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94 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

Montessori Approach to Science Education: Cosmic Vision as a Unique Area of Pupils’ Studies / Montessoriańskie podejście do poznawania środowiska społeczno-przyrodniczego. Kosmiczna edukacja jako wyjątkowy obszar uczniowskiego poznania

Available from: Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

Publication: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce / Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, vol. 16, no. 3 (whole number 61)

Pages: 71-86

Eastern Europe, Europe, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Poland, Science - Study and teaching

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Abstract/Notes: Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przypomnienie głównych założeń, jakie sformułowała Maria Montessori na temat rozwoju dziecka i organizacji procesu edukacyjnego, jako punktów krytycznych w rozważaniach nad koncepcją kształcenia w zakresie poznawania środowiska społeczno-przyrodniczego. W pedagogice Montessori wskazana koncepcja przybiera postać tzw. Kosmicznej Edukacji. Kosmiczna Edukacja jest unikatowym podejściem w pracy z dziećmi w wieku od 6 do 12 lat. W artykule wyjaśniono ideę Edukacji Kosmicznej, wskazano związek między potrzebami dziecka a programem poznawania środowiska społeczno-przyrodniczego. Opisano istotę Wielkich i Kluczowych Lekcji, jako ośrodków dziecięcych badań i dociekań. Zaprezentowano także rekomendowany przez Montessori sposób poznawania przez dzieci fundamentalnych potrzeba człowieka, będący inspiracją dla praktyki szkolnej. Podstawą do zebrania materiału empirycznego była analiza treści, przeprowadzona w celu scharakteryzowania aktualnych osiągnięć w ramach wybranego tematu.

Language: English

DOI: 10.35765/eetp.2021.1661.05

ISSN: 1896-2327, 2353-7787


✓ Peer Reviewed

Origine et Évolution des Recherches Psychologiques sur le Toucher en France [Early Psychological Studies on Touch and Their Evolution in France]

Available from: CAIRN

Publication: L'Année Psychologique, vol. 111, no. 4

Pages: 701-723

Europe, France, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: C’est au cours de la fin du XIXe et de la première moitié du XXe siècle que s’est constituée en France une véritable psychologie du toucher, dont l’apport est souvent méconnu. L’intérêt pour ce sens généralement considéré comme mineur provient de deux sources, l’une d’origine éducative pratique et l’autre expérimentale et fondamentale. Sur le plan éducatif, les deux praticiens pionniers que furent Valentin Haüy et Louis Braille ont voulu faire accéder les enfants aveugles à l’instruction et la scolarisation. Ils ont donc recherché des procédés d’écriture en relief compatibles avec les propriétés fonctionnelles du toucher, propriétés qu’ils ont mises en partie en évidence. L’autre origine de ces études sur le toucher se trouve, grâce à Henri Piéron et à ses associés, dans le développement de la psychologie expérimentale et des méthodes de mesure psychophysique des sensations. La sensibilité cutanée et plus généralement somesthésique a fait l’objet au début du XXe siècle de différents travaux de laboratoire sur des adultes voyants, et ces travaux ont complété les recherches sur la vision et l’audition, bien plus nombreuses. Dans le présent article, nous décrivons l’apport de ces deux courants de recherche qui ont d’abord progressé indépendamment l’un de l’autre, puis qui ont fusionné en France à partir de la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. [During the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, a psychology of touch emerged in France as a result of educational motivations and of the development of academic experimental psychology. Educational motivations concerned mainly two practitioners, Valentin Haüy and Louis Braille, who worked with blind people and informally searched for methods allowing blind children to be schooled and to read through raised-line alphabets adapted to the functional properties of touch. On the other hand, the development of experimental psychology and psychophysics led researchers (mainly Henri Piéron and his associates) to work on the analysis of cutaneous and somaesthetic sensations and perceptions of sighted adults. These two directions of research developed first independently in France until the end of the Second World War. By this time, they became associated and experimental research on the tactile modality was conducted both on blind and sighted children and adults. In the present article, we describe this evolution of the works on touch.]

Language: French

DOI: 10.4074/S0003503311004040

ISSN: 0003-5033


✓ Peer Reviewed

"Just the Facts, Ma'am": Teaching Social Studies in the Era of Standards and High-Stakes Testing

Available from: Taylor and Francis Online

Publication: The Social Studies, vol. 98, no. 2

Pages: 54-58

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Abstract/Notes: The authors discuss the impact of standards and testing on curriculum and instruction. They begin with a brief history of the growth and development of academic standards and high-stakes testing. Next, they review relevant research on the impact high-stakes testing has had on curriculum and instruction and discuss ways that high-stakes testing has influenced student-teacher relationships. They also discuss specific problems faced by social studies teachers in the era of academic standards and high-stakes testing.

Language: English

DOI: 10.3200/TSSS.98.2.54-58

ISSN: 0037-7996, 2152-405X


Empirische Untersuchungen über Effekte im Montessoriorientierten Unterricht bei lernbehinderten Schülern [Empirical studies on the effects of Montessori-oriented teaching on students with learning disabilities]

Publication: Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik, vol. 36

Pages: 398-413

Developmental disabilities, Developmentally disabled children, Developmentally disabled youth, Inclusive education, Learning disabilities, Learning disabled children, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Special education

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Language: German

ISSN: 0513-9066

Web Page

Rival Studies Shed Light On The Merits Of A Montessori Education

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori education has many loyal devotees, but is it any better than traditional schools or than other progressive teaching philosophies?

Language: English

Published: Jan 1, 2018


Transcultural Studies

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 6, no. 1

Pages: 11–12

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Abstract/Notes: List of books

Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040

Book Section

An Academic Preschool for Disadvantaged Children: Conclusions from Evaluation Studies

Available from: Books to Borrow @ Internet Archive

Book Title: Preschool Programs for the Disadvantaged: Five Experimental Approaches to Early Childhood Education: Proceedings of the First Annual Hyman Blumberg Symposium on Research in Early Childhood Education

Pages: 1-21

Children with disabilities, Conferences, Developmentally disabled children, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Hyman Blumberg Symposium on Research in Early Childhood Education (1st, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, 1971), Inclusive education, Preschool children, Preschool education, Special education

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Language: English

Published: Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972

ISBN: 978-0-8018-1370-2 0-8018-1370-0


Squares or Calla Lilies for Children's Studies: Montessori Methods of Training the Child Mind Called Prosaic by Ardent Defender of the Poetry of Froebel

Available from: Chronicling America (Library of Congress)

Publication: New York Tribune (New York, New York)

Pages: 7

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Language: English

ISSN: 1941-0646

Master's Thesis (Action Research Report)

Finding Roots in the Montessori Social Studies Curriculum

Available from: St. Catherine University

Action research

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Abstract/Notes: This action research aimed to determine if an equity audit of the Montessori social studies curriculum and learning about the researcher’s culture impacted professional self-efficacy and resilience. This six-week intervention and study was a self-study through daily regimented activities. Three weeks were used to learn more about the researcher’s own culture and history. Three additional weeks were dedicated to the equity audit process, where the researcher revised original lessons or created new, culturally sustaining lessons to augment the curriculum. The data collected was completed daily using four tools: an attitude scale, a guided questionnaire, a reflective journal, and finally during the three-week audit period, a curriculum audit checklist. The data suggested strong levels of self-efficacy and resilience across the intervention, though resilience wavered and lowered throughout due to its taxing nature. Additional supports and research can better support educators of color prepare for altering and implementing a culturally sustaining and anti-bias, antiracist Montessori social studies curriculum.

Language: English

Published: St. Paul, Minnesota, 2022


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori’s training in Rome: anthropological studies and aspirations for social reform / La formació de Maria Montessori a Roma: estudis antropològics i aspiracions a la reforma social

Available from: Hemeroteca Científica Catalana

Publication: Educació i Història: Revista d'Història de l'Educació, no. 40

Pages: 17-32

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - History

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori graduated in medicine from the University of Rome and subsequently took part in the research activities of Roman medical anthropology scholars, some of whom were leading exponents in Italian science and culture. Giuseppe Sergi was a major figure in the national public debate regarding some of the main concerns in Italian society, focusing on the causes and consequences of poverty and illiteracy, and the need for a more effective education system. The ideas of Sergi and other scholars (C. Bonfigli, S. De Sanctis, N. D'Alfonso) regarding these problems influenced Maria Montessori. Indeed, she was inspired and encouraged by Sergi himself to direct her activities and research to the field of childcare and education. Medical anthropology was therefore an essential element in the formation of the young Montessori, and the genesis of her pedagogy and method. Teaching at the Institute of Education for Women in Rome represented an opportunity to develop a relevant “pedagogical anthropology” for her scientific evolution, even though Maria Montessori herself would later leave it behind. / Maria Montessori es va llicenciar en medicina a la Universitat de Roma i posteriorment va participar en la investigació amb erudits romans d’antropologia mèdica, alguns dels quals eren els principals exponents del món científic i cultural italià. Giuseppe Sergi, en particular, va estar molt present en el debat públic nacional sobre alguns dels principals problemes de la societat italiana: les causes i les conseqüències de la pobresa i l'analfabetisme i la necessitat d'un sistema educatiu més eficaç. Les idees de Sergi i altres científics (C. Bonfigli, S. De Sanctis, N. D'Alfonso) sobre aquests problemes van influir en Maria Montessori. La jove doctora va ser inspirada i animada pel mateix Sergi a dirigir les seves activitats i investigacions en el camp de la cura i l’educació infantil. L’antropologia mèdica va ser, per tant, un element essencial en la formació de la jove Montessori i també en la gènesi de la seva pedagogia, així com del mètode. L'ensenyament a l’Institut femení del Magisteri de Roma va ser una oportunitat per desenvolupar una "antropologia pedagògica" rellevant per al seu creixement científic, fins al punt que la mateixa Maria Montessori la va superar i abandonar durant el procés de maduració del seu pensament. / María Montessori se graduó en medicina por la Universidad de Roma y posteriormente participó en la investigación con eruditos romanos de antropología médica, algunos de los cuales fueron exponentes distinguidos del mundo científico y cultural italiano. Giuseppe Sergi, en particular, estuvo muy presente en el debate público nacional sobre algunos de los principales problemas de la sociedad italiana, las causas y consecuencias de la pobreza y el analfabetismo y la necesidad de un sistema educativo más eficaz. Las ideas de Sergi y otros investigadores (C. Bonfigli, S. De Sanctis, N. D'Alfonso) sobre estos problemas influyeron en María Montessori y, por otro lado, la joven doctora se inspiró y fue animada por el propio Sergi para dirigir sus actividades e investigación en el campo del cuidado infantil y la educación. La antropología médica fue, por tanto, un elemento esencial en la formación de la joven Montessori y también en la génesis de su pedagogía, así como del método. La enseñanza en el Instituto femenino del Magisterio de Roma fue una oportunidad para desarrollar una "antropología pedagógica" relevante para su crecimiento científico, aunque la misma María Montessori la superó y abandonó durante el proceso de la maduración de su pensamiento.

Language: English

DOI: 10.2436/e&h.v0i40.150347

ISSN: 2013-9632, 1134-0258

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