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1281 results

Bachelor's Thesis

Montessoripedagogiikka ja sen toimivuus päiväkotien ohjelmassa [Montessori pedagogy and its functionality in the kindergarten program]

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

Europe, Finland, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori schools, Nordic countries, Northern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Opinnäytetyöni tarkoituksena oli tuoda Montessori-pedagogiikka ihmisten tietoisuuteen. Montessori päiväkoteja ei Suomessa paljon ole, joten tietoa niistä tarvitaan koska montessorimenetelmä poikkeaa kunnallisen päiväkodin kasvatusmenetelmästä. Montessori-pedagogiikka on lapsikeskeistä. Kasvatuksen lähtökohtana ovat lapsen kehitysvaiheet ja mielenkiinnon kohteet. Aikuinen on taustalla ja auttaa tarvittaessa. Lapsella on mahdollisuus työskennellä omaan tahtiinsa. (Tikkurilan Montessori-päiväkodin kannatusyhdistys ry 2000, 6.) Työhöni valitsin teemaksi vuorovaikutuksen, luovuuden ja leikin, joihin perehdyin varhaiskasvatuksen teoriassa. Alussa työssäni perehdyin ainoastaan varhaiskasvatuksen teoriaan. Valitsemani teemat tulivat esiin myös tutkimuskysymyksissä. Tutkimuksessani halusin selvittää miten varhaiskasvatuksen periaatteet toteutuvat Montessori-päiväkodissa ja mikä on lapsen rooli Montessori-pedagogiikassa. Opinnäytetyötäni varten perehdyin monipuolisesti Montessori-pedagogiikkaan ja sen historiaan. Opinnäytetyöni toteutin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Haastattelut suoritin Montessori-päiväkodeissa Orvokissa ja Rantakaislassa. Tutkimukseen haastattelin kahta työntekijää ja kahta vanhempaa. Haastatteluiden lisäksi aineistoni muodostui kirjallisuudesta, montessoripäiväkodeissa tekemistäni harjoitteluista sekä omista kokemuksistani. Montessori-pedagogiikan erityispiirteet löytyivät Rantakaislan ja Orvokin toimintasuunnitelmasta tiivistettyinä. Haastatteluissa ja omien kokemusten perusteella voin sanoa, että nämä tavoitteet toteutuivat. Haastatteluiden tuloksissa työntekijöiden näkökulmasta Montessori-pedagogiikan keskeiseksi asiaksi nousi lapsen kunnioitus ja yksilöllisyyden huomioiminen. Vanhempien haastattelussa Montessori-pedagogiikassa korostui yhteisöllisyys sekä eri-ikäisten lasten toimiminen yhdessä, joka vahvistaa lasten vuorovaikutustaitoja. Vanhemmat toivoivat ja pitivät tärkeänä, että Montessorikasvatus tulisi Suomessa tunnetuksi, jolloin päiväkoteja olisi enemmän. Suomessa Montessori-pedagogiikka on vielä suhteellisen uusia asia, kun vertaa miten tunnettu kyseinen kas-vatusmenetelmä on ulkomailla. [The purpose of my thesis was to bring Montessori pedagogy to people's awareness. There are not many Montessori daycare centers in Finland, so information about them is needed because the Montessori method differs from the educational method of a municipal daycare center. Montessori pedagogy is child-centered. The starting point of education is the child's developmental stages and interests. An adult is in the background and helps if necessary. The child has the opportunity to work at his own pace. (Tikkurila Montessori Kindergarten Support Association 2000, 6.) For my work, I chose the theme of interaction, creativity and play, which I familiarized myself with in the theory of early childhood education. At the beginning of my work, I only familiarized myself with the theory of early childhood education. The themes I chose also came up in the research questions. In my research, I wanted to find out how the principles of early childhood education are realized in a Montessori kindergarten and what is the role of the child in Montessori pedagogy. For my thesis, I learned a lot about Montessori pedagogy and its history. I implemented my thesis as a qualitative study. I conducted the interviews in Montessori kindergartens in Orvoki and Rantakaisla. For the research, I interviewed two employees and two parents. In addition to the interviews, my material consisted of literature, my internships in Montessori kindergartens, and my own experiences. The special features of Montessori pedagogy were summarized in the action plan of Rantakaisla and Orvok. Based on the interviews and my own experiences, I can say that these goals were realized. In the results of the interviews, from the perspective of the employees, respect for the child and consideration of individuality emerged as the central issue of Montessori pedagogy. In the interview with the parents, Montessori pedagogy emphasized community spirit and children of different ages working together, which strengthens children's interaction skills. The parents hoped and considered it important that Montessori education would become known in Finland, so that there would be more kindergartens. In Finland, Montessori pedagogy is still a relatively new thing, when you compare how well-known the education method in question is abroad.]

Language: Finnish

Published: Vantaa, Finland, 2011

Bachelor's Thesis

Soveltavan montessoripedagogiikan käyttö päiväkotiryhmässä [The application of Montessori pedagogy in a kindergarten group]

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

Europe, Finland, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori schools, Nordic countries, Northern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this thesis is to examine a kindergarten group for which a Montessori pedagogy is used. Montessori pedagogy is an educational method, developed by Ma-ria Montessori, which aims to respect the child as a child and as an independent indi-vidual. The educator should support and help the child, if necessary, but also give the child the opportunity to work at their own pace. An essential part of Montessori pe-dagogy is the tools developed for it. Specific tools are offered for each sensitivity period of a child. This thesis examines how the use of applied Montessori pedagogy in kindergarten group is shown. Two different methods were used for this purpose: observation and interviews. I attended the morning activities of the kindergarten group seven times and made observations. I interviewed the Montessori instructor of the group and the director of the kindergarten. The material for the thesis was obtained based on the collected information and theory of the method. Montessori pedagogy was visible in kindergarten everyday life several different ways. The most prominent things were the Montessori equipment, which were in open shelves accessible to children at all times. In her interview, the Montessori in-structor highlighted three important rules acting as an important part of everyday life in the kindergarten. Also other workers of the group were internalized the thinking of Montessori pedagogy. Montessori child-oriented approach supports the progress of children and help child-ren to grow as self-acting learners. The child has the freedom to choose activities and a right to obtain time and guidance for training activities from adult. The thesis made me think of our early childhood education. Do we support enough the child’s self-acting and do we also give an opportunity for that. / Opinnäytetyöni tarkoituksena on tutkia päiväkotiryhmää, jossa käytetään montesso-ripedagogiikkaa soveltuvin osin. Montessoripedagogiikka on Maria Montessorin ke-hittämä kasvatusmenetelmä, jonka tavoitteena on lapsen kunnioittaminen lapsena ja itsenäisenä yksilönä. Kasvattajan tulee tukea ja auttaa lasta tarvittaessa, mutta myös antaa lapselle mahdollisuus työskennellä omassa tahdissaan. Montessoripedagogii-kassa keskeisenä osana toimivat siihen kehitetyt omat välineet. Kun lapsi saavuttaa tietyn herkkyyskauden tarjotaan hänelle välineitä, jotka liittyvät siihen herkkyyskau-teen. Opinnäytetyössäni selvitin, miten soveltavan montessoripedagogiikan käyttö näkyy päiväkotiryhmässä. Tämän kysymyksen selvittämiseen käytin kahta eri tutkimusme-todia: havainnointia ja haastattelua. Osallistuin ryhmän aamupäiviin seitsemän kertaa, joiden aikana tein havainnointeja. Haastattelin myös ryhmän montessoriohjaajaa sekä päiväkodinjohtajaa. Näiden tietojen sekä teoriatiedon pohjalta syntyi aineisto opinnäytetyöhöni. Montessoripedagogiikka näkyi usealla eri tavalla päiväkodin arjessa. Näkyvimpänä asiana nousi esille montessorissa käytettävät välineet, jotka olivat avohyllyissä aina lasten saatavilla. Haastattelussa montessoriohjaaja nosti esille kolme tärkeää sääntöä, jotka toimivat tärkeänä osana päiväkodin arkea. Myös ryhmän muut työntekijät olivat sisäistäneet montessoripedagogiikan ajattelun. Montessoripedagogiikan lapsilähtöinen ajattelu tukee lapsen kehitystä ja auttaa lasta kasvamaan omatoimiseksi oppijaksi. Lapsella on vapaus valita toimintansa sekä oi-keus saada aikuiselta aikaa ja ohjausta toiminnan harjoittelussa. Opinnäytetyöni sai minut miettimään millaista meidän varhaiskasvatuksemme on. Tuemmeko siinä tar-peeksi lapsien omatoimisuutta ja annamme siihen heille myös mahdollisuuden.

Language: Finnish

Published: Pori, FInland, 2011

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

Impact of Montessori Kindergarten and Play Way Methods on the Level of Cognitive Development Among Pre Primary Children

Available from: Shodhganga: Indian Theses

Child development, Cognitive development, Comparative education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Montessori schools, Preschool children

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Language: English

Published: Dindigul, India, 2022

Bachelor's Thesis

Ohjaajan rooli montessoripäiväkodissa [The role of the instructor in the Montessori kindergarten]

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

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Abstract/Notes: Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millainen ohjaajan rooli on montessoripäiväkodissa ja mitkä tekijät siihen vaikuttavat. Lisäksi tutkittiin, millainen merkitys ohjaajan roolilla on lapsilähtöisyyteen sekä lapsen osallisuuden edistämiseen. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin myös ohjaajan toimintaa montessoriympäristössä. Toimeksiantajana toimi kuopiolainen Pumpputorin päiväkoti, joka toteuttaa montessoripedagogiikkaa 3–6-vuotiaille lapsille. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena, jossa tiedonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin teemahaastattelua ja havainnointia. Teemahaastattelu toteutettiin parihaastatteluna. Kohderyhmäksi valittiin neljä varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaa, joista kaksi on lisäksi suorittanut montessoriohjaajakoulutuksen. Haastattelun teemoina olivat lapsilähtöisyys, lasten osallisuuden edistäminen sekä montessoriympäristön vaikutus ohjaajan rooliin. Havainnointi suoritettiin päiväkodilla havainnoimalla ohjaajien vuorovaikutusta lapsiryhmässä. Havainnoinnin kohteena oli ohjaajien toiminta montessoriympäristössä, ohjaajien vuorovaikutus lasten kanssa sekä ohjaajien keskinäinen vuorovaikutus. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavalla sisällönanalyysilla. Tutkimusaineiston perusteella saatiin selville, että montessoripäiväkodissa ohjaus on lapsilähtöistä ja lapsi on toiminnan keskiössä. Ohjaaja toimii päiväkodissa roolimallina lapselle ja opettaa hänelle monipuolisesti erilaisia taitoja, joita lapsi tarvitsee elämässään. Montessoriympäristössä materiaalit ovat lapsen saatavilla, mikä tukee lapsen osallisuutta ja itseohjautuvuutta. Lapselle on tarjolla hänen herkkyyskauteensa sopivaa toimintaa, ja lapsi voi valita mieluisan tekemisen oman kiinnostuksensa perusteella. Tavoitteena on, ettei lapsi enää lopulta tarvitse ohjaajan apua. Ohjaaja antaa lapselle aikaa ajatella ja tehdä itse sekä auttaa lasta oppimaan itseohjautuvaa työskentelyä ja ongelmanratkaisutaitoja. Ohjaajien tehtävä on kasvattaa lapsesta omatoiminen yksilö, joka kunnioittaa toisia ihmisiä. Tutkimuksen tuloksista nousi esille, että ohjaaja on kuitenkin aina lähellä, läsnä ja saatavilla, kun lapsi tarvitsee hänen apuaan.

Language: Finnish

Published: Kuopio, Finland, 2020

Master's Thesis

Práticas com inspiração em Maria Montessori no jardim de infância: um estudo de caso [Practices inspired by Maria Montessori in kindergarten: a case study]

Available from: Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti

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Abstract/Notes: O presente relatório foi desenvolvido no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada em Educação Pré-Escolar, integrada no Mestrado em Educação Pré- Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este estudo realizou-se com um grupo de vinte e quatro crianças com 4 anos de idade e a respetiva educadora, de um jardim-de-infância do distrito do Porto. Enquadrouse numa abordagem qualitativa, através de um estudo de caso, sendo a questão de partida orientadora da investigação: De que forma o método de Maria Montessori está presente na organização do ambiente educativo, ao nível do espaço e dos materiais no jardim de infância? Decorrente desta pergunta foram definidos objetivos e mobilizadas técnicas e instrumentos de recolha de dados: a observação participante, a análise documental, as notas de campo, o portefólio reflexivo e a entrevista à educadora cooperante. Assim sendo, foi possível concluir, que na instituição onde decorreu a pesquisa, a educadora cooperante sustentava algumas das suas intervenções educativas em princípios de Maria Montessori, ainda que de forma não consciente. Recorria, designadamente, a materiais e imagens, as mais reais possíveis e utilizava alguns materiais com inspiração no método Montessori na organização do ambiente educativo. Promovia atividades para trabalhar a educação do silêncio, a educação sensorial e a autonomia das crianças. Estas intervenções valorizavam a participação da criança e atribuíam-lhe centralidade no processo de ensino aprendizagem. Na linha da investigação-ação a estagiária teve uma intervenção junto do grupo de crianças sustentada em princípios do método de Montessori que passaram pela organização do ambiente educativo, utilização de materiais diversificados Montessorianos, nas atividades e situações pedagógicas que desenvolveu. Essa ação promoveu o desenvolvimento de várias áreas e domínios de desenvolvimento da criança, nomeadamente: a educação dos sentidos; a coordenação óculo-manual; a motricidade fina e grossa; a aquisição de habilidades para a vida diária; o desenvolvimento de competências de matemática e de linguagem oral e abordagem à escrita. [This report was developed within the scope of the Practice of Supervised Teaching in Pre-School Education, integrated in the Master's Degree in Pre-School Education and Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. This study was carried out with a group of twenty-four 4-year-old children and their teacher, from a kindergarten in the district of Porto. It was framed in a qualitative approach, through a case study, with the starting question guiding the investigation: How is Maria Montessori's method present in the organization of the educational environment, in terms of space and materials in kindergarten? As a result of this question, objectives were defined and techniques and instruments for data collection were mobilized: participant observation, document analysis, field notes, the reflective portfolio and the interview with the cooperating educator. Therefore, it was possible to conclude that in the institution where the research took place, the cooperating educator supported some of her educational interventions in Maria Montessori principles, even if not consciously. She resorted, namely, to materials and images, as real as possible and used some materials inspired by the Montessori method in the organization of the educational environment. She promoted activities to work on the education of silence, sensory education and children's autonomy. These interventions valued the child's participation and attributed centrality to the teaching-learning process. In the line of action-research, the intern had an intervention with the group of children based on the principles of the Montessori method, which went through the organization of the educational environment, use of diverse Montessori materials, in the activities and pedagogical situations that she developed. This action promoted the development of several areas and domains of child development, namely: education of the senses; eye-hand coordination; fine and gross motor skills; the acquisition of skills for daily life; the development of math and oral language skills and approach to writing. Keywords: Method of Maria Montessori; Montessori educational environment; Child conception; Kindergarten in the activities and pedagogical situations he developed. This action promoted the development of several areas and domains of child development, namely: education of the senses; eye-hand coordination; fine and gross motor skills; the acquisition of skills for daily life; the development of mathematics and oral language skills and approach to writing. Keywords: Method of Maria Montessori; Montessori educational environment; Child conception; Kindergarten in the activities and pedagogical situations he developed. This action promoted the development of several areas and domains of child development, namely: education of the senses; eye-hand coordination; fine and gross motor skills; the acquisition of skills for daily life; the development of math and oral language skills and approach to writing.]

Language: Portuguese

Published: Porto, Portugal, 2021

Book Section

Rilievi psicologici in un asilo infantile di un piccolo centro industriale [Psychological reliefs in a kindergarten in a small industrial center]

Book Title: Convegno sui problemi dell'educazione infantile nella vita industriale: atti [Conference on the problems of childhood education in industrial life: proceedings]

Pages: 151-153


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Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Ente Opera Montessori, 1956

Book Section

La scuola materna e lo sviluppo industriale [The kindergarten and industrial development]

Book Title: Convegno sui problemi dell'educazione infantile nella vita industriale: atti [Conference on the problems of childhood education in industrial life: proceedings]

Pages: 9-26


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Language: Italian

Published: Roma, Italy: Ente Opera Montessori, 1956

Analyse des Sozial- und Arbeitsverhaltens mehrfach und verschiedenartig behinderter Kinder unter dem Aspekt der integrierten Erziehung: Beobachtungen in Modellkindergärten nach Maria Montessori d. Inst. für soziale Pädiatrie u. Jugendmedizin d. Univ. München

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Language: German

Published: [München, Germany], 1985


A Study on Teacher Efficacy and Social Support of Kindergarten Teachers / 유아교사의 교사효능감과 사회적 지지에 관한 연구

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 15

Pages: 1-22

Asia, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, East Asia, Montessori method of education, Montessori method of education - Teachers, South Korea, Teachers

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Abstract/Notes: In this research, we have investigated teacher efficacy and social support of kindergarten teachers. We have selected and interviewed 79 and 108 teachers (187 in total) working in public and private kindergartens located in Daejeon city, respectively. Teacher efficacy and social support were analyzed with respect to the career and the educational background of a teacher and to the type of institution. The result indicates that teacher efficacy is affected by the type of institution. The teachers working in public kindergartens show higher teacher efficacy. It also shows that the career and educational background are partially influential in teacher efficacy. In the case of social support, only the family support seems to be affected by the career, education background, and type of institution of a teacher. It has also been found that the teacher efficacy is positively correlated with informational, material and appraisal supports. / 본 연구는 유아교사의 개인적 효능감과 사회적 지지에 대해 알아보았다. 연구의 대상은 대전광역시 소재한 공립유치원 교사 79명, 사립유치원 교사 108명으로 구성된 187명을 대상으로 교사의 효능감과 사회적 지지를 교사의 변인인 경력과 학력, 기관유형에 따라 살펴보았다. 연구 결과 근무 유형에 따라 교사효능감이 차이가 있었으며 공립유치원 교사가 사립유치원 교사보다 교사 효능감이 높게 나타났다. 경력과 학력에 따라서도 효능감의 차이가 부분적으로 있었다. 교사의 변인에 따른 사회적 지지는 교사의 경력, 학력, 근무유형에 따라 가족의 지지가 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 교사효능감과 사회적 지지와의 관계에서는 하위요인인 사회정보적지지, 물질적지지, 평가적지지에서 가족의 지지와 정적 상관이 있는 것으로 나타났다.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417


Auswirkungen und Ursachen der zunehmenden Beliebtheit der Montessoripädagogik in Kindergärten im Vergleich zur Pädagogik Friedrich Fröbels

Montessori method of education

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Language: German

Published: [Graz, Austria]: [s.n.], 1995

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