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588 results


Educazione rivolta a tutti. Comenio, Itard, Séguin e Maria Montessori: il ruolo della pedagogia [Education aimed at all. Comenius, Itard, Séguin and Maria Montessori: the role of pedagogy]

Publication: Handicap e scuola, vol. 31, no. 9-10

Pages: 6-8

Children with disabilities, Inclusive education, Jean Marc Gaspard Itard - Biographic sources, Jean Marc Gaspard Itard - Philosophy, John Amos Comenius - Biographic sources, John Amos Comenius - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, People with disabilities, Édouard Séguin - Biographic sources, Édouard Séguin - Philosophy

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Language: Italian


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori e la Prima Casa dei Bambini dell'Istituto Romano di Beni Stabili (1907) [Maria Montessori and the First Children's Home of the Roman Institute of Beni Stabili (1907)]

Publication: Giornale di Storia Contemporanea, vol. 10 (Anno 10)

Pages: 160-174

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 2037-7975


✓ Peer Reviewed

Il ruolo del gioco infantile nel pensiero di Maria Montessori e nelle scuole a metodo / El papel del juego infantil en el pensamiento de Maria Montessori y en las escuelas de método / The role of children's playing in the thought of Maria Montessori and in Montessori method schools

Available from: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Publication: RELAdEI (Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Infantil), vol. 5, no. 2

Pages: 114-126

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Abstract/Notes: Lo scopo dell’articolo è di mettere in evidenza quale ruolo educativo assegni la Montessori ad alcune tipologie di gioco. In particolare si cerca di mettere in evidenza la sua mancata comprensione del ruolo del gioco simbolico nei primi anni di vita dei bambini, dando vita ad un vero e proprio paradosso per cui nonostante l’osservazione dei bambini in contesti scolastici e naturali, che la Montessori ha preconizzato al fine di proporre una pedagogia con basi di natura scientifica, ella non è riuscita a integrare il gioco simbolico nella sua proposta pedagogica. Si mette anche in luce la sua sua sostanziale concordanza con Dewey nella descrizione di un tipo di attività intelligente che origina da un interesse del bambino nei confronti di uno stimolo ambientale su cui egli riesce a mantenere una concentrazione sostenuta, tuttavia la Montessori mantiene una profonda distanza terminologica da Dewey, che chiama questa attività “gioco”, mentre lei, invece, “lavoro”. Si dà conto infine del ruolo positivo che hanno l’attività giocosa e l’attitudine giocosa (playfulness) nel metodo montessoriano e anche dell’importanza dei giochi sensomotori e dei giochi di regole nell’applicazione didattica ed educativa del metodo stesso. Dall’analisi emerge che la Montessori ha saputo integrare la dimensione giocosa dell’attività umana nel processo di insegnamento/apprendimento attraverso il riconoscimento dell’attività ludiforme, pur con incomprensioni e paradossi in merito al gioco simbolico e in merito alla definizione stessa di gioco. / El propósito de este artículo es analizar el papel educativo que Montessori otorga a ciertos tipos de juego. En particular, se pretende poner de relieve su falta de comprensión del papel del juego simbólico en los primeros años de vida de los niños, creando una verdadera paradoja, ya que a pesar de la observación de los niños en contextos escolares y naturales, método propuesto por Montessori con el fin de conseguir una pedagogía con base científica, no ha sido capaz de integrar el juego simbólico en su propuesta pedagógica. En el artículo también se evidencia la concordancia sustancial con Dewey en la descripción de un tipo de actividad inteligente que se origina en el interés del niño por un estímulo ambiental a partir del que es capaz de mantener una concentración sostenida, sin embargo, Montessori mantiene una profunda distancia terminología con relación a Dewey, quien llama a esta actividad “juego”, mientras que para Montessori es “trabajo”. Finalmente, se aborda el papel positivo que tienen las actividades y actitudes lúdicas (playfulness) en el método Montessori y también la importancia del juego sensoriomotor y el juego de reglas en la aplicación didáctica y educativa del propio método. El análisis muestra que Montessori ha sido capaz de integrar la dimensión lúdica de la actividad humana en el proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje a través del reconocimiento de este tipo de actividad, a pesar de la incomprensión y las paradojas sobre el juego simbólico y de la propio definición de juego. / The purpose of the article is to highlight the role played by certain types of game in Montessori. In particular, it seeks to highlight the lack of understanding of the role of symbolic play in the early years of children’s lives, creating a real paradox in the Montessori system despite her observation of children in school and natural contexts. Montessori has advocated a view to proposing a pedagogy with scientific bases, but she has been unable to integrate the symbolic play in its pedagogical proposal. I also try to outline her substantial correlation with Dewey in the description of a type of intelligent activity that originates from a child’s interest in respect of an environmental stimulus on which he is able to maintain a sustained concentration, however Montessori maintains a deep distance from Dewey in terminology, who calls this activity “game”, while she, instead, “work.” I give an account of the positive role that have the playful activities and the playful attitude (playfulness) in the Montessori method and of the importance of sensorimotor games and rulegames. The analysis shows that Montessori has been able to integrate the playful dimension of human activity in the teaching/learning process through a general recognition of the playful activity, despite misunderstandings and paradoxes about the symbolic play and on the very definition of play.

Language: Italian

ISSN: 2255-0666


María Montessori y su concepto de la educación [Maria Montessori and Her Concept of Education]

Publication: Revista Infancia, vol. 77

Pages: 22-26

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Language: Spanish


Meine Mutter Maria Montessori [My Mother Maria Montessori]

Publication: Reader's Digest [German edition?]

Pages: 96-112

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Language: German


I Due Volti di Maria Montessori [The Two Faces of Maria Montessori]

Publication: Pedagogia e Vita: Bimestrale di Problemi Pedagogici Educativi e Scolastici [Pedagogy and Life: Bimonthly of Educational and Scholastic Pedagogical Problems], vol. 21

Pages: 243-252

Children's House (Casa dei Bambini), Ethics, Socialization

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0031-3777

Book Section

Maria Montessori: Les voies de l'autonomie [Maria Montessori: Paths to Autonomy]

Available from: CAIRN

Book Title: Les Grands Penseurs de l'éducation [The Great Thinkers of Education]

Pages: 55-58

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori (1870-1952) est l’une des grandes figures du courant de l’éducation nouvelle (voir l’encadré). Première femme diplômée de médecine dans son pays, elle s’occupe d’abord d’enfants dits « arriérés » ou « idiots ». Constatant que ces enfants peuvent progresser dans un environnement plus favorable, elle commence à développer tout un matériel pour les aider à lire et écrire. C’est en 1907, alors âgée de 37 ans, qu’elle a l’occasion de mettre au point sa méthode pédagogique qui, dès le début du xxe siècle, lui vaut une reconnaissance internationale. Cette fois, le ministre lui demande de prendre en charge les enfants défavorisés du quartier de San Lorenzo, un quartier ghetto de Rome, peuplé d’immigrants de l’Italie du Sud pour la plupart illettrés, où les enfants de 3 à 6 ans sont livrés à eux-mêmes. Dans l’unique pièce qui lui est octroyée, elle crée alors sa première casa dei bambini (maison des enfants). Elle fait construire des tables et des chaises adaptées à leur taille (grande innovation pour l’époque, qui inspirera les équipements des écoles maternelles) et crée un matériel pédagogique tactile et sensoriel. En l’espace de deux ans, c’est un véritable petit miracle qui s’accomplit. Les enfants, désordonnés et irrespectueux, sont devenus « polis et calmes ». Mais il y a plus : ils ont appris à écrire et à lire. De nouvelles maisons des enfants et des écoles voient le jour dans Rome. Des observateurs arrivent de partout. Montessori organisera des stages à Londres, Nice, Berlin, Amsterdam, Barcelone, San Francisco et même en Inde, où elle s’installe pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale… [ It was in 1907, then aged 37, that she had the opportunity to perfect her teaching method which, from the beginning of the twentieth century, earned her international recognition. This time, the minister asks him to take care of the disadvantaged children of the district of San Lorenzo, a ghetto district of Rome, populated by immigrants from southern Italy for the most part illiterate, where children from 3 to 6 years old are left to fend for themselves. In the only room granted to her, she then created her first casa dei bambini (children's house). She built tables and chairs adapted to their size (a major innovation for the time, which would inspire nursery school equipment) and created tactile and sensory educational material. In the space of two years, a real little miracle takes place. Children, messy and disrespectful, have become "polite and calm". But there is more: they have learned to write and read. New children's homes and schools are emerging in Rome. Observers are coming from everywhere. Montessori will organize internships in London, Nice, Berlin, Amsterdam, Barcelona, ​​San Francisco and even in India, where she settled during World War II ...]

Language: French

Published: Auxerre, France: Éditions Sciences Humaines, 2018

ISBN: 978-2-36106-465-5


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori e gli ambienti milanesi dell'Unione Femminile e della Società Umanitaria [Maria Montessori and the Milanese circles of the Women's Union and the Humanitarian Society]

Available from: Unione Femminile Nazionale

Publication: Annali di storia dell'educazione e delle istituzioni scolastiche, vol. 25

Pages: 8-26

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Società Umanitaria (The Humanitarian Society)

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Abstract/Notes: This article aims to reconstruct the role played by the Società Umanitaria (Humanitarian Society), based in Milan, for the widespread of the Montessori’s Method. The studied period spans from 1908, which is the year of the initial mediation of the Women’s Union’s members for the creation of the first Children’s Houses in the Humanitarian Society’s district, until 1923, which is the year of Augusto Osimo’s death, the general secretary of this institution. In particular, through the analysis of Maria Montessori and Augusto Osimo’s letters exchange, the complex plot of their fruitful collaboration will be highlighted, which was carried out through the organization of Montessori training courses by the Humanitarian Society. Their cooperation was further reinvigorated by a common cause, which was the intervention in favor of children victims of the war, up till the project of a Montessori law secondary school for young adolescents. This last project was never realized because of Osimo’s severe illness occurred in 1920.

Language: Italian

ISSN: 1723-9672, 2612-6559


Hilde Hecker, Maria Muchow, Friederich Fröbel und Maria Montessori [review]

Publication: L'Educazione nazionale: organo di studio dell'educazione nuova, vol. 9

Pages: 404

Book reviews

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Language: Italian

Book Section

Rabindranath Tagore und Maria Montessori [Rabindranath Tagore and Maria Montessori]

Book Title: Montessori-Pädagogik in Deutschland: Rückblick - Aktualität - Zukunftsperspektiven ; 40 Jahre Montessori-Vereinigung e.V. [Montessori Pedagogy in Germany: Review - Current Issues - Future Perspectives 40 years of the Montessori Association]

Pages: 287-302

Asia, India, Rabindranath Tagore, South Asia

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Language: German

Published: Münster, Germany: Lit, 2002

ISBN: 978-3-8258-5746-2

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 7

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