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1444 results


Montessori Education and Environmental Education Walk Hand-in-Hand

Publication: The National Montessori Reporter, vol. 24, no. 3

Pages: 6–9

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Language: English


Making Sense of Education: Fifteen Contemporary Education Theorists in Their Own Words

Available from: Springer Link

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Language: English

Published: New York, New York: Springer, 2012

ISBN: 978-94-007-4016-7 978-94-007-4017-4

Master's Thesis

Montessori eğitim sistemi ve İslam eğitim sisteminin karşılaştırılması / Comparision of Montessori education system with Islamic education system

Available from: Ulusal Tez Merkezi / National Thesis Center (Turkey)

Comparative education, Islamic education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Religious education

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Abstract/Notes: In this study where literature review method is used, Montessori education method that is considered among the alternative education methods and the one that carefully defines what kind of education and learning experiences are suitable and useful for each growing period and Islamic education whose basic aim is to grow "mature human being" has been compared. In the introduction part of the study containing two sections as introduction and another two parts, the problem, aim, importance, hypotheses, methods and limitations of the study are handled. Montessori Education system is examined in the first part, and in the second part it is compared with Islamic education that forms the basis for the study, giving information about Islamic education system. Studies carried out on both Montessori and Islamic education systems were searched thoroughly and then they were carefully evaluated before starting to write. Within this context, all the sources related to the subject in the libraries in Turkey were provided, a very large database of information for foreign sources were scanned and they were obtained through different ways. In the light of the data obtained as a result of the study, the methods and principles that are similar in both approaches were determined and their comparison which forms the base for the study was made through the findings obtained. / Literatür taraması yönteminin kullanıldığı bu araştırmada, her gelişim aşamasına, hangi çeşit eğitim ve öğrenme deneyimlerinin uygun ve yararlı olduğunu özenle belirleyen ve alternatif eğitim modellerinden Montessori eğitim sistemi ve esas hedefi "kamil insan yetiştirmek" olan İslam eğitim sistemi karşılaştırılmaya tabi tutulmuştur. Giriş ve iki bölümden oluşan bu çalışmanın giriş kısmında araştırmanın problemi, amacı ve önemi, hipotezleri ve yöntem ve sınırlılığı ele alınmıştır. Çalışmanın birinci bölümünde Montessori eğitim sistemi incelemeye tabi tutulmuş, ikinci bölümde ise araştırmanın temelini oluşturan İslam eğitim sistemi hakkında bilgilere yer verilerek, Montessori ve İslam eğitim sisteminin karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın yazım aşamasına başlamadan önce Montessori ve İslam eğitim sistemiyle ile ilgili çalışmalar taranmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çerçevede Türkiye'deki kütüphanelerdeki konuyla ilgili tüm kaynak eserlerin temini yapılmış, yabancı kaynakların temini için pek çok veritabanlarında taramalar yapılmış ve bu eserler çeşitli şekillerle elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucu ortaya çıkan veriler ışığında her iki yaklaşımın benzerlik gösterdiği metot ve ilkeler tespit edilmiş ve elde edilen bulgularla çalışmanın esasını oluşturan her iki yaklaşımın karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır.

Language: Turkish

Published: Bursa, Turkey, 2016

Master's Thesis

The Future of Public Education: A Free Appropriate Public Education for All Students

Available from: MINDS@UW River Falls

Educational change, Public schools

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Abstract/Notes: This paper examines the challenges facing the public school system as it attempts to live up to the promise to provide a “free appropriate public education” to all of its students. The funding mechanism for public schools, with its reliance on community funding, lends itself to inequities. The lack of an effective response to the rising challenge of mental health issues, the unwillingness to respond to the changing skill demands of the workforce by revising curriculum and the ineffectiveness of efforts to close the achievement gap have all led the public to question whether or not they are receiving an “appropriate” education. The response increasingly has been to look for a better educational alternative elsewhere, in charter schools. The effect of charter schools overall has been to weaken public schools’ abilities to provide a quality education for each and every student. An analysis of each of these challenges and possible responses will provide a possible road map for traditional public education to do a better job of living up to its mandate, to “promote the general welfare”.

Language: English

Published: River Falls, Wisconsin, 2020

Master's Thesis (Action Research Report)

Effects of Peace Education and Grace and Courtesy Education on Social Problem-Solving Skills and Social Awareness

Available from: St. Catherine University

Action research, Grace and courtesy, Montessori method of education, Peace education

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Abstract/Notes: This action research studied the impact of peace education and portions of the Positive Discipline curriculum in a three-six primary Montessori classroom. During five weeks of implementing the research, sixteen students participated in class meetings for twenty minutes a day. The peace table activities and wheel of choice lessons were conducted individually and as a whole class. The peace table activities included a set of mini dishes on a tray, a rain stick, and a peace rose. The wheel of choice consisted of pictures and words of examples of what students could choose to help them solve problems. A few examples are count to ten, apologize, ask for help, and write your name on the agenda. Implementing the presentations into the classroom environment became a work for the students to use if needed and did not occur daily. As a work choice, the previous activities were available on tables and children were allowed to choose the work as many times as they felt was necessary. The research began with baseline data collection through SWIS (School Wide Information System) referral records, student interviews, and student surveys. Sources of data obtained during the study included interviews, surveys, observation tally sheets, and a field journal. The results presented an increase in social awareness and problem-solving skills through the class meetings. Students began acknowledging problems and brainstorming solutions. Class meetings will continue daily to extend the positive problem-solving capabilities and mindfulness students developed in their classroom community.

Language: English

Published: St. Paul, Minnesota, 2016

Book Section

Montessori Lectures on Special Education: Summary of Lectures by Maria Montessori on Special Education to Teachers Attending the State Orthophrenic School in 1900

Available from: Books to Borrow @ Internet Archive

Book Title: Montessori and the Special Child

Pages: 201-224

Children with disabilities, Europe, Inclusive education, Italy, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Speeches, addresses, etc., Reginald Calvert Orem - Writings, Southern Europe, Special education

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Language: English

Published: New York: Capricorn, 1970

Doctoral Dissertation (Ed.D.)

Searching for Equity in Education: A Qualitative Study Examining the Experiences of African American Families in Accessing and Financing Montessori Education

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Abstract/Notes: In this qualitative, interpretive study, I examine the experiences of African American families in accessing and financing Montessori education in the United States, including African American families who did or did not eventually enroll their child(ren) in Montessori schools. The extant literature notes that African American families are disproportionately underrepresented in Montessori schools, despite an interest in this form of education. Grounded in the theoretical framework of critical race theory, I analyze participants’ perspectives on the role of race, and relatedly class, on what helped or hindered their awareness of, access to, and financing of Montessori education. Through 45–60-minute interviews with 13 African American families characterized as interested in enrolling their children in Montessori education, I found the following themes in regard to my research questions. First, participants’ experiences were noted as the power of social capital, challenge of logistics, and competing tensions in enrollment decision making. Second, hindrances to participants’ access and financing of Montessori education included: financial and financial aid barriers, gaps in equitable communication and marketing strategies, and limited diversity & equity initiatives. Third, participants found sources of support for accessing and financing Montessori education through a guiding belief in the philosophy of Montessori education and external change agents. Implications for theory and practice are included.

Language: English

Published: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2022


Basic Education and the Montessori Method [Gandhi's Wardha Scheme of Basic Education]

Publication: The Montessori Magazine: A Quarterly Journal for Teachers, Parents and Social Workers (India), vol. 1, no. 2/3

Pages: 44-49

Comparative education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Wardha scheme of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: English

Master's Thesis

Görsel sanatlar eğitiminde Montessori eğitimi yaklaşımının, okul öncesi çocuklarının yaratıcılık gelişimlerine etkisi / The Montessorian education approach in visual arts education, the effect of preschool children's development

Available from: Ulusal Tez Merkezi / National Thesis Center (Turkey)

Art education, Asia, Child development, Middle East, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: In this research, the effect of Montessori education approach on the creativity of pre - school children in visual arts lesson was investigated and the creativity developments in students were observed. The research was carried out in college kindergarten, which educates under Kayapınar district of Diyarbakır province. 20 students between 48-66 months were applied the Montessori Education Approach and 60 students were applied the Ministry of National Education pre-school program and these two were compared to each other. Equal units are applied in both programs, Ceramic, watercolor, collage technique. The problem addressed in the study;The loss of student creativity in the implementation of the Ministry of National Education Preschool Program, the loss of self-confidence while students work, and the fact that the applied approaches are teacher-centered and therefore the works are not unique but are similar to each other. In the classrooms where Montessori Education Approach is applied, reflections of originality in the works of art, attitudes of free children to the lesson, and increased co-operation during the lesson have been observed. It is also observed that in the classrooms in which the Ministry of National Education pre-school program is applied, the method of instruction, class rules reminded in the lesson, teachers' criticism of the works resulted in loss of self-confidence in the students, reluctance to the subject,not being able to bring out the creativity and being bad tempered to students' friends. / Bu araştırmada, okul öncesi eğitim programında yer alan görsel sanatlar eğitimi ders konularının, Montesori Eğitimi Yaklaşımı programı uygulanarak, yaratıcılık gelişimlerine etkisinin nasıl olduğu belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. 48-66 ay grubundaki 20 öğrenciye Montessori Eğitimi Yaklaşım Programı, aynı yaş grubundaki 60 öğrenciye Milli Eğitim Programı uygulanmış ve ikisi karşılaştırılmıştır. İki programda eşit üniteler işlenmiş, bunlar; Seramik tekniği, kolaj tekniği ve suluboya tekniğidir. Araştırma Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Okul Öncesi Programının uygulandığı, görsel sanatlar eğitiminde, görsellerle yapılan anlatım sunumları, öğrencilerin yaratıcılıklarına etkileri, derste sınıf kuralları hatırlatarak ders işlenmesi aynı zamansa öğrenci eserlerine öğretmenlerin olumlu veya olumsuz eleştirilerinin etkileri araştırılmıştır. İkinci program olan Montessori Eğitimi Yaklaşımı programının uygulandığı, görsel sanatlar eğitiminin sonunda öğrencilerin yaratıcılıklarına etkileri, sanat çalışmalarının, özgünlük ve yenilik açısından yansımaları, özgür bırakılan çocukların derse kaşı tutumları, öğrenci başarısına etkileri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonuçları, Montessori Eğitimi Yaklaşımı programı uygulanan sınıftaki öğrencilerde yardımlaşmanın önemli ölçüde arttığı, çocuklara yönelik yönerge olmadan, derslere kendi istekleri doğrultusunda katıldıkları ve malzemelerin yerlerini öğrenerek ihtiyaç duydukları anda aldıkları görülmüştür. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Programı ile işlenen, sanat eğitimi derslerinde, öğretmenlerin görsel materyalleri, örnek modelleri, anlatım ve soru-cevap yöntemlerini kullandıkları. Sınıftaki malzeme dolapları öğrencilerin ulaşamayacakları yükseklikte ve göremeyecekleri kapalı dolaplarda bulunması öğrencileri sınırladığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.

Language: Turkish

Published: Samsun, Turkey, 2018


✓ Peer Reviewed

Analysis of the Application of Montessori Humanistic Education in Preschool Education Under Different Background

Available from: Hill Publishing

Publication: The Educational Review, USA, vol. 7, no. 9

Pages: 1413-1417

Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Today, with the implementation of quality education, humanistic culture is integrated into preschool education. Under different backgrounds, the integration of humanistic thought in preschool education can help children grow up and receive a better education. Montessori's teaching thought has exerted a vital influence on the early childhood education system in China and is highly praised by many early childhood educators, which is of great practical significance to the development of children. Based on this, this article takes Montessori's education idea as the main starting point, carries on the elaboration from the thought outline and the core goal two aspects, analyzes the current country's preschool education situation, and inquires into its existence the question. Finally, from esteem heredity, enviromnent education, and sense organ education, this paper carries on a brief discussion of the practice of Montessori education through countermeasures, to further enrich the theoretical system of preschool education in China and make important contributions to the practical exploration of preschool education.

Language: English

DOI: 10.26855/er.2O23.09.034

ISSN: 2575-7946, 2575-7938

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