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743 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

Cooperation Between Parents and Preschool Institutions Through Different Concepts of Preschool Education

Available from: Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal

Publication: Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, vol. 7, no. 4

Pages: 207-226

Europe, Slovenia, Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: This paper analyses the importance, role, and methods of cooperation between parents and preschool institutions through the different concepts of preschool education and different educational approaches and formal frameworks. Through educational approaches, the authors analyse how cooperation affects the implementation of preschool education in alternative educational approaches, such as the Waldorf, Montessori, and Reggio Emilia approaches, and Slovenian public preschool institutions. They envisage that different educational approaches in preschool education perceive the importance and role of cooperation with parents differently and conclude that there are various models of cooperation, which can be demonstrated through a theoretical analysis of the aforementionedalternative preschool approaches. In their view, partnership promotes a shared commitment to the quality realisation of educational goals; it also develops understanding and an ethos of openness in the relationship between all actors in the process of care and education ofpreschool children.

Language: English

DOI: 10.26529/cepsj.372

ISSN: 2232-2647, 1855-9719


✓ Peer Reviewed

Preconstructing Suspicion and Recasting Masculinity in Preschool Settings

Available from: Hipatia Press

Publication: Qualitative Research in Education, vol. 3, no. 3

Pages: 320-344

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Abstract/Notes: Although there is literature explaining how female ethnographers negotiate male-dominated research settings, there is a lack of literature explaining how male ethnographers negotiate female-dominated settings. It is, more or less, taken for granted the research settings males choose will be suitable for them. The field of early childhood education, and preschools in particular, would benefit from a basic explanation of male fieldworker practices and why they are necessary for men in early childhood education settings. Drawing on personal experiences from two years of ethnographic research, I turn to a Montessori preschool in the Midwestern United States to address the complexities of being a male fieldworker in a female-dominated setting. I first explicate some dimensions of preconstructing suspicion of males in ECE. I then develop a gender recasting strategy with the goal of recasting masculinity. Recasting masculinity is a reflexive self-presentation strategy using personal characteristics as resources to build trust and rapport with research participants.

Language: English

DOI: 10.4471/qre.2014.50

ISSN: 2014-6418


Préparation de la maîtresse montessorienne (extrait d'une conférence faite aux Indes) [Preparation of the Montessori teacher (extract from a lecture given in India)]

Publication: Association Montessori de France, no. 14

Pages: 9-15

Asia, India, Maria Montessori - Speeches, addresses, etc., Maria Montessori - Writings, Montessori method of education - Study and teaching, Montessori method of education - Teacher training, South Asia, Teacher training

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Language: French

ISSN: 1244-7161

Master's Thesis

Vilka metoder väljer förskollärare och barnskötare för arbetet med förskolebarns skriv- och läsutveckling? [What methods do preschool teachers and childminders choose for the work with preschool children's writing and reading development?]

Available from: DiVA Portal

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Abstract/Notes: Syftet med studien var att få kunskap om de metoder som förskollärarna använder vid arbetet med skriv- och läsutveckling. I studien ingick sju förskolor där de ansvariga förskollärarna/barnskötarna ...

Language: Swedish

Published: Stockholm, Sweden, 2013


Kids on the Block: A San Francisco Preschool by Mark Horton Architecture Makes the Most of a Prefabricated Structural System

Available from: US Modernist Library

Publication: Architecture

Pages: 68-71

Americas, Architecture, North America, United States of America

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Language: English

ISSN: 0746-0554, 0001-1479


✓ Peer Reviewed

Üç Farklı Programa Göre Eğitim Alan Okul Öncesi Çocukların Sosyal Kural Algılarının İncelenmesi / Examination of Preschool Children’s Conceptions of Social Rules Regarding Three Different Preschool Education Programs

Available from: DergiPark Akademik

Publication: Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi / Journal of Selçuk University Institute of Social Sciences, no. 28

Pages: 197-207

Asia, Comparative education, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Middle East, Montessori method of education, Preschool children, Preschool education, Social development, Social emotional learning, Socialization, Turkey

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Abstract/Notes: Pre-school education is important in terms of children's acquisition of social rules and rearing them as socialized individuals. However, it seems that there are limited studies regarding the issue of which pre-school education approach or pre-school education program is more effective on the development of children's perception of social rule. Therefore, with this research it is aimed to study the social rule perceptions of 5-year old children who get education according to three different programs Montessori Approach, Multiple Intelligences Theory-Based Education and Preschool Education Program Implemented by the Ministry of Education *Dependent variable of this experimental study is the social rule perception of 5-year old children while independent variables are three different preschool education programs Montessori approach, education based on multiple intelligences theory, Preschool Education Program implemented by the Ministry of Education with effects on children’s perception of social rule. Total of 62 children participated in this study, including 21 children attending a university kindergarten where Montessori Approach is applied, 19 children attending nursery class within primary school where education based on Multiple Intelligences Theory is implemented within the scope of EU Project called “If there are multiple intelligences there is no unsuccessful child ” and 22 randomly selected children attending an independent kindergarten and nursery class within primary school where Preschool education program of Ministry of Education is implemented. Age of these children showing normal development ranged from 60 to 66 months. "Conception of Moral and Social Rules Scale" that was used to evaluate social rule perception of the children participating in this study, was developed by Smetana 1981 . The scale which consists of 10 conventional pictures showing transgression of moral and social rules, includes two sub-scales. They are: "Conception of Moral Rule" and "Conception of Social Rule" subscales. In this study, only " Conception of Social Rule" sub-scale was used according to the purposes of the research. Conception of Social Rule sub scale consists of 5 pictures showing transgression of social rules. Children were asked 5 questions consecutively for each of these pictures. Each question asked aimed to create data for 5 sub dimensions of the scale. Sub dimensions of the sub scale are; Seriousness in Social Rules, Absence of Authority in Social Rules, Absence of Social Rules, Generalization of Social Rules and Punishment in Social Rules. Conception of Social Rule sub scale of Conception of Moral and Social Rules Scale was applied to the children in working group in a pre-test and post-test form. Pre-test data were collected at the beginning of the academic year, while post-test data were collected at the end of the academic year. No intervention that would affect children’s perception of social rule in a desired direction was made to the education programs of the institutions where different pre-school education programs are implemented. Single-factor ANCOVA was used in order to determine whether social rule perception of the children included in the study differs according to the preschool education program they attend. Bonferroni test was used in cases where ANCOVA was significant. According to the Covariance Analysis results significant difference was found F 2,58 = 7.210, p .05]. Results of Bonferroni test, which was implemented to determine the pre-school education program or programs that cause the significant difference obtained from Seriousness in Social Rules, Absence of authority in Social Rules and Punishment in Social Rules sub-dimensions in accordance with Covariance Analysis, show that Seriousness in Social Rules, Absence of authority in Social Rules and Punishment in Social Rules sub-dimensions scores of the children who receive education according to Montessori approach are significantly higher than the scores of the children who receive education according to the other preschool education programs. In this study which compares social rule conception of the preschool children getting education according to Montessori approach, education program based on the theory of multiple intelligence and pre-school education program implemented by the Ministry of Education; it’s observed that the children who receive education according to Montessori approach had significantly higher scores than the children who receive education according to the other pre-school education programs in Seriousness in Social Rules, Absence of Authority in Social Rules and Punishment in Social Rules sub-dimensions of social rule conception sub scale. This situation indicates that the children receiving education based on Montessori Approach take social rules more serious and their perception regarding importance of obeying the rules even in absence of the authority mother-father, teacher etc. is higher. These children obey the rules not because the authority wants them to do so, but because they comprehend the importance and necessity of acting in accordance with the rules. In other words, the children getting education in Montessori Approach have internalized social rules. The researchers state that children's conception of social rules may develop as they experience the rules and practices of the social system in which they exist Smetana, Schlagman and Adams, 1993; Smetana, 1984 . This means that, Montessori Approach is able to offer this experience to the children in a better way than the other pre-school education programs. Another sub-dimension where difference between the means was statistically significant was Punishment in Social Rules sub dimension. According to these finding obtained, perception of punishment in case of breaking social rules is higher in children getting education according to Montessori Approach than the children getting education in other pre-school education programs. This means the children that receive education according to Montessori Approach are more decisive in necessity of obeying social rules and punishing those who transgress social rules. It was identified that scores regarding Absence of Social Rules and Generalization of Social Rules sub dimensions of Social Rule Conception sub scale did not differ depending on the pre-school education program attended. In other words perception of all the participant children is found to be equivalent to each other regarding the necessity of obeying social rules even if there is no verbally expressed rule and acceptance of social rules in every environment lived in. In any case, pre-school educational institutions provide the best environment for children so that they acquire social rules and understand the importance of these rules. Seçer and Sarı 2006 , who studied moral and social rule conception of the children who attend and who do not attend preschool educational institution, determined that mean score of the children attending pre-school educational institution received from Absence of Authority in Social Rules, Generalization of Social Rules and Absence of Social Rules sub dimensions is significantly higher than those who do not attend pre-school educational institution. / Bu çalışmada, üç farklıprograma Montessori Yaklaşımı, Çoklu Zekâ Kuramına DayalıEğitim ve Milli Eğitim BakanlığıTarafından Uygulanan Okul Öncesi Eğitim Programı göre eğitim alan okul öncesi çocukların sosyal kural algılarıincelenmiştir. Normal gelişim gösteren ve yaşları60 ile 66 ay arasında değişen toplam 62 çocuk çalışmaya katılmıştır. Çocukların 21 tanesi Montessori Yaklaşımına göre, 19 tanesi Çoklu Zekâ Kuramına göre, 22 tanesi ise Milli Eğitim Bakanlığıtarafından halıhazırda uygulanan okul öncesi eğitim programına göre bir eğitim-öğretim yılıboyunca okul öncesi eğitim almışlardır. Deneysel bir çalışma olan bu araştırma da ön-test ve son-test verileri, Smetana 1981 tarafından geliştirilen Ahlaki ve Sosyal Kural AlgısıÖlçeği’nin Sosyal Kural Algısıalt ölçeği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen verilerin analizinde betimsel istatistiklerin yanısıra, araştırmanın amaçlarınıtest etmek amacıyla, ANCOVA, ANCOVA’nın anlamlıolduğu durumlarda Bonferroni Testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda çocukların Sosyal Kural Algısıalt ölçeğinin Sosyal Kurallarda Ciddiyet, Sosyal Kurallarda Otoritenin Yokluğu ve Sosyal Kurallarda Ceza alt boyutlarına ait puanların çocukların eğitim aldığıokul öncesi eğitim programına göre değiştiği saptanmıştır. Bonferroni çoklu karşılaştırma sonuçları, farklılığın Montessori Yaklaşımı’na göre eğitim alan grubun lehine olduğunu göstermiştir. Sosyal Kuralların Yokluğu ve Sosyal KurallarıGenelleme alt boyutlarına ait puanların ise çocukların eğitim aldığıokul öncesi eğitim programına göre anlamlıbir şekilde farklılaşmadığıtespit edilmiştir.

Language: Turkish

ISSN: 1302-1796, 2667-4750


Becoming and Being the Foreign Language Specialist in Your Classroom [preview of presentation at 2001 summer conference]

Publication: AMI Elementary Alumni Association Newsletter, vol. 33, no. 3

Pages: 7

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Language: English


✓ Peer Reviewed

Presencia de la Pedagogía Montessori en revistas profesionales españolas. El caso de Infancia, Aula de infantil y Cuadernos de Pedagogía / Presence of Montessori Pedagogy in professionals Spanish journals. The case of Infancia, Aula de infantil and Cuadernos de Pedagogía

Available from: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Publication: RELAdEI (Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Infantil), vol. 5, no. 2

Pages: 166-176

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Abstract/Notes: Ofrecemos un estudio sobre la presencia y enfoque de la pedagogía Montessori en las revistas españolas In-fan-cia, Aula de infantil y Cuadernos de Pedagogía. Después de hacer un recuento de la totalidad de artículos que sobre esa pedagogía publicaron las citadas revistas hasta el presente, identificamos su enfoque y los temas abordados. Se encuentra una escasa, aunque creciente, presencia de artículos sobre la educación montessoriana. Al realizar el análisis de contenido, hemos descubierto que la mayoría de estos artículos se refieren a propuestas prácticas fuertemente relacionadas con los principios de la pedagogía Montessori. Considerados en su conjunto, en ellos aparecen todos los temas clave. Este estudio constituye un completo índice y una útil guía para aquellos lectores de lengua castellana que quieran introducirse en el estudio de esta original pedagogía. / This study analyzes the presence and approach of Montessori pedagogy in Spanish journals In-fan-cia, Aula de infantil and Cuadernos de Pedagogía. After recounting all articles about this pedagogy published in the aforementioned journals so far, it is identified the approach and addressed subjects. A small but growing presence of articles on Montessori education was found. In the content analysis, we have found that most of these articles refer to practical proposals strongly related to the principles of Montessori pedagogy. Taken together, key themes appear in all of them. This study is a comprehensive index and a useful guide for those Spanish language readers who want to know this original teaching.

Language: Spanish

ISSN: 2255-0666


UNESCO: Promoting a Prepared Environment for Cultural Diversity and an Indirect Preparation for Peace

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 2005, no. 4

Pages: 35–36

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Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959


Transitions [Bob Portielje leaves presidency; Renilde Montessori becomes president; Mary Hayes becomes General Secretary]

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 2000, no. 4

Pages: 3–4

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Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959

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