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✓ Peer Reviewed

An Evaluation of Montessori and Day Care Programs for Disadvantaged Children

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Publication: The Journal of Educational Research, vol. 68, no. 3

Pages: 95-99

Americas, Comparative education, Montessori method of education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: This study compared Montessori and day care compensatory programs for disadvantaged children. Students in the treatment programs were compared to a disadvantaged control group and an advantaged middle-class control group on eight tests of cognitive skill and on a composite factor score derived from the eight tests as a single summary index. Analysis indicated that treatment differences existed on six of the nine analyses. Both preschool programs were effective in raising levels of performance beyond those of other disadvantaged Students and both approached middle class levels of performance, yet the treatment groups did not differ from each other.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1080/00220671.1974.10884719

ISSN: 0022-0671


✓ Peer Reviewed

ACEs: Evidence, Gaps, Evaluation and Future Priorities

Available from: Cambridge University Press

Publication: Social Policy and Society, vol. 18, no. 3

Pages: 415-424

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Abstract/Notes: There is strong evidence linking adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and poor outcomes in adulthood both in terms of mental and physical health. Gaps in both the evidence base and research priorities still exist. These include understanding how to identify and assess risk in children who have experienced ACEs, and also the development and, importantly, the evaluation of interventions. Outstanding gaps include whether there are sensitive periods during childhood, the role of resilience/protective factors, the causal relationships, biological mechanisms and relative risk of ACEs for particular negative outcomes. ACEs affect individual children differently and chronic exposure appears to increase the risk of poor outcomes in adulthood, meaning interventions should also be tailored to the individual children, families and communities. Generally, there needs to be better evaluation of interventions and dissemination of this information to ensure that their use is evidence based. More input from affected communities, clinicians, funding bodies and Government departments is required to identify research priorities and ensure gaps in the evidence base are addressed.

Language: English

DOI: 10.1017/S1474746419000149

ISSN: 1474-7464, 1475-3073


✓ Peer Reviewed

O Portfolio Como Instrumento de Avaliação da Aprendizagem em Escola Montessoriana [The Portfolio as an Instrument of Learning Evaluation in a Montessorian School / El Portafolio como Herramienta para Evaluar el Aprendizaje en Escuela Montessori]

Publication: Meta: Avaliação, vol. 4, no. 10

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Abstract/Notes: O presente estudo teve por objetivo registrar o processo de construção, em tempo real, do portfolio como instrumento de avaliação da aprendizagem de alunos de 6 a 9 anos do Ensino Fundamental I, do Colegio Agora, Escola Montessoriana. O que caracteriza o portfolio como modalidade de avaliação nao e o seu formato fisico, mas a concepcao de ensino que ele veicula. O estudo foi desenvolvido durante o ano letivo de 2009 em diferentes etapas: preparação, desenvolvimento e avaliação. Cada uma delas contribuiu, em importância, para a parceria entre os elementos do processo educacional: o educando, educador e a familia, visando transformar o metodo de avaliação no Ensino Fundamental I, favorecendo o trabalho coletivo e uma ‘nova’ meta de ensino-aprendizagem. Chegado ao final do 3º trimestre, percebeu-se o quanto os alunos compreendiam claramente o caminho percorrido, suas dificuldades e conquistas. O portfolio tratado como abordagem pedagogica didatica realizada com fidelidade às etapas de desenvolvimento de cada crianca dentro dos agrupamentos constituiu um caminho facilitador de aprendizagens significativas, de descobertas e construção de identidade pessoal, no sentido do desenvolvimento integral dos alunos. Recomenda-se que seja elaborada uma ficha para validar, de forma sistematica, as proximas construcoes do portfolio, como tambem o registro e a documentação do desenvolvimento e dos niveis de aprendizagem de cada aluno, a cada trimestre letivo. / El objetivo del estudio es presentar el proceso de construcción en tiempo real del portafolio como una herramienta para evaluar el aprendizaje de los alumnos de 6 a 9 años del Colegio Agora, una Escuela Montessori. Lo que caracteriza el portafolio como un medio de evaluacion no es su formato fisico, sino el diseño de la enseñanza que transmite. El estudio se llevo a cabo durante el año 2009 en las distintas etapas: preparacion, desarrollo y evaluacion. Cada una de ellas contribuyo bastante en la asociacion de los elementos del proceso educativo: el educador, el alumno y la familia, para transformar el metodo de evaluacion en la escuela primaria, fomentando el trabajo en grupo y un "nuevo" objetivo de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Al llegar al final del tercer trimestre, se observo como los estudiantes entendieron con claridad el camino, sus dificultades y logros. El portafolio tratado como un enfoque pedagogico para la enseñanza lleva a cabo con fidelidad las etapas de desarrollo de cada estudiante dentro de los grupos. Una manera de facilitar el aprendizaje significativo, el descubrimiento y la construcción de la identidad personal, hacia el pleno desarrollo de los estudiantes. Se recomienda que se elabore una ficha para validar, de manera sistematica, las proximas construcciónes del portafolio, asi como el registro y documentacion de desarrollo y de los niveles de aprendizaje de cada estudiante, cada trimestre escolar.

Language: Portuguese

ISSN: 2175-2753


✓ Peer Reviewed

Duyu Eğitiminin Otistik Çocukların Alıcı Dil Gelişimine Etkileri / Evaluation of Sensorial Education on Receptive Language Development of Autistic Children

Available from: DergiPark Akademik

Publication: Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi / Kastamonu Education Journal, vol. 25, no. 5

Pages: 1819-1834

Asia, Autism in children, Children with disabilities, Developmentally disabled children, Language acquisition, Language development, Middle East, Montessori materials, Montessori method of education, Sensorial education, Sensorial materials, Turkey

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Abstract/Notes: This study aimed to evaluate a sensorial education program using Montessori sensorial materials on receptive language development of 8 young children (DSM-V) with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). At the end of 6 months intervention period, the sensory processing of the participants was evaluated using Sensory Processing Evaluation Form for Children with ASD and their receptive language level was measured using Peabody Picture – Vocabulary Test. In this study, multiple survey models between subjects were used in single subject design. The emerging findings of the research suggest that there is a substantial improvement in auditory, visual and tactile skills of five out of eight participants. The remainder three participants demonstrated increase in their receptive language scores but a little improvement was observed in their auditory, tactile and visual comprehension. / Bu araştırmada, montessori materyalleri ile sunulan duyusal entegrasyon programının otizmli çocukların alıcı dil gelişimi üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma grubunu, bir okul öncesi kurumunda kaynaştırma eğitimine devam eden, DSM-V kriterlerine göre otizm tanısı almış 8 otizmli çocuk oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma öncesi ve sonrasında çalışma grubunu oluşturan otizmli çocuklar duyusal açısı ve alıcı dil düzeyleri; Peabody Resim-Kelime Testi ve Otizmli Çocuklar İçin Duyusal Değerlendirme Formu kullanılarak değerlendirilmişlerdir. Bu çalışmada, tek-denekli araştırma yöntemlerinden, denekler arası çoklu yoklama modeli kullanılmıştır.Çalışmanın sonucunda; araştırma grubundaki çocuklardan beşinin; işitsel, görsel ve dokunsal algı becerilerinde önemli ölçüde başarı sağladıkları ve dil puanlarının yükseldiği gözlenmiştir. Diğer üç denekte ise; alıcı dil puanlarının yükseldiği ancak işitsel, dokunsal ve görsel algılarındaki artışın daha sınırlı olduğu görülmüştür.

Language: Turkish

ISSN: 2147-9844


✓ Peer Reviewed

Determining the Measurement Quality of a Montessori High School Teacher Evaluation Survey

Available from: University of Kansas Libraries

Publication: Journal of Montessori Research, vol. 3, no. 1

Pages: 30-44

Americas, Montessori method of education - Evaluation, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this study was to conduct a psychometric validation of a course evaluation instrument, known as a student evaluation of teaching (SET), implemented in a Montessori high school. The authors demonstrate to the Montessori community how to rigorously examine the measurement and assessment quality of instruments used within Montessori schools. The Montessori high school community needs an SET that has been rigorously examined for measurement issues. The examined SET was developed by a Montessori high school, and the sample data were collected from Montessori high school students. Using a Rasch partial credit model, the results of the analysis identified several measurement issues, including multidimensionality, misfit items, and inappropriate item difficulty levels. A revised version of the SET underwent the same analysis procedure, and the results indicated that measurement issues persisted. The authors suggest several ways to improve the overall measurement quality of the instrument while keeping the Montessori foundation. Additional validation studies with a revised version of the SET will be needed before the instrument can be endorsed for full implementation in a Montessori setting.

Language: English

DOI: 10.17161/jomr.v3i1.5871

ISSN: 2378-3923


✓ Peer Reviewed

Between Action and Theory: A Check List for Teachers Self-Evaluation in Montessori Contexts

Available from: Firenze University Press

Publication: Formare [Form@re], vol. 18, no. 3

Pages: 322-331

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Abstract/Notes: The article presents the first monitoring phase following the introduction of the Montessori Method in three primary school classes of the public sector in Trentino, Northern Italy. In this context we are proposing a check list developed to observe teachers and children actions into experimental classes, with the aim of monitoring the gap between implemented educational choices and the theoretical references proposed by Maria Montessori. The check list points offer a supportive self-evaluation tool for teachers in Montessori public school contexts. [Tra l’agito e il dichiarato: una griglia osservativa per l’autovalutazione del docente nelle classi a metodo MontessoriIl contributo presenta la prima fase di monitoraggio dell’esperienza a metodo Montessori in tre classi di scuola primaria pubblica trentina. In questo contesto viene presentata una check list osservativa costruita per osservare le azioni di insegnanti e bambini all’interno delle classi sperimentali, con l’intento di monitorare lo scarto tra le scelte didattiche messe in atto e i riferimenti teorici proposti da Maria Montessori nell’ambito della scuola primaria. La check list proposta intende offrire uno strumento in grado di orientare il processo di autovalutazione dell’insegnante in contesti di scuola pubblica ad indirizzo montessoriano.]

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.13128/formare-23930

ISSN: 1825-7321


✓ Peer Reviewed

Montessori Eğitiminin Çocuklarda Sorumluluk Alma, Sırasını Bekleme, Başladığı İşi Bitirme Becerisine Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi / Evaluation of the Effect of Montessori Education in Taking Responsibility, Waiting for Turns, and Skills on Completion of Started Tasks

Available from: DergiPark Akademik

Publication: Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi / Journal of Values Education, vol. 12, no. 27

Pages: 307-322

Asia, Middle East, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Normalization, Social development, Social emotional learning, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Raising children in the intended way and bringing them up as individuals that beneit society is possible with a gradual education from pre-school to higher education. The irst and most important step of this gradual education is the preschool education. The main function of the pre-school education is laying the foundation required to provide the individuals with a basic knowledge, skills and values that are necessary in social life (Aslan, 2007). According to Ryna, schools and classes are societies that form the good or bad atmospheres. The key person to this society is the teacher (Yazıcı, 2007; Cited in; Baydar, 2009, p. 489). The concept of value is a sociological one and the values are the rules that form the basis of the value judgments (Halstead, 1996). Values are not universal but they relect the relations between the contrasts such as beautiful and ugly; good and bad (Meaney, 1979). In the life of a society, everything is perceived according to values and its comparison with others. Individuals generally adopt the values of the group, society and culture they live in and use these as a measure in their judgments and choices. Therefore, they gain the opportunity to reach general judgments such as righteous, more appropriate, more beautiful, more important and more just. In the basis of being deprived of values is the absence of a human value system that we can believe in because it is true that we can dedicate ourselves to and that can be validated and implemented (Dilmaç, 2007; Can, 2008; Bahçe, 2010). Montessori Method is one of the alternative programs that can be effective in the teaching and acquiring values. Montessori Method that adopts a modern education approach; provides children with the opportunities to research, try, make mistakes and correct their mistakes on their own (Vilscek, 1966). According to Montessori, understanding the laws of nature is the basis of science. Children should understand the order, harmony and beauty of nature and feel happy about it. The individuality of children is in the foreground in Montessori Method. Each child is an individual that has a unique development. According to Montessori, children need liberty to reach their full physical, intellectual and emotional potential. However, this one is a liberty that can be reached through order and self-discipline. The purpose of Montessori Method is helping the children to reach their highest level of potential without slogging (Oktay, 1987, p. 62–69; Korkmaz, 2006; Vuslat & Akyol, 2006, p. 243–256). Researchers emphasize that, Montessori Method makes positive contributions to children’s life-long learning, liberty, endurance, calmness, speaking with thinking, selfconidence, understanding, making eficient decisions, tolerance, open-mindedness and social cooperation (Gleen, 2003; Faryadi, 2007). Montessori Method enables children to ind the best and easiest way to learn on their own by applying themselves. / Bu çalışmada Montessori eğitiminin çocuklarda sorumluluk alma, sırasını bekleme, başladığı işi bitirme, becerisine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın örneklemini Konya Selçuk Üniversitesi, Mesleki Eğitim Fakültesi, İhsan Doğramacı Uygulama Anaokuluna devam eden 4-6 yaş aralığındaki 30 deney 30 kontrol grubu olmak üzere 60 çocuk oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada sorumluluk alma, sırasını bekleme ve başladığı işi bitirme olmak üzere üç beceri ile ilgili "Sırasını Bekleme, Sorumluluk Alma ve Başladığı İşi Bitirme Değerlendirme Formu" kullanılmıştır. Araştırma verileri gözlem ve görüşme tekniği ile toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda Montessori grubu ile kontrol grubu arasında anlamlı düzeyde fark bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak Montessori eğitimi alan çocukların geleneksel eğitim alan çocuklara göre "sırasını bekleme, sorumluluk alma ve başladığı işi bitirme" davranışlarını daha sık sergiledikleri görülmüştür. Bu doğrultuda farklı eğitim yaklaşımlarının okul öncesi çocukların eğitimine yeni bir bakış oluşturabileceği söylenebilir. Erken çocukluk eğitiminde davranış kazandırma açısından faklı yaklaşımlara yer verilebilir.

Language: Turkish

ISSN: 1303-880X


Evaluation of the Indianapolis Public Schools' Montessori Option (K-6) Pupil Progress Report: Appendix

Americas, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori schools, North America, Public Montessori, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: Parents and guardians of children in the Indianapolis Public Schools' Montessori Option Program for kindergartners through sixth graders were surveyed. Parents and guardians were surveyed on: (1) the pupil progress report, which was used on a pilot basis during the 1988-89 school year; (2) the Montessori method; (3) strengths and weaknesses of the program; and (4) changes the program needed. The survey instrument consisted of a section on respondent characteristics, 32 closed-ended questions, and 3 open-ended questions. The five sections of the survey introduced the topics of the evaluation key, report card headings and philosophy, report card delivery to parents and guardians, and basic principles of the Montessori method. The survey elicited parent opinions about the program. The households of 536 pupils and 50 school staff members in the 3 Montessori Option elementary schools received questionnaires. This appendix to the main report provides: (1) survey design input from parents, teachers, and others; (2) the Montessori Option Pupil Progress Report Survey; and (3) parent and teacher responses for each item.

Language: English

Published: Indianapolis, Indiana: Indianapolis Public Schools, 1989

Volume: 3 of 3

Book Section

Evaluation of Montessori and Open Classrooms: A Survey of the Literature

Book Title: Evaluation of Educational Outcomes: Noncognitive Domains

Pages: 1-29

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Language: English

Published: New York: American Montessori Society, 1977


✓ Peer Reviewed

An Evaluation of the Montessori Method in Schools for Young Children

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Publication: Childhood Education, vol. 42, no. 8

Pages: 489-492

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Language: English

DOI: 10.1080/00094056.1966.10727979

ISSN: 0009-4056, 2162-0725

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