie worden door leerkrachten binnen het Montessori-, het Dalton-, het Steiner- en het Freinetonderwijs gebruikt om de vorderingen van hun leerlingen bij te houden?' Om hierop een antwoord te vinden ben ik de klaspraktijk van methodescholen gaan observeren. Verder heb ik leerkrachten die les geven in deze methodescholen bevraagd. Deze observaties en bevragingen heb ik in een Daltonschool, een Montessorischool en een Freinetschool kunnen doen.Allereerst heb ik kennis gemaakt met de visies van verschillende methodescholen. Methodescholen waren voor mij immers onbekend terrein. Na dit beschreven te hebben in de literatuurstudie heb ik een vragenlijst opgesteld waarop ik zeker antwoorden wou vinden in verband met de manier van evalueren in methodescholen. Deze vragen gingen zowel over hoe de leerkracht in het oog houdt hoever de leerlingen zitten in het leerproces als over de manier van toetsen van kennis. Met deze vragen ben ik naar de methodescholen getrokken om antwoorden te vinden en dus te onderzoeken hoe de scholen aan evaluatie doen.Tijdens het onderzoek heb ik het onderwerp evaluatie opgesplitst in twee delen, namelijk in formatieve en summatieve evaluatie. Er is namelijk een groot verschil tussen het evalueren tijdens de lessen om te achterhalen in hoeverre de leerlingen de leerstof al begrijpen en het evalueren op het einde van de rit om de leerstof af te sluiten en te beoordelen of de leerlingen het kunnen.Uit de resultaten van het onderzoek kan ik concluderen dat de manieren van evaluatie binnen de verschillende methodescholen leerrijk zijn. Zoals de visie van de methodescholen me al vertelt, wordt er veel rekening gehouden met de individuele leerling. Dit kan je ook vaststellen bij de manier van evaluatie. De leerlingen krijgen de kans om op eigen tempo de leerstof te exploreren. Het is als leerkracht wel belangrijk dat je op de hoogte bent van de vorderingen van de leerlingen. Als de leerlingen ver genoeg gevorderd zijn zal er pas 'getest' worden. Er wordt met andere woorden pas getest wanneer de leerkracht er van overtuigd is dat de leerling het kan. Deze testen dienen dan als bevestiging van de kennis voor de leerling en leerkracht en niet als middel om te ondervinden of de leerling de leerstof goed genoeg beheert.

Language: Dutch

Published: Vorselaar, Belgium, 2016

Book Section

Altersgemischte Grundschule Evaluation einer Schulentwicklungsmaßnahme [Mixed-age primary school evaluation of a school development measure]

Book Title: Untersuchungen und Ansätze zur Weiterentwicklung der Montessori-Pädagogik in Österreich [Investigations and approaches for the further development of Montessori pedagogy in Austria]

Pages: 175-199

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Language: German

Published: Innsbruck, Germany: Studien Verlag, 2009

Edition: 1st ed.

ISBN: 978-3-7065-4721-5 3-7065-4721-X

Series: Initiative neues Lernen

Master Thesis

Evaluation of the Early Childhood Education Curriculum Developed in 2013 According to Analytical Curriculum Evaluation Model

Available from: Middle East Technical University

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Abstract/Notes: The study aims to evaluate the early childhood education curriculum developed in 2013 using Demirel’s analytical curriculum evaluation model through preschool teachers’ views. The mixed research method was utilized in this study. The participants of the study consist of preschool teachers working in independent public pre-school affiliated with the Ministry of National Education Ankara/ Turkey. The quantitative data consisted of 203 preschool teachers’ responses selected from all districts of Ankara using a stratified sampling method, while the qualitative data consisted of 10 preschool teachers’ responses who volunteered to participate interview. The data of the study were collected through a questionnaire and semi-structured interview form. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics while qualitative data were analyzed through content analysis. After analyzing the quantitative and qualitative data separately, they were reported in the results section in line with the research questions. The findings of this study revealed that preschool teachers have both positive and negative views about the early childhood education curriculum. As a result of the study, preschool teachers expressed positive views regarding the clarity, comprehensibility, and flexibility of the 2013 early childhood education curriculum they applied, while negative views arose about the existence of a single curriculum for different age groups, lack of resources, limited applicability for all environment, and inadequacy addressing 21st-century skills and new education trends in today's conditions. Additionally, views have been expressed advocating for a longer duration of early childhood education for 5-year-old children.

Language: English

Published: Ankara, Turkey, 2023

Book Section

Evaluation - auch ein Thema für die Montessori-Pädagogik? [Evaluation - also an issue for the Montessori education?]

Book Title: Das Lernen in die eigene Hand nehmen: Mut zur Freiheit in der Montessori-Pädagogik [Taking learning into your own hands: Courage for freedom in Montessori pedagogy]

Pages: 48-59

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Language: German

Published: Münster, Germany: LIT, 2008

ISBN: 978-3-8258-0850-1

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 19


✓ Peer Reviewed

Solución de Problemas: Estudio evaluativo de tres enfoques pedagógicos en las escuelas mexicanas [Problem-Solving: Evaluative Study of Three Pedagogical Approaches in Mexican Schools]

Available from: Universidad de Almería (Spain)

Publication: Revista Electrónica de Investigación Psicoeducativa / Electronic Journal of Research in Education Psychology, vol. 1, no. 2

Pages: 79-96

Americas, Central America, Comparative education, Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Problem solving

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Abstract/Notes: Introduction: One of the most important goals of the Mexican educational system is that students, from primary education onward, acquire complex thinking skills such as "problem solving" and "creativity", among others. This paper describes how problem solving finds expression in three different pedagogical approaches in Mexico.Method: The design used is not an experimental type, since variables are observed in an existing situation without being deliberately manipulated. The design is also descriptive cross-sectional or transversal, since measurement is taken on a single occasion, obtaining the incidence of values manifest by the variable under study. Additionally it is performed with a mixed design type 6 X 1.Results: Results show how children from the Freinet school obtain the highest scores in both groups, and that the lowest scores correspond to the traditional public school. There are significant statistical differences between the different pedagogical approaches in regard to problem solving in their basic educational process.Discussion: A new educational model is required, one that takes into account all human potentialities in its programs, adapting human resources and necessary materials responsible for the educational process. It is indispensable to include educational content where problem-solving skills are exercised, taught and developed.

Language: Spanish

DOI: 10.25115/ejrep.2.111

ISSN: 1696-2095


✓ Peer Reviewed

Evaluasi Pembelajaran pada Sekolah Montessori Menggunakan Model Stake Countenance [Evaluation of Learning in Montessori Schools Using the Stake Countenance Model]

Available from: PPJPAUD Indonesia

Publication: Murhum: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, vol. 4, no. 1

Pages: 112-124

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Montessori schools, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: This article aims to describe and analyze the implementation of learning for Montessori schools in Bogor City. The information gathered from teachers, principals, and parents. In this evaluation study, the authors used an evaluation model developed by Stake, consists of 3 evaluation stages: 1) antecedents, 2) transactions, and 3) outcomes. The results of the research on the antecedent’s component that consists of seven aspects of assessments shows that one aspect which is Human Resources aspect is in the sufficient value category. From the five aspects of transactions component, monitoring and evaluation aspect is in the sufficient value category. Meanwhile, the outcomes component, consists of one aspect, the result of learning implementation shows it is in a good value category. Based on the thirteen aspects of evaluation in the antecedents, transactions and outcomes components, it can be concluded that learning in Montessori schools has been running well and proceed with improvements in two aspects, Human Resources aspect and monitoring and evaluation aspect. / Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis pelaksanaan pembelajaran secara keseluruhan terhadap sekolah Montessori di Kota Bogor. Informan yang menjadi narasumber terdiri dari guru, kepala sekolah serta orang tua siswa. Dalam studi evaluasi ini, penulis menggunakan model evaluasi yang dikembangkan oleh Stake, yaitu model Stake Countenance yang terdiri dari 3 tahap evaluasi: 1) antecedents, 2) transactions, dan 3) outcomes. Hasil penelitian pada komponen antecedents dari tujuh aspek penilaian, terdapat satu aspek dalam kategori nilai cukup, yaitu aspek Sumber Daya Manusia. Dari komponen transactions, yang terdiri atas lima aspek, terdapat satu aspek dalam kategori cukup yaitu aspek monitoring dan evaluasi. Sedangkan dari komponen outcomes terdiri dari satu aspek yaitu hasil pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan berada dalam kategori baik. Berdasarkan ketiga belas aspek evaluasi pada komponen antecedents, transactions dan outcomes dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran pada sekolah Montessori telah berjalan dengan baik dan dapat dilanjutkan dengan perbaikan pada dua aspek, yaitu komponen antecedents pada aspek Sumber Daya Manusia dan komponen transactions pada aspek monitoring dan evaluasi.

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.37985/murhum.v4i1.166

ISSN: 2723-6390


Maria Montessori: En la Casa de la UNESCO por la Paz del Espíritu y no Vanas Palabras [Maria Montessori: In the UNESCO House for the Peace of the Spirit and not Vain Words]

Available from: UNESDOC Digital Library

Publication: El Correo de la UNESCO, vol. 2, no. 12

Pages: 4

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

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Language: Spanish

ISSN: 0304-310X, 1564-0590

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